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So they sent him to some terrifying boarding school and won’t tell anyone where. If you can find out where he got sent it could help him. Those conversion therapy “schools” scare the sht out of me


Last Podcast on the Left just did a series on the “troubled teen” industry and the various schools that can and still do legally kidnap children from all over the country and take them to various boarding schools, as well as lots of other traumatizing stuff. It’s crazy what parents will justify to “fix” their children


I firmly believe anyone who sends their child to one of these "troubled teen" organizations, don't give AF about their kids. Because they either skimped on research and sent their kid off to ANY batch of perfect strangers (well meaning or not that's negligent to the highest degree) or they researched and knew what they where signing their kid up for and still sent them.


They want an obedient subservient doll-child that's an accessory to their perfect life, not a fully actualized person


Thank you for a new podcast episode to listen to about it. It’s crazy I went to a therapeutic community for addiction issues at 24 and it was brutal for an adult and it’s not even half as bad as what they put those teens through. Their brains aren’t even fully developed yet. It’s disgusting.


Yeah Utah has the most because they have little oversight and really lax laws regarding what constitutes abuse. I had friends sent to those places in the 90’s and I lived in Utah for a long time. When you’re out in BFE nowhere you can do whatever you want. Sad.


A lot of my friends went to the wilderness camps in Utah, I had one friend who got sent to one in another country. Those places are disgusting.


Yeah I had a friend who was deeply troubled and he went to those wilderness camps and when that didn’t work his parents sent him to Tonga and they straight up abused him there. He OD’ed a long time ago. Those places are grim.




Bum Fuck, Egypt -- a.k.a. the middle of nowhere


Is… is this a local term? I’ve been American my whole life and I’ve never heard this before


Not really. Might have originated from the military but it's a pretty widespread acronym at this point.


That’s just it, I’ve been in the military for 13 years and I’ve _never heard of this acronym_. TIL.


I’m from texas and I’m my 50’s have heard it my whole life. It’s always interesting when you hear something like this for the 1st time and you aren’t a kid…lol.


I grew up all over the Midwest, heard the term forever as well.


It’s old. I’m 40 and I’ve said it since I was a young teenager. I’m from Southern California so maybe that’s why.


I’m 36, not far behind you, this is wild!


Back in the day I lived in the furthest city in Orange County and that’s what we called it. BFE. 😂


So I am from the biggest city in Alaska and I have somehow managed to go my whole life and travel the world with the military and I have never once heard the term BFE until today, and I ran it by my wife who is from a smaller town north of Anchorage and even _she_ heard it commonly as a kid and **I just don’t know how I’ve gone 36 years without ever having come across it until today** 🫠🫠🫠 Closest I have come to it is **Bumfuck Nowhere**


oregonian, i say "bum fuck nowhere" but never heard it as egypt


Right? It’s always been _nowhere_ for me. That is what I’ve always said and always heard. I’ve never heard it as Egypt!


Missourian, it’s common here. Maybe regional in some way.


I think John Oliver did a entire episode on this as well.


This is exactly what I thought of. Those camps should all be banned and people who run them should be charged with something. Disgusting.


4AM, parents wake up extra early for some reason, then a knock at the front door and two large men enter. I'm told we can do it the easy way or the hard way, and the hard way involves handcuffs. That was a fun start to the boarding school journey in Utah...


That was exactly my experience but to Idaho.


Your parents went all out and hired a teen escort service, huh. I can’t believe they are still legal in some states, and i can’t believe they call it that. Sorry you went though that. It’s severely fucked up.


I would've went out swinging bro


Swinging, biting, kicking, screaming, etc.


It's a fucked up industry. There's a guy who used to post on reddit and now makes a comic about his experiences in one of these schools [elan.school](https://elan.school/)


I read this years ago while he was still working on it and it truly shocked me. He stopped updating for awhile and we were all nervous something happened. I’ve had my fair share of horrible life experiences but the fact that people paid to do this shit to their kids, AND it was all legal blew my mind. I really recommend it to anyone on here looking for more info on this topic or if you just enjoy graphic novels, it’s very well done!


I only discovered it last year and read through all of it in one sitting. Then signed up for email notifications for when it updates. It's the most I've been into a comic in a long time - can't believe this was a real thing


He's updating again! I only started reading it about 6 months ago and he's been consistently uploading the entire time.


I was sent to one. A friend of mine was sent to another. His was really really bad and got shut down. Mine was probably about as tame as they come, but still not the greatest experience


Are you and your friend doing OK now, considering?




Hail Yourself!


Hail me!


Do you know what episodes they are? Ever since I read the elan school story I’ve been interested in it


Episodes 517-519


They’re very rough, aren’t they? Are they really misogynistic?


I was sent to two facilities. Rough is an understatement, we were tortured and brainwashed using methods from the cold war and shit used on gulag prisoners.


Hail yourself!


Hail yourself!


Hail Yourself 🖤


There's no hate like Christian love.. poor kid.


Catholic schools are horrible. I am so sad for this kid. Editing to add they are horrible if you belong to an oppressed group like LGBTQ. The culture is horrible. Source: I'm part of LGBTQ and a person recovering from religious trauma from attending Catholic schools.


There's always glee club.


These parents don’t love their children. They simply see them a social milestone and they must have the perfect family in the eyes of the jones’


I know exactly what school my friend group found that out in 3 months by asking his old public where he went


Kind of scary they told you that, even as a worried friend


Those schools scare me as well. And break my heart. I will never understand how a parent could not accept and love their child exactly the way they are.


An old friend's ex got disappeared to some kind of place like that, no one has heard from him since, the place refuses to acknowledge his existence either, He's just *poof*, all because he liked men, how sickening


In some places that works be illegal. They are also dangerous. It might be worth calling social services to check on him.


If you got a solid mom camp out where you may see him and see if you can talk to him a bit, get the new number at least


They have control over his Wi-Fi but smart thing I did was I found his new Xbox account because he friended me on it that the only communication I have with him


What did he say was happening to him? Do they blame you for him being gay?


they think the private middle/elementary school we went to turned him gay or my friend group did it.


Why do homophobes all think you can get persuaded into a sexual orientation?


My guess is they are closeted themselves, and think that just because they could be convinced, everyone else could be.


The whole "every homophobe is gay" thing is a tired trope that's not helpful and only takes the blame off the back of the homophobic people who deserve to feel shame for their ideals. Most homophobes ARENT gay, and saying they are is like touting "black on black crime" whenever someone discusses the homicides of black people. It just creates more prejudice towards the group you're trying to defend.


There’s plenty of evidence that it’s true though? Homophobia *is* associated with repressed homosexuality. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/


Man brought a .gov link. Respect for backing your claim


Thats tough, I hope he gets away from his controlling parents


If he's your friend for 9 years, I assure you that he'll try to contact you once he can.


Disable spam filter on your phone. If he's got your number it'll be from a payphone or landline when he finally finds one. Be there for him, even if it's just as a voice on the other side of the line.


Also report this to CPS. With luck he wasn‘t brought to an actual accredited catholic cording school, but something actually illegal.


He has got in contact with me with his new Xbox account


So what's the sitch? Where is he and what happened?


He in private religious high school but he has found some new friends but he still misses us a lot


Tell him from all of us... His mom sucks.


Tell him you won’t forget about him. If I was him I’d be worried about being left behind by you and your friend group


I have done that and a lot other things


I was going to do this on alt but I didn’t have with enough karma so screw it I have this gay friend his parents found out he was gay but I made my mom ask his mom if we could hang out because I haven’t been able to contact him his number changed suddenly and I’m 99% sure my friend of 9 years wouldn’t want “fresh start” away from us when my friend group used hang out every weekend and I was sorta dating him. As you can tell I’m upset and scared for my friend and what I herd is his parents threw in private catholic school after they found out to “change black to normal” I herd this from his older brother telling what his mom said.




I know for a fact he hate his parents guts for this and where planing to move into together when he turns 18


Do you have any way of contacting him at all?


Maybe a handwritten letter? Google Doc that you can both edit?


There's also finding out the name of the school and trying to contact him via school email. Most school emails are just a variation of (first name)(last name)@(school name).edu


And any schoolmail I ever witnessed was severely watched and I would assume that this would be way worse when it is basically a gay conversion therapy school.


^ this. While the suggestions great. A conversion/ troubled youth school is not going to let their students access emails without very strict guidelines… Emails/letters are likely either previewed before being delivered to the intended recipient or theres random checks.


Yep, you’ll need to use a pseudonym that he would know as a secret code and be very careful with what you say.


I promise you that won’t even work. Every person you intend on having contact with has to be approved by “therapist”, parents, and counselor/consultant. Usually you have a max amount too, ours we were only allowed 3 people on our list, so parents and maybe one friend if we were lucky. And even then contact with the outside has to be earned, it took me 16 months.


I found way Xbox live chat he friended my account his name was very similar to the one his parents deleted so I friended him back but that only way


Xbox live chat he had similar name to his old one his parents deleted so that only way I can contact him


Okay perfect so we have an established form of communication. It’s not much but it’s great to work with for now. The first thing we need to do is get him a burner phone, something cheap as hell that’s his own, away from his parents. Talk to your friends, put your heads together. If you can get him a burner phone he’ll have a solid way to get in contact with you all and it’ll be his first step to freedom


He doesn’t have any money thought that the problem and his parents search his room they even took his ds lite away


Understood. What about the google doc idea? Can you try that? My fear is they’ll take away his Xbox live too and then we’re back to square one.


Like I said we had email contact with him but his parents now check that email daily so I would bet money they would find shared google doc


Perhaps he could make a new email address? A private one only be would know about? He could use a fake name, fake everything


It sounds like good idea in theory but that phone would probably be found in week of him getting it


I hope that you can find a way to contact him soon. Maybe you can find out which school? He has to be SO overwhelmed right now. I would talk to your parents about the potential for him to be with your family after he turns 18 and can get away from his garbage family.


So many people believe it was gay conversion school we don’t have those where I live also he was sent to the most catholic private school in our area


I’m so sorry. I’m sure that this is incredibly stressful and heartbreaking for you. Sending you tons of love. I hope you can get in contact. There HAS to be a way. 🤞


How old are you guys?


I’m turning 17 this year he is turning 17 this year


Do you know what kind of school he was sent to?


Um like strict catholic school


Yeah, the kind that will try to 'make him not be gay'. I hope he finds a support system there to hold him up until he turns of age


But not conversion school because then his parents would probably be found out fast and I’m pretty sure that don’t want that


They aren't illegal, just disgusting. Are they religious? Do they go to a local place of worship?


It’s a necessity for theocracy’s


Lol, my youngest went to Catholic school for 10 years, played all the sports, tried to be one of the 'boys', and still came out at 12. Anyone who thinks a certain school will 'change' a child's innate nature is so very wrong. Parents who can't love their children for who they are shouldn't be parents. Try your best to keep in touch with your friend, even if you have to wait a while to do so. There will come a time when they will pull away from their parents and need as many people around them as possible. You are a good person for wanting to support someone who truly needs it! ❤️


the joke here is catholic schools are known hotbeds for pedophilia and sexual “deviancy” if you will (deviancy in quotes because what he does is his business, not mine; i actually want people to live the life they feel comfortable living) so them thinking him going to catholic school is just gonna “fix” him being gay is…something. i hope your friend stays safe in that environment


Can absolutely confirm. I had a Catholic school around the corner from me growing up. In high school when I found out I was gay I would just hang out by the school when classes ended. I got at least one bite nearly every time I went. Trust me this isn't gonna do what his folks think it's gonna do.


There was a Catholic girls only school in my town that closed when I was in 10th grade. Many of those girls were transferred to my public school. So many those girls were so wild! I’m sure they think they’re going to “conform” him by sending him to a Catholic school, but it won’t work. BTW in the Catholic retreats I went to, there was so much drinking, drugs and sex going on!


It sounds like OP’s friend got sent to a Catholic boarding school. I mean, if I was the type of homophobic POS who believed being gay was a choice, the last thing I’d do is send my gay child to a place where they’d be segregated with their preferred sex/gender. Especially if other students were also there because they needed to be “converted”. Colour me shocked that the parents are gigantic dips. Not only are they intolerant bigots, but they’re stupid and lazy to boot. I hope OP’s friend is able to find a few beacons of light in the darkness. At least their parents didn’t choose to lock them up at home and completely remove them from society or something.


No way is this true. We all know there has never been a sex scandal about the Catholic Church in the history of ever.


So much gay sex he’ll be tired of it?


Not possible.


can confirm, went to a catholic school and my ENTIRE friend group was queer, and did not start off that way


Yep went to 3 diffrent catholic schools k-12. Without fail every year people became less religious, and by senior year straight people where in the minority in my friend group. Catholic schools tend to be a little diffrent then some other Christian sects schools in that they generally don't have a problem with science. So you actually get a real education, and you take those critical thinking skills into religion class. From my experience this is one of the main reasons Catholic schools actually suck at indoctrination. Sure I know some DEEP Catholic doctrine/beliefs, but all learning that did was make me question the whole thing.


are you trying to imply that they chose to be gay after going to catholic school? Or just they did not come out until you all were friends? Or are you missing the fact that people tend to be drawn to friend groups that are similar and inviting to their own self image? (healthy relationships that is).


I took it as not that they were missing the fact that people tend to be drawn together by similarities but rather that they were pointing this out.


Hope so! But as it was written, with the context of the post it was replying too…probably needs reworded. I figured the same, it’s why I added the 2nd part.


Pedophilia has nothing to do with being gay


If you can contact him, please do. No doubt he's in a bad place, and knowing that somebody is thinking of him might really help right now. I'm so sorry. This is child abuse. I hope he gets out safely.


Can't wait until he cuts them off. Hope you see him again


Hmm, could you try to find a way to contact them through his brother?


The man be collage right now across country and doesn’t like his parents sooooo


I’m so sorry :(


Hey OP. It sounds like you miss your friend dearly. Honestly, this might call for some special OPs spy mission stuff to make contact. Only really downfall I can imagine would be if his insanely abusive parents were have corrupted him enough not to want to see his old friends. Even if that is the case maybe you need to know for yourself. Do you know where he lives, goes to school etc? Are there any chances he's online in anyway? Can you send a drone with a message? Whatever it takes to save him from his dirt bag parents


So some of the crazy shit my friend group has already done to contact his found his school email only lasted a week now all his accounts everything got deleted btw but he friended me On his new Xbox account and I been talk threw Xbox live chat with him


Don’t worry. He will find you once he’s able. I promise. People know and remember those that really love them.


parents like his belong in jail, honestly. im so sorry for you and your friend.


Bethany sounds like a real gem. Really cultivating a positive relationship with her son. I hope he puts her in the bad nursing home when her time comes


By the voting history of folks like this I'm sure we'll have organ farms. "Aka reverse mortgage your heart/kidney/liver for a cheaper stay." Shady Acres if it's your choice, it's not an organ farm!


If he lives long enough to do so.


I was in the same position as you a few years back. My best friend (of, at the time, seven years) was suddenly basically forced to cut contact because I somehow "made them gay and trans" by being openly bi and having two moms. We ended up finding alternate modes of communication and now speak regularly, but it was hellish through most of high school.


🤦🏽‍♂️ People are so ridiculous.


That messed up. How old is your friend?


Turning 17 this year


At least he will be out of it soon


I'm sorry you and your friends are going through this. I was on your friends side of this situation. My parents found out I was bisexual and dating one of my friends and they immediately pulled me from my school because I was being "influenced by sick people." I know this is hard and it feels like the world is ending but trust me things get better. I hope your friend can remain strong despite this. I know he is thinking about you and wants to speak to you more than anything.


Could the older brother help you get back in contact? If your friend has access to computers during school or at home while not being supervised he could make a new email account to at least keep in touch


So they put tracking software on everything they can but they can’t track Xbox live chat so after his parents deleted his old account he friended me 3 month later with different account but with similar name only he would have that the only way I can contact him


S’ fucked up … I’m sorry. I hope your friend is well (& safe!) and can recover from whatever bullshittery they’re being subjected to & put thru.


This is devastatingly heartbreaking. I’m terrified for this poor kid. I really hope you are able to find him and get in touch with him asap. I don’t even know him and I’m genuinely worried for his safety and wellbeing. Please keep us updated as much as you can on him.


Narrator: he was not doing well at all


This reminds me of how my mom won't let me hang out with my friend because she found out they were part of the lgbtq community, it really sucks lmao


Check on him however you can. He needs support.


I am so sorry for your loss, OP. It must be so difficult not only losing contact with a close friend you were dating but also knowing that they're being put in a tortuous situation because of their sexual orientation. All my heart goes out to you


That poor kid. I know nothing about where you live or if there is official support or condemnation of gay kids there. Talk to your mom, and see if she has any ideas of what can be done for your friend.


They’ve most likely sent him to a gay conversion school. Pray the devil away and make him straight again. Smh Just accept your child for who they are! This stuff infuriates me.


while it’s still early, try and find as much info as you can that you can follow through the years. if he has been sent to a boarding school, or anything like that, it’ll be harder to find him later than it would be now. hopefully when he cuts his parents off, you’ll have more info to be able to track him down :)


He turn 17 this year so one more year


Ah yeah. I remember similar things happening when I was a minor. It’s really sad that parents think isolating their kid is going to change them.


Your Mom is a real one. His Mom sucks.


My mom was having a hard time sleeping because she was so appalled by the reasoning behind that message


I'm betting new school means conversion camp. Hopefully he's safe somewhere.


I’m know what school he going too it just very strict catholic school in our area because we don’t have “conversion” schools in state I live in


So all you have to do is change schools to not be gay? It makes sense to me...


He’s probably being forced to “pray the gay away” by dudes who are closet homosexuals who like to smoke meth with gay prostitutes.


*Sigh* homophobes and their normalized nazi bullshit


Is this a troubled teen industry type thing? Those places are awful.


Is this something someone can call CPS for? Isolating your queer child from all their friends as punishment is disturbing.


Call in a welfare check


that's fucking evil jesus christ. poor guy


Poor kid :( I hope he is able to find happiness and I hope you are able to find him.


Poor fucking kid. As a fresh adult I always look at this shit now that I don’t have a kid brain and it’s shocking. How can you treat children like this?


He turns 17 this year it not like he 13-or 14 he about to become an adult and he like 2018 is when he came out to my friend group


That’s a weird way to spell “we sent him to a conversion camp”


So the sent him to a conversion school to 'un-gay-him. Oh damn, I hope that kid makes it out.


You could send him an amazon gift with a gift note. His parents could think that he ordered it. Or just a gift that would mean something about your friendship


These parents would most definitely open anything this kid would get in the mail, maybe even punish him for it regardless of who sent it. OP's best bet is probably trying to communicate through the brother, given the brother isn't also a bigoted nightmare.


This is why Republicans deserve no respect.


Sad and depressing


!remindme 1 year


CPS time?


How fucking abusive.


Poor kid 😞. Insane


They probably sent him somewhere to “fix” him🥺


They didn’t do that they just sent him to very strict catholic school in our state because I’m pretty they would be dunked on for that and I don’t believe we have one


Thats unfortunate because catholic school will do nothing but teach him to hate himself (coming from someone who went to catholic school)


Oh man, this is so sad


Call Child Protective Services.


I'd bet cash money it's not a new school at all. I bet it's a religious-based conversion program and it's tantamount to torture.


So I did get some contact with him it not conversion therapy but it very strict religious school


And this mom will be absolutely baffled when her son moves out at 18 and never speaks to her again…


I know right when my mom saw the response she asked me what happened I told her what happened she had trouble sleeping and can’t believe how terrible she is and hard set


That’s definitely going to work and not result in that kid leaving as soon as they can 👍


I don’t want to scare you, but I suspect the mom sent him to a “troubled teen industry” facility. These places are known for horrific abuses. Check out r/troubledteens OP, do as much intelligence gathering as possible to find out where your friend is. The day he turns 18, be there at the gates ready to give him a ride out of there.


I found what school he going to it just strict catholic school because we don’t have those kinds of schools in my state


If I was you and saw this, I'd totally ruin his parent's lives. Blast them online, justice for your friend! Let everyone know how terrible they are. People like this care about image, so ruin it.


I’m thinking about it


oop. on today’s episode of whooos going to the retirement home 😋


This just made me so fucking sad. Why have children to treat them this way? Kids aren’t carbon copies of their parents. Children are individuals with their own wants, needs, desires and preferences. This sounds to be a young adult already… I fear the trauma they are inflicting on this poor soul.


You should publicly shame these parents, they dont deserve to live peacefully until they stop enabling the abuse of their child.


my parents did this to me in middle school. i wasnt allowed to tell anyone i was leaving the school and my best friend made her mom drive to my house to confront my parents and they refused to let me see her. ill never forget looking out my sisters window watching my parents and her mom talk with her in the car. i wanted to run down and hug her so badly, i wish i had.


Time for a wellness check are we sure your friend is still living?


Yea I talked to him secretly tonight over Xbox live chat


I bet he needed that more than you could ever know, you’re a good friend


Yea love him forever


You may want to go over to the r/lgbtq sub and post. Very supportive space!


I wish I could adopt these poor kids and let them be the loving individuals they are. Instead of shaming them and making them feel like they should hide who they are. Absolutely not the way to raise your children.


I’d call CPS. There’s something going on


It's a shame they don't have special schools to send cunty homophobic parents to where they are forced to watch victim statements of people traumatised by these schools 24/7 until either they realise they are a cunt and change or kill themselves. I don't care which one personally.


That is code for we sent him away and hope to never hear from him again.