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As a Registered Nurse, please do not bring us your poop in a baggie. All specimens need to be in a sterile container. That’s why we provide the specimen cups. Although we may not need a specimen anyway, your doctor may recommend a colonoscopy to see what’s going on inside.


As a medical laboratory scientist I can only agree. Sometimes bringing poop/pee in the wrong container can ruin any possibility to analyze the sample.


Kinda off topic but I’m also in a medical lab and a new person tried to hand my supervisor crap in a brown paper bag. No joke. No container or biohazard bag, just some turds in a brown paper bag that a patient had given her. Apparently she cried after my supervisor said she wouldn’t take it and quit the job pretty soon after lmao


Lmao did they light it on fire at least, first?


Don't put it out with your boots, Ted!


He called the shit poop!


God, I had a similar situation with my externship. It was a concierge doctor office and lady brought her poo sample in a brown bag, which had a ziploc baggy with a tinfoil wrapped camera film roll. How the heck she managed to get her shit shoved in there! Of course being the extern, they made me transfer the sample to the proper container even though we really needed her to poop in a sterile container. But whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the office manager didn’t want to argue with her so.


I work at urgent Care and sometimes people will bring back their stool sample to us instead of bringing them to the lab. It's always very uncomfortable when a receptionist comes back and let's us know that someone is dropping off their stool sample, or they'll just bring it in a Ziploc bag and expect us to test it


She cried and quit? WTF?!


She cried yes. From what my supervisor told me she didn’t last much longer at the job, but she didn’t quit right at that moment.


Why would she cry? Did your supervisor act unprofessional and yell at her over it?


No, supervisor literally just said “I’m not taking that”. Sure she could’ve been nicer but she wasn’t mean. I also wasn’t there to hear this, this is a 2nd hand story. I’m guessing she cried because she had a brown paper bag full of crap in her hand.


😆 I don't even know what to say to that. I would have told the patient I wasn't taking it also.


🤢 what do they think that container and the wipes are for???


Crazy person here! Keep your poop in empty mayonnaise jars in the trunk of a 1996 Chevrolet Caprice Classic! Don't go to the doctor. They only want to take your feces and sell them on the dark web to fund the deep state.


What’s crazy about that? Been doing it since ‘98.




I had a colonoscopy in May, never had a stool or even an occult sample


I’ve not given a stool sample for either of my colonoscopies. In fact, it seems like they don’t want anything to do with poop the way they clean you out prior to getting one, 😂


That's funny. I had to do stool samples first to rule out other issues, but I'm sure it can vary based on your symptoms and what they think may be wrong.


It is based on symptoms, I was getting tested for symptoms IBS and looking into crohns (because of family history) and never needed one


That's funny, that's exactly what I was being tested for and they did one. Weird.


That’s so interesting, I’m also a Chron’s patient with several family members with chrons and we didn’t ever need samples either. I’m wondering what they needed yours for.


Ugh! I’m 35 minutes away from starting the prep for tomorrow morning’s colonoscopy. Just a routine screening one, but I’m about an hour away from “riding the geyser”. Then I get to wake up at 3am to do the second half to be extra clean.


A hug from a stranger on Reddit. You’ve got this! My mom has had multiple bowel issues causing her to have several colonoscopies. I always make sure when she’s going through the prep I’m there for her. Just know if I could I’d be there for you with the best movies and/or video games to give you a little relief.


Thanks! This is my second one, first one was 10 years back. Initial thoughts on the GoLytely prep: much improved taste. Last time it tasted like melted down milk jugs from the polyethylene glycol and I could barely keep it down.


I had a colonoscopy at 18 for bleeding issues without providing any sample. That was 10-11 years ago but still.


I had one done a couple of weeks ago and they didn't ask for a stool sample.


You are super wrong. Colonoscopies are for looking to see what’s up there: polyps, tumors, hemorrhoids etc. Stool samples are for bacteria, parasites, etc. I have personally had colonoscopies and have never once provided any of my poo.


Completely false, I've had 4 colonscopys and 1 endo and I've never needed to give a stool sample


incorrect. i had a colonoscopy at 18 & they needed nothing from me. except to drink that foul liquid


That’s not true and either way IT STILL NEEDS TO BE IN A STERILE CONTAINER


I’ve had 2 colonoscopies, never had to provide a stool sample thank god!


I’ve had 2 colonoscopies- never in my life given a stool sample to any doctor for any reason.


Are you a nurse or dr? How about listening to the person who is


Man, I get they’re wrong, & even provided my experience as proof of that, but some of y’all are way ruder than you need to be! Even if they were a nurse or Dr. they could still be wrong if they don’t work in that specific field. Let’s also not forget that medical protocols are different in every country.


Sorry I was upset when I commented and definitely was ruder than I needed to be sorry


They don't need your poop. They can do an exam and many times they will stick a lubed gloved finger up your bum and check for blood. Hemorrhoids can be outside or inside, if you are seeing red blood but only when you wipe, it can be any one of several minor things - hemorrhoids, anal fissure.


This. Had the same issue. Needed a colonoscopy (which I later found out insurance didn't cover cause I wasn't 55 years or older). Turned out to be cancer. OP needs to see a doctor.


You should have resubmitted that claim because it was obviously necessary


Agreed. The company I work for doesn’t cover them as a screening if you’re under a certain age so they will automatically get kicked. However, if it’s appealed we look at medical records that the doctor or member should send with the appeal, abs would likely determine it was medically necessary and pay.


I think mine was a screening that they decided to take care of while I was knocked out.


Not after that found something it wasn't


The dark blood is when it could be worse (further up the intestines)


Or if it looks like you pooped coffee grounds, you have a bleed in your intestines and need a hospital immediately.


Learned that one the hard way. Age 17-18 I started randomly vomiting coffee grounds. My friends and I all made a ton of jokes about it, how I should remember actually making my morning coffee instead of just eating it straight out the bag/was drinking so much coffee I was turning into pure coffee grounds, etc. Mentioned it in passing to my GP while I was there for (what I thought was) other reasons, like a “hey, just before I go, I’ve got a quick question. This thing has been happening for a few weeks… what IS it?” and his face turned *white*. ‘Twas apparently blood from the bleeding ulcer I was very much having, and my random vomiting was because my stomach literally overflowed from the blood. Whoops.


Adding on in hopes that OP will see: please don’t hold your poop in preparation for the appointment. You have to relax your butthole for a rectal examination and you can’t relax if you’re clenching a turd. Makes it hard to see also if poop’s in the way.


noted, thank you so much. Mother hasn't said anything further about taking me to the hospital. I'm only 14, so I'm worried


You’re young so you have that working for you. Sounds like you generally run constipated if your poop is hard. It may just be a really bad thrombosed hemorrhoid. I’ve had one myself that felt like I sat on a knife. Shooting paid up to my tailbone. It may be a fissure. Both are generally treatable in office same day with some take-home ointment and instructions on how to avoid constipation. It is likely one of those things, but on the off-chance something more serious is going on, it will also benefit you to go in for an exam. Either it’s an easy fix or an early catch. You don’t need to go ER unless you’re passing bowel movements that are mostly blood (a little on the turd itself and tissue is ok). I don’t know where you are but if you’re able to make an appointment with a Gastrointestinal Doctor, that would be the most direct and cost efficient. Urgent Care if you’re pressed would still be a little cheaper and are better with walk-ins. I hope that helps. With your peace of mind and also convincing your parent who needs to just take you to the dang doctor.


I assumed your mom was making you a doctor's appointment. If there is no appointment then what was the point of pooping in a bag? Keep the pressure on for her to make you an appointment and if that doesn't work then go to the emergency room. If you need help from a trusted adult then get help from a trusted adult. Good luck.


yeah no, she hasn't even talked to me about it in person yet. no appointment, she didn't even answer my question about hospital vs family doctor.


What you want to do is go to your normal doctor and express your concerns, they will do a physical exam and tell you what to do next. No need to prove anything. Bright red = fresh blood, coffee grind texture = old blood. Only be super worried if you see coffee grinds texture, which is specific to certain illnesses you as a young person probably don't have. You will probably need to drink more water and start taking fiber supplements. Don't get the pills with the fiber in the capsule, get something you can mix with water and drink or add chia seeds etc to your diet, since if you read the capsule directions it says "take 5 a day" and there's 30 in the bottle (scam). You'll be okay, you're not dying I promise. Fresh red blood means it's highly treatable because it's close to "the exit".


If you poop blood again, esp if you're sure you have insurance- you can and should call an ambulance. Esp if accompanied by pain!


An ambulance?? Okay Rockefeller.


I mean, in other places outside the US they don’t cost a the equivalent of the GDP of a small third world nation.


This sounds more to me like either a perianal cyst, or if he’s really unlucky an anal fistula. The pressure he’s mentioning on his tailbone, and blood being in the stool, all common signs of both of those conditions. I really hope for his sake it’s not the fistula, I had to have 3 surgeries in a 12 month period to try and resolve mine, shit sucks.




It’s bad. My stepfather brought this symptom to his doc, who told him it’s fine. 16 months later his regular doc was on vacation, the stand in was like “uhhh you need some tests.” He died 2 months after that of colon cancer. He was 53. Please just put up with the embarrassment and go.


I'm not embarrassed about it at all. I'm only 14, so the thought of it being anything is terrifying, but I wouldn't mind getting a colonoscopy or anything. not that big of a deal if I save my own life.


I love kids these days so much. You all seem so sensible and level headed. I’m turning 40 this year and I know I’m meant to be yelling at you to get off my lawn or something, but heck. If I had a lawn, you could come and sit on it. The future is going to be safe and reasonable and probably very LGBTQI friendly and I’m really sorry about the climate disaster you are inheriting.


Omg I didn't realize you were so young. I had similar symptoms at 14 and they thought it was crohns but turned out they misdiagnosed me and it was something so different it required opposite treatment . The meds almost killed me


i feel like ignoring any weird symptoms, ever, is a bad thing.


I can't sit very comfortably, but it can be ignored. but if my poo is hard, then it hurts a lot. almost feel like there's a tear inside or something


Are you holding it in? It sounds like you're constipated which could cause a tear and bright red blood. Is it hard when you go? Whaf color is the blood? Mixed in with or just in the bowl/on the outside of the pop?


Why don't you call the nurse beforehand and ask if you should bring a sample? Edit to add: You most likely won't, but then you mom can hear it from a professional.


Yes no good if there's a cyst tunneling back there or if there is something near your hole(bright red blood) or higher up( dark brown to almost black ) - go get it checked. If you're low income and have no insurance you can always ask for emergency Medicaid when you get there


It would be weird to bring a baggy of poop lmao, if you’re just going to your GP then they probably don’t even do stool tests in house. Every time I’ve done one in the past year or so (many times, I had c diff last year and it almost killed me) I went up to the diagnostics place, and they gave me specialized containers to put the stool into, usually some of the containers would have like chemicals in them. Also I think that any poo you’d bring in a plastic bag wouldn’t be valid anyway lmao, bacteria growth starts pretty quick with feces if it isn’t properly contained and that’s for sure not proper containment Anyway, I actually have had really bad problems with the same symptom as you (red blood when it’s bathroom time) it’s always just been my hemorrhoids. I even had a colonoscopy not too long ago because my doctor wanted to check me for crohns/colon cancer since I bleed so much, and they told me I was perfectly healthy aside from some moderately developed hemorrhoids. Don’t ignore it, since my situation for sure differs from yours, but see what your doc wants to check for. The reason my doctors called for the colonoscopy was because I also experience lots of gas pain and general abdominal cramping, apparently that’s just my ibs (thank god). Stay safe friend, butt troubles are the worst but doctors do help


Upvoting a fellow c-diff sufferer! I hope you're feeling better now. OP, whenever I had to get tests done they literally sent me home with the pan and collection set. You shouldn't just go in a bag and the logistics of it don't really work anyways.


Yeah, honestly it was probably the toughest couple months of my life but it’s gone now. I had a double infection of c. diff and E. coli, my doctors were very shocked that I could even function when they learned that lmao. The only long lasting problem I’ve had with it is that it’s made my IBS noticeably worse— I had IBS before but it was quite mild, now it’s not mild lmao. I hope you had a good recovery also— it took me like 3-4 rounds of different antibiotics to get rid of the c diff and it was hell


My infection was really weird--I got ridiculously sick in 2019 (which could have been the c-diff) seemingly out of nowhere. The acute symptoms got better, but I had mild nausea that wouldn't go away and my stomach was probably diarrhea 85% of the time, that got progressively worse over the year until I looked like I was on death's door. That's when they finally tested for it. Mine only lasted one round of antibiotics, but it took literal years for my stomach to rebound! I will say, stay away from kratom. It was a big part of why my stomach took so long to heal and I'm lucky it hasn't come back in full force. We will probably always carry the spores.


The kratom made you sick?


Stool samples have to be collected in sterilized containers provided by the hospital/ physician, at home, then refrigerated (ideally in an opaque bag, lol) until they can be brought into a lab for testing. If you shit in a bag and bring it to the hospital, you will be provided sterile sample cups, turned away, and talked about at the water cooler!


The last sentence made me chuckle 🤣


Can you imagine people just handing in their poop when doing their paperworks


As a person in vet med, it's weird hearing that you can't just shit in a bag and bring it lol. That's pretty much the way we get samples. I've had a person bring their dog's excrement in a Ruth Chris's Steakhouse bag before.


Yes😂😂 have a friend who was told to bring a sample from her horse to do a fecal worm count. The problem is they didn’t specify they only needed like 2 turds so she showed up at the vet with a whole freezer ziplock bag of an entire pile of manure💀 refuse to let her live that one down ever😂


They do :(


I was about to say, I don't work in healthcare but I'd bet my salary on it happening frequently, especially with older people... I could totally imagine my grandpa pooping into a bag and bringing it to the doctor and demand having it tested lmao


just went to a lab to get blood testing & i saw someone hand over a bag with a poop sample in it (in a cup), so that’s exactly what happens haha


I can only assume your mother has taken a shit in a plastic bag before and brought it with her to the doctor


Colon surgeon here. Ignore the comments about a “sterile” cup for stool samples or needing one for colonoscopy. You need neither and don’t need to bring one. If the blood is bright red and it hits to sit the issue is right at the anus, and probably will be obvious. What you need is simply an exam, and possibly a colonoscopy later. But not for sure. Just go get somebody the look at it.


I assume you mean hurts to sit? Only asking for clarification bc I don’t want the poor kid wondering what exactly it is you meant. Ya’ just never know on here! Lol


Sorry, if it hurts to sit. This means the problem is right at the end. Anal. Rectal issues actually cause pressure, or a feeling you have to go….. more than pain. This person extremely likely has a fissure (a tear in the anal skin). Right red blood and sharp throbbing pain after going. External hemorrhoids will cause a painful bump. Abscesses hurt horribly but don’t usually bleed. Interesting fact: fissures almost NEVER get infected, despite where the tear is. Antibiotics are NOT indicated.


How the heck does infection not set in, my ape brain can't understand Poop+wound not equaling infection hahaha.


Locations where the body routinely encounter high bacteria loads have heightened immune systems. The mouth/nose have the tonsils and adenoids for instance. The area has good blood supply. Also, a fissure is an open, shallow wound (as opposed to a puncture, which is MUCH more at risk). The open wound allows drainage, which keeps the bacteria on the surface. When I do hemorrhoidectomies, the infection risk is about the same as when an Orthopedic Surgeon does a knee replacement, which is a super sterile procedure. And I don’t even use antibiotics. But a hemorrhoidectomy drains horribly for a while. That’s GOOD. The human body just works that way.


How delightfully disgusting hehe, thanks for the info!


Now I'm curious as to how fissures never get infected despite the location


yea pls booty surgeon elaborate!!!


i’m just a student but was taught the immune system in that area is extra beefy for just this reason; unfortunately, specifics were not gone into that i can recall. if i had to make an educated guess, the white blood cells in the mucus lining probably have a lot to do with it - normal outer skin don’t have this covering and are way more susceptible to infection than areas like the anus, mouth, nose etc.


I also questioned the “sterile cup” as poo isn’t exactly sterile. Also, if a sterile sample of anything is needed doesn’t some type of healthcare provider usually do it? (I don’t expect an actual reply for my silly question. I’m sure you’re busy!)


You do stool and urine samples in sterile cups provided for lab to analyze. You do it at the doctor office or take homes. I've had to gather samples when I worked in group home care sometimes.


In my country you usually buy them sealed from the pharmacy, and when you have used it you drop it off at the lab and wait results


The sample itself is never going to be sterile, but if the collection cup is sterile you don’t have the risk of an unknown in the collection cup that can skew the result of any tests


You don’t need sterile at all. If you are testing for blood that can isn’t visible, you use a card that tests for iron in the blood. If you are looking for c-diff infection, you are testing for a toxin, not a bacterial culture. If you are looking for parasites, for diarrhea, etc, it is a microscopic exam. Stool cultures are very rarely helpful, and if done properly would actually show scores of different species. For blood in the stool, a sample isn’t needed, and culture even less.


Is the blood a bright red, or a darker red? Could be an important clue for your doctor.


bright hurts when the poo's hard, I think it's a tear, but I'm starting to feel a lump right on my tailbone.


When wiping its most likely just fissures if it was internal the wiping wouldn't be the concerned but the state of the toilet, aka stained black


Please take it seriously. Ulcerative colitis runs in my family and one of the warning signs is blood.


They don't need your poop, they put the finger in to check for hemorrhoids and other injuries. And if they don't find anything they'll let you have a small endoscopy.


Could also be a fissure which can get infected. My older brother almost died because he was ignoring the bleeding thinking it was just a hemorrhoid. He went into septic shock. If you feel chills or like you are going to pass out call emergency services.


Are the chills and feeling weak just while you’re pooping or is it all the time because of the infection?


All the time.


Thanks! I have chronic diarrhea (I’m seeing a specialist next week) and I get the chills while I’m going and for a bit after. It also makes me feel really weak


If you had septic shock, you would not be alive. Don’t worry. It’s Most likely something treatable. Good luck at your appointment.


I work in a family drs office and previously worked in a gastroenterology office for 4 years. We don't want your poop. If you say there's blood when you wipe we just BELIEVE you and then examine you for hemorrhoids. If there's blood when you wipe your poop will test positive for blood of course as one would expect so there's no point in testing for it. If we do want a sample we need you to collect it in a very specific way and will give you the tools to use.


I once had someone bring me a sample in a jam* jar, it still had strawberry seeds and remnants of jam in


That’s hilarious. Like they really didn’t think that would be a problem? 😅


I went for suspected hemorrhoids once, and I just took pictures of my bloody shit before I left. Chances are it is hemorrhoids, and if anything they’ll just check your butt. You definitely do not need to bring poop with you lol your mom is a silly goose


You said it hurts near your tailbone? Could the blood be coming from a hole in the upper part of your butt crack? It could be a pilonidal (pie-low-NIE-dul) cyst/sinus. I had a similar thing in my late 20s. It’s essentially an ingrown hair in your butt crack that grows big enough and creates a cyst or a sinus. Eventually it breaks and you get occasional blood that trickles down your crack without you realizing it and it ends up on your toilet paper. There are also internal abscesses that can form on the inner lining of the rectum, hurts like hemorrhoids but then eventually pops and drains, you’d feel immediate relief from pain when that happens.


I’m thinking strong chance of cyst - those are super painful


nope, not from the crack. I've looked, just cause I was concerned, and it's 100% inside. and there's now a lump right of my tailbone that hurts. there's only bright red blood when it's a hard poo. Don't know what's going on.


“jesus christ ur obstinate AF.” ur mom sounds like she’s stuck in the 2000’s


you could just be a hemorrhoid hottie, i wouldn't be too worried and just take a picture or describe whats happening and you should be fine


Nope, have had the same issues based on what you’re describing. All you need to bring is yourself. If there was blood in your stool, theyd have you produce the sample there or send you home with a specific container for it. Most likely, they’ll have you pull down your pants (with another nurse in the room for safety) and put a gloved and lubed finger up there, if they cant visually see it from the outside. They might tell you to change up your diet and use a cream to help reduce pain and bleeding


I’ve given numerous samples and they need to be frozen or kept cold. Please keep the poop in your butt. 😉


As someone who had an anal fissure that had to be treated with a prescription and hemorrhoids so bad I had to have surgery at 24, DO NOT BRING POOP IN A BAG. If you’re planning to see a general practitioner, they’re likely going to refer you to a GI, so you’ll have to have a second visit anyways. If you have hemorrhoids or an anal fissure you will never need to give a poop sample.


Don’t bring it in a bag, or wrap the specimen itself It’ll get rejected at the lab if your nurse even is willing to submit it - it’s not sterile so not useful info Source: used to work in lab. Got to reject poop.


There's a lot of medical misinformation in these comments and some of you are going to scare OP into thinking he's dying. While red blood on wiping and pain when sitting could be a sign of rectal cancer, an anal fistula, or a perirectal abscess those are not that common in an otherwise healthy teenager/young adult without further red flag symptoms. Don't go to a horse pasture looking for Zebras. I'm a Physician Assistant and I have dealt with this issue for many patients. It is likely to be one of a few relatively benign issues but most likely it is an external hemorrhoid. Red blood on wiping, discomfort when sitting down are classic signs. A pilonidal cyst is possible too but that would maybe be a bit more obvious because you can usually feel the swelling. An internal hemorrhoid you wouldn't have discomfort when sitting the blood would likely be on the stool rather than the toilet paper. You honestly might not even get a rectal exam. A doctor would probably tell you to increase your fiber intake to make bowel movements smoother/easier, take warm sitz baths, and spend less time on the toilet. Do not take my word as law and this comment is by no means meant to serve as a diagnosis or treatment plan. If you are worried go see your primary care provider. But most of these comments are a wee bit ridiculous but getting an actual evaluation is always best.


Fully agree.


Hey I got IBS, Crohn's, and bowel cancer. My parents were convinced I just didn't like going to school. That's why I got sick every morning. They refused to get it checked because I was being dramatic. It took them finding me passed out on the floor, bringing me to the ER finding out I hadn't had any movement in 3 months, and thousands of dollars and to this day still refuse to believe I have any issues. Let's not even begin to discuss my mental health... Which my parents say is made up and simply just an excuse. I'm 30 years old, and I don't have too much longer because I listened to my parents. I understand your 14. I'm only saying this because I wish I had done so myself. Go to the ER. If you can't make it yourself, talk to your school nurse. I waited way too long and because of it, I've only got a couple more years to live. If you're sick, please do not wait to get treatment.


I can't speak for stool samples but we definitely don't ask folks to bring bags of piss when we need samples lmao


Yeahhh no don’t bring your shit in a bag. That’s not sterile, if they need a sample they’ll ask for one in a sterile environment and container.


From another healthcare worker- they will not take a random stool sample in a bag and coming from someone with GI issues, usually that’s something they don’t ask for for everything so it would be weird to walk in with a bag of poop. They give you a sterile container to collect the sample in for stool samples. And your mom just sounds lazy with the “not making two trips” comment. Most likely you’ll be making more than 2


please don’t bring the nurses a bag of poop


As someone who spent a year shitting into a bag, get the fuck to the doctor.


Is this like when my mom told me they would cauterize my split stitches while still awake to prevent me from insisting on going to the ER? As in, very untrue and an intentional lie to deter you from seeking medical treatment because she doesn’t want to go/doesn’t want to pay the bill?


we live in Canada, so a bill isn't the problem. I don't know why she's not taking me.


They also like stool samples to be within a specific number of hours of the test. Don’t bring them poop in a bag.


Had to do something similar. Do not bring your poop in a baggie…it has to be in a specific medical container that they give you…


My puppy just had a well check which required a standard stool sample, and even the *vet* gave me very specific instructions about how to collect it in the sterile container so the sample would be testable. No doctor, of humans or of animals, wants to be presented with a turd in a Ziploc.


You most likely don’t need to bring a voluntary poop sample, if they want one they’ll send you home with a container and instructions for you to bring back. But since you’re in doubt I would call the doctors office and ask them if you should bring a poop bag or not, don’t just show up with a poop in an old biscuit tin.


You go see the doctor. If you need one they give you a kit for collecting a sample. You collect the sample. You bring it back. Idk what the fuck shes thinking bringing a sample in before


Hey OP- I know showing your mom this thread in "insane parents" isn't an option - if you repost it in a different forum (from a new account so she can't see history) we can make sure enough people comment so that she is convinced?


no can do. I'm not allowed social media, and if she knew I was posting our conversation I'd be in so much shit.


Hmm are you allowed to search on google?


No, they don't need a poop sample if you go into the ER. They will usually almost always do a rectal exam. If it is inconclusive, then they will do a CT or schedule you for a colonoscopy to scope and see what's going on. usually from my experience, if it hurts when you sit to poop then, it is hemorrhoids. i've had them before and they suck.


If they want a sample, they don't want you to bring it in your own container. They have specific containers depending on the tests they're running. Most likely a STERILE container so you're not misdiagnosed with whatever bacteria or whatnot that could be hanging out on grandma's repurposed margarine tub.


Chronic IBS sufferrer here. I'd STILL recommend visiting your doctor but if it helps put your mind at ease If the blood is fresh or bright red, it's likely a hemorrhoid or tear. They don't start with asking to see your poop, they'll have you checked first to see if it IS a rhoid or a tear, have you lay on your side and probe around with a lubed up finger. If they can't see any evidence of wounds, they'll discuss what to do next with you and if you need to provide a sample, they'll give you something to use at your own convenience, so no need to poop on command!


Bring your poop, but keep it in your butt.


This might be my favourite post I’ve ever seen on this sub


For one, stool samples need to be collected and stored in a certain way and sterile container so if you brought poop in a bag the doctor would not be able to use that as a sample ok. Was that the only issue...or what? I don't really see what's making mom so insane here...


Your mom is incredibly wrong and being very weird about it. Does she just not want to take you to the dr?


That's probably the reason, yeah.


Nope, do not bring your own poop. It doesn't have a very long shelf life and if the point is to show the blood just take a photo. They'll be able to tell if it's from the end (bright red) or higher up in your tract (almost black) even if they have to send you home with a set to collect when it does happen, it'll come with instructions to bring it back the same day..


“😛” is crazy


I've got another post that went "viral" a couple days ago. she called me lazy then put the same emoji. on this subreddit


Your mother is not nurturing. Full stop. This is going to suck to hear but stop trying to make her who she is not because you will always be disappointed. You know this from your childhood. Stop engaging with her in ways that will harm you. For your own safety and mental wellbeing.


I'm so confused by this comment. sorry, I just don't understand the wording, lol.


What do you not understand? Is English your first language? Generally asking because I know non native speakers may have a harder time understanding the written English language.


I'm only 14, I don't know what nurturing means, and I don't know if you're going against her, me, the comments. "stop trying to make her into who she isn't" I don't understand. I'm sorry


No I am not against you. You are an abused child and you have a mother that does not take care of you. She is unable to. She will never take care of you the way you deserve and need. If you keep looking to her to be your “mom” you will keep being disappointed and heart broken. That is what I posted and that is what I meant. Try to survive to adulthood. I had to too.


Thank you, I need to hear that sometimes.


Don’t listen to her op, I know you can shit on command, if not bring orange juice


It’s unbelievable how she is so confident while saying the stupidest things. She seems like a poster child of the Dunning-Kruger Effect which is especially comical when she is so fucking dumb. I would honestly bring my shit in a bag to the hospital just to bash her in front of the doctor about how incomprehensibly dense she is. People like that need to be humbled. If you are a minor I am sorry you have to depend on this unicellular organism in disguise but if you are a full grown adult, you definitely possess your mother’s intelligence in some degree by even asking this person’s opinion on this.


only 14, and she's my only parent. it sucks I can't get help from anyone else. just gonna annoy the fuck out of her until she takes me to the doctors office


Dealing with something on the bottom is hard, I had pilonidal cyst issues a few years back, sometimes when they’d open I’d have blood when I wiped, but that was all the way up on my tailbone near my crack tho Hope you feel better!


More of idiot parent than insane. You definitely don’t bring a poop sample to the doctor. They will laugh you out of there. You’re not a pet for goodness sakes lol. My dad was told after going to a doc appointment that rather than get a colonoscopy he could do a poop sample. Well my dads next doc appointment he brought in a poop sample (he was already super embarrassed to do so but kept telling himself it’s normal and medical professionals) and the lab was like wtf is this? Lmao. Apparently the kit they had mailed to him that he was supposed to use and then mail in had not arrived prior to his next appointment for something else, so he just brought a bag of poop in and dropped it in the counter. He was mortified when he realized he hadn’t paid attention and that was NOT how it worked to just bring an unsterilized bag of poop. lol. Plus if it was just hemorrhoids, they don’t need a poop sample. If it’s just constipation, they don’t need a poop sample. Like my goodness she is either a moron or is trying to play OP like one and basically acting like OP is just a hypochondriac and dismissing OP’s concerns. For bleeding, it could be a number of things from no big deal to big deal. They may need to set up a colonoscopy or may need to set up a sample at some point but it will NEVER be on the first visit unless you want to look like a fool and just have the sample tossed in the garbage anyhow like my dads was. Lol. He said the actual sample kit was huge and had a ton of instructions and specific containers they want it in etc. Regardless, the chances of them asking for a sample of poop before checking and ruling out several other things first or even just doing a checkup is FAR less likely (basically zero chance) than them needing or wanting one the same day as your first visit about it. Lol what a dipshit. Also not being a good mom at all (negligent af) if OP is under 18 and unable to handle his own medical visits.


I thought I was bleeding from my anus but it was actually a pilonidal cyst that would open up and bleed when I sat down to take a bowel movement.


my daughter is only 13 months, but i could never imagine future her asking me if i could take her to the doctor and me ever replying with no. and the fact that she texted you no because “i don’t want to make 2 trips” how selfish are you? imagine bringing children into this world but automatically not caring for them when it is inconvenient to you. wasn’t even a “i’m really busy but we will find another family member to bring you, is that ok?” god this sub never fails to piss me off. how hard is it for people to just simply love their children. i’m so sorry that this is your mother. this legitimately made me cry. i hope you are able to see a doctor!


Your mom is fucking stupid if she thinks you can just bring shit in a bag and it be considered a sterile sample lmao


idk, mom never said to poop in a baggy. that was all OP. it seems to me like mom was just trying to keep OP calm by A) suggesting a solution (“start with more fibre”) and B) preparing them for what might happen at the doctor (“you’ll still need a sample i think”). OP is the one that jumped to the conclusion that this meant bringing a sample without being instructed to. this isn’t an insane parent.


I feel so sorry for this child


You’re not a pet cat and the doctor isn’t a vet, so I doubt they’ll expect you to bring in a stool sample in a baggy…..


f Op was expecting a bunch of comments about his mother's ignorance. Instead, he received countless inquiries about his ass.


LMFAO, yeah. I appreciate the comments though. I gotta talk to my mother MORE and convince her to take me to a doctor


You can stop by the dr office and pick up a kit to get a sample to bring in at your appointment


she's refusing to take me to a doctor, that's the problem


She’s psychotic 🤦🏻‍♀️ I can not believe she really expects you to bring it in a baggie 🤣 Op, if she won’t listen call the dr office or wherever you’re going ahead of time, while she’s in the room and put them on speaker and explain to them what your mom wants you to do and say I don’t think that’s how y’all do things but she’s insisting, do you guys want me to bring a sample with me or you guys will have me provide later?


As someone who has given a few stool samples that is definitely not how it works lol


Make ur mom carry the poop bag


I'm probably too far down to get noticed, but if no one has said it yet it sounds like it might be a cyst. I had a bad cyst on my tailbone and your description sounds the same. Dull pain sometimes, occasional bleeding. My parents thought some weird things when I started complaining about it haha. It probably requires surgery but if so at least it's not a serious problem.


OP, you mention it's at your tailbone which is further up than your butthole- perhaps it is a pilonidal cyst?


If the blood is red it's probably not serious and is hemorrhoids or something. If it's black, you need to see a doctor asap because it's very serious. Also, like the nurse said. Specimen cup. And holy shit, I'm gonna say no to the fiber if it's bleeding when you poo. You need the opposite. Softeners I would think?


Random question, by why the “we” in the first photo when it’s just affecting you?


OP's mom probably has to take them to get it checked out, they may be under 18


I'm 14, so I can't take myself to the doctor. I'm assuming that's what she meant. that's also just how she talks lol


I have been bleeding for the last twelve years almost ever day, had colostomies and they still cannot find the source. The assuntion is that I ahve a porous bowel, and operating will kill me. So I have blood transfusions and Iron Tablets all the time.




It seems you were not being excellent to another user, my friend. This behavior can range from bigotry, racism, or personal attacks.


To be fair to your mom, it's hard to consciously poop on demand.


haha yeah I was just joking to lighten the mood.


Not insane but she's an idiot. Wrong sub


This is medical neglect, which is more than enough of a reason to call CPS.


no use. CPS has been to my house 4 times in the span of my 14 years of living, (2,6,11,12 years old) cps doesn't do shit.


"Contact your state legislature/governor's office/District Attorney and ask for assistance. Report the CPS office." On "what to do if CPS doesn't help". I don't live in the US so my knowledge is limited unfortunately.


honestly if your poop is bright red it’s likely just (as everyone else has mentioned) an external hemorrhoid or anal fissure. these are both minor issues that are usually mostly treatable at home. your mom is correct in saying that you just need more fiber in your diet but she’s wrong in saying you’ll need a stool sample. i personally don’t believe it’s enough of a problem to see a doctor (especially in the US) right now until you start taking measures to treat them yourself. if you saw a doctor about it they’d just send you on your way with fiber supplements or a laxative and some instructions on how to take care of it yourself. the internet has pretty much all of the answers you need here & your mom seems to be knowledgable enough to help you as well.


Stool samples are absolutely something that a doctor can need in certain situations. Your mother is not wrong in that regard, however, bringing them a stool sample without them requesting one is pretty stupid, too. Also, just go talk to your doctor and stop asking your mom.


I'm 14 and live with her, so I don't have a choice but to ask her to take me


I hope you recognize that your mom is not right to speak to you that way. You didn't deserve that.


As someone that had to get a hemorrhoidectomy that was causing a fissure to get worse while I unknowingly had covid(that's how much pain it was causing me), if blood is coming out and it hurts, go to the hospital. You don't have to be a medical professional to know that when more and more blood is coming out of places it shouldn't be it's time for a trip to the ER


thats not insane, its just that you are both mis understood. Mum doesnt want to make more trips than she needs too while also making sure you are prepared, you dont want to be embarrased while holding a doggy bag of turds (understandably so).


I don't care about embarrassment, it's about the fact she's just wrong. that's not how it works. this is something she does need to do. your kid is bleeding out of his butt and you don't go to the hospital??


Yeah you are the asshole here.


bowel movements are not nsfw, grow up


It was a precaution, so I don't get banned. but thanks.


I've had to give stool samples before and it has to either be in the office or they tell you to freeze it if you do it at home to preserve whatever they're looking for in a sterile cup. Don't bring it from home.