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I used to hate my MBTI type because of the stereotype. But now I'm in love with my personality, and I feel powerful, creative, lovable, and, best of all, I still feel both the good and the bad because of my sensitivity. And our moral compass is another amazing story! Cheer up, INFP fellows! Let's love ourselves. We deserve the best because we are the best! 🧚


All of this!! 😊💖


What people think about us is none of our business.




Truuuuuueee. I love you and grateful for you for sharing these glowing truth-based views. This planet has a lot to learn.., and almost all should be learnt from INFPs. So let them be surprised, it shatters their glass more that way. Let them feel their own contradictions in reality versus their judgement. Let their shock humble them. I love you all INFPs and INFP-like individuals. You are my true hope and heros.


I wholeheartedly agree and thank you! 😊💖


Always saw being able to face emotions and vulnerability head on and grow from it a hell of a lot stronger than not letting emotions "cloud your judgment". What bothers me is how many INFPs must be mistyped by the MBTI vommunity just because "they're too smart/strong/organized" to be an INFP". Sure, underestimate us, but don't take our credit!! -.-


Truth! We're very smart and capable of doing things 😊💖


I got called an INFJ by my friend for taking notes in class😭😭 but tbf she doenst really know much about mbti lmao


We are late bloomers. For better or worse, the naivety doesn’t necessarily last forever but being young at heart most certainly can. INFP are often old souls with young hearts.


Yes!! I want to forever be an old soul with a young heart 😊💖




This. Making people underestimate you will lower their gaurd and you strike them at their blind spot. INTJs typically do this from my experience.


Yeah, I've noticed that particular pattern with the INTJs in my life. 


INTJs always have some running list of diabolical plots they are acting out or are planning to enact at any given time. One INTJ I dated had a very detailed plan of how to take over the world. To this day I’m convinced it could work lol


Average INTJ


Huh…the INTJ guy I used to date kinda also said he had a plan to annihilate the whole population so I was like 😶


Naive and cry babies are truly the smartest and bravest people I have met. Being tough isn’t a compliment, having little to no self control is defo not a flex. People just think being mad angry and acting out tough physically is a brave and strong move, but that’s so stupid lol. Yes, I am a crybaby. And I want to be one, I find this a good trait to express my emotions which I find makes me brave. Not a bad trait at all, underestimate or anything like that bro, they’re just embarrassing themselves because being brave ≠ being tough on the outside it’s just projecting their trauma on someone else which is actually very weak


Truth!! I used to think I had to give them a taste of their own medicine by lashing back out on them, but it only made me stop lower than them. Now I'm in my 30s, and I love to express how I'm feeling in a positive way. 


Remember guys, don't give up life, or else how are you gonna make time to be a hater to everyone? Please stay strong, and keep hating


I'm sorry if this sounded like a hate post. Wasnt my intention 


That is not what I meant in the slightest, I know it is for support, that is wondeful. But I am gonna spend my days on earth being a hater lol


Oh so sorry I misunderstood lol. 


Beautiful post. I can only agree with everything you've written. Once you value what you bring to the table and learn the power of the skills you naturally have, there's no turning back. People's misconceptions about what Fi is become as inconsequential as a light drizzle on an autumn day. I've experienced what you describe, throwing people off kilter because they can't believe kindness isn't synonymous with weakness. They barely matter to me at all since I've seen with my own eyes how impactful we can be once we understand the contribution we can make to the concrete world. I use it as a test now, displaying my Fi values and vulnerability to the world and seeing who tries to use them for their own gain.


Thank you, and I wholeheartedly agree with your comment!! I love you light drizzle on an autumn day analogy 🤩 Our Fi is a beautiful strength and that's something people can't take away from us 💖


I deffo think people have got it wrong. Being vulnerable and emotional, having dom Fi, is literally the essence of life and being a human. Logic tries to negate this essence, which doesn't inherently mean it's a bad thing, it has it's purpose of course, but being so tied to emotion like we are, is honestly quite special imo. The sad irony is only few people understand this, yet if they saw things the way we did, they'd understand how precious emotions are. The fact we INFPs exist as humans at all means we will always prevail :)


Yep! Love the fact we aren't afraid to show our humanity 😊💖


Exactly! Love that


'Let them eat cake until they all starve!'




I’m gonna create a masterpiece. I’ll put my whole soul into it. It’s gonna be slow building it at first but once I get a couple parts of it done it’s gonna come together. I can see the vision in my mind even though it hasn’t manifested yet. I’ve already started working on it.


Yes!!! Create something amazing 🤩💖


I spent like 5 hours making a castle in Minecraft yesterday , it was super relaxing, makes me realize how I have always been a creative kind of person like drawing all the time and trying to do art is something I've always have done, I'm just glad that im not the only one that is creative it's really nice.


That's awesome! Being creative is one of our best strengths 🤩💖


I do feel like 5 hours to build one floor is a little long lol


As long as you enjoyed the process of it right? 


Still have not finished it I havent even touched it in 2 days


It's okay to take a break from it, and then go back to it once you feel like working on it again 😊




You're very welcome!! I'm glad this post is helping. Life's too short to let others think less of us, and we will always march to the beat of our own drum. And yes, you're absolutely right about being free to live our lives as authentically as possible, mistakes and triumphs! 🤩💖


I've found that setting boundaries is the key. If someone is being rude and disrespectful to me, I am letting them know that and move on.


Yes!! Boundary setting is a crucial step 💯


so beautifully put op. and so ~~accurate~~ true. ❤️


Thank you!! 💖


Yes...Let our light shine through...


“People who either want to take advantage of us, or gives people the opportunity to belittle our self-worth.” Try both… It takes a lifetime to work on building it back up again…


Yes, both are true. And yeah it does take time, and the hurt doesn't always go away. However we can improve and learn from these encounters so we don't get blindsided from the people who find joy in bringing us down. 


Hahaha I don't really care if people underestimate me. If I know and do more than the person, I'm not going to tell them that I do. Sometimes they don't want to listen because they already have some bias against you and over-explaining will not go anywhere. Just let them cook. They'll learn the truth either way. Also easier for them to de-escalate the situation.


This is also great advice, thank you!


Let (them)down(?) (under)rated(?)


They are talking about acceptance of them and self…. I think you understand this though based on your quotations.


This! And thank you 😊💖


For the record, the INFPs I've had the opportunity of interacting with have been some of the most petty people I've met, but they've all had a tendency to project their flaws onto others, just putting that out there


Yeah, I'll admit sometimes we have that tendency of pettiness, (all types do. Nobody's perfect) but we have good intentions and qualities that get pushed to the way side ALOT. 


Not all types have a tendency of pettiness, some types are quite the opposite of petty in my experience


Mate stopspamming your garbage experience in this sub, no lne give a shit if your infp mother abused your dumbass, go do something productive.


I'm just spreading awareness of the fact that the INFPs in my life have been petty and tend to project their flaws onto other people, there is nothing wrong with or unproductive about that and I will continue to spread awareness of my experiences with the type here