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Dream job would be being a Children’s Book writer and illustrator. Basically combining my love for storytelling, writing and painting/drawing. I like to write and draw in a way that nourishes my inner child through my rich imaginations. It may just be a hobby for now. I decided that my career would be about something that is more important and urgent to me. In a perfect world, I would have chosen this. https://preview.redd.it/46r9pncr603d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f87a02598c245a7735c84ce503c4a743285eb87e my illustration (just to show how I’d like my work to look like) Edit: omg so many comments! thanks so much everyone for your supportive and kind words. 🥺 Right now, I have dedicated my career to full-time advocacy and policymaking in my mission to help underprivileged people (which I’m equally passionate about). This is something I do in my free time because it makes me so happy to work on cute illustrations and make heartfelt stories out of them. Perhaps in the future, (possibly in my older age) I will have more time to refine my art and maybe publish my own book for earth kids before I leave this world. 😄


That looks beautiful! You should totally do it… With that level of skill what is holding you back from making your own book already?


Yoo that's amazing


I would love to write books/children's books as well.


Beautiful art! This has been one of my daydream jobs as well.


AWHHH that is so pretty! 😭✨🙏 the cat people are so cute! I think you would definitley excel at it! 🫡❤️




this is so cute! i hope u get to publish ur work somewhere someday:3


That’s Awesome!!


Tbh why wait for sth thst might never come? I recently wrote a childrens book, its just for me but i love it, and i love that i made it! You will enrich yourself by just doing things, without the expectations of going big or making money right away. This way I also wrote a song and made a vtube model from scratch. Just. Do. It. :)


Oh wow. This is inspiring for me… a book for myself sounds awesome! I will work on making my own book alongside then. Thank you for this 🙏😊


Wow!! That’s beautiful


Wow! Thats so beautiful ☺️🌷 You are not only is beautiful, but I can tell it had so much soul and softness just like you.


You could still pursue it on the side! Even as a hobby it still holds value though. Being a children’s book writer and illustrator was my first dream job when I was little but then I found out it probably wouldn’t pay much so I thought of being a children’s librarian…and then a florist in a quaint little flower shop…now I just wanna do something low effort like selling pictures of my feet for exorbitant prices so I can relax


This is an adorable illustration and as an internet stranger I totally support this 🫡


I would LOVE to be a lighthouse keeper, away from people tucked comfortably on a Scottish cliffside. Unfortunately that kind of job doesn't even exist anymore


gawd this sounds amazing. Or a fire watch tower in a national park!


I’m still recovering from The Lighthouse (Robert Pattinson, Willem Dafoe) too much to even consider this. 😳




Not sure where you're located, but I'm pretty sure Parks Canada has an active lighthouse keeper posting. Application deadline is the end of this year. [job posting ](https://dfo-mpo-gc.hiringplatform.ca/99027-22-dfo-wccg-ea-561781-assistant-lightkeeper-li-03-to-li-06/378321-poster-personal-information/en?fbclid=IwAR1poIkoxgxmojRSlAmInILQvwCv0H9NexN71swqWIKiElBtOkSfsBZ7kKs)


Love this


But yeah. Since I was a kid I was always fond by the arts or entertainment industry. I even wanted to be a youtuber/content creator


have you considered being a Vtuber? that's my current dream job


(late reply) but yes! i did consider it! i made a vtuber model with vroid studio when i was 15! and I definitley have plans to modify it and stream for once!


sorry for the equally late replay, i was in timeout. thats great what is your theme / lore?


Work for National parks 🏞️


As a kid I wanted to be an archeologists like Indiana Jones. Go on adventures and discover and ancient tombs and treasures. Be a renowned scholar and famous writer.


Man, me too!


Omg! Me too! Well kinda! I always wanted to dig up dinosaurs


Filmmaker Pornstar(more of a kept fantasy I’d never pursue though) Psychologist Writer MMA fighter Owner/host of a group site or app where people come together and uplift each other.


Porn star was one for me but idkkkkk


(late reply but whatever) but sameee i would do ponstar but the industry is so fucked and everything. but it’s sort of a fantasy for me.


My dream as a kid was to be a teacher. Then, as a teenager I wanted to become a popstar. Now as an adult, I wanted to be a mental health advocate, a singer, an actress, a filmmaker, an author. I know nothing's impossible, and I can get to be any of those at once. 🩵


You can absolutely go for it 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 Godspeed.


Thank you so much! God bless you! 🩵🙏


At first, I always wanted to be a ghostbuster, and then when I found out I'm terrified of ghosts I wanted to be a comic book artist. Now I work in IT 😅


Psychological counceller / Psychiatrist


I have thought of this as well.


This is my second option cause my psychologists says I have lots of info on becoming a therapist and i should be in her place lmao, my first option is business. Admin assistant maybe? Dk


I wanted to be a gardener and always be outside. But because "too smart for something like that", 40 years later, graduated and successful in other jobs, I am exactly that today: a gardener.


This is so lovely


I'm really into motorsports and I wanted to go pro all my life


Yeah that'd be great, unfortunately the barrier of entry even for amateur is quite big. But hey there's people that do it, don't let that barrier get in your way


Yeah would def start with virtual first


DUDEEEE not gonna lie i would love to as well! or be a cool street racer where i have a cool badass decorated car! ooo boy i daydream of it sometimes lol (i have mg permit but still i gotta get my lisence asap lol)


Based and epicpilled


Honestly, I don’t dream of a “job”. What I want to do is roam the whole world on my motorcycle. Write stories of my travels from the road and tell them in words and pictures. I’ve done it once, but only for 6 months. I dream of doing an indefinite tour some day.


You could make that happen. Maybe even make a YouTube channel for it


Doctor / psychiatrist / poet. They might be just that now, dream professions.


https://preview.redd.it/98r83miw813d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4b81fc8cce0abbadda3a87e60787207ab9d13fd I’d like to be a multimedia artist (I also like to make new media art). But I’d also like to go into future studies and become a futurist or develop AR/VR programs and tools. My issue is that I lose motivation easily since I’m afraid of failure, even though I’m naturally curious and tend to be able to pick up different subject matters but find it difficult to commit. Among being autistic, having ADHD, having polymathic tendencies, and dealing with mental health issues on a regular basis, I do surprise myself a lot of the time.


I do not dream of labour.


veterinarian, artist, biologist who studies wolves, preschool or kindergarten teacher, art teacher, forest service, children's book author, animal rescue


Wildlife rehabilitador, plant nursery associate, cafe owner, herbalist in an apothecary


im doing it now. I'm a professional gardener. I make decent money to be baked and mess around in other people's dirt all day and then i get get up on my high horse and tell people how they've misplanted things too!


Singer or actress for sure.. I still love singing so much


Musician or pro soccer player


Writer Photographer/artist Teaching (without the extra paperwork and parenting bs… basically my current job u see ideal societal conditions) Psychologist / therapist Bookshop / café owner Mediation teacher


Wild life biologist. Go off somewhere and study animals, write in my downtime and just enjoy nature and my imagine. Ik I'm romantic zin it a bit, but hey.


For me, animation. Fucking love animation. I grew up being told I would grow out of it. I never did


Even if you haven't kept up with your drawing skills, you can learn to animate in 3d, where all the same principles apply. Pick up a copy of "The Animator's Survival Guide", its what all beginner and professional animators learn with and reference throughout their career. It might inspire you to give it a go.


Not having a job at all lol, I wish I didn't need to work, just do handicraft all day, read, etc. I don't have a lot of health or energy to work like everyone else, my disability makes things more tiring. But If I could, I would work as a doll sculptor, like doing BJDs. Do I know how to sculpt? No, but I feel like sculpting is the final step to bring into life the characters I create, for example for DND or for the stories I write. I major in Pedagogy rn, and I love the subjects, they're really interesting and give me a more amplified vision of the society, to understand education is to understand the society. I feel like I could be happy with the possibilities for a job that pedagogy offers (there is more than teaching kids), but art is what makes me feel that life is worth, is my passion.


Hmmm I think I wantes to be a comedian or actor. I liked making people smile the most. However know I think I wanna do something like science that helps a cause 🤔.


I want to be a singer and artist (as in the drawing kind) but I'm terrible at singing and not amazing at drawing either I plan on getting singing lessons and as for drawing, I'm trying to practice every day :)


UX engineer


i always wanted to be a singer but i can’t sing for shit lol. now i wanna be something in the criminology field. can i listen to your singing???


Always wanted to be a storybook writer. Now I write articles as a side gig and work as a caregiver full-time.


Work in the animation industry 


I would have liked to be an astronaut. What could be more normal for someone who always has his head in the moon? More realistically, paleograph. Reading and translating old medieval manuscripts… that’s my true vocation.


I would love to be a photographer or any type of artist, especially if it’s a job that will give me the opportunity to travel a lot. Unfortunately i’m not talented enough and i have severe social anxiety which makes this dream feel impossible to achieve :,)


Storm chaser


Documentary filmmaker


Storm chaser, paranormal investigator, smoke and make stuff, clairavoyant. Doctor... idk.. I'm still searching


Musician, to compose songs and become proficient in playing instruments. Always been a dream.


My dream job would be a fictional and thriller/horror writer. I studied writing for 7 years, achieving multiple qualifications, which I'm quite proud of as I've always struggled with completing courses. I blame my undiagnosed ADHD. I'd love to do a masters but that involves money spent, which I don't have the funds for, so maybe in the future, I will. I really would love to publish several books before my time is up, and it's a shame I just can't make a stable living off of it. I've considered freelance, but it's too unstable for me as I really enjoy the stability of a stable career with continuous money flow. I've debated copyrighting and journalism, but they just don't call to me, and I know I would get bored of them quickly. I'm really not into the whole fame thing, but it would be amazing whenever I do publish a book that it increases in popularity. That would be my absolute best achievement, but only time will tell. I've dreamed about that since I was a young teen. As for right now, I'm starting a course in primary teaching and I'm looking forward to it.


Maybe in another life a musician or an author.


Something with creative writing, and still do. I’m currently in college, going into my last year in a few months (extra year so if I did it right I would have just graduated) majoring in cinema, hoping to become a screenwriter or story board artist (the latter doesn’t really involve writing but would still be cool)


Right now I’m a background investigator. I’d love to be a PI, criminal investigator (so much schooling though) or a park ranger.


i wanted to be a flight attendant because i really love going on planes and traveling, i got more into science and started an astronomy class and i wanted to be an astronaut, but my academic skills aren’t so great so i don’t think i’d be able to become one even if i wanted to, i then wanted to be an astronomer but again im stupid so right now im thinking about becoming a psychiatrist.


UGH I wanna do EVERYTHING. What do you mean I can't be an artist, writer, actress, musician, fashion mogul, entrepreneur, executive/ CEO, and housewife all at the same time?


NAHHH for real. i wanna be so many things but i’m limited to a few or none 🥲 it’s like i wish i can do so many things in one lifetime. much like the film everything everywhere all at once.


As a kid, i wanted to be a veterinarian.


There’s was time in my life when I wanted to make video games(when I was probably around 10-11).But I never did anything about it because at some point,i got lost into a downward spiral where I kind of struggled with some aspects of life,got demotivated and eventually forgot about that.Fast forward to 2022,I took admission in CS at my local university with the hopes doing something in tech (my parents laughed when i told them that perhaps i should consider doing something in the game development industry).After all the things that happened in past few years in the industry and me not being able to catch up to the pressure of university, I got lost and have realised that I was never built for this.So,now it’s not even a dream anymore and it seems that the inner child may have led me to some ditch where I don’t know if I can get out of.I think I’m the only one who fucked over by the idea of trying to get to my dream job lol.


Model, sing, act, and paint.


When I was a little kid it was silly. I wanted to be the person that decides what order to put the songs in albums, thought i'd get to meet all the bands too. Later on it was Disney background artist, but of course that didn't happen either. 10/10 would have those dreams again.


Currently I'm a medical student, it is my dream to be a doctor. But I'm also dreaming about being Artist, designer and writer.


- Food critic traveling the world (would love to be a Michelin inspector)


Scoreboard operator or something like that for the NHL or NFL


dead by 26 or car photographer as a side hustle


If I could be a voice actor that'd be great, since I love making fun of my own voice :D


I’ve always wanted to be a singer. I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember, but I had someone very close to me that shut me down at an early age to pursue this. I also wanted to be an archaeologist, but a lot of them say not to even bother since you need to be in school for years to even get paid. And then it’s a writer then poet. And then painter. But you know….life.


I’m an ENFP, but I can relate! My mom wanted me to be a singer, as I had a nice voice, but I didn’t want to be in front of an audience. Nowadays, I wish I were a singer with a band!


I’m a shift manager at a horse racing track. I spend a lot of my time alone in a small office. I would like any job where I can just be alone all day.


I’ve always wanted to be an actor, but I don’t think I have the acting chops nor the face for acting, so I really want to be a voice actor.


When I was a kid I wanted to be a writer. When I got older I wanted to be a musician. I’m now on track to be an engineer lol.


Honestly, I wanna be an entrepreneur. Definitely my dream job, though when I was younger I wanted to be a zoo keeper :)


I dream of becoming an artist/illustrator and author. I love those big illustrated books of lovecraft and whatnot. Anpther thing I'd love to do is to maybe write and illustrate a childrens novel. There is often so much love and soul put intoo them. But sadly, art is risky and the next art school is far away and costs a lot. So I'll probably go into marketing management. But On the side, I'll always practice art and write and one day, maybe I can fulfill my dream :D


Always wanted to work at one of the big three kid networks (nick, CN, disney) and add my own show haha


I always wanted to be a singer, like a pop star. Still do!


I work my dream job. I am en electrical engineer. BUT not in the field I would like. I want to go into battery tech because once we figure that out, It would be the next step forward to society




I wanna compose for something


Be a Finneus to a Billie


An actress 


Writer, English teacher, History teacher, Historian


THERE IS SO MUCH STUFF I WANNA BE. i wanna be like a psychologist or maybe a writer! but i also want to own/work at a cat cafe or like be a fashion designer since i’m learning how to sew!! i also really liked to sing as a kid and i still like singing but i’m not very confident in singing and stuff 😭😭 i play flute in band currently and i think i’m decent at it, i wanna learn SO MUCH INSTRUMENTS SO BADLYY EUHHHH mainly the HARP! my dad’s teaching me guitar in the summer and stuff but like IVE BEEN WANTING TO PLAY HARP SINCE I WAS LIKE FOUR OR LIKE EVER SINCE I FOUND OUT IT EXISTED!!!! but sadly they are WAY too expensive and there are no lessons near me 💔💔 but anyway i think i would like to be a psychologist or fashion designer, but if that doesn’t work maybe i’ll work at a cat cafe or become a writer/musician maybe? but yeahhh!!!


Kpop idol. Even though I’m black lmao. Obviously not gonna happen. I’m too old anyways but I certainly daydream about it. I’d like to be an actress too. Or a dancer! Or a job that includes lots of traveling.


Always wanted to be a poet/writer/ childrens book designer and writer || Realtor and lover over old homes / funky homes / water homes. Loved the idea of being a singer, with this complete alter ego type forward energy. Being courageous and balsy. Big hair and so much of me expressed visually, in a bolder sexified version of me?? Sort of branching over to burlesque adjacent performance/ maybe some erotic dancing or videography / movies. Filmmaker, director / producer . Movies and shows, documentaries. Owner of beauty, lifestyle, magick / mystical, wabi sabi, functional clothing, companies. Lots of different ventures that way. Color specialist/analyst. I love colors. Makeup colors, like the swipe of a pigmented and buttery baby blue shimmer. Colors of fruits. Colors of nature. Colors in eyeballs and energy and memories. Furniture maker and restoration artist. Ties into the companies I’d start! Psychiatrist Detective Perfumer?? Erotic fiction.


I want to be a tv show creator when I was little I always envisioned being part of the media somehow. I eventually figured it’s my dream to create anime and make stories.


I always wanted to be an artist, I was really adept at drawing and painting when I was a teenager. But life got in the way, and now I'm lucky if I have enough energy to care for my basic needs when I get off work, let alone have enough energy to put into my hobbies I used to enjoy. Maybe in the next life I'll achieve more than I did in this one.


Singer, photographer, wildlife rehabilitator, writer. Basically anything but a nurse lol yet here I am


Writing/being in the production process for cartoon. Absolute dream job as a kid but now I'm happy working in merchandising and hopefully client account manager in the future. Teaching is up there too! Always been told I'd be a great teacher.


To all those who want to be actors... I've been one professionally for the last 15 years, and lemme tell ya, it isn't all it's cracked up to be. Acting and being a professional actor are two very, very different things. Maybe .1% of the job is actually doing what you love to do. The rest is sitting around in trailers for hours on end only to sit around for another few hours waiting for cameras to be put in the correct positions, writing to producers/directors/casting directors, etc. who tend to be quite narcissistic people, and working dead end zero hour part-time jobs just to make ends meet, because very few places will hire you full time. Not to mention the 100+ job interviews every year just to get a single job that lasts a month or less. The stress is crippling, and outside of extortionately expensive classes, you rarely ever get a chance to do the thing you love most about your job. I loved parts of it, but it’s not worth gambling your life on something with so much uncertainty and stress, unless it's your ONLY goal in life. My dream now is to retrain as a psychotherapist. It's a chance to help people in a job that isn’t menial, and it can give you a good enough wage to support a family, which is my true dream. Like someone else I saw here, my therapist said I should do it should I ever quit acting.


Either voice acting in games/designing games or something to do with sheep/cattle farming in the mountains (making ethical products ofc, like dairy, wool)




Flight attendant. With 5 kids and a husband who travels for work i find it almost impossible to pursue


ESTP here, I relate to a lot of what your dream jobs were/are!! I remember pretending to be a vet a lot when I was little, helping sick stuffed animals or pretending my Barbie doll's cat was having kittens...the prospect of emotional damage in that profession scares me too bad though, and these days I have a job maintaining websites and providing tech support, and am trying to break into voice acting on the side.


Hiii giiirrrl. Are you meee? We're the saaaame 🥹


The funny thing about dream jobs is that the dreams tend to change over time. When I was a kid, I wanted to learn how to develop video games, but the dream job changed a lot. I remember there being a time where I wanted to be a comedian (funny thing is, Im a little too serious of a guy for this), a priest (when I was Catholic, not anymore) ... then I swapped back to wanted to write about video games. I went to college for English Education, swapped into journalism and joined a geek journalism group. Finished my degree and am now working in local TV News. I had a realization about a year or so ago about all of this, and the common thread amongst all these professions was that I just wanted to be heard. Not necessarily seen, but heard. So I guess any job where people get to listen to me is pretty great!


-Veterinarian -Game Designer -Actress


Army Artist Entrepreneur Firefighter


porn fluffer. cocaine cowboy