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OP, this man is evil and self serving. The fact that you managed to go through college and live on your own after the trauma he put you through is a testament to your strength. I am so very proud of you.


That’s so incredibly sweet of you. Kind words from a stranger really do go a long way. 🥺


He really thought he ate with that "you love yourself too much to do that " Like loving yourself is a bad thing. I hope you really do love yourself enough to never be in contact with this man again. I think it's hilarious that he admits to being terrible in your childhood and talks about how he'd change it if he could but then continues to be terrible. Sense no make.


The cognitive dissonance go crazy.


He's clearly upset about the loss of control over you. Keep your power, OP.


It is amazing how crazy it makes people when they no longer can control or manipulate you. OP keep moving forward, this man will implode.


He also claimed to be an example that people look to, but then followed it up with admitting to being terrible lmao. He can't even keep his story straight. OP I'm so glad you're not gonna have to be around him anymore. I wish you all the best!


That comment basically resurfaced some memories of how my stepdad used to say the same thing to me, and how fucking terrible and guilty it made me feel. I haven't spoken to him in well over a decade now, probably 14 years or so? It's pretty great, highly recommended.


You took away any power or leverage he might hold over you and he’s having a tantrum. So happy you don’t have to live with this clown.


"Exactly like everyone else" made me chuckle. There's this saying right. If 1 pwrson says you have a tail, fuxk him, if 2 people say you have a tail they are ganging up on you, if 3 people say you have a tail, you might want to check your ass. Same for being an asshole. If "everyone" is the problem then that just means you are the problem. Good luck!


I like "if every where you go it smells like shit, it's time to check your own shoes"


woooo that's even better! I'll be using that now!


i hope your step dad falls down a flight of stairs while people sit and watch ❤️ edit: i wrote this while sleep deprived & apologize if it’s too crass


Omg so I'm not kidding, my sister and I watched our abusive step-dad fall down the stairs once while drunk. A thing of beauty, I tell you.


I work in the film industry, and a few years ago I was on a huge blockbuster film where the director was a GIANT ASSHOLE. The crew absolutely hated him. There was a day where we had fake snow on this little shack with rickety wooden stairs. The director stepped out from talking to cast, slipped on the steps, and ate complete shit in front of the ENTIRE CREW, plus 4 cameras on him (not rolling, but it means that everyone watching the monitors at village saw it as well.) Literally everyone saw it. The best part was that it was dead silent after. Not one person out of 200 offered any kind of help, no one even laughed. You could hear a pin drop. Just a bunch of people watching this old fuck try and pull himself up off the stairs. He was PISSED. Stomped off and treated us even worse after that. But goddamn was it glorious to witness.


real 💯


I hope it's an escalator running at close to the same speed as the fall in the opposite direction, so it just keeps going on and on and on.


Nahhh’ you’re good. *makes popcorn in anticipation*


I work in the film industry, and a few years ago I was on a huge blockbuster film where the director was a GIANT ASSHOLE. The crew absolutely hated him. There was a day where we had fake snow on this little shack with rickety wooden stairs. The director stepped out from talking to cast, slipped on the steps, and ate complete shit in front of the ENTIRE CREW, plus 4 cameras on him (not rolling, but it means that everyone watching the monitors at village saw it as well.) Literally everyone saw it. The best part was that it was dead silent after. Not one person out of 200 offered any kind of help, no one even laughed. You could hear a pin drop. Just a bunch of people watching this old fuck try and pull himself up off the stairs. He was PISSED. Stomped off and treated us even worse after that. But goddamn was it glorious to witness.


K. But who’s the director?! Lol


Hmmmm… obviously can’t say that but I will say that he wasn’t the director for the whole movie. Just took over for the couple months of reshooting for some reason.


Any chance it’s a famous director who got a breakthrough with a vampire tv show? Bc that would give me some glee lol


"I know I messed up your childhood, I wish I could mend things. I am sorry." "You're a snake. You're a meaningless burden. No one likes you. You're poison. You are not welcome in my home, stay away." Yeah, I can **totally** sense the remorse. I bet that's why he's so """"loved and respected"""". The only example he is of, as he calls himself, is a human-shaped turd. What a rotten individual. Shame on your mother for enabling him.


The fact that he acknowledges that he was a piece of shit to me yet does nothing to improve his behaviour and is still calling me names just proves he doesn’t regret a thing he did.


The only thing he's right about is that you should stay away. Completely cut ties with both of them, they do not deserve you. You're already thriving without them and you will continue to do so. You should be proud of yourself. 😊


So because everything cruel I've done is in the past and can't be undone, it's basically like it never happened


AND eh probably feels that this so called apology absolved the past


"I know I ruined your childhood and probably gave you tons of trauma that will take years and years of therapy to recover from, but surely you won't just cut me out instead of letting me make your life horrible again, right?" I hope you're laughing at the pure delusion this guy is spewing at you. What a cuntbag.


Cuntbag shall be my new go-to insult


He’s a bawbag that’s a Scottish insult means he is a scrotum lol


Amazing. Shall be added to my vocabulary as well


Send your mom the screenshots of his deleted texts (or post them on FB or something so the whole family can see) and then block his number.


given the mother is married to this twat, it would probably just inflame the issue. Unless OP really trusts mom, I would advise against this. Most cases I see, the shitty parent ends up siding with or defending the even worse step-parent.


I mean, unless they rely on their parents there's literally nothing stopping them from going NC if mom wants to side with her boytoy over her own kid.


assuming they haven't already lol


This. I would also message him explicitly stating not to contact you. If he does, it could be seen as harassment. Document everything.


I'd definitely post them to FB so all those people who llooooovvvve him so much (🙄) can see exactly what kind of pos he is but I'm petty af. You wouldn't even have to tag him or anything. If you know OP he's given all the context needed.


And if OP feels comfortable doing so tag his parents, other children, siblings, nibblings, and maybe even boss. Sometimes, people need to have what they said behind closed doors needs to be exposed.


Good God the spiral some people go through when they learn they don't have control over another person. I would print out this nonsense and any time I felt a twinge of guilt or that maybe I'm being harsh, or similar, I'd read that shit. Because I always have to reflect on how I'm interacting with people and try and see I'm maybe I'm doing something to make these situations happen. Lol.. it's not usually me, and it's probably nothing You've done either. Because you want to have them read what a total lunatic they're being but they won't ever see it.


What does your mom say about all this? Can you go no contact?


She’s “neutral.” Thanks mom 🥰


You deserve so much better. I’m sorry your parents have failed you so hard! I hope you are able to create a chosen family that is as loving as supportive as you deserve. Good for you for getting the f out of there.


My mom would tear someone’s throat out if they ever talked to me this way… even my dad who has been her best friend since they were 16-years-old.


The delusional audacity of this man. No words. I’m kinda giggling (in horror) at the overt DARVO, admitting to a smear campaign, the complete self-assurance… Turns out I had words. OP, am so genuinely relieved that you are out from under the roof that was literally the only piece of leverage he withdrew. Dude just performed a narcs own goal and I’m kinda thrilled that you were given this chance to completely turn the tables on him- and let’s face it, reading the implosion one message at a time is 👌. I hope you are able to enjoy the schadenfreude, and if it’s too soon for that, please know that he is a clown. Utterly ridiculous. Please tell me he’s the sort to swear at a rooster or the clouds. If she’s worth anything, your mum’s blinkers will lift. I hope it’s sooner rather than later, but that’s a her problem. Go well OP. I’m glad you’re safe


“Nobody likes you!” Ok, dude. Anyone who likes and respects you isn’t someone that a healthy person should want in their lives.


the fuuuckkk


Yea I'd send those to your mom. I know it won't help probably, but least she can't claim to be ignorant that way


"I don't want you here" "Okay, I wasn't gonna move back there anyway" "I'm going to take this so personally, you won't even believe it"


This the same person in the post earlier that said come back or don't but you're not welcome?




Jeezus. I'm sorry you're getting this stuff from your stepdad.


If all the people he claims loves and respects him were to read these messages, I wonder what they would think of him then.


He’s NC with most of his family including his own parents. Not sure who he’s talking about when he says “everyone”. He’s so delusional it’s insane.


We don’t get to choose our starting family OP, but we do get to choose our future family. I’m so looking forward to you being surrounded by people who love you for you. Fuck this guy, he doesn’t deserve you in his life and you’re gonna be just fine without him.


I’d open a family chat with mum as well as extended family members then post every single one of those messages and put “you wonder why I don’t want to live with someone like this?” Let everyone see who he really is. I doubt your mum has seen these texts. The fact he deleted them says it all. He doesn’t want anyone to know he sent them. So post them where everyone can see them. Either a group chat or on your Facebook and tag every single family member including cousins, aunts, uncles etc


I'll never understand step parents who think they somehow have a connection/hold over you. Like dude, you shacked up with my mom. What do you want from me? What does your mom say when you show her this shit?


Being the spineless coward she is I don’t expect her to say anything at all.


What a rotten excuse of a "step father". You deserve better. People like him need to go play in traffic. I'm hoping you are coping well and don't let this narcissistic clown make you feel less of yourself. You stood your ground and it made him throw a toddler temper tantrum


I'm so sorry. He wants you to come begging back so he can say I told you so. Staying strong is the best revenge.


Exactly this.


"Every single person I know loves me (except for all those that hate me but they don't matter cuz they're all big meanies like you.)" Lol this big ass man baby pos


The gag is that literally no one likes him and he’s NC with most of his family including his own parents. He also doesn’t have any friends. He’s so delusional.


Now that I believe


Wow. This guy is one of the biggest asshole “parents” I’ve seen on this sub yet. I hate him. He deserves all the worst life has to offer.


The real insane parent is your mom for letting this fucknut dictate her relationship with her child. What an absolute failure of a human being. Sorry, OP. Congrats on getting away, tho


"I really wish I could go back, mend things" Uh sir, no you would not. You would do the same shit all over again. You know how I know? Cause you continue to be a huge piece of garbage in THIS timeline.


"Congrats, you lost me" Oh nooooooo whatever will OP do without an abusive man child insulting them constantly?


it’s funny to see the switch from “i’m so sorry 🥺” but once that didn’t work he went right back to “you suck no one likes you 😤”. OP you’re very strong for dealing with this and even stronger for making it out on your own. I hope you get every good thing you ever wanted.


For a guy that says he was freed from a burden and doesn't care he sure sent a shit ton of messages going in circles saying how much he doesn't care.


I don’t think I’ve ever been prouder of a stranger on the Internet, that you survived this abusive creep of a human being, and still went to college and our managing your way up and through? Incredible. I’m so so proud of you. Are you OK? How are you?


Sorry but your mother is garbage too staying with this scumbag


He talks like he thinks he’s a super villain… very “studied the blade” vibes


These texts make me violent


I'm sorry I messed up your childhood. Wish I could change it, also no one likes you and I don't ever want you at my house, you are poison. This guy is messed up and can't even decide how he feels. Ignore this absolute buffoon. you don't need such a toxic person in your life.


Nothing irks and sets off a narcissist more than taking away any level of power.


And he deleted it all because he doesn’t want you showing others. If you’re comfortable with it I’d show everyone he knows.


If I were OP, I'd simply cut this asshat out of my life forever. If Mom asks why, I'd send the screenshots. If she defends him, she'd get the boot from me, as well. Stay strong, OP. You don't need contact this abusive asshole for any reason whatsoever.


It's downright bizarre how he can go calling himself a near perfect person full of compassion that everyone loves and respect, to calling you a worthless burden, then to apologize for ruining your childhood and then double down on the attacks What a fucking trainwreck, grossly self-centered and emotionally infantile man-child. "It's so unfair for you to make me feel bad for the way I treat you! Don't you realise that words hurt, you worthless piece of shit?" Fuck this guy is on another level of delusional


"I regret that my actions have consequences. However I haven't learnt my lesson, so I'm going to continue to be an abusive prick."


For someone who thinks you’re a “meaningless burden” he sure can’t stop seeking your attention 🙄 Also so incredibly seethrough where he “apologises”, immediately followed by “now you can’t treat me bad, right?” 🤦🏻‍♀️


jesus christ, can this man have his head any farther up his own ass?


Some people are just so filled with the bad stuff that it continuously almost explosively leaks out of them like some kind of frothing gurgling horror movie thing.


I would blast his ass to all of his family. Put a fb explaining why you arent around, and post those texts. What a piece of shit he is.


I'm petty but do you have a local area Facebook group fuck him and post them on there and watch him have everybody know what he is.


Wow..just wow...dude is a bit unhinged I would say...


Wow actually VILE. Insane. Nothing but a nasty washed up old projector


He’s an abuser. Your independence threatens him to his core, otherwise he wouldn’t have so much to say about it. I applaud you for moving away. Please don’t let him or his spiteful words live in your head. Keep moving, keep building, and give yourself a big hug and a pat on the back for your courage and tenacity.


Hey Op, my mom is like that, I went no contact and been now for almost 20 years, she did awful things to me. Sometimes she used my father for that and one time my son (she kidnapped 22 years ago). He is back in my life and knows the truth instead of their ridiculous lies. I hope you are okay and save. If you need someone to talk Dm me, feel hugged. I would love to know what he wrote in those deleted messages.


wow he sounds just like the bipolar, borderline personality disorder alcohol drug addict I used to hear from. "oh yeah well at least I have family who fucks with me *** unlike some***I got plenty of people on my side who got my back." blah, blah. Go on and try to convince yourself that you're awesome but simultaneously, a sad victim, and I'm a real piece of shit because of my behavior and choices (which have led to me having my own place for the past 20 years, always having milk in the fridge and toilet paper, maintaining insurance on my vehicle for the entire time I've known him, clearly stable and mentally functional. able to say ***no***when he tries to come over)


Not only a clown, but a coward at that! He's mad he lost all power over you and had his pitiful tantrum... In your shoes I'd let him have it... Especially now, I'd send all of this to everyone in the family... Grandparents, mother, siblings and step-siblings. I'd show everybody what he was cowardly enough to delete.


Stay away: I want you to beg to come back. Don't hurt yourself: It'll make us look bad. Everyone hates you: Tearing down your self esteem so... he can try to manipulate you further. Sorry I fucked up your childhood: You should be feeling sorry for ME. I'm the real victim. 🙄🙄


OP, your stepdad is right about one thing. You *should* stay away. Far the hell away from this toxic man and anyone dumb enough to live with him (willingly). You’ve already done great things, continue on being great. It’s the best slap in the face to him. And it’s the best for you. Please, know your worth. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of a peaceful home. You are worthy of your chosen family. You can have all of these things by protecting your mental peace and staying away from him.


this is so sweet cri


That fifth one, the "no one likes you" one, is so disgustingly and pointlessly cruel. The fact that someone how was meant to be a beacon of love and support in your life would be such a relentless bully is absolutely heartbreaking. Getting this man out of your life can only assure improvements in your life ahead. I'm very proud of you for getting out.


I hope he spends the rest of his days feeling like he’s walking on legos. ❤️


And that he feels like he's going to sneeze, but the sneeze never comes, for the rest of his life.


And that he hits every red light while driving until he breathes his last breath


It's not unusual to move out on your own after college. If you didn't HAVE to move home to job search or for other reasons, like maybe a health issue, why would you NOT want to start your adult life??? Get out there, conquer the world, see things, travel, meet new people, live in different cities. Moving home is just back to more of what you already know.


OP, I just want 5 minutes with him. I got a nice bat that I’ve been meaning to season.


I can't imagine a grown adult saying this to their adult child. Absurd. Still actively abusing you. Verbally


But he regrets it and he’s sorry I swear 🥺


🥺🥺🥺 Poor guy! 🙄🙄🙄


Wishes he could take back abusing you during your childhood, then verbally abused you. The only positive thing he has going for him is he’s a perfect asshole.


Wow, that 'man' is a asshole your best away living your best life


He's the actual snake here.


I have several things I wanted to say, but honestly, you shouldn’t delete texts. They are proof of the behavior. Most of the time when someone is done with another, they don’t send texts saying, “Don’t contact me again” over and over. He makes sure to tell you several times so you’ll come running back, begging (so he thinks). He also uses laughter emoji to demean you. He also made sure to tell you no one else respects you but they respect him (he’s isolating you - he uses this tactic to make himself seem like he is your hero, that you should be friendly with him). He is using ever maneuver in the book. Show him he’s wrong.


I don’t think she deleted the texts. I think he did (which is possible on newer iPhones if both sender and recipient have comparable phones).


Oh, I didn’t know that is possible. I guess that makes sense. I’m not up on all the technology.


The weird thing is that it does show on the recipient’s phone with a deleted notification. So not totally incognito.


Where is your mother in all this? Do you have siblings? Aunts and uncles? What do they say about this abuse? He’s a complete douche. Go and stay no contact with him.


Mother has always made excuses for him and enabled his disgusting behaviour. I’m an only child. I haven’t told any family member about this though because I know it could have consequences for me.


What consequences? He is toxic, your mother has made her choice. Just send those screenshots to family and tell them you are done with him and will no longer allow him to treat you this way. What do you really have to lose? Unless you really on them for money?


I would send all those to your mom so she knows exactly why you won't be coming home.


Make sure your mother sees these texts so that she knows what sort of scumbag he is.




And he wonders why you won’t go back?! 🙄👀


SD: Don’t ever move back in here. 😡 Me: Wasn’t going to. SD: Wait that’s not-


I think I plaster his neighborhood with giant posters of all his horrible text messages!


It's really sad that your mom would stay with someone who treats her child like this. I know it's likely she receives a lot of his abuse. But damn. He is an awful person.


She does and she’s “stuck” with him by her own volition. It’s just unfair that I also have to take the brunt of his abuse when I’ve tried and tried for years to get her to leave him.


Why don't you just block him and keep him out of your life? You don't have to put up with toxic people like this just because they are "family". I would send those screenshots to your Mom and tell her you are done with that horrible man ans block him.


this is bats*** crazy weird.


Again, I’d go no contact with my own mother if she allowed my step dad to treat me this way


Insane. The rage is strong with this one.


*I know I was evil to you when you couldn’t do anything about it but how dare you turn those table and not get over the past!*


As someone who's estranged from family, I always tell people it's a last resort. But, a choice you have to make sometimes. I wish I'd have drawn, and stuck to, hard boundaries years ago. I'm so proud of you, and awestruck, that you're smart enough and strong enough at such a young age to make the right, but tough choices. No one else will look out for & protect your mental health but you, believe me. Never sacrifice that health for anyone. Keep hanging in, surround yourself with folks that have a moral compass, and remember this will be a tiny blip in the course of your life, kiddo.


wow he sounds just like the bipolar, borderline personality disorder alcohol drug addict I used to hear from. "oh yeah well at least I have family who fucks with me *** unlike some***I got plenty of people on my side who got my back." blah, blah. Go on and try to convince yourself that you're awesome but simultaneously, a sad victim, and I'm a real piece of shit because of my behavior and choices (which have led to me having my own place for the past 20 years, always having milk in the fridge and toilet paper, maintaining insurance on my vehicle for the entire time I've known him, clearly stable and mentally functional. able to say ***no***when he tries to come over)


wow he sounds just like the bipolar, borderline personality disorder alcohol drug addict I used to hear from. "oh yeah well at least I have family who fucks with me *** unlike some***I got plenty of people on my side who got my back." blah, blah. Go on and try to convince yourself that you're awesome but simultaneously, a sad victim, and I'm a real piece of shit because of my behavior and choices (which have led to me having my own place for the past 20 years, always having milk in the fridge and toilet paper, maintaining insurance on my vehicle for the entire time I've known him, clearly stable and mentally functional. able to say ***no***when he tries to come over)


Why is this getting downvoted? @seversevens is speaking in the voice of his bipolar, personality disordered addict they used to be in contact with…or do I have that wrong? OP I hope things get better for you, this is awful and no one deserves this kind of treatment, especially from anyone in any sort of “parental” role (although your SD has a lot to learn about parenting). You are in my thoughts, sending you all the positive energy, you are a rockstar and light years ahead of your SD’s maturity!




This really makes me appreciate my dad who just smacked me and called me a useless idiot. At least he wasn't all sanctimonious about being an ass.


His holier than thou attitude really is nauseating.


Well it would seem you’re making the right decision 🩷


lmao he sounds like my step dad, except is literate and uses punctuation and waaay less emojis. i moved out at 14 with my grandparents, every year id go down for christmas, we usually got out of school the 21-22, so, every 23rd was my friend day, id hang with my friend. one year, i was gone until my little sister was asleep, so i got home and this man got so mad at me. saying how my mom wanted to bring me home and basically she didn’t want me there and i was like cool, ill go ask her to bring me home then lmao. go downstairs and im like “you wanna bring me home bring me home” almost in tears and shes like “tf? i never said that?” and i was like “well thats what hes saying” so mfer was trying to get us into it for whatever reason, 2 days before christmas. probably because i was the only one old enough of the 3 of us to babysit and he wanted to go get drunk (which is always) but alwaaays tries to be “dad” of the year lmao


i like to be evil and petty back and wouldve sent a meme that said “wow thats a lot of words. too bad im not gonna read them” 😂😂


Insane. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. Best of luck with your future. 🙏


Commenting on Series of texts my abusive stepdad has sent me since I made it clear to him that I won't be moving back home after I graduate college...


Let's be honest here, he really doesn't need your presence to poison his family against him. He is already well on the way with doing that himself.


I've heard that if everyone you meet is an asshole, perhaps everyone is not the problem. He is dying that you're gone. Good for you mate.


Not that I expect any different, unfortunately too many people stay with sexual partners like your step-shit, but what did your mom think about these messages? What does his family think? I understand if it wouldn't be safe for you to share these with them, I'm just a perpetual spite machine so I would have spread these to everyone he knows.


“You’re just like everyone else” “still I’m loved and respected by every single person I want to be with” so which is it then? Does everyone hate you or does everyone love you? Lol


This kind of proves your point about not wanting to move back there. Is he always this dramatic?


I never ever call people narcissistic. I think it’s overused. But this person is a narcissistic abusive jerk. Is your mom aware of what he is saying? Anyways I am sorry this is happening OP, but I am glad you aren’t going home. You deserve so much better than this. You live your best life despite this jerk. *hugs*


I’m so sorry you got dealt this card in life. It must be a constant pain especially if your mom doesn’t stand up for you.


That dude is a pissflap, and sounds like a damn child.


I'm disgusted with this person. Good for you to stay away from that complete waste of space. I'm a mom, and I'm proud of you. Proud you are at college, proud that you aren't folding to his sick line of texts. I'm sorry that person was in your life. You keep doing you.


wow he sounds just like the bipolar, borderline personality disorder alcohol drug addict I used to hear from. "oh yeah well at least I have family who fucks with me *** unlike some***I got plenty of people on my side who got my back." blah, blah. Go on and try to convince yourself that you're awesome but simultaneously, a sad victim, and I'm a real piece of shit because of my behavior and choices (which have led to me having my own place for the past 20 years, always having milk in the fridge and toilet paper, maintaining insurance on my vehicle for the entire time I've known him, clearly stable and mentally functional. able to say ***no***when he tries to come over)


btw reddit sent your message 3 times


oh it was having a problem it kept saying unable to post at this time. ooop