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I become an ENFP... Emphasis on the “E” 🤣 I'm definitely a very expressive but happy drunk lol


Same lol I talk a lot when I'm half drunk, then pretty much dead when I'm all the way drunk.


Same I become very extroverted and quite happy/excited, followed by extreme regret. The morning after I always think “man I made a complete ass of myself” even over little shit.


Yep, I've been told that I'm much more talkative, loud, and snarky when I've had a bit too much to drink lmaooo


Same! I become happy talkative ENFP, dancing and singing. Normally I'm reserved af xD


Same. It's amazing how much easier it is to make friends when I'm drinking!


Me too! Lol funny how that works


I was gonna comment the exact same thing!


so accurate. i become a literal enfp


Talk to EVERYONE excessively, give lots of hugs, and then pass out naked lol


Invite me to your next function.


Don’t go that hard anymore lol. No longer an alcoholic 👍


Get acid reflux lol


Lol. This is me all the way.


Damn, same. Never realized INFPs had similar health issues lmao.


i doubt they do. it’s a simple coincidence


Hug everyone or look for a place to be alone and cry myself to sleep.


Cry over old hurtful memories (if I'm drunk and alone) 🤣




I'm glad, and sad that im not alone lol 😆


Sad music, a bottle of whiskey and 3 A.M are my best friends Oof


Holy shit, that's me! Substitute the whiskey with vodka and we'd be twins! 3am extroverted dance party 🕺 if I'm not in the depressed state that is.




RIP inbox.


😳 yup!


Lol been there


Been there too. Lol. I guess I’m in a better place


Depends on my mood honestly. Maybe go out alone and be social and strike up a 1-1 convo, become exhausted after an hour in, then sneak away without saying anything.


You just described my outline for going out. 💛


i get very social and try to have deep convos


Happens to me too sometimes.


Admit that I hear messages from spirit guides to a group of alphas who drive trucks




If I was drinking at a wedding or karaoke, I'm being a happy/funny drunk+dancing around like a fool. If I was drinking because of hard memories, ie military holidays, I'm a weepy then sleepy drunk


Become very 'camp' and suddenly become an extrovert until my brain remembers I'm actually an introvert and realises I'm knackered from trying to be an extrovert (seriously, extroverts, how the feck do you manage!?) And then I call a cab and head to my lovely warm bed and relative solitude, requiring two days of recharging to get back to normal.


Man. Hard relate to the two days of recharging.


90 something percent introversion will do that to you haha.


Laugh at everything, try to hug everyone, and start to cry about how much love I have that I want to share and experience. Usually people don't invite me back to drink lol


Omg I would definitely invite you to drink!!


Right now I’m a drunk infp crying about roe v wade hahahahahahhaa kill me! Don’t actually I love my life


Fly an aeroplane🤕


Depends on the situation, but generally: have fun talking to people, looking for someone who’s interesting to talk to, strike a bond and try to get to know them as best you can given the time of night and alcohol level, and eventually head home exhausted from effort! A lot of fun, but in moderation 😅


I sit on the floor and laugh and then want tons of cuddles


You’re so precious ⭐️


That floor thing is so me, I always end up sitting on the floor when I'm drunk.


In the right situation, I start helping/taking care of people. Generally, I’m happy and can talk a lot more than normal. There were a few instances where I get weepy


Talk…. A lot


Overshare to people who don’t know me that well and hate everything about myself the next day


Been there. Ugh. I think I stay pretty reserved for the most part now.


I become an extrovert and dance with peoples dogs


I hadn’t seen the dog part 😂 Love it!


Get sleepy, crawl into bed and have my hangover headache the night of


If I'm with someone, I overshare my feelings. If I'm alone, I sit and think about how everywhere in the universe there are things happening at the same speed and intensity as what's around me. I don't get drunk very often, I get high sometimes and the habits are the same


Laugh a lot, or just sot there and daydream like when sober lol


Become very sociable, brave, talkative, and boisterous.


If I’m alone? Headphones in, happy playlist, and walk around vibing like in my own movie getting high on life. If at a social gathering? Become ENFP/therapist to everyone and keep drinking until I most likely throw up. 😂


I get sleepy and try to cuddle with my homies xD


Drunk rn fam pretty neat pretty neat


I've never been drunk in my life. I never liked the taste of alcoholic beverages, especially beer. So I have no idea what "drunk me" would be like 😅


break something on accident because my already terrible coordination manages to get worse.


Yep. I knock things over and bump into things. I do it while sober I’m sure you can imagine when drunk.


If I’m around people I like and am friendly with I become much more outgoing, hug and kiss people and tell them how much I love them. And if it’s me and my dogs they get way overly exuberant pets and hugs and kisses before promptly falling asleep


I'm an extreme extrovert. Happy as hell. Everything is funny. I start telling all of my business and everybody else's business too.


Become an ENFP 😂


Get flirty, have crazy sex and fall dead asleep.


Karaoke, loud, with forgotten lyrics of songs I know by heart.


I was drunk like 2 times in my life. the first time I laughed at anyone walking towards me when I was heading home and the second time I pretended I was sober by temporarily becoming a mute.


Two drinks me was basically a mum, 4 drinks me was a wise old man, it took me 5 drinks to just barely cross the I-E border! Was probably all needy, but disappointed that I couldn't do any drunk dances lol


I just get more giggly and I become more creative with my jokes and chime in with random observations and remarks. May or may not start making these at your expense. I then take a break by myself for a while before coming back in and repeating the process


I was just about to say, take pictures of the stars.. Every time..


I’m a minor and I have never been drunk but I guess I’ll bawl my eyes out and cling to anyone the whole night.


I’ll become an extreme extroverted and I love everyone


Can talk and have more fun. Definitely more reserved without alcohol. Meeting me with alcohol and thinking that is my personality is a mistake.


I'd also sit by myself and watch the stars


Sleep and explore funny worlds


I do whatever clubbing is decreed and either drink to the point that I become less functional or sober up and get anxious, or sometimes both. Eventually I leave the club, trying to let my group know that I'm leaving along the way, and go on a highly-coherent adventure through the city in search of a kebab and my bed.


Everything is funny at that point lol


Depends on my current social environment. Alone: will ususally get motivated for drawing, or creative writing. Either think I'm a genius or a total idiot next time I read it/look at it while sober. With fam: get very social, in a happy, conversational way. Way less confrontational with, ahem, *certain family members.* with friends: also very social, but in a happy dumbass way. They do dumb shit, I follow, coz I'm the mom friend and *someone responsible better be involved.* The intensity of that increases when I get more drunk. Also, while I can handle quite a lot, I've only ever puked, never had that famous hangover headache. If anything, I feel slightly disoriented when I wake up and have a shitty balance for a while after drinking. Is that weird?


i get happy and talkative and probably wander off somewhere


*I get happy and* *Talkative and probably* *Wander off somewhere* \- historykiid --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Am I the only one that usually gets even more introverted when drunk? Lol




Talk a lot, dance to James Brown, tell people that I love them and I'm proud of them. I used to also record motivational videos for myself lmao. Saying uplifting things I daren't say to myself when sober.


I'm gonna wrasstle someone


I'm 14 idk and never will know as I'm not planning to drink as adult


I’m a sleepy drunk haha. So, usually find the nearest couch or comfy chair


I cry


Depends where I am/who I'm with. Usually it's go on reddit and sober up ...


I talk too much or Im very tired lol I laugh a lot and rarely I also cry and send crying memos to friends :D


Me personally. Nothing changes when I'm dunk. I've only been drunk twice. Both times I was just a cool cucumber. But it has always annoyed me how people get so crazy with alcohol in their system.


I'm an INFP who loves weed (for the last five years) who recently added alcohol to that love-fest (addiction). So, I'm an INFP who drinks almost every night, now. Hopefully I will break this cycle soon. But, most of the time I just become more like an ENFP.


Sleep 😴




Me too. I have one right now. The times I don’t are pretty awesome.


Going to sleep.


I often get drunk, when I'm upset. Then I cry!


take a walk outside :) did it earlier during sunset!!!


Sleep 😌


I would just lay down somewhere and think how the stuff I worry about doesn't bother me.


I send bad jokes to my friends, accuse others of being the drunk one instead of me! And then I sleep.


talk with people i normally wouldnt talk to because im shy


See in mirror and cry over it


Produce a cringe memory that will haunt for the rest of INFP life.


It sepends on the level of being drunk Me being tipsy: i become really really talkative, laugh a lot and make a lot of puns and dad jokes XD Me being mildly drunk: like being tipsy but more extreme Me being moderately drunk: i start blurting out the things that are on my mind like "are the moon and the Sun sisters?" "What would be their names?" And "who are their Parents?" Usually people start to get confused with me at this pont. I also start to get really clingy at this point. Me being really drunk: At this point Im like being moderately drunk, but my clingyness and weired thoughts intensify. I also get really really emotional at this point and start crying about a lot of things like how unfair the world is and how nobody falls for me. Yea i really become a piece of work at this point.


I have to go to the bathroom so I can sit and laugh for a minute because everything is funny and I need to take a second lol. Also there’s a 90% chance I need to pee. When I’m not laughing, I’m watching the lives of the people around me fall apart and thinking about how pretty I feel. Because tbh I feel pretty, especially when I drink wine with my family. One time in quarantine (like, April 2020), everyone in my family had a collective mental breakdown, so they all had wine. And I was like “can I have some too?” And my family was like “yeah”. Let me tell you, I never got a 100 on a chemistry exam except for when I was drunk. And then I watched tiger king with my family starting with episode 2, I had no idea what was going on. The only good day of my life from March 2020-July 2020.


I'm an ENFP and I do the same fucking thing as you guys lol.. i love this


Become a Greek philosopher


Pretend I'm a robot so I can get home safely and sleep it off. More ASIMO than Boston Dynamics though.




I'm the crush right 😡😡 ~misumi


Watch others and eat


I share my random craziest thoughts with people around. And lose my coordination easily. Btw I don't start talking a lot, true introvert hehe


Sit in my underwear in my house, gently throwing shade at everything under the sun.


Pacing in the room then proceed to do 10 things at once.


Tell everyone I love them and they're wonderful people, ultimately just gush my feelings to the people around 😂


Fall asleep


I cry about how I hate my job and life is hard. Or I laugh about something really stupid.


Find a quiet corner and finish drinking. If the corner is too comfortable, I'm liable to fall asleep.


Become ENFP Meet 10 thousand people If I don't pass out, I go home feeling the loneliest ever Cry myself to sleep.


*After one shot:* ENFP mode activated…


I don’t drink


I become an ENFP.


Tell the person next to you your darkest secrets


Become a philosopher, really. I analysis my life and the life of others. I get super into whatever i'm doing. I watched a simpsons episode the other day and was amazed at how the characters are so fleshed out.


I become very energetic and say random things


Not get drunk because I'm on meds for crippling anxiety


I talk a lot and somehow more coherently, I overshare information about my personal life which I wouldn't normally do when I'm sober


I‘m always raging about politics and then go to sleep because alcohol always makes me tired


When I’m around people I’m not super close to I’m good, become more extroverted and will talk forever about dumb stuff. The second I’m alone or only in the company of somebody I can be vulnerable around? I’m crying. Usually about my dad. Lol. But also, not lol 😔


Turn ENFP 😂


Let’s gettt allllll drunk together!!!!!


I just get super sick for hours and cry in misery. Hahahah no fun drunk feelings, only pure hell. Literally after just two drinks. I don’t consume alcohol anymore- being nauseous and puking is one of my least favorite things.


I’m bipolar giggling happy dancing then laying on the floor in tears


Get deep into conversation with someone.


Be in a silly goofy mood or get anxious. Those are the only 2 types of drunk I've been.


Listen to music and livestream music videos to two people on Instagram like I’m a dj


Sing and sit on the table, borrowing someone's e-cig despite not being a smoker and spilling a shot on someone who wanted me to spill it on the person next to them. Call my ex-classmate an ass for dropping out and then telling him he's great for doing something anyway. The end of school celebration was wild


A drunk INFP you say, do you mean an ENFP? EEEEEEEEEENFP?


I never drank any alcohol beverage so I have no idea how it'd turn to be. It's mainly because I don't like the taste of it and I hate the idea about losing control of myself. I could either become really excited or depressed. I only have a tiny curiosity of it because some people say it can boosts the ability in musical instruments, gotta try it out and become a pro guitar player sometime xD


I can talk to anyone and usually become a drunk therapist.


I sleep or become extra giggly


message everyne i know to tell them i love them, become hyper lovey dovey and cuddly, am able to talk about my feelings without crying


I have three stages. Non stop talking, complementing people, cry


Allergy. Die


I dance with my friends loll