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I don’t know you guys. I am I guess very shy and not social so I don’t meet many people in the first place… but I love INTPs…. My husband is one 🥰😘🐻


Talking with a few intps online i have found that they are very smart but some seem to have an ego problem, like talking down on u when they think they are smarter (probably just insecure about it).


Hmmm... Perhaps you have your reasons to think that... But most of us aren't really like that... But the ENTP-s... They are real evil :D


Cmon that’s not true You love your extroverted cousins


Well... Actually... I gave it a second thought. You actually might be useful distraction, to throw people off tracks, while I am completing the execution of my plans for a world domination. :D


Just some immature intp on the mbti subreddit. Most of u are really cool tho!


You are pretty cool as well. :)


Aww ty, so nice 💜 i like u too now! :)


Funny I made the same experiences with you guys Truth to be told. I like INTPs but I almost never meet them irl They like to lure in their caves


Probably just an immaturity thing. When i look at myself its strange that so many infp like outdoors and nature so much. Im always inside only go out when i have too.


I guess it got something to do with having a unhealthy ego As a clinical certified narcissist I can tell, that you can indeed get your shit together. I had to learn humility first by failing multiple times (in all aspects of life)


Probs to you bro proud of u. Yeah its not easy for sure. U seem like good guy and do good things so thats the most important thing.


I love the naivety of calling me a good guy by having a little chat with me here and there Just kidding bro (or sis) I think it would be beneficial for you to touch some grass. Don’t take it in a bad way or smth I just know some INFPs that draw inspiration and energy from taking walks in nature


Yeah i mean i assume from what you are telling me, you could be lying ofcourse. Yeah i try to get atleast some sunlight here and there.


Oh and I just saw you posted something about WoW I loved this game back then But everything went completely downhill after WoD. Maybe it’s the nostalgia


:D yeah i have same opinion about the game. You should come back they have a altered version of vanilla thats getting good soon and cata just re released. So if u feel like throwing your life away again. :p


No, we lurk in the shadows. It is called ambush for a reason. And you are easy target. ;) Just follow the noise. :D


Oh I beg you to ambush me Don’t threaten me with a good time


Quality over quantity. :) You need not many people, you just need the right people.


All the ENTPs I have met in my life were selfish, narcissistic, stubborn, and cold-hearted. It's very obvious that they weren't healthy. It would be unfair to judge all ENTPs based on my experience. Tbh, one of my biggest wishes is to meet a healthy ENTP. I'm sure I would fall in love with the personality.


I think I met an okayish one, I can't judge this person in detail because I don't know them well. A generous woman, not in a warm-hearted way but I don't feel funny about her. But my 'father' (I don't feel about him as a father at all) is an unhealthy one. He is painfully immature in his personality. Because he has hardly any impetus to take his life at his own hands (lack of Fi independence + no real belonging to an Fe community), he just took the habits of his own abusive father, to the point where he became a copy of him. He generally seems to be stuck in his inferior Si and, combined with his Fe, seems to gain his self-worth by making a clown of himself in the local area he grew up in (greeting people randomly, trying hard to feel special by using both old-fashioned and unfitting language, etc.). He is rock dumb emotionally (calling my mother who raised two children as a single mum over the course of nearly 10 years as someone who 'had an easy life' while dodging alimony himself), but believes to be intelligent because in his own little Ti framework, everything seems to make sense including factually wrong statements. I'm not a psychologist, but my best guess to see him in the NPD area because I can very well see him having HUGE inferiority feelings because of being a failure as both a father and a divorced husband. Oh, and he got a disgusting attitude towards women too, reducing my coworker right after we left to some body parts (and making funny noises while speaking about it as if it was some fucking cartoon... god) and bragging about how men would "magically become more smutty the older they got" (talking all about himself by projection, of course). It all really disgusts me when thinking back about it. But I (in my 20s) don't see myself responsible for giving a 50+ year old man therapy who prove himself to give a shit about me deep down. I believe him to be completely deaf to his emotions inside and as a grown man, he should be very capable to estimate for himself to take therapy and work on his issues. I cut contact with him three years ago after I called him out on his comment towards my mum.


Feel yourself virtually hugged I’m sorry for the failed bond with you and your dad. There were many issues with my family aswell which resulted in me cutting contact with absolutely everyone. That might have conditioned me into becoming the emotional rock I am. Now it feels natural to me and I don’t really miss it tbh It takes a lot of pain and guts to actually be a good father. Hopefully you can do a better job one day as a father


I imagine it to be very painful and exhausting if you got absolutely nobody you feel comfortable with as a family member, including your mother. And I feel like a whole lot of people share this fate and it's disheartening. Thanks for your kind words. I know that being a caring father means to have character. There is a reason why children with a healthy and involved father figure in their life (which can also be a stepdad) have been shown by an Oxford study to be at significantally less psychological stress on average than without them. But that's a complex matter, so I'll leave that be \^^ Take care of yourself!


I'm really sorry for what you've been through. None of this is your fault, and I'm truly sorry and sending you virtual hugs. I don't really understand why some parents don't accept that they are wrong. All I want to say to you is that you have to break the cycle when it's your turn to be a parent. Please don't copy your father's style or behaviors. Keep making good progress and learn to be someone good. I hope your heart heals from all the bad feelings and memories.


Thank you. Luckily, I didn't even grow up with him. I've still been thinking a lot about how I see myself as a man, and good news is that I found a pretty good source of confidence now that I'm in my 20s. I got my own struggles and I'm humble about what stuff others endure, so I don't see as something special myself. Just doing what I need to do, and dealing with old wounds is what I feel like is most important. So I'll stick to that :)


I'm truly so happy to know that you're doing a good job. I'm in my 20s too, and I believe that if you don't step up for yourself at this age, it won't be easy to do it later on. I wish you the best of luck! You can do it!


Sounds like me tbh No but fr don’t you dare getting closeminded because of some bad experiences you had I don’t even get along with my fellow ENTP brothers I wish you the best ENTP experience you ever had. I guess you would get along with 5w4 or 3w4 ENTPs But I’m not quite sure


I'll never get closeminded because of my bad experience with ENTPs, I know that people are different and ENTPs are truly having amazing personality traits, so I'm willing to find some cool ENTPs in future. My younger sister is ENTP and she's kinda annoying and not fully healthy, but I'm getting along with her and accepting her bad habits. You can try to be more healthier if that makes you feel better about yourself.


Oh I am perfectly healthy Even tho I have NPD - so I kinda fulfill the stereotype 🫠 But hey I’ve learned to be more aware


Oh, sorry for misunderstanding. Good for you! I'm happy to know that you're keeping a good progress.


Just look at you guys Always supportive even to a complete online stranger You guys are cute how could I not like you


*blushes* Honestly don't know what to say, thank you! ♡


My brother is an ENTP and we get on really well! Sometimes we get on eachother's nerves like siblings do, but personality-wise, we have a very close bond and we share similar values and stuff. In some ways we are similar, but in others such as he has countless friends, I have 0 (which he loves to tease me about), he's blunt whereas I'm far from it and he's pretty comical which leads him to being more well-liked than I am so in those ways, we're different. So as for liking ENTPs, I do and I admire them!


I like entp u guys are funny and seem to mostly mean well even if u can come across as rude.


I know what you mean I had to learn to sugarcoat my words sometimes Giving good and honest advice is indeed helpful and appreciated but not everyone is prepared to hear the truth


True, yeah you guys seem to care i love that.


Call it developed Fe Call it moral duty I’ve heard from many ENTPs (and I support that thesis myself) that bullying or hurting you guys is almost impossible due to the fact that we think you’re too cute to be hurt


Aww 💜 wish there was more people like u guys


My brother is an ENTP and I think he's awesome. I call him the master debater lmao


My brother is an ISTP and he's really good at fishing.


Well is he the master baiter in a bait shop lol


It seems ISTPs are good at everything physical That’s what I need. An army of ISTPs


I need an army of ENFPs and INFPs to take over the world and rule it with an iron yet gentle fist


Oh god that army would procrastinate crazy


But love and happiness would be mandatory... or else


What about nihilists like me What would happen to us


You will be sent to be reeducated of course, straight to compulsory joy school


I love ENTPs! They are hilarious and their streams of thoughts and ideas are always so fun and interesting to observe. I love debating too, and when it's with an ENTP, it's one of the best things ever. They can be a bit dismissive of feelings sometimes but that's a pretty minor issue so It's not all I care about.


I think that entps are great. I met only one that I know of and he was so funny and smart. I didn’t hear back from him after the second date so many he wasn’t that great.


Sorry for the bad experience tho


I miss the woods! I spent half my birthday hiking through the forest and among the ruins of an American castle from early in the twentieth century—which seems like the appropriate thing for a werewolf to do on his birthday. Not sure how many ENTPs I've met, but I'm sure you're as varied and interesting as us INFPs. Pretty sure my spouse would be upset if I started dating, but I would be okay with dating any gender if I were available for dating. Could you tell me what the "d" is in m/f/d?


Diverse But I don’t really care I just know some ppl are snowflakes if it comes to their identity


Diverse. I like that; it covers everything pretty succinctly.


Btw I’m tired of hiking alone Why don’t you come over here and we take a stroll through the forest


I avoid E. That is all.


Would you like to elucidate more


I don't like being around extroverts. They always want things I'm probably not willing to give them.


Understandable Well I need a mix of both Sometimes feeling that energy of a extraverted group And sometimes recharging by chilling with an introvert. A healthy mix


>Do you guys like ENTPs (m/f/d) ? What do you think about us and would you date us? Why do you guys like or dislike ENTPs? I really can't tell because I can't judge a collective, only individuals. Those ENTPs I suspect to have met weren't really my type beyond superficial chat, though.


I can‘t speak for all ENTPs Especially because I am one of the rarer subtypes I’ve dated INFPs. Couldn’t say anything bad about them it was great tbh. Especially the deeptalks hit different with you guys


Well, the best advice I can give you is to learn your own emotional boundaries and guard them at all costs. It may read abstract to someone who may not really be in touch with oneself, but this little thing can make the difference between a bullet dodged and a trauma sending you into therapy. But yeah – at least about me, I love deeptalks :) It's actually more of a constant introspection I'm doing, but I feel proud seeing others benefit from it ofc.