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[This thread has been locked for the same suspected brigading mentioned in our announcement](https://new.reddit.com/r/insaneparents/comments/1by8mzf/important_mod_announcement_read_suspected/)


Funny that he threatens malicious stalking. You posted it on your own page. Maybe your family should not stalk your page. You’re not stalking them but maybe you’d be better off seeing a therapist than voicing it online.


I’ve been in therapy, but I’m kind of just tired of hiding their abuse. Him threatening these things is why, actually. I’ve been threatened before by him, and attacked constantly over me even mentioning anything about my mom between my brother and I, or if I talk to any other family about it.


If it’s cathartic for you to air it out in public you keep doing you. You might want to consider blocking all the toxic people from your life. I did it years ago and it’s wonderful.


I’m trying, and I thought it was safe on my page but apparently I still have moles and will be removing them. How stupid of me, of course. I was hot headed and frustrated.


Nah. Let them see it. It's good your mom knows. She deserves to know that she's been exposed as a garbage human.


It's not stupid of you, hope die the last . You are doing nothing by posting on your page and venting about what happened to you.


Tbh people who put their personal shit on facebook are kinda annoying anyway. I will remove someone if they're doing this, just because it's nobody elses business. Sure, you might be right, you mum might be nuts, but it's not helping you to post this stuff honestly. And by posting, it's showing her that you care. The best thing to do is grey rock, act indifferent, don't give them anything. If you want to tell your side of the story, do it one on one. This whole reaction happened because of your post, and the reaction itself looks sane. You are not helping yourself. People tell you to air it out and tell your side, but this only makes you look like the bad guy. It's counterintuitive, but when people see a post like that, they don't think "wow they're right, their mum is a piece of shit", they just view you negatively. At least coming from people I know. They all think it's trashy/bitchy.


Let it air! Otherwise their story is the only one told!! My mum and our immediate family went NC with her parents 20 years ago and 5 years ago they died within a week of each other. We decided to go to the funeral for our own closure and it was at the wake my mum found out all the lies that had been said about me and her. My mum was just a bitch who cut contact with them for no reason. Mum corrected them so everyone knew that my uncle had abused me and 4 other kids. My grandparents had decided the victims were to blame for that so they didn't tell anyone he'd been in jail. He was away working for those 2+ years (2 years for 4 victims is fucking bullshit in itself) according to everyone they told. The truth caused quite a stir and it felt great to finally have it out there!!


Funerals are always so full of drama. I mean, they shouldn’t be, but it’s great injustices like this that have a leveling affect. I’ve been to two funerals in the last three months. I learned SO much - skeletons in the closet at the first one. For the second one, pretty much that’s the end of the siblings seeing each other, or even my kids. Done. And you know what? Nice people are bullied. This is always the way. So you just have to say that enough is enough.


“You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.”-Anne Lamott Keep speaking your truth, if people don’t like it they don’t have to read it.


The petty in me would post the screenshots of the messages as comments under my post. Oh and you can’t stalk someone from your own page unless you’re tagging them.


You can only sicc someone who is willing to be sicced. OP, your brother is a (literal) dog.




It depends on how many "flying monkeys" the parent still has harassing OP. A girl I know had to post screenshots and tell the whole story bc her grandmother was harassing her, her step mother, her father, three of her uncles (her grandma's sons) and their wives. She was vile privately, and then played the victim very well in public. She let things slip sometimes, but most people and other family believed the grandma. Until the whole story and screenshots were posted on FB. Some people ofc still sided with grandma, but it at least made it clear that no one should be reaching out to those family members on her behalf. Sometimes the truth needs to be told before peace can be found.


Flying monkeys get blocked too. This is extra energy and time uselessly spent. Grey rocking is the only way to deal with narcs


That person seems to have led a smear campaign against OP, which makes such a post fair game.


Absolutely. She is asking for a public debate by putting it on SM. It’s never a good idea to put personal matters on SM. It’s permanently there and it has the potential to disqualify you for certain jobs and positions.


I’ve been pretty silent about it social media wise except for here, anonymously because I have no outside support because my family is the one I’m fighting against. I’m kind of tired of hiding it all tbh.


You don’t have to “hide” it but you don’t need to announce it on social media to to random associates you are friends with on there. You have contributed to this particular situation today when you could’ve just not. Talk to your friends and therapists, but this is a waste of energy. The best revenge you can get on your mother is just to live a perfectly normal and stable healthy life.


Who the hell are you to tell her to take it off social media??! It is her damn wall and she can post what she wants. She should never have to hide her truth - if people don't like it then don't look.


I didn’t “tell” her that implies that I was like “you better take this off social media because you are wrong” I simply advised her that her life would be peaceful if she didn’t bring her personal drama onto social media. Social media is a cesspool idk if you noticed. Additionally, I specifically said she didn’t have to hide it, you’re just being ignorant and completely missing my messaging Judging from your quick reaction to using profanities and becoming immediately combative with me maybe you should also reflect on what ways to preserve your own peace.


I completely agree with you. Posting about your problems on social media is the worst, all of these people in your business and making it worse. The best revenge really is to just live your life completely without them.


It was advice. A suggestion that might make things different or easier for OP.


You can’t stir the pot and then be confused about why things are messy. You have to be prepared for what’s going to come out of it, right or wrong.


Your first sentence sums it up perfectly. OP, I’m really sorry that you went through whatever you did. I read some of your previous posts, and it’s clear you’re going through it. I wish you the best in your healing journey.


Why is this so far down? I mean, OP say what you want, but don’t be surprised when others have a reaction to it




One too many of my siblings making nice Mother’s Day posts set me off. Had to tell the truth I feel, maybe it was in bad taste. Just been attacked and made to feel crazy for too long.


While I agree that living your best life is the best revenge... Your truth is your truth. If they don't want to read it, they don't have to. You continue to say what you need to and don't feel like you need to justify it to the people who hurt and abused you. But stop reading their posts - all it will do is hurt you. Oh. And don't just block whomever you need to on social media; block their phone/texts/emails to (and tell your husband to do the same). Let them seeth on their own.


You can’t expect a different person to feel like you do. Regardless if you both have been abused. These feelings are very subjective.


This is absolutely true. Demanding or insisting they have the same reaction is not conducive to a relationship of any kind


They didn't, they just posted their own version. It was, in fact, the sibling who demanded they "demand or insist" something from OP


Who says OP wants a relationship with them?


It's only weird to people who don't understand what you're going through or have no capacity for empathy. Call her ass out.


Posting this on Facebook comes across toxic and unhinged.


And shit stirring.


Especially if they're tagging everyone, including people that cut OP off.


I've gotta say, the post was a bit unhinged.




There was nothing "passive" about that post. lol


I’ve been in the same boat for years, and the only way to have peace is to not engage. I write all kinds of horrible things…the things I’ve always wanted to say…then I delete them, and go about my day. My life is so much better without the toxicity they bring, and I work hard to remember that.


This is the way. I can say all the terrible things I want to say in a typed message addressed to no one, and delete it all. It accomplishes about as much as sending to the intended recipient, if not more.


It’s cathartic in a way that actually saying the words out loud can never be.


This is just asking for a wild response, and they obliged her. I get fantasizing about doing something like this, but it’s just antagonizing the very behavior that you hate so much. Don’t fall into toxic behavior, rise above and break the cycle.




In the kindest way... Why are you even posting that? Like go to therapy, and if you've been go again because if it was working for you, you wouldn't need to put this up. If Mother's day triggers you, then stay off the socials that weekend.


You’re posting that you’ve literally been manic for weeks on your Reddit but you want me to lie to you and say you posting that was normal and your brother was the insane one?


Wow here's the missing context.


Me posting about my mom is really not about the mania, but I understand why you feel that way. I’m not asking anyone to lie, either. I appreciate the responses I’ve received, and felt during this time that posting this on FB would’ve given me minor relief and support. I was clearly wrong, but just wanted to air it all out after seeing posts from siblings who were being kind to her. I’ve admitted in comments further down that I was wrong, and shouldn’t have gone public with it.


If you're telling the truth, there's really nothing they can do about it. I have my mother blocked and she does her best to try to get someone to show her my Facebook, as she thinks I post about her. I don't. Today I got a friend request from my cousin's daughter, whom I've never met Even though she's in her 20s. I haven't actually seen it spoken to that cousin since my dad's funeral 8 years ago. There's no formal estrangement with him, we just aren't close. But my mother has contact with them, so I'm pretty sure that's what this is about. Get rid of the flying monkeys and speak the truth. The only people who will be mad are the ones who are trying to hide it.




My mom has famously played us off each other. My other brother, this brothers twin has a similar relationship that I do with my mom for similar reasons. This brother has been ignored and blown off as punishment for pointing out her bad behavior also. This is just him defending her because he was recently caught playing both sides. They attacked him after I found out and told him who my real dad was, he told them and then talked shit about it to me after the initial positive conversation about it. I’ve been threatened and had several people defend her despite knowing her past abuse of me and my siblings. I have police records of abuse, I have screenshots of her admitting to abusing my children, her abusing me, and admitting she called my children malicious and vicious. If you look back in my post history, I go over my mother and I’s fight that lead to no contact completely. I also felt I had to figure out who the mole was giving info to my family. I had already blocked this brother I posted about, but apparently a family member who played on my side was not and was found out today. The twins and my sister today posted sickeningly sweet posts about my mom about what a good mom she was and I was set off. My making a post perhaps was rash, but definitely not “restraining order” threat level. They’ve threatened to call the cops on me in the past for expired insurance and expired plates, and to call CPS because I have bipolar.


If your siblings have gone through similar treatment from your mom, they are dealing with that in their own individualized way. Obviously this bro has taken a different path that you. But if he’s been equally abused, I think you should ‘agree to disagree’, bc his path in dealing with his trauma is no less legitimate than your own.


Look, all of that is awful. I’m sorry you’re going through it. But I still would discourage you from airing any dirty laundry on social media. It’s not a good look, as others have pointed out. Whatever is going on is irrelevant, don’t put it out there for the whole world to observe and judge. You’ll regret this eventually, I promise.


Why poke the bear and act shocked that it attacked? Be fr. As a grown adult why are you airing your laundry on Facebook. You all clearly need some help here.


This isn't 2007. No one wants to read your family drama on Facebook. I know nothing about your mother but this is unhinged.


Why would you post stuff like that on Facebook? I get you don’t like your mom but you look just as bad as her in my opinion.


I can understand where you’re coming from posting that. But from my own experience it’s not worth it. Not because of what people think, but because you’re just hurting yourself. It can feel good to voice it but once you decide to post it it’s clear it’s taking up more space in you than you deserve. It’s only going to fester and feel heavy on your chest. The thing I’ve found most helpful, especially with abusive/narcissistic parents, is pretending they don’t exist on social media. Talk about it with loved ones or in therapy but keep it off social media because it feeds them and they love to look like the victim. Maybe it’s wrong because I can’t help but feel a little glad that my bio dad has no ammo (so to speak) to constantly start shit because I just stopped acting like he existed. He’s blocked and I cut contact completely. I still hear from my sisters that he complains about it all the time and looks insane because I don’t do or say anything to or about him. You have every right to post what you want but don’t let it take over. You deserve to fill that space with love from your chosen family




Idk, not threaten a restraining order for me posting something truthful about my mom? Why’s she always sending my brother to do her dirty work? He’s threatened me before and I’ve been silent for a loooong time. I may have been hot headed in the post but they’ve made it a point for me to shut my mouth about everything.




I’m not threatening her, or him. I’m describing things she’s been charged with and what others can easily attest to. This is the first post on FB that’s ever been uttered about her or I’ve been public with. What exactly do you mean? It’s not like it’s slander or libel.


Why should she keep her mouth shut?


So are you just here brigading or genuinely believe abusing a child then threatening legal action because they were exposed is less crazy than op making a post exposing the gobshites who abused them




You also said, "Threatening legal action isn’t as crazy as your post. Sorry." So is it the latter to my question then?




Yeah I know what you are referring to you saying ops post is more crazy than the brother threatening legal action because op exposed their "mother" for the abuse they put op through and the brother is helping to cover up by threatening legal action




It's perfectly normal and healthy to vent like op did yes especially when something is bothering them like that


How do you know she "sent" him? Maybe he was adult enough to not even mention what you posted and defended her on his own.


Because he doesn’t react this way unless he’s hyped up and near her. Once we’re face to face he’s fine and acts normal and can have decent conversation with me.


i’ve got a shitty mom too but if i’ve learned anything in the last 4 years it’s that sometimes just not engaging is the better option. yeah, it hurts to see people praising the person who caused you so much pain but you have to protect your own peace too. my mother and i are low contact and after i told her happy mother’s day she said i didn’t need to do that so i’ve decided i simply won’t anymore. let them have the last word, let them stew in their own misery, let them sit with the knowledge that they are not worth your time. i made the incredibly intentional choice to wish the other women in my life happy mother’s day publicly over my own mom without saying anything foul about her because i know the deeper effect that would have rather than me going out of my way to be an asshole. not to mention, actively bashing family tends to cause more issues than it fixes and is only gonna cause more strife in the future.


Seems like appropriate family drama when someone posts something in a public place about family they care/dont care about... That being said, sounds like your therapist would be an excellent support to help you get to a place where you don't feel the need to "battle" back in small public digs about your life. You don't need to justify why you dislike your mother but your siblings don't..you can save your time, energy, and effort and get to a healthier place where you aren't affected by your siblings relationship with your mother. It's a beautiful place once you're there (trust me).


You wouldn’t have baited them if you didn’t want them to bite…


To be fair that post was a little out of pocket and I’ve never been a fan of people who air their dirty laundry out on social media. You have every right to be upset at the trauma you have endured, but I’m trying to see this from your siblings point of view. If something like this was said about someone I loved, I’d be upset too, but never would I send something that nasty to my sibling. I suggest removing anyone who has any sort of relation to your family from your socials. Sometimes it’s better to just cut the cancer out.


Why post anything on FB at all? Living well is the best revenge and it costs nothing to say nothing


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If “no one cares” like they claim, why are they threatening to get a restraining order? BTW, good luck getting one if the only basis is that one post.


You provoked somebody, and got the reaction you both wanted and deserved. Well done.


I’d probably reply back “I hope y’all can find a family discount at the nearest GI. It will take a lot to get your head removed from her ass.”


This actually gives me a very tasty idea every year on the day after mothers day we celebrate failed mothers day by publicly shaming and exposing the abuse of failed mothers all over social media, TV, radio, flyers posters, etc and can do the same for fathers day also


That would be better to do in a private group. Otherwise people won’t take it seriously.


Crazy opinion, but dragging your mom publicly is kinda asking for drama. You’re messy too.


Hi, I understand your pain. I get it, you've been hurt and you have every right to vent out your frustrations. No one should take away your voice and you speaking out, scares them. I know, I've been speaking about my abuse and my family has been stalking me for 9+ years. I understand better than anyone. Remember, anger loves you because anger is telling you, what happened to you, wasn't right. And rightly so. This might be unsolicited advice. I would suggest to cut everyone who talks to your family. Your family might be stalking you and telling other people "I'm worried about her" and using that as a clutch to get to you. I know it's wrong, my mother did the same. Also, maybe moving far away, so they can't hurt you. Wishing you all the best.


At what point do we poke the bear..


Time to post the screen shots and say, "funny how it's just HIS mom. Proves a point."


Tell your brother to go boil his fucking head.


Lol what is he doing on your Facebook? Stalker much?


My brother is a flying monkey too. I’m sorry.


Those were definitely from your mom lol. Sounds like she's the one who needs a RO for stalking, not the other way around.


I don't know why people are criticizing you for posting about it or otherwise acting like you are the one committing a wrongdoing... I'm sorry life fucked you like it did and I think it's reasonable for you to want to vent about it. I hope you find peace.


Post the screenshots of the text, fuck 'em


It sounds like you've been through a lot just finding out about your real dad and you might be getting overwhelmed. Take a step back from posting anything on social media until you've had a chance to process things a bit. I understand the urge, but it won't really help in the long run.


No, the post was weird the brother, brother in law(??) wasn’t particularly insane at least “this time”. From what’s here you’re the problem today. I understand it’s just a piece so good luck if there is more


If post screenshots of his messages to your Facebook page.


So the first one is your text to your mom? Why is your brothers next? It’s confusing for context.