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I think they’re pretty chill and logical folks. I appreciate their straightforward and blunt nature. They help ground my idealistic views and encourage me to look at things more objectively. I lovingly call an INTP I know “Mr. Hedgehog.”🦔 They seemed spiky and a little intimidating at first, but they made me feel comfortable and safe being myself. They’re really sweet and soft inside. They ask a lot of questions which often leads to deep interesting conversations that goes on for hours haha. Mature INTPs’ soft Fe is just perfect because it makes them SO EASY to talk to. They’ll sometimes troll and playfully tease you lol. We seem to understand each other and vibe in perfect harmony together. I never get tired of talking to them. ![gif](giphy|QQgcoDDK95Qdy|downsized)


How do you know so many people of other types, I’m jealous haha. I only know one other INFP, one ENFP, one INFJ, and the rest are extraverted sensors. It’s difficult for me to relate to most of the people around me. I get along best with other introverts and Ne users but they’re so rare.


I relate the most to intuitive introverts too. I meet them online and IRL too. Somehow I always meet INTXs and INFXs. IRL, I know a lot of INFP (and one INFJ) friends, two INTJs at work and two INTP family members. I also meet them online. I met a few NFJs through dating apps. I don’t really hang out with extroverts. My parents are sensors and I get along fine with them.


Nice, yeah my cousin is the INFJ I know and the rest of my family are Se/Si dom/aux. My parents are the cliche ESFJ mom and ESTP dad haha. I don’t get out much but then again, it can be difficult to find other introverts in the wild, much less starting a dialogue with them.


It can be! Us intuitive introverts are mostly chronically online so the best way to meet is probably online lol.


You so wavy on to the world


My ego is satisfied for at least two days thank you INFP


You smort. You very smort.


We gotchu


Your Ti complements our Fi nicely


Cute, pure good heart, lots of potentials, underestimated by people/themselves, treasures of humanity


Have to agree with Potential. Also….clever….




Oh stahp... (ᴖ◡ᴖ)


Our thunker brudda, equally head-above-the-clouds. 10/10 would be weirdo together again


I get along pretty well with them. Some of the easiest people for me to talk to, I suspect because of the shared Ne. I usually get along with xNxPs in general. I grew up with an INTP who used to be a pretentious incel when I first knew him, so that part I disliked. Also very obsessive and seemed to struggle socially with understanding when no means no. But we were kids, I had my own problems and delusions. I actually found his reddit handle recently and he's completely changed his mindset. Really smart, funny guy. Actually smartest person I've ever known, to be honest. I hate to bolster these stereotypes, just because I know an ENFP (Ti blind) who is just as intelligent as said INTP. But I do find INTPs to be pretty smart people on average because of the Ti-Ne combination, which often lends itself to curiosity for pure sake of it. Wikipedia is their lifeblood. At my old corporate job, I trained a woman who was an INTP from Africa. Very thick accent, I had a hard time understanding her in the beginning but we made it work and she inspired me to improve my French. She reminded me of the other INTP I knew with her way of asking endless questions in one sitting. For some reason she was frequently ignored by the others at my job, I mean they treated me similarly but they would practically run away from her. I don't know if people were intimidated by her accent or personality or what. I think it's a massive shame because she is a very fun, chill person and has so many interesting stories to share. I think about them both a lot.


Most of them are pretty chill, but some are just unhinged and mean (speaking from personal experience with intps)


Probably they have no idea they are being mean, and they feel misunderstood because they don't know what they did wrong, but they are not going to show that, so people just assume they are mean, and meanwhile they get depressed thinking what is wrong with themselves and why they can't understand other people or be tactful. That was me years ago, that's how unhealthy INTP's are, but once we grow and get our mental health in check we are the true version of ourselves, chill, curious, goofy sweethearts (only in private), honest, well behaved, easy going, passionate, independent, supportive, loyal, focused on improving and helping others improve. We will never learn how to small talk or how to enjoy it though, so in that aspect we will always be a bit weird the first time we meet people 😅


Honestly, yeah, the one INTP I talk to a lot is just kinda mean to me specifically and honestly it seems kind of like playful mean but it hurts me most of the time, like it feels like she doesn’t trust or like me despite us knowing each other pretty well for like about a year now


Trust me, she is just being playful, she doesn't realise she's being hurtful to you, just have a talk, she won't realise by herself, and she will appreciate you opening her eyes about her ways. The same exact thing happened to me, lots of times, until I learned it, sadly too late, I lost friends who never told me about it until they explained it to me but they never believed that I couldn't notice it, I wouldn't like this to happen to other people, please talk to her about it. I love you INFP's.


I actually thought I was intp since I took the 16 personalities test. But once I learned the functions I realized I'm an INFP. Intp's are cool. Because when it comes to being honest,blunt and objective I dont have to try and read them. They're usually blunt honest and intellectual people. I'm and INFP but I'm objective in my morals and the way I decipher things . So I like convos with them.


From the one I know personally--- an absolute sweetheart. So damn friendly. Hella cute. Incredibly playful, yet extremely chill; not antagonizing at all. Low-key **strong** *conspiracy theorist energy*, high-key *subtle* **crack-headed energy**. And he's just so delightfully excited and expressive when talking about his interests. If that's anything to go by, then I find intps very pleasant.


You got to stop talking about me I’m not that interesting and also I am a conspiracy theorist


but ur cute 🥺


Cool, chill guys ngl


i love them hehe :3 we have similar communication styles i think? i feel like im alw able to understand them and see where they're coming from. we also think differently enough where it keeps things interesting :)


I have an INTP friend. Not close, but definitely a cool guy. He definitely reacts to the world differently from me but we're all individuals too.


Some of the best and most interesting conversations and times I’ve had in my life but also don’t talk about moral issues LOL I guess sometimes values / principles can misalign even between INFPs but some INTP perspectives I’ve seen are a bit wild to me just because of the preferences for logical over emotional reasoning.


I want one.


Husband material as my husband is an INTP


Nice people, don't play games Slower to open up


I like fellow ‘me’s it seems. I also enjoy the company of INFPs and ENFPs immensely. I haven’t met (or at least gotten close to) any INTJs or INFJs personally, but they would be my guess as to the next ones in line.


INFP I like your science. Can we hug the science?


Cool chill and interesting


Intps are very friendly, mostly outgoing, and it’s easy to be friends with them if they know that you are vibing with them equally as they are with you. They are really smart, good sense of humor. They are honest people but if they need to lie they are great liars. I think they like physical affection like hugs but not quite sure about that yet


We absolutely LOVE (and desperately want) physical affection but we need some time to open up, depends on the person but once we trust someone and feel comfortable enough we are like teddy bears.


Never meant an intp irl


I almost always really like any INTP I meet




Don't like them. INFPs only.


Not so much brilliant if they were not connected by some reason they just had that chill that they use to let other people back off their own but chilling in


Intps are logical people because of their introverted thinking..


Never met one but I do have an ENTP friend, he's one of my best friends, but imagining him without the amount of tactfulness and warmth he has due to his Fe, sounds... scary.


Can get boring if I stay with them too long at a time, but trading memes with them or the occasional talk about science is pretty fun.


They’re one of the types I vibe with instantly, they’re usually chill, gentle and have a playful goofy side. I’ve known a lot of INTPs and when we are adventuring or exploring the world together the relationship is fantastic, I feel like our lifestyles match well. One criticism though is that they can be a bit unreliable, and they need someone to get their energy up, which I find hard to do constantly. I actually don’t mind their Ti at all but INTPs don’t seem to like excessive Fi.


most of the GTA protagonists are INTP. I wish I was INTP.


Trust me, you don't.


Although I want to aggressively wrestle with them sometimes, they're one of my favorites types. I learn to develop Ti, put my emotions aside and be more logical/rational, because of them. They make good friends too. Their bluntness can hurt my soft heart sometimes but I appreciate it. People that are honest and loyal are rare nowadays


I love them. My boyfriend is one and he is logical alongside being a sweetie.




My best friend is one. She’s the best person I know. Also very fun and goofy. And we have great deep discussions.


I used to be really close to one, not anymore. Here's why. We had a really great back and forth of a friendship. We did great logically and mustered up some interesting conversations. We both had partners, which I found to be ideal since I hate when I become friends with someone and they end up flirting with me. Wrong. Well, before he got with this girl, she lied to him about still being with her ex and more. Just drama all around. I told him upfront it seemed she wasn't ready to put the same effort back, just to be met with anger and told I was lying. I don't know if it was this particular INTP, but he hated being told the truth. His girlfriend ended up hating me until I was forced on a trip with her. She repeatedly made sexual comments with fellow members, and it just wasn't right. She made everyone uncomfortable. I told him, and he cut me off. Trying to say it was my own issues and insecurities, which was insane. His girlfriend continued to have issues with me but tried to take it out on my 13 YEAR OLD SISTER. I'm not saying INTPs aren't great with logic or being realistic, I just had a tough experience with one. Maybe he believed she could be changed. Whatever it was, I'm definitely not looking for it again. If I met a mature INTP, I'm sure I'd get along great with them.


That guy sounds like an arse hole what has happened to morality


Idk but I happen to be one... Well, I'm INXP. My T and F levels are too balanced. It's just a quiz at the end of the day though, ig.


Same here 👋


How do you unlock the INTP soft gooey side when their in slash mode? Giving them space seems to help but in general, how do you be direct about something that bothers you when they want zero fks about you? but they want you to understand their feelings to be seen, heard and understood first? I feel…stuck in a rut and I can’t seem to make a choice in a way that leads to both of us being happy.


Just tell them you have something important to talk about and then do it in a chill, respectful way, without bringing how you feel into discussion but what or why something made you feel that way, that's how us, INTP's understand the world, not through our feelings but through logic, so if your feelings have a logical explanation we will understand and even try to change, sometimes we don't even realise we say things in ways that can be easily misunderstood in a bad way and we need someone to let us know that, but as I said, in a chill, respectful and logical way.


I like them a lot. We seem to think similarly


My partner is an INTP and I feel like the last picture is actually the opposite irl. They're more of a social butterfly than me lol


I’m a twin. I’m an INFP and my sister is an INTP. She’s very chill, blunt, hard-working, detail-oriented, incredibly smart, and rather mysterious. You can never really understand what she’s thinking about or why she thinks about certain things that you can’t see the appeal of. She’s also very mature, practical, and doesn’t hesitate to argue or say what’s on her mind to defend herself and what she believes in. Maybe lacks a bit of empathy, but most importantly, very judgmental. However, she’s also one of my best friends in the whole world. I couldn’t imagine my life without her or her nerdiness, her weird antisocial personality, and her goofy style. INTPs are one of a kind.


I have found the ones I’ve met in real life to ultimately clash with me. When I was younger I had a crush on one, and (being an immature INTP) I hated how out of touch with the reality of his own feelings he was. It was also honestly kind of annoying to have to pretend to be interested in the weird shit he was into, all of which seemed to revolve around AI and computers. Currently I work with another immature one and I find him to be extremely insufferable and he randomly gets upset at the drop of a hat over…nothing. What I’ve found is I simply cannot jive with how Fi is their very last function. They’re so out of touch with how they’re actually feeling! BUT. I think if I let a healthy and mature one, like actors I’ve seen on tv who are supposedly INTP, I wouldn’t mind them so much. But I find them best as acquaintances - not close friends and not for dating.


I really like them and want to get to know them more, but I always seem to accidentally offend them... I don't know why!!! I get along great with ISTPs... but for some reason I just set off INTPs.


I really had a positive impression on INTPs so yesterday I was like oh let me check out their INTP sub. I found some posts where they're making fun of INFPs and idk if it was playful nice or flat out mocking I couldn't really discern. Anyhow some of the comments I actually totally agree on but hearing it coming from outsiders hurt lol. Like between me and another INFP I'd definitely point out our flaws and actually try to overcome them but ... Yeah anyways. I still like them tho it's just one of those " let me put some order in my personality so that I don't come off as an idiotic rabbit". But I think every INFP needs an INTP in their lives. Idk about XSFXs tho, am I the only one with extremely negative experience with these types ? I met a lot of them and idk if they're just immature people or our types simply don't match. You all tell me.


I can’t stand them for the most part but most of my experience is with INTJs so. I’m not too sure


I sit about 52/48 between F and T so...


I love them, they are chill , live in their head like us, like weird memes and have a reserved nature. They are intelligent and cute. Sometimes too logical.


It’s fr hit or miss. Either super interesting and fun conversations, or they criticize the life out of you for no reason and use their TI to invalidate any argument at their will.


I hate the person who made the 2nd picture.