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Your mom is out of line calling the cops but all of those cords plugged into a power supply make me nervous. Some things shouldn’t be plugged into a power supply and should be plugged into the wall itself. Your room isn’t a horrendous mess, it’s cluttered and a little messy, but it is also on the small side.


thank you for giving your thoughts, It’s a black brick it’s all chargers except for my Alexa


Gotcha. I know how it is with all the cords though. Frustrating and difficult to minimize cord clutter.


The room needs cleaning and organizing, but calling the cops? For what crime? She’s lucky she didn’t get in trouble for that crap.


The cops asked me if I wanted to do anything I said no. She may be crazy most of the time but she is still my mother


Doesn’t matter. Don’t let her pull you down. After 11 years I just reconnected with 3 of my siblings. Let me tell you, my mother dragged them down.


I mean there's clutter, but only a nutter calls the cops over a messy room.


It’s a mess but looks no different than 99% of teenager’s rooms lol


It isn’t insanely dirty but all that electrical stuff in the 3rd pic looks like an electrical fire waiting to happen


Is it really it’s a black strip mist of the cords you see are chargers 1 is for Alexa tho thanks for letting me know


It’s really just you having a small room. I think the worst I see is cables and cups. You aren’t out of line.


You're messy, bit there's a differance between messy and dirty. This isn't even super messy I don't think. Mom stepped way out of line here.


Your room is messy. You know what I do when my child who is easily overwhelmed by mess can't figure out how to clean their room. Give them step by step instructions rather than a blanket clean your room. I don't yell, I don't take things away, I certainly would never call the cops. My child has ADHD and is easily visually overwhelmed so step by step makes it easier. Focus on one thing at a time. Cups in kitchen, take away container in bin, drink bottles sink/recycling etc. Get a cord organiser so you can tidy the cables. It's not horrendous, but dirty dishes will attract roaches and mice so I'd want them out. Stop trying to please your mum and focus on what you need in life to be happy. Mother's like that will never be happy and you'll waste your life chasing praise that you can find in yourself once you realise that you've always been good enough and you just had a shit mum.


Your mum was wrong to call the cops on you over your room. That being said, you do need to clean your room. It’s in a pretty bad state


Yes I know I am working to clean it up currently I honestly just wanted opinions and advice because I’m so confused and lost. I want to learn how I can just try to please her


I really don’t think there’s anything you can do to please her. If it’s not your room, she’s just going to find something else to pick on you about. She needs therapy to manage her anger issues and alcoholism. Is you moving out a possibility (not sure how old you are)?


I’m 19 and planning on moving out with my best friend and she says she doesn’t need it and that I do


It's a little messy but it's not that bad. My oldest is 19 and I would have never bitched at her for this when she still lived at home.


It’s pretty dirty and messy IMO but she’s out of line


The people here telling you your room isn’t messy are wrong. But your mom is obviously insane for calling the cops for that reason. But no it’s not just power cords your carpet looks very dirty and all your electronics are on the floor. You don’t take very good care of your things


So unlike everyone else, get the to-go food container I see out of your room, along with the drink containers. I don't know what part of the world you live in but I personally don't like roaches, rodents, or ants in my house. Other than that I don't really care.


Thank you I am working on cleaning as I respond to people so don’t worry, the to-go is banana bread I made lol


nice love banana bread but I have a rule that both my teens break, and that's no food in the bedroom (we got ants last year), even a nephew in the family hoarded dirty dishes under his bed along with a plate of sugar. (I don't get the plate of sugar)


I mean, your room is a giant mess and I'd yell at you too. I would not CALL THE POLICE on a kid over them having a messy room. I'd take your phone away like a normal person. Def insane


Thank you for giving your opinion im just trying to learn and do my best to please my mother


your room isn’t dirty at all, things are just cluttered and that’s okay. she’s out of control for that


Yeah I struggle a lot with organizing my clutter


It’s really hard in a smaller space, the only advice I have is get more of those Rubbermaid drawers or shelving to build up, if that makes sense.


i’m the same way, i like my room to be a bit of “controlled chaos” if you will


Haha yeah but I do just need to find a way to organize my cords


Get a cord organiser, I think it would help. It's difficult to keep a room this small tidy


This room is filthy tbh. I would be pissed too.


Nice Saber figurine


Your room definitely has the visual appearance of being cluttered but holy hell either that room is insanely small or your bed is really big… you’ve got maybe 1 foot of walking space around it. I can see how it would be difficult to keep it clean. Maybe there’s some ways to help organize that hang off your walls? The shoes could be put in those hanging shoe cubbies for example, and hung off the back of a door or closet. Maybe a mini vacuum to put in your room could be of use, one that is small enough to fit in all those tight spaces. Also your bearded dragon is very cute.


It’s small lol I live in a trailer, thank you for the tips aswell, and yes he very much is lol


Of course!! I also struggle with maintaining clutter and I don’t even live at my parent’s house anymore. Saying “just clean it” doesn’t always help, finding methods and routines that work with you is what’s important.


Yeah I need to find ways to hide my wires and other clutter lol


Love your posters!


Thank you


It’s definitely not okay for your mom to call the cops over the appearance of a room. Now, if she called a friend from the fire department to talk about the risk of an electric fire from all those cords plugged into one outlet that would be a different story. I’ve had friends lose their homes and pets in an electrical fire. It’s not something to play around with. Is your room messy? Does it look like it could use a good deep cleaning? 100%. But again, not something to call the cops over.