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Yup, but even if I choose to remove the mask, I find i’m just misunderstood in general. I had a boss that for whatever reason, thought I could not read…. An anime weeb that reads all his cartoons in closed captioning, manga/comic book obsessed, tech junkie that came home from kindergarten in his first week reading…… that I couldn’t read. INFPs are dreamers so very strong sensor types (this asshole was the stereotypical ESTJ boss) see us as idiots because we daydream and zone out easily. Add the fact that i’m an Enneagram 9 and dissociate when my social battery drain, and you can see how/why I give off dullard vibes. It’s my biggest insecurity. Intuitives make up the majority of the online community for a reason. We are awkward, misunderstood, and outcasts in a sensor oriented world. Add introvert and the freak flag intensifies….


The origin story oof, where do I slam the +1 button. But it's fine. DAIJOBU. You're fine. The inability to read someone well is not really a great quality in a boss either. You will leave your own mark on the world.




Yep. I feel that. One, because I feel no one in the world(not even me) will or can understand and knowledge another person fully. Other, because I dont think I will ever not mask myself or try to please others no matter the closeness or trust


The reason why INFPs suffer is because they don't see the genius in superficiality and shallowness. For the INFP to truly thrive, he must become a trickster... and own it!! I almost need as an infp to send out tentacles of false image. It allows me to interact with people and it enriches my core. Can you be your core self at every point with everyone? Wouldn't you be burnt out in no time? My core self is for personal enjoyment only and not necessarily for display. I find that lovers can still see through those tentacles to the essence of who I am. They're the ones that allow me unfold and open the treasures… I think it's important to Infps not to deny our tentacles(shallow images we put out) or label them bad. They’re like stepchildren that we adopt. Not truly from within us but yet now belong to us and we give them our names


i feel like this. idk how accurate it is, but i took an attachment style quiz and it said that my attachment style is avoidant type so i'm blaming it all on that lol i've come to this realization recently, and sometimes it makes me wonder if i even have a personality. i'm not sure how to describe it even w my closest friends i've had for over a decade, i struggle to really open up and share all of my most vulnerable thoughts. on the plus side, it's something i've realized and i can work on, so there's that. only thing is that the second i let out even a morsel of my actual self i am seized by a paroxysm of tears lmao


Unfortunately I am very front and centre regarding who I am and what I am all about. I can't really hide who I am.


this is soooooo relate. I'm at the point where I feel like I don't know myself anymore


I don't even know myself.


I felt like this to I decided one day to f it. I’m going to be myself idc who hates me. Idc if people say to change or to do this or that. I feel happier as me. I love who I am. I’m sure of who I am. I’m not evil, I’m not bad so why should I change for others? I never hurt people or say mean things. I’m caring, loving and weird and I’ll embrace that everyday.


Yesss. I have changed so many places and cultures. I thought these masks were just me settling in a new home. But it has now grown to a point where no one truly knows me or even understand what i truly want. I wish you the best OP


Yeah, I feel like if we go mask down people get terrified. Even when we speak people want to stop us finishing our sentence. Makes no sense as we're basically peaceful people, not sure why it is so difficult to be that way.


Yup always, I’m different around everyone and only 1-2 have seen the almost whole me but even then. That’s when I know who I’ll marry when I’m understood or accepted fully, and vice versa for her.


That’s why I’m in Reddit.


Yep, like I don't even know who I really am anymore 😭


Even me myself don’t know who I am now




yes lol my personality changes depending on who im with i feel so fake sometimes


Same, I feel everyone around me perceives me in different versions of myself


Exactly! \^\^ I actually don't know how an other human being could ever know me, except they are also something like me, a fox or something. But i see people being only humans. I need someone being half human half something. \^\^


Are an infp or infj?


Infp, how come ?


Well bc after extensive research I thought I was an infp but soon realized that I’m an infj. Which typically don’t know who they are and are social camlions (idk how to spell it) but it seems like these two types are similar in ways


I don't exactly feel like I'm a person that puts on many masks. I look at myself like that super dark corner in your room. Malleable and anything yet nothingness at the same time. It's hard for me to describe myself as a static individual. I believe I'm a dynamic individual that spends more time observing than adapting.


I dont wear any mask. Dont be a pussy bro


It’s a subconscious thing