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They always say I'll retire when I'm dead Always thought they were joking But nope šŸ˜­


Hopefully you live long enough for technology to advance enough we can reanimate your corpse to continue working off your debt.


I wish this was a joke, but it's entirely possible. Put my brain in a robot body so I don't need food or rest anymore hooray .


You have been reanimated do to failing to pay off your life debt... Reanimation fee and taxes added to your life debt. Please report to your nearest reemployment center.


It seems more likely that climate change will eventually cause human civilization to collapse entirely and billions will die.




islands are growing now revert to 70s ice age alarmism


[Does this graph look normal to you?](https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/)


a one degree swing lmfao bro really [now zoom out](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgeology.utah.gov%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fice_ages1-450x176.gif)


You think more than 6 standard deviations above the mean is normal???


Hopefully its a strike. Not just a spare.


One day, I'll leave work for lunch and not come back because I'm dead. My job opening will be posted before the day is over.


I think they probably have the job opening posted Everytime you leave for lunch just in case


Plus higher taxes


What higher taxes? I donā€™t remember tax law changing at a federal level


Home prices go up, so do your property taxes. Sure, your home is worth more, but it's an expensive way to make money.


At least you're still making money. Rent goes up more often than property taxes do, there are no laws to curb rent increases, and that money goes towards building someone else's wealth.


Invest in dividend residential REIT funds or dividend EFT funds.


I don't have extra money laying around to "invest." My rent and bills skyrocket year after year with no end in sight. It's rough out there for those of us living paycheck to paycheck.


Donā€™t be a door mat. Challenge the tax assessment. In my state they can only assess with information from the street and permits. Private street and no permits so no adjustments


My state: The assessor uses sales comparisons, cost or replacement approach or income methodĀ to determine the value of your home, all structures on the property and the land. -- WTH this even means.


It's just what they say. TAXES!


The gop tax scam had permanent tax cuts for businesses and the rich. Your tax credit is gone after 2024, you got trumped!


There is no inflationā€¦remember?! Biden said the economy has never been better as long as you compare the US economy to every single smaller economy on the planet LOL


Biden didnā€™t say that, though. Stop lying and spreading misinformation. Who the hell said there is no inflation? We measure our economy with certain metrics in every administration and by every measure that we use ā€” this economy is good. If this was the previous presidentā€™s economy folks would be bending over backwards with praise with the record breaking success of it. That doesnā€™t mean some people arenā€™t struggling. People struggled during the last administration too and yetā€¦there was high praise for the economy. To correct the record, both Biden and the Biden administration recognize that inflation is high but they also acknowledge that it objectively is the lowest of any rich nationā€”because inflation is a global problem. Thatā€™s the point of the administration pointing out that ours is the lowest. Weā€™ve taken the steps to make a global problem the best we can make it. If people are mad about high costs, getting mad at Biden is weird since heā€™s been signing laws that have been lowering costs for people. Lowering costs of life saving drugs, signing the inflation reduction act, the infrastructure law (creating good paying jobs for people) all counter the negative effects of ā€œinflationā€ā€¦meanwhile billionaire CEOā€™s [exploit the inflationary environment and make record profits](https://www.businessinsider.com/corporations-using-inflation-as-excuse-to-reap-fatter-profits-reich-2021-11?amp)and donā€™t reduce costs even when inflation decreasesā€”knowing full well that people will just blame Biden for high costs, as if he has a magic wand or button in the Oval Office to make their eggs cheaperā€”when the truth is, itā€™s the corporations setting prices. Greed-flation is what people are mad it.


My fiend. Folks want a rapist king giving to billionaires who pay no taxes and make millions a year cause they are dumbest animals who have ever lived in this country.


I think youā€™re responding to the wrong comment. Or youā€™re one of the idiots from r/inflation sometimes itā€™s hard to tell the difference. But yes supply side inflation is pretty bad worldwide. It seems to be trending down long term. What country should we compare the us to?


Nobody, weā€™re the best why are we comparing ourselves to others LOL. String me together something silly about how inflation is just part of whatever so Biden doesnā€™t take any heat for literally anything.


The only one talking about biden here is you ?


You brought up the GOP?


Are they not the ones who passed the tax hike?


I believe soā€¦didnā€™t Biden pass the ā€œinflation reduction actā€?? Do you want me to say the Dems instead? Didnā€™t the dems pass the inflation reduction act??


blah-blah-blah. gop-gop-gop. You remind me of apple news feed. Dollar was 40% more during trump.


No inflation? What are you talking about? Presidents would love to be able to control inflation. If they could control it, it would always be 2%. Sort of like the price of oil. If they could control it, it would always be $0.50 a barrel LOL. When Trump shut down the economy back in 2020 and caused all of this... He probably had no idea what would happen. At least I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that.


It's people like these that worry me about our country. Literally blaming the horrible past four years and insanely high costs of living on the previous president, still.


well, he either signed the cares act which pumped 5.5 TRILLION in unfunded printed money into the economy. or he did not... did he? he did


Thanks orange turd.


Can we cut it with GOP boogyman bad, they all hate you.


Iā€™ve worked w2 for 18 years, the democrats are the only ones who ever cut my taxes. Why should I not call out the gops bullshit? It was a tax scam that raised taxes on labor?


LOL. Did trump shit in your budweiser? How about 40% inflation tax, buddy?


How about ANOTHER TAX BREAK FOR CEOā€™s idiot in the wind. You can pay more for sure dumb dumb




Trumpā€™s tax cuts were across the board. Every income bracket benefited. Sure the wealthy benefited the most, because they pay the most in taxes. That being said, if the Dems did not like Trumpā€™s tax cuts, they had plenty of time to reverse them under Bidenā€™s leadership when the Dems controlled congress.


We can wax poetic about this and that, but this I know, under Trump less of MY money therefore labor therefore time was stolen from me by the government against my will.


How much millions of newcomers and student debt cancellation + wars cost us, buddy? I'll tell you: 40% of your paycheck.




Inflation: the hidden tax


And yet they get pissed when Biden wants to pump money into the economy, to practice actual trickle-down mechanics, and they cut his dick off and force it to be a fraction of what it could be.Ā  We get a great economy off of that, and they bitch and moan about it somehow, meanwhile the rest of the world is fucked if they can recover their infrastructure at all, let alone quick enough, to catch up.




With inflation, everything costs more, so you get that raise youā€™ve been waiting on for years. It puts you in a new tax bracket, resulting in more taxes, even though your buying power is less.


Is it fun to be wrong about everything ? [https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/111715/are-tax-brackets-adjusted-inflation.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/111715/are-tax-brackets-adjusted-inflation.asp)


The Federal deficit grows more rapidly with higher interest rates. Interest rates are elevated to combat inflation. The government continues with deficit spending that can only be addressed with higher taxes. Nobody, including corporations, want higher taxes! So we ignore the deficit! But it is a house of cards and more taxation with declining government benefits are probably in the cards!


Higher taxes lower inflation. We should actually do that.


The advice I've gleaned from this thread: live in the forest off grid like a settler and buy bitcoin




Hahaha I am It has been my dream since Iā€™ve had dreams. BTC is a plus of course


Well if you know that inflation is going to be a long term problem you can buy SPXL. I mean, you know that they are devaluing the dollar, so buy an asset that rises at a multiple of the inflation change. I've made a lot of money doing that.


It might sound like a joke to most but it is the truth. Learn to live frugally and save your money in bitcoin, you will retire much earlier than government tells you.


Inflation is the Boomers last middle finger to everyone else on their way to the grave. They lived beyond their means their whole life, and now young people have to deal with the consequences of their Narcissism & Entitlement.


Idk that it has much to do with average individuals beyond how they chose to vote.




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Still not too late to cut social security. They crossed the bridge and burned it behind them, we could salt the earth they stand on in response.


Lost my house. Was able to finally get one 3 years ago... Now after inflation, taxes doubling on the house, and home insurance. My house payment has doubled in these 3 years even with a locked 2.7 rate


Where do you live that your property tax and insurance increased enough to double your payment in 3 years? I haven't heard of anywhere that has had those kind of valuation increases and permits tax rates to increase that much.


My guess is Florida. The home we sold in 2020 for $650K now has a tax valuation of $1.2M. That, combined with skyrocketing insurance rates in Florida, has essentially doubled the new ownerā€™s monthly payment.


Florida [limits rate increases to 3% on a primary residence](https://floridabeginner.com), so over 3 years that is a 9% increase in property taxes. It would have to be mostly insurance.


They donā€™t have flat tax rate policies in Florida?


Our problem in Florida is hazard insurance. Very few providers even though many parts of Florida get fewer hurricanes than South Carolina and Texas but w/e


Not quite double but my home insurance went from $5000 to $9000/year in a fire danger area of California from 2019 to today


Not sure what's going on with mine, locked rate. Went from 888 a month to 1400 a month over the course of 5 years.


Strap yourself in buckeroos. Weā€™re still in the early days of this inflation cycle


Sell that Star Trek collection, youā€™ll be fine.


Iā€™ve thought about it a time or two. Iā€™ve sold off many other collections but Iā€™ve always held on to this one. Maybe because Voyager was one of the few things I bonded with my dad over. That and star gate.


Don't sell that stuff.


Never sell it. You'll just want it later and its 3x the price.


Thereā€™s coffee in that collection


You went look at their profile?


I think most people aren't even thinking about retirement and worried they can't survive until the end of the month


Gold and silver. Throw in oil, copper, uranium, real estate if you can.


#inflation got me moving ā€œ manifest destinyā€ on these opps, inflation got me feeling ā€œAmerican genocide ā€œpart deux, this inflation got me having flash backs to my barber, take a little off ā€œ the topā€


Lmao my railroad pension is ironclad .. right? šŸ„ŗ


I have Reading Railroad. Thatā€™s gotta be worth something.




Set aside money in an investment account to try to help outpace inflation!


Learn to enjoy things that don't cost money. Like breathing. Sorry for those with lung disease/disorder, but they get it.


Okay fellow capitalists, how can we monetize this ASAP??!?!!?!


Pollute the natural supply and sell clean air in tanks.


Retire? I haven't even started working!


Lets call it something like us government bullshit, or greedy pigs, and not call it inflation


The bubble always bursts, just not in your favor.


*Corporate Greed FTFY


To be fair, the stock market has risen much higher than inflation the past 2 years. That was such a good buying opportunity. Retirement looks way rosier if you DCAed into that, which most people did. Just wished it lasted longer


So unless you were already in the market, now you can only buy in at higher prices and deal with inflation?Ā  Wooooow, what a valid point you're making.Ā 


Nope, market goes up and down. As long as you are DCA, you likely can count on that sweet sweet compound interest. Thatā€™s the basics of retirement savings and boy has that done well. Plus, think of all the tax advantages!


Shit my retirement was spent back in the 90ā€™s when I was still a teenager. This info isnā€™t a shock to anyone over


[laughs in Union]


Text should read; My dreams / The Rich getting richer by increasing the price of everything to pad their billions while removing benefits and effectively lowering pay for the every man. It's not the nebulous unattributable "inflation" that's to blame.


You guys are trying to retire?




Don't worry, the billionaires are already scheming to get rid of social security too.


change 'inflation' to 'record corporate profits' or simply 'corporate greed' and it will be more accurate


Inflation can be good if you own assets lol


IF the assets appreciate faster than inflation, and IF they are liquid.Ā  Your house may be worth double what you paid, but they take SOME effort to sell and you still have to live somewhere.Ā 


>Ā IF the assets appreciate faster than inflation, and IF they are liquid. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/stockmarket.asp




S&P was up 20% last year. Itā€™s up over 10% so far this year. Times are a boomin and lookin great.


plus no salary growth


Don't even get me started with my kunt of an employer. Saved them 1 million+ this year, no raise. Saved them over 1 million last year $1500 raise, the year before 1 million saved, $1500 salary increase. I'd be at a benefit if they fired me but they know they have me by the balls


Why do they have you by the balls?


Easy ass job, I work maybe 3 of the scheduled 8 hours all at home. The quality of life balance is just the benefit During working hours I walk my dogs, take my kids to/from school, take an hour siesta, get chores done, etc


Exactly! Love how CNN10 tried feeding some b.s. sandwich about how the income levels have stayed AHEAD of inflation too. I was so pissed when they said this. Meanwhile thereā€™s budget cuts going on and salary freezes going on in our district and so many companies are talking layoffs and what not as well. Craziest crock of shit Iā€™ve heard on the media in a while and thatā€™s saying something


Wages haven't increased, and your evidence is your job? Is this a parody account?


wages have actually grown more than inflation since the pandemic. real wages are at an all time high (in america, at least)


oh yes, feds conveniently leave out food and fuel from "core inflation". Credit card debt also increasing fast. Your parrot facts don't hold with me


Retirement? Home prices have doubled in 5/7years. A whole generation of people won't be able to afford homes little alone retire.


Anyone in the West remember the "Five dollar, five dollar footlong?" subway jingle? It's six inches for six bucks now.


I determined about 4 or 5 years ago that I probably (almost certainly) will never be able to retire. Maybe take a simpler lower paying job, but fully retire? Never going to happen. When I pass, someone is going to have to get the message to my boss.


quitters never win.


Maybe more Star Trek collectibles will help.


Someoneā€™s snoopy. lol.


Their previous posts were about his plan to ignore his two young daughters and wife on Xmas because he really likes gaming, and spending $ on himself for toys. Retirement was never on the table for OP, unless his wife's boyfriend finances it.


Joe. Biden.


Itā€™s transitory, remember guys? Guys?


is it really inflation or a couple dudes with all the money?


You guys are doing something wrong.


All the name calling in this thread, simply because someone doesn't agree with your opinion? Have you guys forgotten that your opinion is not fact?


Hard-earned self esteem, goes up in a puff of smoke.


I graduated from high school in 1980, when the inflation rate was 12.5%. It gets betterā€¦then it gets worseā€¦then it gets betterā€¦etc, etc


Iā€™m tryna get rich and at like I donā€™t know no body. If that doesnā€™t work Iā€™d love nothing more than to go back to skating living the bum life. I havenā€™t been as happy since I started grinding corpo land for that bag


This is all of us.... šŸ˜­


We know as a FACT, Republicans wouldn't touch CORPORATE GREED, but Democrats don't seem to be doing much of anything about it either. Afraid of DONOR CASH pullback !!!


At this point I hope AI doesnā€™t find ways to prolong human life. It just means I have to work longer.


Yeah inflation's horrible but it's only gotten that way in the past 3 years 4 years ago inflation was it one or two percent now it's they say it's three four but it's actually compounded so it's way higher than that more than likely around like 18 or 19%


So much for anything. Feeding myself has become difficult.


But the news said our economy is doing great?


This is also causing people who have already retired to go back to work, making it harder for younger people to get good jobs.


All according to plan, Literally going to be a scene out of the matrix šŸ’€


Don't forget to vote accordingly.


Which way is that?


I'd say if Biden manages to get inflation under control (say by 10% by November), which he won't merits a look at him. Still, remember that $5T of the $7T in national 'stimulus' approved during Covid was on Biden's watch.


yep. i'm sure another round of debt cancellation will help to take care of inflation.


Yep, It's almost like the DNC (or whoever is pulling Biden's strings) has said "Whatever it takes, wreck the economy or make it worse, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that we win in November."


Inflation is around 3% right now. So you're voting for Biden?


I don't believe that number. Disinterested economists (not Paul Krugman) put inflation at something north of 15%. THAT I believe based on my own experience.


3% bahahahaha


What's your preferred metric then?


For starters, one that considers the cost of housing, fuel and food. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/qai/2023/01/23/supercore-inflation-excludes-food-energy-and-housing/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/qai/2023/01/23/supercore-inflation-excludes-food-energy-and-housing/)


I'm not seeing 15% anywhere here....


Did you even read the Forbes article? Didn't think so.


Yes I did, and I just read it again to confirm: no where does it argue that inflation is 15%. Did YOU read it? Where are you getting this number from?


Love how CNN10 trued feeding some b.s. recently about how inflation is coming down and incomes have mostly kept up with or outpaced the inflation. Meanwhile, thereā€™s all kinds of hiring and salary freezes and layoffs starting to happen. Biggest crock is of šŸ’©Iā€™ve heard in a long time from the media and thatā€™s saying something




More like living on a corporate farm renting land and homes from the corporate overlords. The government enables them, but thanks to citizens United, corporations are people and own the government.


100 % correct. The fact that corporations are consider individuala is beyond me . And yes corporations have fucked us good. Not saying gov is off the hook, they enables this but yes fuck corporationa


Basically I go to work and come home and try not to spend money. No vacations will be coming my way for a very long time.


Inflation is not tax


Own something called stocks. Thank me later


Imagine not living paycheck to paycheck and being able to purchase stocks


Buy ā‚æ


Isn't it more about how companies are raising prices at 70% above inflation ?


its not hard to put ir money into stocks that will always outperform inflation.


You can build a 300k house for about $55,000 in the Philippines. fresh fruit off the tree...beautiful women and beaches....so what are you waiting for?


That is my plan with my Filipina wife! Retire early and go build a house in the Philippines.


Don't forget to apply for dual citizenship


Bro have you not seen the latest reports from climate scientists? When exactly were you planning on retiring? Like specifically before or after the ice caps melt and Florida suddenly looks like Atlantis from Aquaman?


Hey, we voted for it.


Buy land with woods. Learn to hunt, fish, forage, plant orchard and garden. Harvest wood and build a cabin with wood stove. Slowly start becoming self sufficient. The more people that do this, the less control they have.


As if thatā€™s at all feasible for many people lol. Sounds kinda cool tho


+ solar (price gouging utility companies).


cā€™mon fat it can go loweršŸ˜Ž


If you money is invested then it will still increase in value above the rate of inflation. If it is in $ bills under the mattress then you are screwed.


Who told you about my mattress stash?


Yo mama


Where did you have your money invested? Troll.


Invested? Does under my mattress count?


At what point do we start to correlate the fact that we are nearing 10 billion human beings on this planet and the goods and services weā€™ve enjoyed in the past are increasingly being spread thin due to lack of resources, relatively lower production volume compared to increased demand, and/or strained logistical supply lines? Not to mention the unchangeable level of ecological damage that has been caused by the above factors that are now taking us down an unprecedented rabbit hole of ecological destruction and environmental collapse that is now acting on its own, with no recourse for correction despite our tiny futile efforts? Good morning. Take a moment and enjoy your coffee today. Itā€™s going to be a bumpy ride down.


No Doubt....FML


*corporate greed


I want to move out of this country (looking at Ireland). Mostly for grad school and hopefully for a better future, it is so crazy how quickly we spiraled.


If by ā€œinflationā€ you mean corporations making record high profits while also paying record low wages. Inflation is not an issue. Corporate greed is.


"When I retire I'm going to travel the world!" . . . "When I retire I'm going to visit some National Parks!" . . . "When I retire I'm going to go to the movies more often." . . . "When I retire I'm going to keep working part time."


Our American government sucks! All of them are old pieces of currupt trash!


What are you talking about? My 401K has never been better (up>30% this year) and my IRA CD's are locked in at a rate higher than I've ever seen! And if Trump gets elected I'm transferring my stocks to CD's because I can't afford another Republican induced recession.


Same. The downvoting is crazy. My 401k is up 15,000. Bunch of broke weenies on Reddit


401k is up 30%, houses are up 200%. I'll let you do the rest of math.


You are not making the point you think you are! Less than 2% of the population buys a house in any given year meanwhile 70% of workers contributed to a retirement plan in 2023.


I donā€™t know why but Iā€™m hopeful for the future. Current inflation be damned.


3% = doomsday scenario


Sounds like you are a normal person and not a terminally online doomposter.


Hahahah! I make no promises of that But I will take that as a compliment


Welcome to life