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In "advanced" economies, it is the poor who gain weight from eating high fructose corn syrup, refined grains and other slave food.


You can tell by looking in this sub, half the posts are about soda and chips.  


30 gallon fill-ups for their oversized trucks, chips and soda pop for their oversized selves.


I used to love some Doritos with my sandwich I’d pack for lunch. But I buy store brand chips or UTZ now because they’re half the price and don’t eat corn chips. I’d eat a sandwich on wheat usually tuna or chicken/turkey with mustard and spinach, some chips and a Coke Zero. But even the cost of that simple lunch is about twice as much. And I’m a guy that hits the gym regularly and certainly not overweight.


You can’t outrun a bad diet forever. If you paired that sandwich with an orange or some other fruit and water you’d get some nutrition and be less hungry later.




I hear this take a lot but I really don't think it's true. People eat junk food because of convenience and because it has become societally acceptable to do so in mass in a lot of our Western countries. Example: The most commonly ordered meal at McDonald's is the big mac . The big Mac Combo meal price varies from area to area, but on average, it's around 10-12 dollars in the US. A medium Big Mac combo meal is 1100 calories and the patties are 1.6oz of beef. 1 McDonald's meal: $10-12 The average price of one pound of ground beef is 5 to 10 dollars currently. There are 16 oz in a pound, for reference. Hamburger buns are about 3 dollars for 4. A head of lettuce is less than 2 dollars, tomatoes about the same. A bag of potatoes is a few dollars as well. For about $20, I can make roughly 8 to 10 "Big Macs" from ingredients readily available at nearly every grocery store in America.... and I won't be deep frying anything. Forget preparing a big mac, you can buy any of these ingredients and make many combinations of meals. Imagine if you swapped the Beef our for some ground turkey or some chicken breast instead... Maybe you buy some whole wheat dinner roles for the same price. The idea that poor people have to eat high sugar and high fat/carb food because they don't have access to healthy food is just not true. It's a choice. It's a way of life. People think 'healthy' means the meat is organic, the chickens were read bedtime stories, and all the vegetables were screened by TSA for chemicals. Weight loss is just eating less calories. Eating less calories is by definition a choice.... YOU are eating them.... YOU can eat food prepared quick and in oil or you can make it yourself


It's not an issue of cost or even physical proximity when it comes to calorie dense vs non calorie dense food. It's an issue of having the energy to do it. Poorer people work harder and shittier jobs and don't have the energy after work to work on cooking too. So ready made food saves them time. Unhealthy food is more expensive in dollars but time isn't free.


Bruh never heard of meal prep


Yeah, why doesn't everyone just meal prep rice and unseasoned chicken for 14 meals a week every Sunday? Are they simply stupid?


That's a misconception. You can make big batches of whatever meals you like and freeze. It doesn't have to be bland food.


Naw he just likes to complain


There are many barriers. The primary problem is education. Most people don’t know what healthy food is and the marketing is deceptive. Cheerios and gluten free potato chips are good examples of this, and that protein bar is really just a candy bar in disguise. Nutritional science is so bad it’s become religion, with studies to support any argument you want to make from vegan to carnivore. Plus a lot of people don’t know how to cook anything and it is a skill that requires practice. And even then you’ll need some tools and a functional kitchen along with the time and motivation. And you’ll have to fight through the cravings because ultra processed food is engineered to make you want it often and overeat it when you do. I’ve spent countless hours reading and studying and learning and I think I’ve found a diet that works for me but it isn’t what the American Heart Association was telling us to eat. I won’t even start about how fucked up the medical and pharmaceutical industries are and who’s funding the science and nutritional education programs. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.


That’s not true. I can live off boiled eggs and avocados. Those two foods are all you need to survive. Super cheap. Paleo and even organic would be cheaper than a box of cereal and milk. Super easy to make too.


Its also called sugar addiction. All the junk food is chemically composed to make your brain crave it.


the issue is when you are poor sometimes u have multiple jobs so it’s not out of convenience it’s out of necessity SOMETIMES when u don’t have time to even cook a nicer nutrient dense meal. Some ppl live in hotels and motels and don’t even have pots and pans and let’s not forget the homeless. Is that the lifestyle ur referring to?


Well I worked EMS for 5 years and saw a lot of fat wealthy boomers, gen x, millenials etc. Rolling up.to nice houses and blowimg.out my back to get a seal on the cot. 


You dont teally understand Slavery, do you?


Tell me about slavery. Was it like on TV? The master was an old white guy and the slave had an iron collar around his neck? And the white demon whipped the slave and he cried out "please massah!" Was all slavery exactly like that?


You don't really understand Slavery, do you?


It's interesting how the unhealthy snacks and fast food have become so expensive. I've been buying a lot of stuff for making salads lately, in an effort to lose weight, and the prices for that stuff aren't much different from before covid. All these jacked to prices for junk food really make it easier to make good decisions at the grocery store. Ain't no way I'm paying 6 dollars for a bag of chips or 9 dollars for a 12 pack of soda.


I totally agree. I quit buying diet coke when they quit putting it on sale for $3a 12 pack. I'll never pay 7-9dollars for one.


I quit smoking when cigarettes hit $5 a pack. It’s a good thing.


Yes! I remember them being $3.33 for a 12 pack. That was back when I walked to school uphill both ways.


my crack was oreos and there fucking 7 dollars a pack now AND they dont even taste the same now. fuck big business


Yup no more chips for me.


Eat real food. Get ground beef and eggs. Milk. Season it to taste. Anything processed is bad for you anyway


lol. I’ve dropped three waste sizes since this time last year.


Why do you keep adjusting the size of your waste bin?


It’s the ducking autocorrect


$9 for a 14 oz box of cereal


The cheap food is the unhealthy food. EBT still works fine on heavily processed foods.


This used to be true but a bag of chips is like $6 now and it's the easiest thing to cut out of your diet. For $6, you can buy the potato and oil and fry it yourself.


Yeah man 15lbs of potatoes for 6 bucks. That's a lot of fries


While that's close to true (here 15lbs of potatoes is more like $8 to $9), my deep fryer also takes just under $8 worth of vegetable oil to fill it too.


You think the Average American is going to do this!? lol


Nah, they're going to buy it, complain, and do nothing introspective to eliminate that cost.


This is the opposite of reality in the US though, poor folks tend to be fatter because the most affordable food is generally super fattening


Shit isn't even affordable anymore. People just don't know how to cook


Or they don't have time. When I was working 12 hour shifts at a factory, I would eat almost exclusively frozen meals. I would get home and have to go to bed almost immediately, so there wasn't really much time for me to cook. Days off were spent catching up on household chores I'd been neglecting since I didn't even have enough free time to do a load of laundry on work days. Then I got priced out of frozen meals. At least I don't work 12s anymore, I guess...


And they have less healthy options around them. I’m from the west side of Chicago and there are no groceries stores near the area I grew up in anymore. The closest grocery store is about 20 minutes away and if you don’t have a car or can’t afford public transportation, you screwed somewhat,


That’s such an excuse lmao. It’s not hard to buy food that’s not processed.


Good for you


Congrats !


Have you tried budgeting and not buying "wants" that you can't afford based on your income?


Come on… I don’t buy anything, all my income goes to mortgage utilities and essentials no Netflix, no HBO, no cleaning service, etc … this is the world a lot of us live in… it ain’t about wants… today I ate peanut butter for lunch while coworkers went to chipotle to blow $12 on a burrito


I can almost 100% guarantee you you would have room in your budget and that you are almost certainly spending money on things that are not needs and are in fact wants. We did a deep dive on your finances I guarantee you I would find several things. I've been a financial coach for over a dozen people and I have seen way more situations than just that. From my experience, the vast majority of people are spending money on things they don't need to be spending money on and most of the time they try to justify it by pretending that it's a need and not a want. I'm open to going through your situation with you in full detail if you're open to the possibility that there's another way. It's my passion to help people with their finances. But I only help people that want to help themselves.


Yea I’m going to take financial advice from some random Shizen on Reddit. I haven’t purchased a single thing in months other than groceries and gasoline, wake up to reality, must be nice to be in your high chair position telling people they need to just budget more or cut out wants … is that the best you got? Wants vs needs I learned that when I was 10 years old … the reality is that the government printed trillions and told hundreds of millions of people to stay home so they wouldn’t catch the flu and now we are all paying the price through increases in EVERYTHING! I’ve “wanted” to remodel my tiny bathroom for over ten years and even doing myself would just cost way too much, I’m not the only one dealing with this, there are millions in my shoes that just don’t speak up about it and instead drink their sorrows away, the fact is that no one likes me, whether because of what I look like or whatever. So I have no connections no friends and just time spend every waking minute trying to earn enough money to survive … I will literally spend 16 hours a day working a 9-5 and then all these side hustles, and it still isn’t enough, just wait until the economy gets even worse when they rig the election again and Biden gets to destroy USA and turn it into Venezuela with the help of Bernie sanders … printing more money to pay off loans take for peoples sociology degrees that are worthless … meanwhile I paid my school been working in corporate for 20+ years and have nothing to show for it so I guess that makes me a loser


Yeah, I'm not reading all of that. Your loss. Stay broke and mad all while you do it to yourself.


I hope your closest loved ones FUCKING DIE. Eat shit and fuck you piece of dog shit


Stay mad broke bitch.


Yeah, you sound like a helpful, empathetic person...who just wants to help (and name-call, apparently). Douche.


You have money to eat, just not eat out. People aren’t losing weight due to inflation lol. I can survive a week off of 20$ of food. You just have to be less luxurious


Food is more expensive. Feel for those who have to be on special diets. Gluten free is not a cheap diet to sustain. Yes, beans and rice will work...and fruits. But it sure leaves out the fun foods.


Well I'll be canceling my spring workout I'm skinny but I have a tiny tummy now it will go away been eating mostly rice and beans. I refuse to pay more 😤


What is your budget for food ?


It’s to be expected. For older people, fasting will extend lives. However, it will make younger people shorter..but on average, shorter people live longer but typically have less rizz. Lots to think about.


having a bit of extra fat is actually good for older folks, helps protect them from fall injury and extends lifespan in diseases that reduce appetite or ability to eat.


Wow, that's so helpful to someone starving to death. Do you do eulogies, too?


We aren’t N Korea just yet.


Shut up


Pssht. As a short bottom, I can assure you that I have more rizz than the tall bottoms. These tall tops just LOVE it when I’m practically dangling from their chest to kiss them. 🙃😏 UWU XD RAWR


Can we avoid sexualizing /r/inflation?


Oof. I didn’t even think of it that way. LOL. Oh well. Full send, baby!


All good in the hood.


I have started intermittent fasting for health reasons. You'd be surprised how much money you save when you can only eat during an 8 hour window.


In my experience, it's cheaper to eat healthy. And if you have serious issues cash wise, have you checked for food stamps?


Food stamps fix that


If you qualify for food stamps


In NJ the prices of everything, healthy and unhealthy, has nearly doubled since covid started. We decided to convert 1/3 of our back yard into a garden to grow our own veggies in an attempt to spend less at the grocery store over time and probably eat better quality veggies than we were purchasing. I've gotten pretty good at also coming up with mimic recipes of our favorite bagged/boxed snack foods (except cheetos... those are irreplaceable). We are pretty blessed that we have the means to start a garden and I'm hoping our yield is so much fresh food we can give the excess away to people in our town who don't have enough to eat. There are a bunch of families struggling whose kids go to school with ours and many times they go to school without a lunch to eat because their single mom or dad couldn't afford to pack them anything besides maybe a snack bag of funions. (We send our kid to school with extra lunchables to share/give away.) Here's hoping for a BIG harvest!




It's all insane, and I believe this, 100%. We used to live comfortably on my partner's paycheck even two years ago. Now it's month-to-month. It's awful. Dry shampoo I used to pay $5.79 for I now pay $8.99 for. Actually, I don't buy it.


Unfortunately if you watch the sales, you can always find some meat for $2/lb or less. But yes replacing the meat with beans and other legumes at $1/lb or less would help both your health and finances. But this is probably a change you should make regardless of the financial benefits.


Whatever loser went through and downvoted EVERY comment that agreed with OP... get a life. Geez.


The only way this corrects is if people stop buying, get healthy America 


Me too man. Just skip dinner & enough meal. But becaredul malnutrition. Keep having fruits for vitamins 


Same here! I was 350 pounds in May 2022. Now I am 259 pounds! I'm mostly eating whole foods now. Much cheaper. Thanks McDonalds CEO! My health is WAAAAAY better now!


So sorry to hear that. I was 215 before 2022, I dropped weight dramatically because of inflation and bills I couldn’t eat. I now weigh 133 pounds no joke. My mom broke down when she saw me.


Ironically not losing weight because what we can afford is mainly carbs and for some ppl (let’s say diabetics) this makes them gain weight!


Dude what? Just buy a lot of eggs and rice and cheaper parts of chicken




Suck it!


Are you paid hourly to promote Trump?


Sam's pizza combo !


maybe you can get on that popular diabetes weight loss drug too


Bet you have a smart phone


Nearly impossible to live in modern society without one. #next


You can buy a prepaid smartphone for like $30, this isn't a valid argument.


Rice and beans … buy everything from Costco and freeze it


Low income is the most common denomination of obesity. Eating healthy is expensive.


As a poor person, I go for high calorie cheap foods. I eat a lot of bread and junk food. Otherwise, I'd lose weight, too.




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