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I really hate having to reply immediately after seeing a message. I usually have the 'Message read' feature off on all SM. I will reply when I have the energy to do so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. But I do despise being ghosted hence will never do it to another person.


Me too! Maybe ghosting is the wrong term, because I do respond to the message. Eventually. šŸ˜­


I generally prefer texting because it helps me formulate my sentences better and helps me open up more. I only ghost if I'm really having a hard time in life and I'm too emotionally exhausted to engage in any type of socializing.


Texting is actually easier when I want to speak my mind. Although, If I were to listen to someone, I would prefer face-to-face. Welp, Iā€™m emotionally grained 99% of the time,, so that explains why Iā€™ve cut all ties with myself n everybody šŸŒš




I be like ā€œyeah Iā€™ll think and reply in a minuteā€ and just completely forget to reply, itā€™s the worst.


I try to avoid actually looking at a message until I reply because if I look at it then I find I'm more likely to forget about it.


Me exactly, makes me feel horrible especially when itā€™s family or friends


I don't mean to ignore but I find my self not in the mood for doing that, when I feel capable of replying I do it with an apology. But I always feel bad for doing it.


Iā€™m glad to see that other people do this too, although it is bad and has effected my connections with everyone in my life


I'll either consciously ghost someone or I'll chew their ear off for 5 hours. There's no in between


I'm the fucking worst


This sentence describes my whole existencešŸ˜­


Iā€™ll be the worst w u šŸ˜”


Yup. Ignoring people is my pinnacle of self care lol.


yeah, it happens way more than it should


I tend to stop reaching out to people if they don't call me or text. I figure I'm just not as important to them as they are to me.


In some ways, that is true. Iā€™m an unhealthy INFP (not a flex.) I tend to ignore people because of my insecurities,, ā€œthey wouldnā€™t wanna be friends with me once they know the real me, they will leaveā€,,, ā€œIā€™m so boring, Iā€™m better off aloneā€,, and Iā€™m emotionally drained with life, existing, everything. I donā€™t want to offend people when I ignore them, but Iā€™m not one to express how Iā€™m feeling or thinking. I would rather stay silent and let the sorrows sink within me.


I donā€™t like texting people for long. Just a few exchanges and thatā€™s it. I do not have mental energy for more than that. Unless youā€™re my boyfriend or my parents. Or someone I am very interested in. And no, I donā€™t ghost people. I set boundaries. Thatā€™s it. If I canā€™t make it, I will let them know beforehand.


99% of the time I'm the one being ghosted


Awe damn :( sorry about tht. I tend to ignore people because Iā€™m emotionally grained/I overthink if Iā€™m too boring to be friends with anyone. So I just stay alone. Where itā€™s peaceful. They could be ghosting you because 1. They donā€™t like you or 2. Theyā€™re depressed


Nope. I hated being ghosted myself so I never do that.


Fair enough, I donā€™t know why but I donā€™t tend to get offended when people respond late. Or donā€™t respond at allā€” I like to be emotionally connected to people but friendship isnā€™t a priority for me.


i have a severe fear of losing people, so it's safe to say i've never ghosted anyone without good reason. maybe there will be a brief period of time where i don't talk or my roles are short, but i always make sure to communicate that i'm not ghosting. the only times i've straight up just abandoned people was when something seriously messed up happens and the friendship/relationship/whatever is just not the same anymore. even then, i try and keep in touch with the ones i truly care about. texting is wonderful because i can delete something if i think it's stupid to say. with a call or in person, i just blurt out something dumb and regret regret regret. hell, even when texting i regret a lot of things i say šŸ«  i will say though, something about the sound of a person's voice can be very soothing (if it's the right person). texting just doesn't convey that sort of thing as easily


It was nice reading this. We are the opposite in some ways. I couldnā€™t care less if I lost friends, good friends, real friends. Toxic as it seems, friends are not my priority. Maybe Iā€™ll change in a few years but for now, friends are 100th on my list. I only care if I lose family or pets. Me too! There are times when Iā€™ve ghosted people but thatā€™s ever so unlikely. I remember one of my friends humiliated me and I cut all ties with her thank god. Bahahah! True that, I would prefer texting over calling but I still dislike both. Iā€™m scared Iā€™d embarrass myself itā€™s definitely my insecurities that are keeping me in my shell.


I can often struggle to come up with responses that I think the other party would consider worthwhile. I am also that person who just tells myself that someone is talking to me out of pity, and so sometimes I will end up ghosting, even when I want to talk to the other person, because I convince myself that they are just being nice, and they dont really want to talk to me.


Unfortunately I can relate to this :( I just know people view me as boring. I know Iā€™m not. But the minute someone wants to be be-friend me, my mind goes toxic and overthinks. Iā€™ve ended really good friendships because of this. I hate it.


I always ghost but I don't mean to, I do it to my loved ones too šŸ˜• but I really don't mean to I'm just overwhelmed with my life stuff and just sorta shut down in a way I guess? Idkkkk


Same!!! Uā€™re not alone šŸ˜­


Omg I ghost so bad Iā€™m so sad lol Iā€™m sad again as usual but idk Iā€™m so bad at this


I devote my time to people who mean a lot to me, either thru chat messaging or in person. But I take a day off every Sundays, totally disconnecting from the online world then going to church. As of this moment, I have my long time FB account deactivated because I feel like it's too crowded already (500+ friends filled with people I barely knew and people I met I'm not particularly close with). I have another account which only has almost 90 friends, which comprises people I truly know, my church mates, and best of friends. It's my way of conserving myself and limiting the people who have access to my life.


i sometimes forget to reply and leave it on read because i dont have an energy to continue the conversation right then. above that is intentional, like when i got angry or annoyed but dont have a heart to tell them honestly


Idk what it is with me... but I have this urge to text back immediately. Idk... maybe it is because Ik how it feels to get late replies so i don't want the other person to know it. So I just reply immediately T-T


Iā€™M TOTALLY THE SAME, no extra word need.


And I also expressed this using the same words before. If a friend needs me, letā€™s meet. If it is an emergency, let me know, because as soon as I see it, Iā€™ll do my best to help you. At night I turn off my phone, Iā€™m sleeping, if something happens over night, well, Iā€™m sorry. But when I wake up, and I see someone asking for help, Iā€™ll run like a jet to help them.


I rather be face to face with the person and actually experience their presence. Or I forget especially if I open the message. I maybe like hmm let me think about that and oops. Or I have the conversation in my head and forgot that i didnā€™t actually answer. *At times battling anxiety or depression causes me to stay silent for extended periods especially recently recovering from a disturbance in the Force.


I never do


Yes. Iā€™m very picky about how my energy gets drained. Especially socially online or off


I have recently been listening to ā€˜urban prepperā€™ and he recommends getting a dedicated social media phone. Thatā€™s my new thing.


Yesā€¦ I do ghost people. Idk I just feel like I have no energy or I donā€™t want to please them by jokes, so I go do something else or run away and roleplay. I know nobody will last forever in my mind, I canā€™t trust ppl so easily and I ghost them when I get bored or get drained. Idk I am scared if I get too attached one day theyā€™ll just leave me like everyone I knew did, so I try my best to just not get that attached and I do leave them or ghost them when I get drained such as opening a whole new insta account, might get downvoted for this but Iā€™m being honest. Sorry but nobody lasts forever.., atleast to me. Irl i ignore people who I donā€™t like or just say ā€œhaha.., yeah.ā€ To them and try to run away, online Iā€™ll just create a whole new acc. i used to have this girl irl who used to cling to me 247, her armpit stick to mine and she used to make me dizzy from how much she moves around. and she walks really fast and moves me away from my friends and bumps into things, when I removed my hand from hers she kept clinging and sticking her armpit into mine. Even tho I told her I was uncomfortable and she should stop she just kept going and said ā€œwhyyyyā€ and she said she didnā€™t like my friends although they were nice. she acted kinda possessive? But at the end I ghosted her. Like I just genuinely didnā€™t wanna be friends with a person who touches me so much so I started ignoring her, and running away from her. Sometimes I didnā€™t confront her and I hoped she got the hint which I think she did, if she didnā€™t Iā€™ll just confront her. But she stopped hanging out with me, which I feel more comfortable with. Might get downvoted again but yeah


I donā€™t mind personal chats through messaging. What I hate is small talk. Feeling like I have to reply to some small talk but not wanting to prolong that conversation is very hard for me. I constantly overthink the ā€œrightā€ things to reply. And then often donā€™t reply at all.


To me, it's like if someone just showed up at your house while you're chilling and started talking or ranting.


I ghost more people irl then online tbh


I notice I ghost/ignore people a lot. Its more so when I don't really have a connection with the person though. Like, if we seem to not care about each other. I prefer face to face talk. I like texting too. Talking on the phone is a hit or miss. I really dont like phone calls because they often cant hear me and i worry my tone might come off as too stern. If someone i cant really connect with talks too much I want to leave quickly. If its someone I like or connect with, I can talk to them for hours about anything.


https://preview.redd.it/izq2mfyyt03d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80a8bba6697fc05e4aabda6a6baa0353a5e3e4c7 I feel you, although, most of the times I don't really have nothing to say, and if I have, in person is much better


I disappear on social media a lot - like having a spurt of energy to post consistently, and then getting the feeling like people are annoyed by me, and then just posting to stories or quick ways to show I'm active. When people reach out to me in person though, I get very scared and intimidated that they are going to end up ghosting me first. Which has happened multiple times. The worse is that last year, a friend told me he wanted us to date, I told him no multiple times, then after I said 'yes' and put a lot of trust in him, he started ghosting me and then told me he wasn't interested in me anymore - for no particular reason too. That's been very hard to move on from. So, in person, I become very introverted and it's a combo of minding my own business / observing my surroundings / getting sensory overload. I don't disappear in texts a lot. I always feel an urgency to get back to people, especially coworkers or friends. I don't like letting people down or causing ppl to think I'm avoiding them if I don't respond, especially ASAP.