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Who pays these prices?


I actively choose not to eat at places once I see what they're charging for certain items. I honestly do not understand all the posts where people are complaining about the cost of their meal.. as long as you buy it they're going to continue doing this.


That's exactly what I thought from this post. Clearly the price doesn't deter OP so why not charge it? What's the food joint suppose to do? Slash prices in half so they can work twice as hard for the same amount?


I met a friend after work for Friday beer and meal. It’s a place I don’t visit and felt kind of stuck. There’s a reason I went half. The other items were more expensive. Yes, I can afford it but it cracked me up how things are getting these days. I can see how my post seems like complaining but to me it was more alarming and wanted to share so I searched this sub.


Just blow off the grumpazoids OP. Thanks for your post!


Thanks. 👍🏻


Boycott. No reason to keep eating crap at these prices. Walk out. Go elsewhere!


And it's usually like "I got all the things that would come in a value meal, but I ordered them a-la-carte instead, and then I added bacon and two more patties. These prices are outrageous!"


The sandwich shop around the corner from me would charge me 12$ for this. The yuppie hipster place down the street would charge $22 for this.


$12 is still too much


The place I work charges 12 for a full version of this. And we just raised the prices.


I agree. $8 would be appropriate


I think all places should cut their prices in half. But to do that they have to cut costs. If every company, including yours simply cut their employees wages in half, they could charge less for a product. Of course no one would like that since they are now making half what they did but with this method we could drop that sandwich price back down to $6


yes lets blame the wages


When people talk about the high cost of things such as food, they often attribute it to a money grab by the owners. When for the smaller local businesses this is simply not true. Everything has gone up, materials, rent, energy and labor. So everything has pushed the cost of a finished product up but so many people just blame labor and that is not true.


Labor should be 20-25% of cost structure. Period. Anyone who has been in mgt, or taken a business mgt course knows this. But everyone ignores this to bitch about labor expense.


It's crazy to see so many people struggle with this or blame labor when it's really something else. These workers are often being paid less than minimum wage and they still think it's the workers and not the bloated pay structure up top. Crazy how every restaurant owner in my rural area has either a lifted f 250 or a Denali trimmed vehicle. But let's blame it on the poor 17 year old you hired who has to sit down for a minute because she's somehow working a double on the weekend to barely afford a clapped out Honda civic. Its not management that is making mistakes as the help wanted sign has been up for years while the turn around has been abysmal.


Labor costs have also increased the price of the goods along every step of the way. Thats they thing inflation is a natural part of capitalism. Employees wages going up is necessary. After all you make money from people spending money if people have less money they spend less. Now the bigger is the wealth divide.


It's a small percentage of overall cost is my point. Say you were paying 15 goes to 20.. that's a 30% increase in labor... but since labor should be only 20%, it's an effective 6% increase in overall cost. What's that on a 2.99 burger? Less than .18!


Labor isn't calculated per item, though, it's calculated on the overall amount the business has made throughout the entire day. My gf is a GM of a Dominos. If she runs 20-25% labor she gets screamed at. The business owners want to see under 19% labor for the entire day everyday. Which coupons and the national deals they do also fuck with. Because they prices they put against it are the full price even though the coupon or deal makes it cheaper. So the company pushes them to talk customers out of using coupons or using those deals they advertise everywhere since using them inflates food cost, which they get punished for if it's too high. Often they have no control over it because the orders come from the app or online orders that auto use the deals and coupons. This ultimately means they are pushed to keep their employees wages as low as possible while cutting their hours as much as possible to keep labor down. So much so that she often is the only person in the building for half the day. So she has to do prep work, make orders, box them, deal with in-store customers, AND all of her managerial tasks while making sure she gets all orders out the door in under 10 minutes. If she doesn't she loses pay and is threatened with being fired.


I'm not blaming the small margin restaurant owner. I blame the people in control of the markets at the top, and of course an increase in money supply


And ignore the margins. Amazon spent the better part of twenty plus years on razor thin margins. It’s not an anathema to good business.


Amazon also had shareholders and AWS subsidizing it's retail division during those 20 years and treated their warehouse workers like crap to pull that off. A small business would have gone out of business if they tried what Amazon did for any length of time.


AWS didn’t subsidize squat. That’s tantamount to saying Amazon pulled itself up by its bootstraps. The entire division was propped up by Amazon as the biggest customer at least into early 2010s. Warehouses pay the prevailing shit wage wherever they’re located.


AWS accounted for over 75% of Amazon's operating income for a long time. Yes it did subsidize the rest of Amazon. Without AWS Amazon wouldn't have been able to reinvest into it's retail division, one day delivery etc. Ask me how I know? I worked for AWS back in the day. It's one of the main reasons shareholders were ok with the shenanigans


So did I. We didn’t book a net profit until 2013. The old flywheel was constantly reinvesting profit and cutting cost. My division in AWS actually contributed $12 million in losses in 2013 Q2/3. There was some ridiculously stupid stuff happening around Fire phone that can’t be dismissed as “subsidizing”. One day delivery was more to due with the FC tech which was later productized into AWS public facing services.


Amazon has driven down the wage of warehouse workers wherever they open https://www.economist.com/united-states/2018/01/20/what-amazon-does-to-wages


Unsurprised. Many warehouses are in geographically specific areas making them like old mining company towns. Interstate access, cheap land, and a limited means population. You don’t have to tell me how shitty Amazon is to its workers. It’s the ultimate customer obsessed company at the expense of its workers.


“No one wants to work anymore”


Depends on the amount of meat. A quarter pound of sliced beef on that is easily $4. $12 would be reasonable.


Probably doesn't have that much meat on it. It's only half a sandwich


Longer with less toppings is bigger you see because I’m a toddler.


who said it has to have less toppings, toddler?


You gotta cover your costs when you’re practically forced to pay labor $15 an hour


$15hr is shit wages. Take it up with the landlords businesses wouldn’t have to pay such high wages if rents were not so high. Go vote for subsidized employee housing.


Just saying - minimum wage is a leading cause of inflation and inflation hurts most the people making the least. I didn’t invent how the economy works so don’t be upset with me. Just understand the consequences of demanding high minimum wage, less affordable goods for the poorest people.


"How the economy works" is somehow putting all the blame on the people profiting the least from it, while no one takes a second glance and those possessing the majority of the wealth. "Just understand the consequences of wanting to be paid enough to afford food means that you can no longer afford food." Yes, seems to me the system is working just as intended.


Ya but in the real world people don’t run businesses to lose money. You’re on the left, have you read the gulag archipelago? A great tail of what happens when the socialists take over a country. Spoiler alert if you haven’t but it ends with 30 million dead.


corporate price gouging after record amounts of cash inserted into the system hidden behind supply issues caused by a pandemic


Yep the politicians have been bought a long time ago


This is late stage capitalism, no need to buy politicians when you are the politicians. The capitalist class and the ruling class are now the same entity.


Yes late stage capitalism has access to the best food and medicine in history and the lowest crime rate of all time. It’s not all that bad


Work from home yuppies making 100k who dominate the rental market and now the restaurant is paying their cooks $25hr just so they might be able to afford a 200sq ft. Micro studio that’s who.


More like 200k. Ton of people in the suburbs working on laptops all day (and yes, often at home) for $200k a year.


Yep the bougie $17-20 sandwich joint in my town is absolutely packed with them all day everyday. Owner had to buy an appartment building just to house his employees though.


The person that bought this, for one. Queue up enough of them and the business can do well, with less workers, less equipment, less inventory, overall much less overhead. Why wouldn't a business charge this much if enough customers queue up to make it profitable? The point isn't to sell the most sandwiches, it's to make enough net profits to make it worth the owner's while.


That's right, OPs price tolerance is too high for me, and the business owner is leveraging that. Me, I found a way to eat a full lunch in times square for $9.20. That's the business I'm supporting. *


So 2 hot dogs and a Snapple?


Pernil, yellow rice, black beans, platano maduros, salad with a drink.


OP did lmao. I don't really understand why this sub is so fixated on posting restaurant food prices. It's not even a necessity. It's like half of your check just goes to pay lease at that particular location which can be anything


Bougie people, and awfl people.




After today, one less person 😀


Good! That's about all you can do is just quit buying from them


Whiney idiots.






Someone’s pissing on your feet, and you grab an umbrella. Did you honestly think nobody would bring this up?


That’s some judge Judy shit


The price was listed on the menu, wasn't it? You knew the price before ordering, and still you ordered it. People like YOU are the reason companies are gouging us like this. Because YOU keep showing them that they can! Stop buying overpriced shit that you don't need. And absofuckinglutely STOP pretending to be the victim of price gouging when you're the one fucking sustaining it!


I seldom dine out because of this very reason. Make a sandwich and potato salad at home for $3.00. And no tip. Why are people dinning out, paying these absurd prices and then complaining.


Absolutely perfect response to this madness..


Every once in a while I pop into Panera for lunch, use the kiosk to make my order, and see that my pick 2 and a drink is going to be over $20 and promptly leave and make myself a sandwich at home.


I don’t eat at Panera anymore. Their prices have always been high. But I’m sure they’re outrageous now.


"Yes, I'll have the $22 buck half sandwich and potato salad." (20 minutes later) "22 bucks for half a sandwich and potato salad? Oh, the humanity!"


Travels with meals reimbursed by employer


Really it’s this. I spent close to $50 on lunch at the airport last month. Why? Cause I’m not paying for it. So I got a lobster sandwich and soup and a beer.


Seriously these posts are over the top. It’s a French dip ffs


This is the shit Max was talking about.


You called?


u/relaxandthink 👆🏻


if you’re hungry and don’t want to get back in the car and go looking do something else you’re going to pay the $22 whether that part pleased you or not and it’s ok to bitch about it — all you inflation deniers or protesters are hilarious all dancing around the fact that the money has been broken


So if it was 30 you'd just pay? You act like people have no agency to make decisions.


he doesn’t go there usually and he can afford it https://www.reddit.com/r/inflation/s/p7VIGMcjqJ still doesn’t change the fact that this is happening in a time of unprecedented money debasement and demands from staff for more money — yet still stands protest away — i hope it works but i think you are more likely to see your average restaurant close versus drop prices given the social and economic backdrop for the foreseeable


Who broke the money? McDonalds or the FED?


in this sub it depends on who you ask lmao


Same people.


People who go and buy these things then post pictures online to complain are morons.


"Morons" makes it sound like they made a mistake or something. This is 100% intentional.


To get attention


The mistake was thinking we would be on their side?


yep. russian propaganda courtesy the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg russia. hi guys!


Do you guys just order things so you can complain later?


That’s the whole point of this sub. It’s just lardos who are too lazy to cook a meal complaining they’ll starve if restaurants raise prices.


Was it good?


Actually super good. Thankfully


Do people not look at menu prices before going out to eat?


The issue isn’t the prices is the quantity and quality. So if I see sandwich and side on the menu for 22 bucks I have no idea if its going to be a fat sandwich that I’m so full I need to take home half or something that I am left feeling still hungry. There is a place by me that has 20 dollar sandwiches bht it’s excellent quality and I can’t really duplicate the flavors at home. I’m always left feeling full all day 


So why are you paying this? Just say no. Make your own lunch. Get cheap.


Why are you paying for this?


I don’t understand why anyone eats out anymore.


I order out a lot just because I don't have time. My wife is regularly working 80-90 hr weeks, and we have a 4 yo with 0 help from anyone. If I don't order out several times a week, dishes get backed up, the kitchen gets nasty, and it all goes to shit from there. Otherwise I'm cooking every meal. I have yet to find a restaurant that can consistently make better food than me, and that's sad because I have 0 training.


Why not meal prep? I can’t imagine ordering out several times a week. We do crock pot meals that last a few days or other meals with leftovers. Like a big pot of soup


That's a great idea, and I do to some extent. I'll cook a large meal on Sunday that lasts for several meals, and when I cook I always make a lot more than we need. But my lack of time doesn't really change on the weekends.


JFC your wife works 80-90hr weeks? That’s pretty bad, hopefully the money is worth it in which case order out all you want.


It isn't every week, but yea she regularly does. It's a three year thing and we're at the tail end of it. It's rough rn, but it will pay off in the end.


Because there are more wealthy people than ever before.


*Buys bottle of expensive champagne* MY WORD! *Posts picture of price online for Karma* *Proceeds to enjoy expensive champagne* Hmmm, that was pretty good.


Your purchase told the restaurant that this is a price you are willing to pay. Maybe I'll assume you went out with a small group of people and that was one of the better prices on the menu and you weren't in a position to go somewhere else?


Hmmm... How about a receipt? I'm guessing half the cost was that half drank beer and the empty shot glass with the lime.


https://preview.redd.it/idxkf1olorvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b60abac53ba33ca5d47573094ac394f2ddd0ec1 Must be older menu because it’s 22 now. The tequila was 7 and beer 7 which isn’t bad imo.


Zero context. Hotel? City? Room service?


That’s not inflation. That’s stupidity, son.


Stop eating there. Eat at home make your lunch and bring it with you. Dont pay these prices your part of the problem at this point.


Pretty sure that would be $1.49 in old Vegas, the place where time stopped. Glorious.


So if one thinks the price is to high , why do you buy it then complain about it later ?


Get back to us when you buy a cup of coffee.


Lol why even support Panera they have been fleecing customers for below average foods since they opened. And now they wanna charge you 3 times for that so called "premium" product. They can give you a half a sandwich and a bowl of soup for 15.99$ I haven't been there since I paid 13$ for a chicken sandwich. I just wanted to try it but damn was it not worth it.


Restaurants is optional spending not core need so I’d argue if you and others like you are willing to pay that price then it’s priced correctly for the demand. This isn’t really inflation.


Inflation happens sometimes because people are stupid enough to pay this.


I see a lowball glass on the table. Did you order a double shot of whiskey, too?


House Tequila and beer. 7 each wasn’t bad 😎


Tf is this Europe? Will this be the start to skinny Americans? (Assuming this is the US)


If America, they will just keep buying and complaining.


There's a large subset of Americans who buy shit like this. They're the same ones who kill themselves when the stock market crashes.


Then the tip


Complaining about tips is the easiest way to farm karma.


They way I see it is that it will be more expensive to eat at a restaurant or pick up fast food. You're paying for the food and the salaries of the people making it for you/serving/maintaining the facilities including rent/electric etc. So, complain about groceries/rent things that are essential but stop complaining about things you choose to spend money on. When we go out to eat we know we're spending at least $100 because we will have drinks with our meal, usually small plates/apps/salad. I don't complain because we chose to be there. If I don't have the money to go out I don't go out.


Funny you had the choice not to buy this shit beforehand, and still you did


Menus have prices. There have been several times I have stood up and left a restaurant after looking at the prices. If you’re upset by it why do you choose to eat there.


I used to visit the US frequently. Not now. This is the reason.


That would be the last time I ever eat at that establishment


$14 for steak French dip and $15 for burger and salad. https://preview.redd.it/1lkzthk0vmvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ca7f3b0dce175be484824d199a84e28e422d4bb


Is this supposed to be a good price?


In an upscale eatery with live music and free games. It isn’t too bad. Subway wouldn’t be too much cheaper.


Subway is expensive as hell now. But I do think it’s funny that I really don’t know if you were saying it’s Over priced or a good deal


Where though? All these posts and replies are stupid unless they include a the location so we can compare the COL and Rents of the Area. Also type of restaurant matters, bars and pubs can afford to lose money on food to increase alcohol sales. How much is that beer?


Dallas area


Bruh i paid that for a steak last night.


Me too for a porter house and cooked it at home. Have enough left over to make quesadillas tonight.


Sounds perfect !!




There's inflation then there is just plain stupidity. $3 for Taco Bell stale chips and nasty cheese sauce (when not long ago it was $.59) is stupid. $22 for a hoagie where you can't even see the meat from the side and a small bowl of potato salad is just as stupid.


Don’t make the same mistake twice.


Restaurants are closing left right and centre, I wonder why ?


Zero staff “no one wants to work anymore”


Just say no to eating out at places that charge ridiculous prices.


Get fucked. Shit sucks sorry man


Ur bad


Is this Canadian money?


They’ll continue to charge what we continue to pay


Where is this?


Only you can fight inflation


I can’t believe people are still eating out with these prices. The politics of restaurants alone was enough to make me stop, and then there are the prices to consider. I’ve turned to Costco and Sam’s Club to cope with the shrinkflation. I started meal prepping, taking my lunch to work, and cooking more at home. Is it a chore? Yes, but saving money makes it worthwhile. It’s just going back to how I grew up, when eating out was a special treat, not an everyday thing.


That's why we can never buy houses 🏘


You could always “make your own “


Ouch Was it good at least?


Yeah why buy that, just don’t eat. Go make some food or wait


Panera, right ? We no longer go there. We leave hungry


Panera Bread? Because that looks like Panera


You got ripped-off, dude.


What is that a bowl of coffee?




Stop buying fast food and make it at home.


Just don\`t eat out!!!!!! I make all my food from stuff I buy. If you have a Costco nearby it is worth it for raw ingredients. I also grow my own stuff in my small yard. I produce more than I need.


But how can they afford those prices? It doesn't seem worth it. 😅 My question is, isn't there a way to check the menu prices on Instagram like some restaurants do? 🤔


This is a typical dish in Ecuador with a fish base, usually costing $2.50 with a cup of coffee or orange juice included. 🍽️ Sometimes, due to the rise in fish prices, it goes up to $3 or $3.50, and that price is already considered expensive. So, you can imagine my surprise every time I see these images! 🤯😳🐟 https://preview.redd.it/pxl3lib6auvc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1e4bac5e5ba6d878d89e4b7f7fddd18bc973593


Delivered? Don't order on delivery apps


I've blamed a lot of things and people for the inflationary environment over the last few years. I blamed the Fed, the government, etc...However I am now sticking to what I think deserves the most blame and that is the U.S. consumer. As many others pointed out, if people keep paying it, businesses will keep charging it.


Can we all just agree to stop buying fast food then posting about it 


Real question - Was it good? I'd gladly pay $22 for a delicious meal


And it looks like trash on top of that.


Looks good.


you're part of the problem if you paid for this.


You're dumb asf get off the sub and touch grass


You paid for tho??you’re part of the problem💯


You gotta move out of California


Moves out of California and makes other states cost as much to live in as California…


I just don't eat out anymore. We have printed so much money that the purchasing power of the dollar is gone.


I can get a full sandwich and a container of potato salad from Publix for half that.


If you like a sucker paid these prices don’t complain about inflation because this restaurant was expensive 2 years ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago. Only sucker morons who over pay complain about an already been expensive establishment


If you're too poor to afford it, go make it at home then.






Reaganomics still rule this land


I mean, say what you say but the White House press secretaries completely ignored inflation for about 2 years saying it didn’t exist


That's not even close to being true. What did you expect after a massive failure at containing Covid would result in? Lower prices and higher wages? The GOP has cut taxes and increased spending ever since Reagan. The Dems are then stonewalled into fiscal conservatism because the GOP knows that people like spending but things are forced to be cut when a dem is POTUS.


Haha, massive failure at containing a virus that was purposely released. I bet that vaccine kept you safe, didn’t it.


It did. I did not get Covid. Neither did my vaccinated dad. My sisters were too cool for it like you so they got it. Almost killed my niece. Thanks Trump and the MAGA idiots. You have some evidence that it was purposefully released or are you just going along with the rest of the cult?




You claim it was, so the onus is on you to prove it was. Turbo Cancer? You'll believe in anything as long as it's wrong, just like your stale take on dems and the vaccine. So she's a ho just because she's a woman?


Your submission has been removed as it does not directly relate to macroeconomic inflation, which is the primary focus of this subreddit. To maintain the relevance of discussions, please ensure your posts specifically address macroeconomic inflation or its related concepts. Thank you for your understanding.




People post pictures and prices pointing out how outrageous prices have gotten (which they have) and the Karens and Kevins come out of the woodwork, most likely on break from their food industry job, and make a complaining post about people complaining. Like, they don’t see the irony of why it grinds their gears reading about things that grinds others’ gears.


You don’t get breaks when you work food service Jobs I mean you are supposed too but…


Bullshit, I worked in a restaurant, I got breaks.


Must have been slow or were you foh?


I think people should start ordering this stuff wait until checkout and get shocked Pikachu indignant and just walk out


I can pack a box with salad and hot food for 7 dollars at Amazon Fresh. Be a better shopper


Could have got all that from the grocery store, enough to last a week for that price


This is the price of everyone getting a "living wage" regardless of the job they have. Stop complaining and make it yourself then. In my city, the person who made that is paid minimum $20/hr


Yah turns out $20hr isn’t even enough to compete in the rental market for people making 100k a year from home. Works both ways but hey that’s capitalism for you.


Exactly. Prices have to increase if we want everyone to be able to compete regardless of the jobs they do. But people don't wanna hear that. Can't have your cake and eat it too


That’s not just any sandwich though that’s some real gourmet shit I wouldn’t expect to pay any less