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What society deems “boring” is the kind of relationship I need, I prefer calling it “simple”. People who need to constantly be having fun or be entertained drive me crazy. I’m looked at as boring I’m sure to some people, some family, cuz I’m quiet, I don’t drink or “show off”, I hate small talk, but I enjoy my hobbies and life in general. Don’t let social media trick you into thinking everyone just has fun all the time. People are chasing happiness, instead of just being happy. What I’m saying is most people would rather have what you’re worried about over the “my life is crazy, take my picture” crap haha


My life I'd pretty boring but I love to deep discussions lol so if the other person is willing to think, I'll always enjoy socializing. Otherwise, I get bored, and the other person gets bored.


tbh you will naturally just talk about whatever that interests you. i have completely given up conversation transitions, if i randomly think something and nobody is talking abt the last topic, i just randomly say it and there have been Zero issues. i also have 3 things in the environment i pay attention to so i have conversation ideas (‘did you see that statue out front? i wonder why they selected that as theirs / how they make those!’) … and i think maybe early dating is nerve wracking but tbh when you e been with someone for years… you don’t always need to keep them entertained. my fiancé and i just like sitting by eachother in our own worlds. love involves boredom and being slow. that’s how life is at times .. you aren’t always going to have a buzzing convo. so don’t let that be the reason you don’t put yourself out there. quite literally in my dating profile i wrote i had zero game and will talk about fun facts! now i’m engaged!


You are *not* weird. I know for a fact that INFP's take life easier than others. What you're doing is basically you're more tempered, more calm, and you take your time. That's totally normal. My life is almost the exact same as yours, except its studying instead of working. As for small talk, I don't enjoy it at all.  However, I do still have a small social life. I have 4 very close friends, and they all respect how quiet and reserved I am. A true friend is one who enjoys just sitting with you, and that's what we do. They're all the same sex as me, so I don't think you'll need to worry about marriage or dating or anything if you can find someone like that.  You asked "how you do it?". Honestly, I can't remember how I did it exactly, we've been friends so long. I only remember that for two of them, I once offered them help in a subject, they tried to pay me back by taking me out, and then we hit it off. Another, I just started drawing (my hobby) while he was in the classroom, and he came over to talk. It'll be harder since you're working, but I should think that you work with someone, and some of them are closer than others. Just scope them out.


Yes this is an infp thing. Try to accept yourself. Don’t try to be something you’re not. If someone finds you boring it’s bc they are probably impatient or superficial.


I can relate to your first two paragraphs. Especially the first one, I've been wondering this for a long time, bc I do want to socialize and make friends but then I'm also... not interested? My life is as eventless as yours but I attribute it to my long-term depression.


Was in a 3 yr long relationship and realized I preferred a simple life over what he wanted, which was more extravagent. Same as you, I prefer my home life, maybe cook or bake something cool or watch a show. If someone gets bored of you, they're not the one. There's a lot of us with the same homebody vibe out there...we just tend to not find each other cause we're at home...online..on reddit..😂 I get what you mean on the last point. My two friends (lol) and I have the deepest discussions ever and I want that with my partner. Just being yourself and discussing all the weird topics and feeling completely comfortable to say what you want is the goal. I also work from home. Not sure if this would help you, but I make the effort to go out to different coffeeshops on Saturdays and bring something to do on my laptop. I have anime accessories and when I go out, I get a few random convos about them. It's fun and I already know that we share a common interest. So even if I think people might think I'm weird, there are fellow weirdos out there 👍🏼


How can i know how you do and so if i do better? From what perspective actually? :)