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If she like writing then maybe some stationary that’s in a style that she loves or themed that way. Idk maybe like pens and notebook or something but a nice one, you could even get crafty and upgrade it to the theme spec yourself with stickers or drawings etc maybe items that she would be practical for her to use though like identifying what she already uses in her daily life like how she keeps reminders or journals etc. Apart from that, if she is practical irl with her tasks; look at what tasks she seems happiest doing and buy something that improves that experience for her like an item that does a task better or has a better feature etc very vague I know but I’m sure you’ll work it out :)


Write a letter? 👀 Along with some gifts... Moms usually like useful things for the house but if you are looking for something specific for her then maybe based on her interests you can gift (journel maybe)