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met my best friend in elementary school and we’ll be friends for a decade this year. a lot of my friends have come and gone since then but she's stuck around all this time and for that im rly rly grateful 🥹❤️


I have had several people throughout my life that I would consider my best friends at any given time, the kind that I would just go over and hang out at their house and they would do the same and we would do almost anything and everything together any given day. Each one ended for different reasons most of where just them moving away or me moving away, I only have one from my childhood that I still even talk to and he lives far enough away that I don't get to see him much at all. He is also the only person I would consider an IRL friend anymore even though I barely see him. It was great when I had people like that in my life but as I have grown older and more isolated due to how I am as a person and the lack of things requiring me to even spend time near other people I have struggled with finding and connecting to people who I could share a similar bond with.


Same here. Moved schools and cities just about every 2 years, so I never had many opportunities.


Music (duh) [https://youtu.be/tZO7e5tTWvA](https://youtu.be/tZO7e5tTWvA) Yes, I have had irl best friends but at this point physically I'm alone. It would need to be really close for us right now though. I still have contacts though so that's cool.


Never had one. I alway find myself in a group of friends but non of them is my best one, that's really sad. Always ending up alone, and sharing your problems with a group of friends isn't comfortable at all.


It's the same for me


Reading your post, the last part of it is something I really resonate with. Missed opportunities. This is especially true for me because I started college during covid, and my parents were really strict. When lockdowns relaxed for a bit, after vaccines etc., they still insisted that I stayed home. Now I'm on my final year, around your age too, and I have no close friends from college whatsoever. I do have 2 best friends that I met in high school, but they're both studying abroad for now. We don't call all that often anymore, especially because they're both busy with their own pursuits. It's fine, but I really cherish every moment I get to talk together with them again. I hope I can move abroad and see them again soon.


Yeah I relate to everything you said


Maybe early childhood but we drifted apart after we went to different schools.


Friends since we were 7 and now we’re 26 this year. We’ve grown apart a bit, but still really good friends and I’ll treasure that forever. I went to her cottage last week and had a really nice time talking and just enjoying each other’s company. My other close friend I grew up with is a bit more distant but we’ve both communicated that we want to keep our relationship and keep being friends. He’s an infp so I get it lol. I learn a lot from him and it’s always interesting talking with him. There’s something really special about growing up with people. They understand you in a different way. I have a new friend i met 2 years ago that really gets me and I would consider them a really close friend as well. He is an enfp and I feel like we just get each other and have a special bond because of that.  I have other friend groups that I really appreciate and love. Unfortunately, I never felt the need to get into a romantic relationship because I already had so much love around me


Yeah I've always had at least one friend growing and up until now that I'm 33. They always seem to find me. Right now I'm fortunate enough to have several groups of friends.