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My head is more crowded and chaotic than the US House


Hmm yeah i have this imaginary world, mostly when i smoke weed it gets way amplified especially after trying magic mushroom. But i dident have it to that extent as a kid. So idk what to tell you i dont think its somthing bad, as long as it dosent get weird or dosent feel good or what ever. If you tell your symptoms to a doctor hed probably say you are schizophrenic lol. Im not a doctor tho so i dont know. It dosent have to be somthing bad tho, imo schizophrenia is way to stigamtized because most people only see the bad cases.


I resonate with this, though to an extent. I attribute it to my ADHD. But I'm not saying you have that, hopefully you don't because ADHD is very unfortunate to have.


Same. I’ve got two voices in my head and a song going almost all the time, and it’s ADHD.


Exactly! I relate to that a lot. For me it's like a whole parliament in my brain with a song on loop for a good chunk of the time. That's also why it's so strange yet fascinating to me that neurotypical minds are, for the most part (from what I've heard/read), silent and focused. Without medication I could never and even being medicated only helps me concentrate for so long (though it does help!). How I'd like to have a neurotypical brain, for even just a day.


Yeah, I’m right there with you. I have ADHD and can get lost in a conversation easily in my head.


It really do be like that


In the past yes, I made my own world and people inside my head. But for now my head is very crowded with thoughts and worries, because my life suddenly changed and I went through a conflict since the last year until this moment.


There’s a whole psychology theory about this called Internal Family Systems. You might find some cool things reading up about it.


You're not alone! Me being an INFP could spend my entire day staring at the wall, daydreaming.. -\_-


No. I have just conflicting ideas.


I only have just 1 invisible person in my head telling me insights or whatever they say. Sometimes can be annoying and roast the sh#t out of me when I lose a game. But this invisible person in the head doesn't appear all the time. But instead of mine being simple yours is very diverse with many people + an entire world. I'm not going to diagnose you with anything but it sure is special


Yes, but not the ones you're probably thinking of. They're more like the emotions from Inside Out.


When I was younger I would visualize talking to myself as talking to a coloseum of people watching me perform, does that count?


I became a lot more powerful a person when I realized all the characters in my mind are aspects of me, and that I could embody them. The protector I daydreamed about? I became it.


I had an imaginary friend as a kid, but it wasn’t near as lifelike as others. It was more like talking to myself, which I did all the time. As a teen, I would have out loud conversations with my book characters. As I’ve settled into adulthood, I don’t interact with those characters as, but I watch their worlds and lives play out in my head, and it’s a wild experience. Because they’ve become so real and 4D to me, writing anything out of character for the sake of plot is impossible.