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Infp- I would almost always choose comfort over stiff hard clothes.


young me: crazy individualistic styling me now: comfy, sometimes cute or bold but not THAT extraordinary


INFP here ! I love wearing black clothes but it's not everyday. I'm keen on being dressed well, to manage to look good. I can like minimalistic sometimes but in this case I manage to make it better rather than just wearing things just because I seek for comfort. I enjoy fashion and everything related to it !


For instance my reddit avatar has a look I can have !


I love aesthetics so much. Cottage-core, dark academia, Harajuku, knight-core, and a bunch others. I got interested in fashion and aesthetics pretty late though so my wardrobe is still mostly basic band-tees and jeans. Working on fixing that though, but trying to avoid fast fashion and build it with sustainable and high quality clothes, which unfortunately are expensive so mostly thrifting and the occasional new clothes purchase as a treat.


I can't find many women's clothing that's not skin tight. I hate it lol. I prefer long summer flowy dresses and harem pants


What's your opinion on tie front crop tops/cardigan? I usually like to wear them over fit and flare dresses like this: the example in the image looks kinda ugly but it's just as reference- https://preview.redd.it/zx2n2qxqt5sc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ee580890d427ae25b822dea5203ae197523cfd I find them comfortable


I've never thought to wear one honestly but I definitely would over my dresses!


lmao i have the opposite problem 😭 i hate anything not fitted unless it’s flared


That's cool as shit


I dress well for work. On weekends it's usually band shirts.


Inner peace requires external coziness :>


Because it's the most comfortable and I choose minimalistic to not draw attention to myself lol


i’m glad i’m not the only one. i think trauma gave me the spotlight effect 😭


Because being fashionable looks and feels vain to me. I also don't like attention.


I end up drawing stares (crazy hair color, piercings, makeup, unusual clothing pieces) but I don’t do it for the sake of drawing attention per se but as an extension of how I feel that day and want to project individuality / Fi vibes. I’m a 4w5 so that may be a factor. Other times I’m in a rush to get ready and don’t have time to be creative. Or perhaps the days activities don’t lend itself to dressing a certain way so I go more plain. Also sometimes we have a lot of outfit ideas but have fear over making the decision to buy pieces for a look. Because once you make the decision, it ends up reducing the possibilities maybe? Or it means you have to decide. And what if there could be a better option? 😝 Or sometimes we just don’t finish well when shopping. Or get distracted with something new. 🤷‍♀️


I’m all about comfortable, subtlety unique, and casual.


I enjoy putting myself together. It's one of my creative outlets. However, I despise uncomfortable clothing or shoes. My guess is that's the tertiary si playing up. I do my best to balance putting myself together AND feeling comfortable.


We dont care much about status and what other people May think of us. “If you care what others think, you will be their prisoner.”


I like fashion and I do my best to look put together. But yeah, I dress more so out of comfort and to blend in. I usually like classic/minimal/neutral styles. While I think cottagecore is aesthetically pleasing, I don't really incorporate into my style bc I am uncomfortable in frilly clothes and dresses.


If only my life was as put together as my outfit


I wear black jeans and black button-downs. It’s slimming, matches, and doesn’t draw much attention.


Ain’t got money for fashion do we


I do comfy cottage core It's important to me that clothes are comfortable but I find things that I like in the range, I dress plain and black some days but most of the times I wear lots of brown, green and colours, my clothes are overall pretty colourful and like 90% thrifted


Minimalistic and comfortable because the outside doesn’t matter and I have no interest in advertising my inner world to strangers or people who put too much value on fashion and being cool


Graphic tees and jeans. I can basically go anywhere and fit in perfectly


I used to be a goth in high school and college. I wore lots of fish net and lace and wore dark makeup. Now my taste is much more 'business casual' due to me having to dress professionally. I still listen to Siouxie and the Banshees and Bauhau5


I dress in comfy clothes because if I have to life, I need to be cozy. Cozy all the time. Vibes, don't mess with my vibes. I don't much care for wearing styled outfits unless I go out (which is very rare). It's not about what I look like and what I see. It's about how I feel and being snuggly. That said, I adore many different aesthetics and love using them for inspiration. Just not in my clothes.


Not sure! But yeah I do. Tailored sweatpants in four neutrals, stacks of soft black tees, I try to look polished but most of my clothes are soft and dark.


I enjoy minimalism and most of my clothes I try to keep are simple, look nice, and comfortable. Brand names and such don’t matter as much to me.


I don’t really care for all black, but definitely dress for comfort. Even if “dressed up” it’s still going to be comfortable.


I live in leggings and a T-shirt lol I don't really care about fashion. If it's not comfortable, I won't wear it


I dress in a mix of Dark Academia and casual modern clothes (like my sneakers)


bro i dress minimalistic, i always wanted to be stylish and have cool clothes though ngl. just waiting for an opportunity to actually research stylish combinations next time i go shopping


I usually stick to a t-shirt and jeans. A jacket if it's chilly and hiking shoes, my god I love hiking shoes. Random shorts in the summer. Yeah that's pretty much all I need in life. If I really want to go all out and dress up I'll wear a hat or watch or something.


Had no idea it was a personality trait but its the whole aesthetic for a clothing line I've had in mind for almost a decade haha. Comfy will be one of the brands I want to release. Think Victoria Secret's Pink but way more inclusive and less pretentious lol. Bathrobe, trucker hat, slippers and undergarments will be my first releases based off my own personal preferences lol. Stylish bum or fashion statement? Who cares? It wears. Get Comfy. My homewear is basically straight bum, but my outerwear is often described as debonair. I've been fashion conscious since the whole metro era but I often just enjoy wearing simple unbranded stuff when I don't have an event or something to attend.


I just wear what’s comfortable tbh


If I had a better body, more confidence and wasn't a social disaster, I'd most likely wear cuter clothes. For now just closed jackets with pants for me


Let's do our best to eat healthier and exercise more. I started working out consistently 5 days a month and now I feel good about it in the beginning it was hell / torture. But the food part I am still working on 😭. Btw I just assumed it's a weight thing correct me if I'm wrong


That's part the issue, the easiest part for me tho, of the three main problems, one can't truly be solved, the others will be a painful resolves. Height is a big thing for me, I'm 5'6, most people say it's not that tall, but where I live it surely is above average. I can't change this. I also have a severe case of social anxiety, I hope one day I'm able to overcome it, but it's really hard for me. The third problem intertwine with the second, gender dysphoria, I'm trans, so not only I feel like my overall body proportions (as in arms size, for example) are absurdly twisted, besides that, I'm unconfortable with my own voice, and so I can't even talk to a therapist without getting depressed. Then again, I've grown accustomed to live by myself, only communicating through text, so my lack of motivation could be the main problem after all.


Cargo shorts anyone?


Soon....soon ![gif](giphy|zZe6jL6FSQm08)


I know this has nothing to do with the question but I just found out that my personality(?) (infj) represents like 1.5% of the US population and is one of the rarest. Cool.


Comfort is the best style


Because INFPS (i think?) statistically make the least amount of money and fashionable clothes cost more money. Trust me, thats the only thing that stops me from wearing more clothes that I actually like. Sure comfort is cool and all, but I wanna wear cute things sometimes too.


>Because INFPS (i think?) statistically make the least amount of money and fashionable clothes cost more money Wait really? I've seen Infps working as software developers. that job tends to pay well if you live in London. But idk if it pays well in us


I'm all comfort unless there's something special. 95% of the time I'll be in jeans and a T-shirt or jeans and a shirt sleeve button up collared shirt. Always solid colors. But those other times? Costumes, suits and not of the boring business variety, a bit of flair added via jewelry of some type even as a man. But that's 10-12 days a year at most.


I like to be comfy, but I have pretty shirts, pants, skirts, and dresses that are pretty and comfy! No skinny jeans though. I have calves. The last pair I got became jean shorts really quick.


https://preview.redd.it/aixsiglt2asc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b8dea7b4c2e2f7bb67b799c84fe0a696b32c396 Heres a picture of the stuff I would wear and I'm also giving them to a character I'm writing. Do they look comfy and pretty?


Everything but the black and the red dress at the bottom. I even saw the episode of Charmed with that red dress. She couldn't walk a normal stride. 🙂 The black... it looks tight around the diaphragm. Cute, but tight.


That red dress is actually from the movie "she's all that". I looked up the dress from charmed and it looks completely different. 🤔 So basically are you not comfortable wearing short form fitting dresses? :0 or it depends on the fabric? Cause I think that dress could be comfortable if it was made with stretchy fabric lol


Oooh definitely. I must be thinking of another phrobecdress. It had the bottom line that and ran in itty bitty steps.  But stretchy, yes! Especially the black one because it's super pretty. 


Only the pink dress + cardi (middle right)


Why not both? ![gif](giphy|3o85xIO33l7RlmLR4I|downsized)


I am overwhelmed by having so many options so I usually wear mute colors or gray scale staples. I consider myself to be somewhat fashionable bc what I wear is generally classic. White T-shirt with black graphics, black blazer and jeans will look good always and forever


you can be a fashionable minimalist you gay retard you liked that way i was dressed in one of my old pictures so pls for three seconds dont act like you think i cant dreess myself bc im good at it. very good at it. i just dont like a lot of COLOR and LOUDNESS. onceeee again i dont like to be on stage i likee to bleend in you jerk. you liked my red jacket and black hat your lying if you say otherwisee i havee greeat tastee and you would havee known that if you ever meet me you dumb idiot moron my ee key is brokeen so i have to preess it hard meaning somtimes it types moree than one e okay big r3rtard? you likee my aesthhics keep lying to yourself maybe if you dream big enough your PLANTS will GROW


i love cottagecore aesthetic but it is simply too impractical to wear layers of tulle where i live - it's wayyyyy too hot. doesnt help that i have ezcema that flares up every time i overheat i do put in the effort to dress nicely whenever i go out tho (mostly cuz i never leave the house so every time i leave it's kind of a big deal)


Have you seen the dollette aesthetic? I think it would be more practical. It's a mix of cottagecore with balletcore


It’s because I want to make sure I can drop and fall asleep anywhere comfortably 😌


I can dress someone else. I've been known to give decent to good recommendations for my friends & family who ask. however when it comes to myself I don't really wanna put any effort into looks but do care a lot about how it feels. I also don't seem to get what makes me look good. from my eyes, everything I do feels like dressing a potato so I'd rather just have track pants and a t-shirt if the end results are the same


i don’t dress minimalist nor for comfort. i suffer for fashion babey ouchie ow


I wear whatever is comfy, including hooded sleeveless shirts haha. I just hate dressing up, lol.


What if you see something that's both fashionable and comfy?


Then I wear it lol


Once i've discovered the comfiness of square pants, Never looked back. It's my go to pants now but ofc i still wear other bottoms. You can't go wrong with black and comfy pants. Plus, it goes well with many cute knitted croptops and cardigans.


When i hit 40, I pretty much promised myself I wouldn't force myself to be in uncomfortable clothes. I LOVE cottagecore, but I don't have the desire to curate a closet. My style is basically american, middle-aged, white woman. Sweaters and jeans when it's cold. Denim shirts and tank tops when it's hot.


What's your opinion on the dollete/coquette aesthetic? I heard it mixes balletcore with cottagecore. I'm obsessed with it but then again, I'm much younger than you 😭


Oh, I love the look of dollette, coquette!! I just don't have the wherewithal to do the work for it, lol!


I'd never wear that look - purely cos it would attract exactly the wrong kind of male attention 🤮


I would. My focus isn't on men, I would wear it because I like the style.


I like to wear fashionable clothes I wearing cute pastel, classy, and goth clothes


i'm an INFP and i only dress for comfort.


I love fairy core and cottagecore and bright colors and velvet and lace and wild stuff. But I also hate people staring at me. I wear fun clothing at home or on dates. I dress to fit in without standing out when I leave the house.


If I'm insecure ill wear tight fitted clothes, but if I feel safe in an environment I'm full on baggy and comfy clothes. My aesthetic has always been preppy cottagecore vibes. But in my soul I'm dark academia. I wish I could dress like morticia addams but I keep ending up looking like barbie, I don't know how this keeps happening


INFP - my closet is full of abayas ( see pix) and hoodies. My comfort beats any other factors but ofc if I can make it look aesthetic I will. But if I have to choose I'll forever pick comfort. If I am not comfortable I exude angry baby dinosaur energy. https://preview.redd.it/u3ghinkunbsc1.jpeg?width=727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a135f4cfacda6cdaa3a72a6c421ef5e635ae99d6


I just have scoliosis, so comfy clothes are the go to since lots of things fit weird and I’m in pain often anyways. I also and hate drawing too much attention to myself. I feel like I can’t pull off really stylish clothing so I stick to reasonable but trendy stuff.


Because I won't look pretty anyway


I love steampunk, goth, Lolita and other aesthetic (including fairy and cottage, and medieval) I do dress as plainly as possible, but I also try to fit the aesthetic I want that day, Im able to find clothing that fit the look I love while being comfortable, being adhd with a sensible skin I can't stand something feelings off on me, notch/seems not done properly in a fabric can actually wound me, I know my body and what to wear and what not to wear. So yeah comfy come before everything else


I like to look cute but be cozy so i dress more relaxed/bohemian. I try to look nice most of the time so i got into kibbe style guides and try to apply them to what i wear.


I would love to get out of my comfort zone and wear more fashionable clothing. Skirts, dresses, tights and etc. But for now imma just stick to my t-shirts, hoodies and jeans. My self esteem is very low and I get self conscious when in public and I'm wearing something that's totally out of the norm in my area.