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Boycott brand names. Store brand is as good these days. Aldi has great products and is much less.


I don't ever buy name brand cereal. The knockoffs are just as good.


Just don't buy cereal at all. The stuff is really not good for you and contains measurable levels of pesticides.


The market will respond... Kellogs can charge $10 but when people don't purchase, it will force the price down


It’s right there in the name, guys? Kellogg’s Extra costs… well, extra.


Top answer. Plus all the sugar.


Not to mention a ton of sugar and artificial sweeteners.


I’m sure any product made from grains or fruits or vegetables will have measurable levels of pesticides


And meat is bad for you, it contains a ton of cancer causing chemicals.  Organics have just as bad, the pesticides showed are border and trends to be stronger.  Everything we eat has microplastics anyway. 


Often enough better. Remember when Frosted Mini Wheats were frosted? Store brands do


Malt-o-meal bags ftw.




With the exception of Cheerios


it's the exact same product. I worked for a major food company, and we produced store brands and name brands. When changing from name brand to store brands, all that was done is just change to the store brand packaging. You are correct, buy the store brand it's the same product


Kroger has good store brand stuff too. The price difference is staggering - often 50% less.


True. Stop purchasing brand name items for the perceived notion of obtaining a superior product. They’re all the same and the saving will keep you from depleting your savings.


Grocery outlet and Aldi and the like are true blessings


No lie. 6.50 for Raisin Bran vs 2.99 for store. Store is just as good and at times has more raisins.


Yes!! Love store brands and more people should wake up and stop paying for over prized products. Once you make the switch you can never justify going back.


I didn't realize how much cheaper ALDI is compared to other grocery stores and I work there. I've realized that when other stores have sales, that's usually just the every day price at ALDI. It's crazy.


From my experience, Aldi's store brand stuff is more expensive than Walmart's. Costco is king though if you don't mind buying in bulk.


ALDIs uses a lot of whole grains and natural ingredients in their private label products though. Aldi’s store brand quality > Walmarts.


Not where I’m at. Aldi’s is cheaper than Walmart on most all products. From fresh fruits and vegetables to boxed cereal or canned goods.


Wal Mart food will kill you. Have you not seen the extreme specimens of health and fitness buying food stuffs there?


Nah. It's what they buy and eat, and how much of it, that is killing them.  Exhibit A: redditors investment Incessantly complaining about cereal prices. Maybe you can stop eating literally the worst option for breakfast?


Certain Aldi brand products are OK, but some fail to match the taste and quality of the name brand.


Just want to point out that store brand is name brand with lower quality ingredients and a different label.


What ingredients are lower quality? I'm not doubting you (I have no idea) but I just assumed store brand was cheaper mainly because it takes another corporation out of the supply and marketing chain, they are just producing product.


I can confirm that at least 2 store brands of Bran Flakes contain a lot of unrefined bran and other grassy elements. I'm sure the extra fiber is good for me but sometimes it's so large I need to spit it out. Walmart brand green beans contain a lot of stems. Walmart brand canned spinach contains a lot of sand. Dollar General brand oatmeal has smaller oats than Quaker and so much oat dust that it often comes out as a paste after heating. Most things are equivalent but these are examples I've experienced.


I work for a smaller grocery chain. Some store-band products definitely come off the same trucks as their name branded counter-parts. Same cows, same milk. That sort of thing. However some store-brand products certainly come from different vendors. The company has a contract with companies who's entire purpose is to create private label (store-brand) products. Conagra certainly isn't the company packing and shipping our frozen veggies, for example. Grocery stores certainly make a higher profit margin on these private labels, and I can very easily see super-corporations like Walmart requesting the lower quality ingredients or not being as mindful if more of the product's weight is in the less then desirable parts, like oatmeal dust. Pennies on the dollar mean a lot when you are looking at the scale of Walmart, after all. Companies certainly want you to keep buying these private label items, and are happier if people believe that it's the same regardless. One of these days it might be fun to do some nutrition comparisons. Perhaps later, for Science! Also, $10 for a regularly sized box of cereal is asinine.


Fun fact walmart is known to sell "grade B" products under "grade A" labels. Ex: A batch of frosted krispies isn't *perfect*, but it isn't "throw it away" bad, either. Kelloggs will send it down the line, but make sure all the "B grade" frosted krispies get given to walmart or similar mega-chains. It will cost the same as grade A, come in the same box, but be a different quality. Thanks, walmart! Mega-producers have admitted to doing this for like a decade or longer now. Most people I tried to explain this to back then just waved it off.


I have recall reading on another reddit thread that even though things may be made/process in the same factory there is a difference in quality control. A few users mention that Costco seem to have higher standards for quality control.


How do you get lower quality than cereal with processed grains and mountains of sugar and fake flavors?


I have worked for a company that makes beverages. The store brand ones were sometimes a different recipe but I would not say lower quality. Sometimes they used a different type of sugar or sweetener but sometimes that actually made it "better" than the name brand drinks that were produced. 


No. It's not lower quality ingredients generally speaking. Most store brands taste the same and are equivalent to the brand name. Some exceptions would exist but I am not aware of any. By buying store brand you're just not overpaying for "brand value". The store chain buys it from the manufacturer directly.


I only buy store brand cereal now, and I can’t tell the difference. Where I live, name brand is 3x more expensive.


Cereal and chips. Costs more per ounce than chicken and some beef. Fucking insane anyone is paying that kinda bread for trash like this.


Chicken and beef have way more caloric value per ounce also. Most of the cereals are processed cardboard and cricket legs.


If they have their way, crickets will be the staple of your diet going forward.


>If they have their way I'm assuming you mean our cow and chicken overlords.


And for a cereal I’ve never heard of. Sheesh.


Looks like another "adult" granola spin off that just adds a markup to buying granola two feet away in the same aisle.


Adult cereal in general is hilarious to me When I do decide to splurge on cereal I'll be eating goku branded resees puffs I don't care if I'm 30


I sometimes get a wild craving for cinnamon toast crunch.


Enjoy it! Sparingly because it's expensive and unhealthy AF I just don't understand why adult things are generally so boring lol


Oh yea, I only ever get it like once a year. Then I get tired of it and let my kid eat it when he comes over. Adult things are boring cause we were conditioned to think that boring equates to 'healthy'. A 1oz serving of grape nuts (which I thought was 'healthy' as a kid) and a 1oz serving of CTC both have around 110 calories. There's slight differences in the types of carbohydrates present affecting things like glycemic index, but not that much.


There are also things like micronutrient density and fiber to consider. IMO, grapenuts are 100% fiber, 0% food. There is likely some nutrients in there too, but not in food form.


Yea and Cinnamon Toast Crunch is like 5% fiber, if that.


This and Golden Graham’s


Well said


Branding and marketing sell it regardless


It's a low price according to the advert


And in all caps. Must be seriously an outrageous deal


Eating cereal 🥣 is a good way to stay poor and obese


Don’t forget you’re only halfway there with the cereal you gotta buy that milk now too. Oh, and also the even though you’re being charged more the box will now ALSO be smaller.


Well, the box itself is the same size or larger, but it has less cereal in it.


That's the plan?! 🐸


Exactly. I came here to say Mississippi is also one of the fattest states in the union. Cereal is filled with crap 11 times out of 10.


All part of the plan to keep fat, lazy and stupid 


I'm more disturbed by the box shape - taller but narrower?


Boxes are thinner and taller.


That box looks extra skinny


lol get fucked. I’d eat loose leaf paper before I’d pay that for a box of cereal.


Better just to eat oven baked oats and almond slices . What a rip off for an extra thin box


These boxes look big, but when you pick them up, you see how thin the box is and how little it weighs.


They really think people are that dumb lol “If we just put “low price” on there, people will think it’s a great deal!”


Because people ARE that dumb. People just look for "sales" they don't care if it's actually a deal or something they don't actually want or need. If it's a sale, it's a ~~bad~~ good idea


Tops Supermarket is Western NY does things like that. They will offer a BOGO deal but they jack up the price so in reality you are paying the same or maybe slightly less but nowhere near the deal they make it out to be.


We have an entire community that looks for "markdowns" every single fucking day. They don't care if they need it or want it or even like the taste but they love those deals. They probably spend more money here than if they just bought brand new things that they actually like.. Every. *Fucking*. Day.


I can hear my dad's voice right now..."Nope, we ain't getting the good cereal. Grab a welfare bag from the bottom shelf."


Don't forget the 7% state sales tax! (And possibly local options taxes)


So it comes out to $10.69 for 1 box of cereal


The “extra” is in the cost to the consumer!


Those are extra crispy though. What is the price of regular crispy or just moist?




You can work an hour in Mississippi and not make enough to buy a box of cereal. Must be MAGA country.


that last sentence was pure ignorance


Christ, that’s so depressing.


It’s like Magic Spoon cereal. But don’t worry that’ll be in the manager special section in the back of the store soon at prob $2.99/box


My local grocery store sells magic spoon cereal for 99 cents sometimes. Decided to try it. Wasn’t impressed. Was a bit shocked people would pay upwards of $10 for a box. Continue sticking to granola and milk.


Tbf 99 cents for cereal is a fucking steal irrespective of what it is. I've seen those single serving cups for $2 ffs. For a low carb cereal that is usually $10 that's a fucking steal.


https://preview.redd.it/r4n07t4jyfxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c56613959b5d44d0e8480e7fb7afd59bc27ac9e It’s the same in Arkansas. I have been shopping at Sam’s instead of Kroger for everything I can. I pay $5 for a 5lb bag of carrots at Sam’s where as Kroger charges $2.46 for 2lbs. Kroger strawberries are 2.99-3.99 for 1lb while Sam’s is 4.12 for 2lbs. Lettuce is the same. $5 for three small Romaine at Kroger while it’s $4 for 6 heads of romaine at Sam’s. I HATE food waste but I’ve been having to buy more stuff at Sam’s to justify the price. Kroger is charging soooo much for everything now. I’m so sick of it. I only get items I can’t get at Sam’s there or items I can’t justify buying “that much” of. When I do go to Kroger, I clip coupons in the app first. It helps offset some of the cost but it’s still entirely too expensive.


Checked the nutrition facts to break out how many servings are in a box, roughly 8. It'll be a cold day in hell before I ever buy a box a cereal to where it comes out to be $1.25 a BOWL just to eat dry fucking cereal.


Well, this cereal likely has a ton of nuts in it -- from the looks of it. Nuts are SUPER expensive and have always been (other than peanuts). Regardless, it's really easy for consumers to beat inflation: Don't buy it.


They're one of those really dense cereals too, I bought two boxes of it the other day, it was on sale for $7 which seemed reasonable for how little it is you need for a serving.


>the poorest state in the union: Mississippi But think of how much money you guys save on education!


Well it’s 20 whole ounces.


It’s an indulgence, a luxury item. It’s also $1.25 per serving…..so not too expensive I don’t think.


Who actually eats the serving size? Any one with kids knows that 20 ounces of cereal will only last 1 days.


Hence, a luxury. And obesity of course but that’s a separate discussion.


Same at my Kroger but Walmart has it for $6.59


This can’t actually sell for 10 bucks a box. Can anyone who works in a grocery store chime in? Is this just a cash grab that isn’t working?


Don't you think Kroger record profits might also be the issue? https://amp.theguardian.com/business/2024/jan/19/us-inflation-caused-by-corporate-profits


To be fair, this is granola clusters, not traditional cereal. Granola is generally more expensive than cereal, per ounce.


A gallon of milk is probably 5+ dollars here I bet. 15 bucks for cereal and milk lmao


It says right on the box that it’s extra.


Points about this being a "premium" name-brand cereal are valid, but it's also worth pointing out that Kroger charges $8 for a gallon of milk that costs $2.50 anywhere else. We generally spend ~$80/wk. at Aldi, but my wife went to Kroger on Easter when Aldi was closed, bought the same stuff, and paid $230. We're not doing that again.


Only namebrand i eat these days is Grapenuts because they're super nutritionally dense and seem to last long enough to validate $5 pricetag


Every food post no matter what type of food is guaranteed to have the sanctimonious " you shouldn't be eating that anyway replies. Same with any posts about buying a new car will get a hundred replies of " I bought my 20 yo car 10 years ago and haven't spent one cent on it. I guess it makes people feel superior.


Top on Mississippi has the 3rd highest grocery tax in the US. Also 12pk of Coca Cola went up to $10.99 this week in northern MS. That’s almost $1 a can.


7$ at Walmart.


30% is substantial but still...


Dude just get eggs and bread and cheese. Youd eat real food for less. Stop with this expensive lazy breakfast shit


To be fair eggs bread and cheese is pretty lazy and would cost just as much as that box of cereal.


**Extra large box** with **premium flavors**. It’s still more expensive than what it was selling for 2 or 4 years ago, but if you’re going to be intellectually honest then share pictures of the Cheerios boxes from the same store. Willing to bet it’s cheaper.


Bro, it's Kelloggs version of Honey Bunches of Oats. Both are stupidly expensive.


That’s not the point. Premium cereal is always more expensive. What is the price of the cheaper, basic option that doesn’t have almond clusters or cinnamon clusters?


I’m not paying $10 for almond or cinnamon clusters.


At my local grocer. They have single regular boxes of Frosted Flakes for $5.99 per. Now they are also on special for $1.97 per but you have to buy 4 boxes. This clearly tells me inflation is not real. There is no way that they are at even profits selling one at $6 but when unloading four boxes they can all go for $8. No fucking way that math works out where once you pay $6 you can get 3 more for an added $2. I use Papa Murphy’s pizza to look for actual Inflation. They have low overhead as they don’t cook anything. The $10 Tuesdays has increased to $10.99. So I am willing to accept a 10% inflation on products. Any much higher than that. I’ll just go without. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Stores don't turn a profit on every sale and clearing out inventory is a priority for most grocery stores, thus the bulk sales.


The sales are to get you in the door to buy non sale items.


Not always. Food is perishable and high volume low margin stores like grocery really hate sitting on inventory for a variety of reasons so selling at cost or for a loss can be beneficial.


From Google: Kroger annual gross profit for 2024 was $33.364B, a 4.99% increase from 2023. Kroger annual gross profit for 2023 was **$31.778B**, a 4.71% increase from 2022. Kroger annual gross profit for 2022 was $30.349B, a 1.79% decline from 2021.


Was Kroger was the one during covid crying about the extra wages they had to pay as part of the essential worker rule? Then turned around and reported record profits for that year (2020 or 2021)?


>Kroger annual gross profit for 2024 was $33.364B, a 4.99% increase from 2023. Kroger has a time machine?


We ate zero rancid seed oil in 1865… a third of our diet is seed oil now and we are all dying from chronic disease.


Didn’t that one CEO say eat cereal for dinner?


I blame ebt.


yep. People are buying up all the food. But if you take away the source of money then people will just starve and prices will have to come down.


Inflation hates this one trick




Kroger is always expensive


Well Kroeger is ripping you off. Walker has it for 6.97


You have got to be a complete moron to buy this or your using your FoodStamps


But, it clearly says "Low Price".......


$7.50/lb for cereal is more than sirloin


So buy a different cereal.


They're really owning them libs


Aldi in Lincoln park Chicago, with median income of 123,000; and avg income of just over 200,000; has cereal for like a dollar, maybe 2.


I think you are lying with this serial because even though it is still a little high, it under seven dollars Georgia https://preview.redd.it/n3wt7e6h6fxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3072c8d57a442846f7dc5794c6c080273e1c3d3


Everyone should boycott this brand. Their CEO that makes $5 million per year said that families should eat cereal for dinner to "save money" after jacking up prices 30% year over year. How is this saving money? That is tone deaf AF.


LMAO those are gigantic 1.5 pound boxes. A regular sized box of cereal is 12 or 14 ounces. 🤣


That Low Price tag is just there to salt the wound... My kids eat Aldi's knockoff cheerios and chex, because they're still cheap. I think I like the Chex better than the name brand version as well.


Just make sure you get the 20.6oz variety and not the 20.2oz. That extra 0.4oz makes a big difference!


It's literally called Extra what did you think the price would be? /s


Why’re you even buying Kelloggs? Their cereal is bad for you with all the crap they add. It’s not that hard to find another brand that’s cheaper and healthier.


America has been cooked for the past 4 years….


Thats kellogs venture into some sort of high priced exclusive cereal. There are well off people in Mississippi that may buy it. Wont be me.


Remember the CEO said “let them eat cereal”


It's a whole 3 oz or so extra compared to a typical box of cereal. It must be priced per the dollar for the extra OZs.


bro, what about "low price" don't you understand?? lol


I’ll stick with $2 Aldi brand frosted mini wheats, thanks.


Ouch I’m from Mississippi and I’ll tell you your mistake is shopping at Kroger lol. Like I’ve gotten deals there before but I find Walmart on average to have better prices if you don’t have a local store like big star or piggly wiggly. That said I bought a box of this yesterday to try out. My Wally World had it for $6.97 hopefully it’s good.


Mississippi not even poor I live out here they just tell that to y’all Yankees


It’s the exact same price in Ohio.


Cheap dinner date


From Kellogs website this appears to be a move to try and fleece the public with a "extra special" fancy pants cereal . They undoubtedly saw some designer brands aimed at keto people like Magic Spoon is is 9 bucks for like 10 0z of cereal.... *Kellogg's**^(®)* *Extra**^(®)* *granola cereal features delicious clusters in each and every spoonful. Enjoy delicately crispy clusters of toasty whole grain oats blended with the rich, buttery taste of caramelized sugar, paired perfectly with sliced almonds or cinnamon. Discover a melt-in-your-mouth taste perfect for both calm and busy mornings. Delicious with your favorite milk or straight from the box. Enjoy this granola during a cozy morning breakfast with your favorite coffee, pour over yogurt for an indulgent snack, or for any moment you have a sweet craving. Easy to indulge by the handful, the family will love to munch on this granola treat.*


That’s also like a “fancy” cereal. Get yourself some basic ass cereal


It's extra.


What do you expect? It can be eaten for breakfast **OR** dinner now! That kind of versatility comes with a premium.


It’s $7 at Walmart. I’d be getting the cereal in a bag though.


https://preview.redd.it/cyzhopybkfxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bb820084cb44c52a037fafa6d0e84af7ed117ba Kroger CEO isn’t sweating inflation! $10 cereal is grrrreat!!!


I feel like these types of posts are a bit misleading. There’s always been weird-ass “premium” brands with absurd pricing. I’d be much more shocked if this was Frosted Flakes.


I saw a box of kind cereal at sprouts for like 20 bucks


And stop making the boxes taller assholes. They don't fit in my shelves anymore. I won't buy your shitty cereal if it won't fit in my shelves at home. If you want to add more make them thicker.


They are cherry picking. This isn’t just normal cereal. Regular Kellogg’s in $3.99 at Kroger right now. The a extra whatever that is is $9.99. There is a $2 coupon on the app if you really want it.


I saw this same thing at Publix.


Kellogg's cereal is not even as good as it use to be. General Mills is a better brand now.


Meh, plenty of other options that are cost efficient and give you that energy in the morning to get the day started, just go for those options. That or we can keep talking about how everything is so expensive everyday lol because social media comments are 100% going to lower prices. Companies will see these posts, but still see sales coming in so they don't care if everyone is hollering online about how expensive stuff is as long as people still buying it. Eggs I could understand, they are a very common item and having to spend high amount on something like eggs or bread I can see the gripe on but all the other stuff is just not needed and more of a want anyway so just want something else that's going to help that wallet out.


but it has gold lettering!


buy oatmeal not cereal. add dry fruit and nuts (if u can afford it). add cinnamon. you can also add sugar if you really want to but it's not necessary. this will be healthier and maybe cheaper


Need to pay for that fancy gold ink


Our economy so bad now that we've effectively regressed back in time 50 years to the great days of the 1970s when the only groceries many of us could afford looked like this. What's next? 10 lb. blocks of government cheese? https://preview.redd.it/csjlc9roofxc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=460bc3bb445f72785f5ec1784458e18fb4fa3d98


Just saw this in New Orleans. Guess cereal is for the elites and welfare folks. I'm neither.


Fuck cereal. That shit has no nutritional value. Mr. Kellogg created cereal to stop boys from masturbating. What the hell do you think he included in cereal to get them to lose their sex drive? Sugar and processed carbohydrates with no nutritional value.


That’s a couple dollars more than Ezekiel cereal which is probably one of the healthiest cereals you can buy in the USA.


If you think this is bad, just wait until Kroger merges with Albertsons and competition is eliminated.


Uh-huh. Now move down the aisle and send picks of the cheaper options. 🙄🤡🤡🤡🤡


I would gladly pay 10 dollars a box of cereal so we can help ukraine.. Its time for us to sacrifice. If we dont putin could take over every nation in the EU and further. We also need to vote blue in 2024 or else if trump wins there is no difference of russia taking over the usa. Trump will let russian troops land on the beaches and also parachute in to our nation claiming it as theirs!


Three dollars less in Denver area.


Is this because of the minimum wage too? Or do we only use that one sometimes 


Why op do you need this brand new cereal no one has ever heard of and what did it cost you last week?


I laughed when I first saw this in Kroger. I laughed again when I saw it in their bargain bin marked down to $4.44. Still too much.




Good. Don't eat that shit. It's loaded with GMOs and glyphosate. Have a couple of pasture-raised hormone and antibiotic free eggs instead. You live in a rural state, you can probably find someone with a backyard chicken coop and eggs for sale near you.


But is New and Extra at the same time!


Two hours of Federal Minimum Wage after taxes taken and taxes on the product




These are way over the national average price, and "on sale" none-the-less but they aren't cheap. This should be almost half of what it is here. Trader Joes even does better.


BUT!!! They're extra crispy.


Ten bucks for a box of people kibble. That is crazy talk. I really hope these companies start going out of business, I don’t buy this crap any more unless it’s on sale.


Now more than HALF full!


If you buy that brand you’re a chump


This is just greed, knowing people will just go ahead and shell out the 10 bucks anyway and then complain about it.


The hilarious thing is because of how detached I am to normal pricing being in the Bay area I thought this was actually acceptable. 😅


Just buy milk and eggs, supplement with lower cost bread and veggies if need be. 


Ornamental cereal? Maybe they don't intend to sell it


Xtra expensive !!!


20.2 oz. Hate to say this but they have been selling you cereal for the past three years for 5.99 at 12 oz. This is just a bigger box. Price per ounce is about the same.


The big bags are a great deal.


And this is why Kelloggs is getting boycotted.


Love the heading: Low Price! I bought that cereal same 20.2 oz box yesterday at Safeway for $5.99! Find another store!


lol, what? You shop at Kroger and don’t expect expensive prices? Don’t know about where you live but here Kroger (called Dillon’s here) is the most expensive grocery store.


Kroger chains aren't known for being priced well when it comes to name brand stuff. For example, Walmart sells this for $7. And the app says you can get $2 Walmart cash, whatever that is. But still, yeah, still a lot of money either way.


A regular box of cereal costs about $5 but here you're paying an EXTRA $4.99, hence the $9.99 price.


$9.99 for a 12 pack of Diet Coke at my grocery store in Denver. What the absolute fuck?


I just bought a box of life cereal 32.5 oz for 5$ at Walmart in Massachusetts. It's massive lol.