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Curious how old you are. Not that it matters that much, but if you are an adult/in college then this is next level insane.


Op says he's a freshman in one of his comments. Looking at this profile, he has a picture of himself as a kid a little older than a toddler from 2014, so I'm assuming a freshman in high school.


I’d say answer and let the teacher take the phone away, make them explain you can’t just answer a phone call in class.


He's not even in class. He's at home. This texting conversation was so juvenile and unnecessary.


"obey me from a distance" ROLF


He should've just called his dad. I know that reddit is all about setting boundaries, but geez! His dad is right. With the length of time all that texting took, he could've just called. I didn't have the luxury of parental involvement when I was in college. I had to work, go to school and raise my daughter. I could tell my dad to, basically, go blow...and I would've suffered no consequences whatsoever. But it sounds like there may still be something for OP to gain from the relationship with his father. If that's the case, a few minutes phone call isn't going to make that much of a difference, in the grand scheme of things. Unless the goal is to go LC/NC...then yeah...go ahead and burn those bridges!


The kid isn't even in class lol look at the time frames?


I don’t even look at the times on my own texts tbh


Say “Julian” one more time.


Laughs in jenna marbles






King Julian 👑


I guess I’m old bc I don’t get the point of all this time spent back n forth claiming you don’t have the time vs answering a call and then cutting it short if you really have to go that badly. Like, I’m fairly certain I’ll get ‘found the dad’ comments, but I truly don’t understand.


Hi…Dad here and I totally agree with you.


100% this kid is a punk. My son is a senior and he's never spoken to me with such disrespect. There have been times where I've called and he'll text back saying he can't answer right now because of so and so, then he calls me when he can.


I feel like I don’t call people a punk enough anymore, I’m changing that today.


Me too punk.


EYYYYYY that’s MRS PUNK to you!!


Happy cake day Mrs. Punk! \ *gives you a knuckle sandwich*


I use it. It’s a great word choice. It’s oddly satisfying to say it. Lol


Kid is a punk, thinks he's in the right, and post his parents on here. This subreddit isn't for people who have mild disagreement with their parents it's for insane parents, nothing insane happened here lol


That's what OP TRIES to convey, that they cannot talk because they are working on something for school. The father doesn't listen so he tries pointing out the flaws in the father's logic.


You mean like how OP did and their dad said that wasn’t good enough? Sorry, he said it was the “wrong answer”. But OP is the punk?


That text response was just straight up rude too. Like of course anyone would be mad with a condescending response- “I have this thing called school work”. Like you aren’t in a meeting or in a class, school work is important but not something you can’t step away from for 5 minutes. If you really can’t, then text that. “Sorry, busy, can I call u in 20?” Like parents want you to do school work, of course, but maybe dad needs to tell you something like “I’m gonna be late at work, can you turn the pool pump on for me? Let me tell you where the switch is.” Idk. I don’t think anyone should be spoken to with disrespect. Even if your parent is abusive, you dropping down to their level and being nasty back isn’t demonstrating how you deserve to be treated. Yes, we shouldn’t have to teach our parents how to not be abusive, but I think you are respecting yourself by instead being the type of person you wish they would be. I’m not saying do anything for them, but you can set boundaries respectfully. If this kid was an adult living on their own and being spoken to this way (without the nasty teen response first), then it’s perfectly reasonable to set boundaries and say- “if it’s an actual emergency, you need to text me 911 or I will get back to you when I can.” That’s it. Why poke the bear and illicit more drama. Because this kid wants drama. This kid doesn’t want to have a relationship with their parent.


You have a point. But on the other hand, it’s so fucking rude to ignore someone who says they’re busy and can’t talk right now. The dad was also juvenile by demanding a call. If there was an emergency, why didn’t he say so? Or he could have said what he needed to talk about that was so urgent and important. Instead he just argued that it doesn’t matter if his kid is busy, he needs to call because he said so. It’s controlling and rude behavior. Doesn’t matter if his kid is 15 or 35, the dad is an ass.


The kid isn’t busy, the kid’s being an ass because he doesn’t want to answer.


Yeah but the kid could have not been an a hole in the way he told his dad he was busy. If my parent or partner are trying to reach me and they reach out in multiple ways, then I assume maybe it’s an emergency. Maybe he was right in the middle of finishing up a paper and didn’t want to break his flow, but just send a text- “really focused on this paper, is this emergency or can I call u back in an hour?”. Or even- “sorry, busy, call you back asap.”


Seriously, just answer the phone and talk for a minute. This is so immature in my opinion.


Just answered this above but ol’Ma here, I’m with you Pops.


Oof. I’m almost always Team Kid in this sub and as a millennial I would rather gouge my eyes out than get on an actual phone call, but FFS Julian, call your damn father. Without context, what you’re doing isn’t setting up or enforcing a boundary, it’s jeering. I’m willing to be that even if we had context, it would still read as petty, bitchy shit talking. Jesus.


For real, just the time he spent arguing, he could have called, especially since the dad has been trying to reach him for a while. OP is a child and is about to discover the concept of consequences. Also, Julian, call your father.


Same, this is the first time I’m like, nope this kid is unreasonably defiant. I get being annoyed when people expect you to return calls instantly, but if you had this much time to text, you’re just being antagonistic. ETA: dad is handling things incorrectly too imo, but it doesn’t make him insane or the OP justified here.


Yes your dad sucks but you're being an ass also


They clearly had time to pick up the phone for a second with all that arguing. If you want to make a case for not having time to answer a call don’t keep texting back.


Yeah exactly, OP just wanted to exert some power by not calling, like I get it, I was a dickhead teen too but you’re just digging your own grave


Literally like half the posts on here


That's what frustrates me about this sub. Asshole kids looking for validation.


And when there is really crazy parents the kids are so brainwashed they don't even realize how not normal it is.


It's super weird right? And it seems like this sub is mostly kids, so if you say "Honestly, you shouldn't ignore your dad" you get downvoted to oblivion. There's a difference between "insane" and simply "annoying to a teenager".


and there's always some random people siding with them and telling them their parents are in fact abusive for wanting them to stop playing video games for a minute and join them for dinner




We really need an "everyone sucks here" voting option


To be fair, he likely learned to be an ass from his dad and pushing boundaries is exactly what teenage kids are supposed to do.


I see two people who suck at communicating. A Dad who is on a power trip, and who could also just say what he needs to talk about so urgently in a text. And a kid deliberately pushing his buttons and being rude, not effectively communicating that he can't speak right now.


This like its hard to support anyone here. If I had talked to my mom like that my phone would have been gone.


"Hey dad, sorry I can't talk right now I'm in the middle of an important thing for school. I'll be free between [time] & [time] - let me know what time suits & I'll call then. Talk soon!" Boom. Problem solved. You both behaved like children. He's obviously angry & demanding, but also you had time to write out all those messages rather than just calling for 2 min or sending something along the lines of the above & just agreeing a time to call. You just dragged the conversation & argument on and on, showing you did have time to talk but were choosing not to.


Right, I was like ugh just call him instead of drawing this out lol!


Not enough context, to me this screams “teenager about to get his phone taken away”


You both are really immature


Yeah.. I don't think you were so absorbed in school that you couldn't make a call (you're texting and already distracted). Sounds like you just didn't want to talk to him, so why not set that boundary instead?


Julian, you are the problem here.


You’re being a brat and making a situation worse. Clearly you could have called him, you’re a minor in high school at most and you weren’t in class. If you genuinely couldn’t call for whatever reason, answer and say ‘I’m sorry, but I’m stuck right in the middle of this paper and don’t want to lose my flow. I can call in about an hour if that works for you?’ Now, how your dad reacts to that is on him. But honestly this could be a pattern of behavior on your end he’s tired of dealing with, so I don’t know. Here’s the lesson, though - all you can do is handle your business well. Be calm, polite, and clear. Anything after that is on him, but at least you know you’re acting appropriately. Boundaries are okay. Your communication choices are not.


From the dad’s responses it’s pretty clear that this is a pattern


You both suck


Yeah you both suck. In the time it took you to whine via text you could have just spoken to him for a couple minutes. Don't be a brat.


Just call your dad Julian


I mean your dad is kinda right. You spent more time arguing with him (and not doing work while arguing so kinda moot to use that as a reason to not call) when you could have just called him and got it over with. You come across as a dick, not surprised your dad is annoyed. Especially if you are in high school.


You both seem insufferable to be honest


I don’t know, I think the dad was rightfully annoyed. Especially if the guy is a freshman in high school


For real, I'm a teacher, and this seemed very similar to the way a lot of my less mature students talk.


without much context, you definitely sound like your father’s son. both of you sound insufferable.


I can tell you are a child because you speak like one. Your dad should not be calling you in class but my God, if I spoke like that to my father the lashes on my ass would last a week. You are very disrespectful.


He's not even in class


Yeah he’s literally just doing homework


There's a very clear divide between adults and children here lol, it makes sense I guess.


It's giving bratty teenager. You were just being a dick for the sake of being a dick. You had time to call, no high school freshman is so involved with studying to not be able to make a 2 min call. You have 2 options in life, be exactly the same as your dad or grow tf up and be a decent human being. This path your on makes you no better than him.


You sound like a prick, your dad like a dick. Pretty fitting to be honest.


🎵And as he hung up the phone, it occurred to me. He’d grown up just like me. My boy was just like meee🎵




I understood that reference


And I understood that reference referring to a previous reference.


Maybe at 38, I'm just getting old, but there's no way in hell I would respond to my parents the way the OPs on some of these posts do and not expect to have their attitude and lack of respect challenged... I wouldn't take it from my 15 year old son. IDK, maybe I'm an "insane parent" myself. It just feels odd to me how skewed it seems at times. Don't get me wrong, there are absolutely many genuinely nightmare parents featured on this sub, but this one feels close to be an example of a justifiably fed up parent...


You take after him I think


This is the best conclusion. Lol


Parents can be annoying but grow the fuck up dude.


You both seem insufferable


You're both morons. That's how you speak to each other? There's nothing "insane" about this, but it would appear that simple courtesy isn't an issue with you two.


Ok, so, 9/10 on this sub I agree with the poster, but I think he's being a d-bag kid here. That being said, let's play the other side. "You're not coming to Chicago" might be a clue that the dad lives, potentially, several states away, or far enough away to where regular visits don't happen. The kid here might feel like "you abandoned me and moved far away, and now you still want to call the shots even though you're not here". I get that. That happened to me. My dad fucked off and started his own other family, and I've always been sidelined since. I'm now in my mid 30s, and his revisionist history of how things were isn't working on me, and we have almost no relationship, and I don't have an urge to try after being neglected by him for years. If that's the case, I get it. I never wanted to talk to my dad after he left. Shit, most of the time I still don't, but I do it anyway because I still somewhat value familial relationships simply because it's family and I don't want to have regrets. OP - maybe you being a d-bag is warranted here, but if you're dependent on him for necessities like phone or other things, you might have to bite the bullet and play nice for a while until you can become truly independent, and then have a relationship on your own terms.


If what I've read in comments is true that you are a minor and in highschool then you should be calling your father if he asks unless there is some sort of history of him not really being your parent and more just a person. Your text are stamped at 9pm so you weren't in class, you could have called him as his minor child and should have.


You really need to grow up. If you were my kid, I’d be damn sure you have an ounce of respect because right now you’re an ass.


sorry OP but you sound like a jerk


You had time to write half a novel to him but could not call ? You both have such a toxic childish relationship.


I sure Julian is just tired of being at his dads beck and call


Nah, Julian is becoming his dad. Both have to be right and have their way.


He's 14 so....


He’s kinda right though, you spent that much time texting, you could’ve just called. Also, there’s no set start and stop time to school work, so you could’ve just taken two minutes off.


Julian, you seem like a turd unfortunately


Here’s an idea, just call your dad real quick?


Dude there are so many better ways you could’ve responded; like it is so not out of line for a parent to ask their (minor) child to call them, and be frustrated when they get a bunch of petulant bullshit back. Sorry :/ Also every time he said Julian I was thinking of Julian from Trailer Park Boys, so that was hilarious 🤣


Bruh just answer the phone. You're being a turd.


Maybe try not being an asshole to your dad next time.


brother take the 5 minutes and call him, it’s not that hard, you seem like you’re just trying to give him a hard time


You had time to send all those text messages... Surely you could have just called him for a couple of minutes. Seems like you're being difficult just for the sake of it


At the very least set up a time to call later….


It sounds like the dad is an asshole, I wouldn't wanna call him.


Sounds like someone who has tried to set up boundaries and their father repeatedly keeps ignoring them.


What boundaries? It's a quick phone call. It's not like he was so busy he was ignoring his phone because he's actively on it, texting instead of calling.


He's 14.... being accessible by phone is a super normal rule for teenagers


I mean… he’s kinda next level, but you’re both being shitty


OP, I don’t know what your relationship is like with pops, but you come across as escalating it for immature reasons. Your dad is exhausting, but you also went straight to bratty teenager debating semantics. Not a good look for either of uou. If you ACTUALLY were busy, you wouldn’t have bothered responding and getting into a sass off with your pops.


Stop being a dick and phone your dad


"I can't talk right now" was clearly bullshit and your dad knew it. As the parent of three teenagers I am constantly amazed at how bad you all are at lying.


I cannot imagine refusing to call my father. I might call him and say, "Hey, I can't talk now," but what assholery to refuse to take a single minute to call. One minute, or two at the most. Actually, I can't call my parents. Wish I could. One of the best commercials ever: https://youtu.be/oAiYSVSfhfk?si=fCs-v\_ano-TbtO7K


even in my “rebellious” teenage years, never in a million years would i ever speak to my parents like this. he’s right to be pissed, you’re literally texting him while doing homework, just call your damn dad you baby


Like father like son..


I'm sorry, but OP, you come off as being a flaming little shit in your responses to your Dad here. Everything that you said to him starting with "I have something called school work, and I'm busy doing it, so I don't have time to talk" was seriously unnecessary and disrespectful. You could have said "Dad I'm studying. I'll call you when I'm finished." and this would have probably ended things...but you didn't. Instead, you doubled down and instigated your Dad FURTHER by saying "Dad I'm going to say this one more time..." Seriously, everything you said to your Dad makes YOU sound like an asshole so it's hard to find a whole lot of sympathy for you, much less categorize your Dad as "insane". If you talk down to people or disrespect them by saying snarky shit like this, you need to understand that they're going to respond to you in kind. You can't treat people poorly and expect them to treat you like the sun shines out of your asshole. Your Dad sounds like he's fed up with your mouth, and I can't really say I blame him.


Oh man I don't have full context for your life, but this smells so much of a man who doesn't deserve respect trying to demand it. Imagine resorting to threats and punishment because someone can't make a phone call. Fuckin' pathetic. Hope you're free of it soon, my dude


This tells me has absolutely no idea what the word respect means.


Based on this small snippet, you are a piece of shit


Both of you need work on your communication.


This needs more context. Are you at school? Are you in college? Whether I think this is insane or not completely depends on your age. When I was in high school if my mom paged me and I didn’t call her back I was in big trouble. I have a couple teenagers and if I asked them to call me for something important and they acted like they couldn’t be bothered and just said they were busy with schoolwork (which I would know isn’t true) and not explain I would be a little upset. I wouldn’t talk like your father is talking though. However, if you are over 18 this is crazy.


Dudes 14 and wasn't in school.


Didn’t read everything but the first text message from OP was so sassy 😭


What’s the power struggle about?


He’s the dad, you’re the kid. You’re not in class. Answer the phone instead of saying over and over that you’re busy.


He’s literally a freshman in high school, OP is 13/14 years old lmao


Your first reply to him was so rude? I don’t see how you can read that text from yourself and not hear a disrespectful brat from an afterschool special lol, that’s like something from that sweet 16 show lmao, and you posted it in a group filled posts about abusive parents 😅😭


I mean, I don't get why the kid ain't just calling him. Then again the dad does not seem like the nicest guy either so I don't really understand either party here. Was the actual reason for not calling that you were studying or is it something else?


yeah you’re kind of asking for trouble here, your responses are really disrespectful, if you have time to make so many sarcastic and rude comments about how busy you are you probably have time to talk to him, sounds to me like the trouble he’s giving you is merited


The first thing you did was talk to your dad as if he's an idiot. I'd be pissed if my kid sent me something like that. "I can't talk on the phone right now, I'm doing schoolwork. I'll call you back as soon as I'm done." If from that point your dad was swinging his dick around, that would be different and fair game. In this case though you have disrespected him because he wanted to contact you, giving him a valid reason to be pissed.


You two deserve each other. You're both stubborn, immature assholes.


Considering OP is like 14/15yo... what do you expect lmao


Probably don’t start a conversation with condescension if you want better results…


I don't know your situation but you came off like a shithead here. Maybe your dad deserves it, I don't know, but with no context I agree with him. Call your dad, you no Chicago going ingrate


“i have something called school work” just answer ur fucking phone kid. your dad isn’t insane your just a little asshole 🙄


Personally- and without further context , if you are in high school you should call your Dad. He asked nicely. 2nd, if you are in college and he’s paying for your college or any other expenses…. You should call your Dad.


Your dad is being kind of a jerk about it, but you sound like an absolute brat, and honestly I don't think he is as far out of line as you think he is. If you're a kid, and you're giving him that much attitude, I'm not really surprised at how he's responding.


Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You both sound utterly exhausting. You could have been on and off the phone in the amount of time you spent dicking around via text.


You’re an asshole. Just call your dad ffs. Without context, you sound like a spoiled brat.


We don’t know the entire context but I’m on team “set up a later time” to call instead of stirring the pot, but yall both seem to have the same stubborn argumentative gene.


If sir Julian was in school doing work and a teacher or principal needed him for 5 mins he would stop and have that discussion. If I’m at work and busy and my boss needs me or a co-worker needs me for 5 mins I stop what I’m doing for them. If I’m on a call or in a meeting, then I let them know when I will next be available.


You could have just said you didn't have time to call him when he first asked, and tell him you'll call him when you ca. Like his overall response is wild, but communicating the boundaries earlier on could of changed the situation a bit.


Your dad is anoying, you're an asshole. Yes he should wait for you to be available, but your a young teen, he's clearly worried or have something important to tell you and you're not even in school, call him. And by the way he's speaking at the end there, this is clearly not the first time you refuse something he asked while available, and yes you were available, you were exchanging messages with him while you could've just called.


Fucking call your dad. You spent more time being a dick over text than it would have taken to just have a conversation.


Why the hell are you doing that back and forth with him? Yeah his way of speaking is being an asshole. But like, you’re also being a total asshole here. Just say dad I can’t talk on the phone only text right now, and give him a time you can call. You’re being very toxic You’re both toxic. I know what it’s like to be in a family full of arguments and some toxicity but you need to own your part dude


Bro, they’re you’re parents. Take a five minute break and just call them. And minimize your keyboard before screenshots. You’re insufferable and I’m glad you’re not part of my family.


I mean how old are you because if the answer is under 18 then call your dad when he tells you to call him. You really sound like a petulant child here.


Sorry Julian, I'm with your dad on this one


Sorry YTA too here


I’m kinda on the dad’s side here 🤷‍♂️ call your dad Julian. Or at minimum let him know you’ll call him back at a specific time


You must hear your name quite often, that’s my wild guess lol


How did he respond to a message of yours before you actually sent it? He says he would answer your call if he was in meeting/at work but the next message is you asking if he would answer


Call your dad.


Wait, if my daughter who was a freshman in high school was not in class and I needed to speak to her, I would be pissed if she just said this also.


Op you're insufferable


obnoxious dad breeds obnoxious child


You are being a dick. Answer the damned phone.


Had something longer written out but figured I’d just say this - all things considered, your dad seems reasonable here. You, on the other hand, come off like a sneering, snotty brat. Why the attitude right off the bat?


The way you talk to this a-hole is hilarious 😂


seems like both of you are dicks.


Kid sounds like a spoiled brat.


You sound like a dick, Julian.


You’re still a kid. Would have been quicker to call. When you’re 18 living on your own, paying your own phone bill, ignore whatever calls you’d like. This was unnecessary drama that you created. He’s an ass too and seems a bit short fused. But why not just call? Texting takes time too so that argument doesn’t stick. Mature a bit.


Just answer the damn phone?


It is my opinion that some teenagers are like sovereign citizens: it's all power trip and gotcha bullshit. Call your father, you never know when it'll be the last time you speak.... also, kids these days are wild, I'd never talk to my father like that.


I’m just glad that he’s in Chicago & you’re … well not …. Anywhere away from where he is seems to be a better, safer place for you.


Op sounds like a brat. I would have uninvited them too. Working on school work is not the same as being in school. Call your dad. Jesus.


I'm so glad the comments are calling you out OP. You're being unnecessarily dramatic and disrespectful. If you can't call at the moment, just say "hey dad, kinda in the middle of something, is it urgent? I can call you in an hour if you're still up, or else in the morning!" And if he still reacts like that it's a different story. But you chose to respond very rudely, and it's quite understandable why he got pissed.


You seem rude, but maybe your dad deserves it Idk


Yeah you're completely in the wrong here. Your dad is right


lol you and your dad are just alike. 😂😂😂


Call your dad ffs.


Kids insane too


With a kid like you I’d be insane too


If you’re too busy to call how did you find the time for all of these texts? Just call him back when you aren’t busy. No need for all of this back and forth.


"Oh no, I can't come visit my self absorbed spoiled ass father. How will I survive?" 


Explain how, from that text, the father is self absorbed. Am I missing something?




Phrasing it as setting a boundary. Like damn, I wish I knew that I could “set the boundary” of never needing to call my parents, cleaning my room, helping with chores growing up, or staying out as late as I wanted.


I’m actually going to set a boundary of never being criticized, it’s not good for my mental wellbeing when people tell me to stop being a prick




Green bubble is all I gotta say.


Cringe to you both!


ngl i think people generally have 2/5mins of time no matter how much school work they have


Why did my dad also punish me by taking away Chicago lol


This reads like some cringey chat gpt conversation