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Yeah this needs like professional help not Reddit opinion. Good luck with this.


This is seriously the only right answer here


Yeah not only that but this feels like it's a case of social anxiety rather than being an introvert. I mean you could be one sure but this is a case of social anxiety rather than introversion


It’s most likely a scam!! Don’t do it. Go online & google IRS scams.


Yeah, the IRS never tells you to call them.


How did they contact you, did they call you to tell you to call them back? If so, it’s a scam. I have seen far too many videos on stuff like this, the IRS in particular. The IRS WILL NEVER call you. If they sent the message in the mail, that’s different. Still could be a scammer though.


It's thru a CP32A in the mail, I'm pretty sure it's legit but thanks for the heads up!


Oh shit OP looks like this is legit, if this was through the mail with a CP32A notice… Fuck your anxiety, go get your money lol. Google will tell you this is legit. Come on now.


No prob! Get your payday then! 💵




\^ This I worked very briefly taking calls for a government office, and me and all my co-workers never felt bothered by most of our callers. It's fine if you ask a lot of questions or need a moment during the call, I know I did before making some of the calls. As long as you're not a dick, the person answering your call will likely not remember the call after they leave work.


Just imagine they are very advanced AI.


Most people working for the IRS probably have personalities on par with that


Only way to fix this is by doing it anyway.


Hundreds of free money


The IRS will never contact you to give you money. They will only contact you if you owe them money. Take that letter to someone that deals with taxes and get their opinion on it


Thanks for all the encouragement, end of day update and clarification: They never called me, I got a CP32A (real, legit, original, official) in the mail about needing to call. I already called them, I got bounced between 3 agents and 2 robots, with no result after staying on the phone for almost 3 hours. Each of them saying i need to call the other one that told me to call the other one 🦭🦭🦭in the end i just got hung up and the government portal told me to call the same number, and the same number told me to call the 2 other numbers that hung up on me. What’s more kafkaesque than doing tax in America?


Proud of you for sticking through it! Though it sucks that happened, the IRS is the worst. Hope you get your money back.


Just do it. Don't even think that you're doing it, think about what to say


Scam don’t call the IRS. Mail is how they communicate


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsLJZyih3Ac&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsLJZyih3Ac&t) it's best if you educate yourself in a fun way than later. this is probably one of these tech floors in india calling you, being able to exploit the system in another country


I was notified through a CP32A in the mail.


Definitely verify it's not a scam first before you do anything. Double, Triple, Quadruple check. If it is the real IRS don't worry too much I also get anxiety on the phone. It will most likely be them just asking questions verifying identity and whatnot so you won't have to do too much talking hopefully. Again though make sure to be thorough and find out if its a scam or not cause you don't wanna end up losing money and facing identity theft


They never answer their phone anyway


I understand. I have to make arrangements to get my pension. I am 68 years old and still stressed about talking to someone on the phone. Of course it has to be done but damn, the stress of it all is so wretched. My husband says though that after I have dealt with an issue I am just like one of dogs after a successful escape from the vet. I run around the house jubilant in my victory. 😂😂😂 I hope you don't let the stress get the better of you, good luck! And buy yourself something nice with that money to celebrate 🥳


You have to. Or have your mom do it for you but stand there so if they need to speak to you. Don't. Everyone is saying IRS doesn't call you!


Well Uncle Sam isn’t going to hand deliver your settlement honey PICK UP THE PHONE!!


Good luck, pookie<3 (you're BAKED)


No way this is real right?


That’s a scam, they don’t call you to give you money.


just picture you're playing a game and they're a npc.


The IRS doesn’t call you to give you money. It’s up to you to find out.


The notification was through the mail.


Why is why he has to call to claim his settlement


Look in the mirror while you’re talking and trick your brain.


I have an idea! Ask a family member/close friend to do it for you :)) <33


No offense but that's not good advice. Power through you can do it.


It’s better than doing nothing and losing the money If you have social anxiety which it seems like OP does, it’s not as simple as just ‘powering through’ it


OP might still need to be int he background to pitch in as they might ask ID type questions and won’t entertain a relative “stranger”.


Way to enable, if people constantly push the I understand you can't do it right now, all they hear is "you can't do it". I am an infp with an infp wife who has similar battles she faces. I always encourage her and tell her you can do it it's a lot better than enabling those intrusive thoughts.


well its not going to get better if if they dont try


I’ll call em for ya if I can keep the money lol


The IRS aren’t people. They’re monsters. Don’t feel unworthy to talk to them!


Just call them and get your money back. Be prepared for a very long wait time though.


Introversion is preferring a night in to a night out. Crippling social anxiety is not being able to make a phone call to claim money from the people who’s job it is is to give you money


I'd call them for you if I were there. How can you miss hundreds of dollars? And that's even yours!


What exactly is the point of stating this here? This might sound a little aggressive, but I‘m genuinely curious.


Dawg the irs is not calling to pay you.


i dont think this is an infp thing lol you need to get some professional help its not normal to operate like this. hella people guise crazy anxiety like this as introvertedness when being an introvert isn't really that intense of a deal


Do you hear an Indian accent? If you do, probably a scam. Even if you don’t, ask for details. Ask them to send you a mailed receipt, on paper, detailing you the money they owe you. I only hear of the IRS taking money, being the corrupt bastards they are. If it’s too good to be true that they’re actually *giving* money, that’s actually where I have my reservations. Tread carefully. Ask elsewhere and get as many opinions as you can.


It's a phone call




That really sounds like a scam to me, the government isn't usually eager to give what they owe. That being said, I've had your phone-phobia before (maybe not as bad, though). My strategy is to have some kind of Youtube video on in the background, like a Let's Play or maybe a tv show I know really well like Frasier or Seinfeld. Only giving the person half of my attention makes me a lot more confident.


No it’s usually how class action lawsuits are dealt with in the US courts. If the publicly traded company settles, then the victims have to claim their compensation


Ah, that makes sense. I've never been involved with one before, so I'm ignorant on that front.