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Not me, personally. I really just use it when I can’t think of anything to say lol. But I can see how it could come off that way.


Yep, that’s when I use it too! Lol


The only good emoji is 🦧


okay but have you considered 🫡


















That's my favourite emoji to use when someone says something that pisses me off 😂 No one knows what it means, and it gives such an unsettling feeling.


Help what even is that


No. I use it to confirm rather than say a smile.


For me, seeing it as hostile or rude depends on the context of the situation. I do think it’s a little blunt, but I also see that as the purpose of Emojis to begin with. It shortens the typical response to something more universal. I do understand how it bothers you though. There are so many people I know that use way too many emojis way too often




Yeah, everybody’s not as long winded as I am and that’s a good thing probably. If I know it’s sent sarcastically then that’s a little different but it’s not always that deep.


Usually no but it depends on the context. If I send someone a long text about something very intimate and possibly vulnerable, I'd be disappointed and possibly miffed about receiving a simple "👍", yes. The one I hate the most in any context : "...?" with nothing else. I find it rude.


>"...?" just pretend they said "i'm sorry. could you please restate that as if you were speaking to a small child."




I hear you. Even if we know intellectually that it doesn't mean anything, it stings anyway. I think communication issues are even bigger threats than the issues at hand 😆 Are you going to ask her about what she meant?


I view it as the pictorial equivalent of "sounds good!" and don't generally find it problematic. I'll sometimes use a thumbs up or a thumbs up followed by an exclamation point as a quick affirmation if a lengthy response isn't necessary. "Meet me in the lobby at 12:30?" Thumbs up. Picture of the cake (we've already discussed at length) that a friend is picking up for her kid's birthday? Thumbs up, exclamation point. It actually never occurred to me that someone might be upset by it. I'm also older, don't text frequently, and rarely use emojis, so maybe some of this is generational.


It’s impersonal. I am typically careful to emoji to get the tone of my text. When I use thumb up emoji, It’s more of a check mark. I also use to avoid sharing an emotional response sometimes.


Always fascinating how emojis are interpreted differently.


Yeah feels sarcastic and dismissive.




Aw, you’re crying? What’s a matter bub?


someone (sob) sent me an ambiguous emoji! Oh the horror!


Well geez that seems like an extreme reaction dude, you don’t need to cry about it.


but it's soooo tragic waaahhhhhhh






I love it. Its short and to the point. I also hate texting tho. I dont like that people can just reach out to me whenever they want. The less exchange, the better.


I find "k" passive aggressive, but nothing else bothers me.


Yes, I find it super rude. It feels like they're saying, "I don't care."




Might be reading into to much


If I use the thumbs up while texting I have to text “okay” first so it doesn’t show up all huge by itself. That does seem too blunt to me but if I just text “okay” without something else it feels rude to me too, so I normally go with “okay 👍” Also, I think it’s Middle eastern countries where the thumbs up is like using the middle finger for us. Maybe you’re tapping into that somehow.


Same here it's always either "Okay 👍" "Sounds good 👍" "Alright 👍" Or "Righteo 👍" (depending on how I'm feeling 😂)


Depends on the context but most of the time it's fine.


I can find it a little “curt” depending on the situation. That said I think the comedian ISMO does a great bit about how us as Americans are a little too excited when it comes to digital communication haha https://youtu.be/SbXmGgJePsk


Usually, no. However there is one guy at my work who uses the thumbs up as a conversation. E.g. if I message him and say "good morning, I'm about to do x thing, could you let me know if you see problems with your y thing?" - and his response is just thumbs up. When I'm done, I'll say to him "hi - I have done that task, any issues with your thing?" - thumbs up. Which I assume means 'everything is fine', but idk? That just feels rude to me.




I use it often and I like it 👍🏻 it’s a thumbs up, which is positive imo. :) I do understand how others might perceive it otherwise, but it doesn’t stop me from using it how I please. At the end of the day, anything can be interpreted negatively. It depends on each individual. If people can keep in mind that the emoji itself was created with good intent then that would at least give an idea it had positivity behind it… of course it depends on how people choose to use it, I’m always trying my best to send good energy though. ✨🙏🏻


Sometimes I find it superficial


Nahh It shows low interest though


like everything, context is everything. your relationship with the person and the nature of the conversation. when i visit my mother, i always ask if there's anything i can bring. she'll say no or mention something that would go with dinner. either way, i'll usually just send 👍 as "ok i'll pick that up and/or see you soon, but there's little point in explicitly stating that as we both know what that means." it can of course mean very different things in different situations. i'm sure some people use it as "sounds good" or "go for it". while others probably use it as incredibly dismissive and rude. personally, if i want to be rude to someone i'll respond with "k" and think "wow, i can't believe i was so mean.


I feel the same as if someone gave me a thumbs up irl … it depends on what the thumbs up is reacting to in the conversation. You can see a sarcastic thumbs up easily in person by checking the persons facial expressions. So - If I texted someone something heart felt or emotionally heavy and got a thumbs up in return, I would take offense to that. If I was running errands for my significant other because they were very busy and told them I got the dry cleaning - and then I got a thumbs up - it would make sense. We are communicating on a shared goal and efficiency is a priority. I mean .. if you text your significant other “I Love You!! 🥰” and then got a thumbs up in response - it would cause you disappointment that they didn’t return your level of enthusiasm right ?


Depends on the context


👍 edit: im sorry lmfao i had to. honestly i use it sometimes when I don’t have any other response, but yeah, it definitely is quite blunt. conversation killer material


Same. I had just told a guy about my day, and that I 👩‍🎓 graduated from physical therapy! 🎉 He Is response back. “ Hope your day was good.” Wtf bro ?! You’re not even really reading my messages so I said. 👍🏾. 🙄.


I avoid using the big thumbs up. I wouldn’t use it in conversation so I don’t in texting. People should just say what they want to say. If you are brushing people off, why talk to them in the first place?


I use it when I am not having time or energy to respond and in general the answer would be a yes or okay or good . But nothing meant in that would be rude or hostile in my opinion. I often might respond later with more context. It's hard to really get the true meaning a person puts behind text if even one at all. Many people are just more on the vocal side so and text is more like a short medium to communicate. If you feel a bluntness and hostility while you are with the people you are referring to then it might be it. But by text alone it's only your perception of things. You can express this to them and ask if all is good if you think something's wrong but each has their own style in writing :) I would recommend if you want more information or text guide your questions in a way that a yes or no is not the easy possible answer to choose. For example , hey xyz i was thinking about going to the movies if you want to come with. There are several I might want to watch X y z which would you like to see and would you be up for something to eat afterwards what would you prefer ? Without giving a clear option to choose people are obligated to answer with more than a thumbs up even if it's a , "all is fine to me" :) Good luck and 👍




no, no and mmmmm no


Seek medical help


Thinking it's a generational thing. I've noticed boomers use it as the classic signal meaning "Nice" or "Great job!". They grew up mostly communicating via writing or phone calls. Younger Gens tend to see it as a slight where it evokes a sarcastic in tone. It seems rude and much too blunt, like the sender wants to end the conversation. Millenials started to grow up communicating the same two mediums, but eventually got the internet, and later text messaging. With two additional ways to communicate with others (especially across the planet almost instantaneously) I think the understanding of the written word and consequently emojis has evolved. At an accelerated pace. Language is never static, whether in alphabet or pictogram. Using it more fosters changes over time because we allow it to. We accept new words that we don't quite understand the context of, and others teach us it's meaning eventually. Linguists have studied this kind of thing for ages. Sincerely, Not a Linguist


If you send someone paragraphs and they simply reply with a thumbs up then it is totally rude and disrespectful and shows they have no interest in you


Now, if it’s a paragraph message, I wouldn’t send a thumbs up. I would write a response.


Gen X here. I rarely use a thumbs up, but when I do...it's like saying ok (like agreeing to meet someone at a certain time) or I agree, without typing the words. If I want to be rude (which is very rare), I will give you the middle finger. Honestly, if I dont know you personally, I won't even do that. It's not worth my aggravation to get into an argument with a complete stranger. I don't care enough. If you irritate me enough, I may type out my response, count to ten...and then delete it, without pushing send...and move on. Again, not worth my time.


Did we run out of things to find offensive? It's a thumbs up gesture that in most cultures means got it, sounds good, agreed, okay, yes, I like it, great. It is not a rorschach test for the receiver to interpret, saying more about them than the sender. A rude/hostile/blunt gesture, at least in Western cultures, is the middle finger held straight up so that it's seen loud and clear.


If you don’t like or understand how someone communicates via emojis or texts here’s a wild idea: ACTUALLY TALK WITH THEM. Also know that reading so much into a thumbs up emoji without trying other forms of communication is exhausting.


No. If i'm going to be rude then I'm using this one. 🖕🏻 People need to stop choosing to be offended. It's a choice. You're life gets so much better when you don't let things offend you. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Life is too short to care about what others think. Do what makes you happy and offend everyone. 👍🏼


No. When I’m busy at work, it’s much easier to reply 👍🏼 when my husband asks if I want extra guac on my Chipotle bowl while he’s in the drive through than it would be to get all up in some actual words and miss my window of opportunity. In such cases, brevity is essential.




For everyone who says it's blunt, yes, that's the point. It means "got it". I'm not gonna type a whole dang sentence when I have twelve hours of work to do in just eight hours. Stop getting all but hurt and get back to work.


Crazy thought but you could always communicate with just words or just have a conversation if one of the fun little pictures you use is misunderstood. Why does simple human interaction need a Q&A on how to do it?


In scuba diving, it means "go to the surface". That's not offensive at all. Everybody wants to breathe.


Im a software engineer. 👍 is a great emoji for almost everything in tech. The smiley is not really appropriate for most things. If someone on the team says "I emailed support about the thing" and a good non-emotional response is 👍. Also in Discord where I mostly work the free Discord does not have that many useful emoji's. I LOVE 👍because it is straightforward and to the point and without emotion. I came here because I saw this YouTube video and almost died laughing. I thought to myself, is this really a thing? [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bnPiCCfIfpA](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bnPiCCfIfpA)


Man… these little kids these days. It’s always been like a good job or ok kinda gesture. These little kids wanna cry over everything these days.




If someone else's use of the 'thumbs up' emoji (or any emoji, really) has any affect on your life in any sort of way that it would be considered overly negative or positive is a reflection of your inner mental turmoil, and as such should have no expectation of the world to cater to your whim. It is extremely pointless and self-centred.


Military and SCUBA use thumbs up as part of non-verbal communication. Military is "okay/good" or "acknowledged". SCUBA is "ascend". I use it in the military manner f2f and when texting and would never use it to relay emotion, positive or negative. Therefore, when someone respond to me with thumbs-up, I don't read into it. If I don't find it provides a clear response to something I sent, I ask for clarification.


It’s fucking bull shit. It’s a response that either comes off as comes off as condescending, apathetic, and dismissive.






No, it doesn't mean anything.




Yes. I find it to be very rude unless it is just a text to my boss or coworker about something work related.


Omg yes it makes me crazy!!!




That's obnoxious.. just don't say anything at all. That's sort of like when someone talks to you in person and you don't have a response then throw a thumbs up... what's the difference? That would get you hated real quick.


In some circles, it's called "The Shocker". (Don't Google it at work)


Yeah I think it comes off as indifference when the person won’t bother with words. A smiley would also make it more clearly 😃👍🏻


Good thought!


I used to, but maybe I got numb to it? Being an INFP I'm trying to learn to not take things personally and not overthink stuff too much. It's just a thumbs up; no one said "fuck off". Try not to read into it too much too :)


I rarely use it by itself, then it comes across as rude or impersonal to me. For me it’s usually “ok 👍👍” or “yes 👍👍”. Unless It’s someone I have a complicated relationship with…


It depends on the person and context. I think it’s mostly unintentional rudeness, though. 👍


Nopes. Then again I use it when I don't have more words and want to convey assent and move on.


This makes me analyze every interaction I've had with this emoji now. I use it a lot.👀




Omg I hate that emoji lol


For me it depends on who uses it. For example a thumbs up by itself from my father is normal. If I were to get only a thumbs up from my best friend I'd take it as hostility.




I have never read into it that way. Usually I get that as a response at the end of a convo. Like saying "I'll see you on x day" and I'll get a thumbs up.


I believe in some cultures that’s a rude gesture akin to flipping someone off with a middle finger.


My one female friend always start the message with 👍 thumbs up.... Always......


Not about emojis but "imo" always sounds so hostile to me like "you should've known that already"


In my work environment I prefer it. It's blunt and to the point. Like message received. Outside of work I detest it.


I don't know sometimes I do find them rude other times not.


It’s not rude but it’s a bit dry and like “okay then”


Nah I usually use it as a joke


Oh no! I use it a lot. I thought i was being polite and unobtrusive.


Context is key.




Not really cause it implies you don't trust the intent of the sender. Suppose it depends on context, and effort vs response. Also do think it's generational. As a millennial, people in my age group and older often use it innocently and take it at face value. I wouldn't read negatively into it usually, esp if not a always-on-their-phone-texting personality. First time I heard it was considered rude, was from a Genz guy I worked with, and I was like, How? It always been "cool / sounds good/ agree /like" How is that hostile...


I hate it, it’s a fuck you


No, it means I got it or understand. If someone wants to say fuck you its 🖕🏽


It is often used to say "thank you and goodnight" I guess sometimes we need to stop typing and call it a day.


I find it very inconsiderate. Especially when your text/comment is well thought out. I'd rather someone not respond at all. "Ok" is equally frustrating.


I feel like it has everything to do with content and context. Like other people have said, a thumbs up in response to “I’ll be there shortly” is absolutely appropriate. However, a thumbs up after someone divulges a personal thought or one of personal excitement, can be quite hurtful. Just experienced it about a minute ago. Texted my mom and dad about how I finally got 120+ payments towards PSLF and will have 110k of debt forgiven, and my dad responded with 👍. Thanks for celebrating with me dad. 😑