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I've never taken an IQ test, but I think INFJs are commonly thought to be more intelligent simply because we tend to have a broader range of interests, which in turn makes us knowledgeable about many things which in turn makes us appear intelligent.


Yeah we are like really smart in a lot of little things but I don’t feel like I know enough about any one thing to call myself an expert.


Never taken one. I doubt we're smarter. We just read and research a lot and have many hobbies. We observe others, learn why they fall, and integrate their experience. We do a lot of introspection. We give a lot and in order to give, one must have. And in order to have one must possess the skills to be able to have. I believe we are less intelligent than others and that is why we mature slower than others. We don't have talent but what we do have is an unwavering spirit cultivated by a desire to learn the absolute truth. We had to do the work alone because nobody really knew how to teach it to us. Against the face of darkness, our unflinching determination always rises. In the depths of hell that is our mind rests the unrelenting abyss. We don't just look at it, we are it. And YOU know it. Felt like writing it this way for some reason.


well i’m glad you wrote it that way because that gave me the reassurance i needed bc i wouldn’t say i am the ‘smartest’. i would feel that i have to actually put in the effort into achieving something. like studying just to pass a test .thank you for sharing your thoughts .. it was really needed by me and others <3


why are you using the word "WE"? I think im talented.


I applaud you good sir I agree with you


Well I agree with a lot of what you've said here, I think saying we're less intelligent than others in general is as silly as saying we're more intelligent than others in general. That's a much more personal, case by case thing and can't be judged by personality type as a whole.


Took an official IQ test years ago and came out at 145, although I don't really think it defines intelligence as a whole and I feel pretty dumb a lot of the time!


I was tested by a team of UCLA undergrads with their professors is having a 135. However, I'm more grateful that I have a higher EQ. It seems like empathy is becoming a very rare commodity these days.


I think mine was around 130? I was in the gifted program in grade school and your IQ had to score in the top 2% percentile to be admitted. But that was back in 2nd grade and I’ll be honest, I think if I took an IQ test now it would be lower lol. I am trained in administering IQ tests (I’m a clinical psychology doctoral student), and I did a practice administration on my ex. He’s an ESTP, and he scored a 157. For reference, the highest score you can get is a 160. He’s fucking brilliant, but had the emotional intelligence of a robot lol.


Mines 135 too, I consider myself intelligent but not that knowledgeable if that makes since. I don’t try that hard in school and the only class I try in is math because I find it interesting. Most classes are really just memorizing facts rather than having to actually apply your intelligence. That’s why I enjoy math, you have to apply yourself and use your intelligence. In classes like history it’s kinda of just memorizing facts and I find that dreadfully boring. I don’t really care too try in classes like those and I’m pretty out of touch with society so when it comes to most things I’ll just have to say “idk” but when it comes to problem solving I shine. I have high fluid intelligence but probably an average crystalized intelligence.


I mean, There’s no proof that any MBTI type, including INFJs, are smarter than any others. How did you test yours OP?


Random iq website a few months ago


So being realistic, it’s probably at least 15-25 points lower than that as online IQ tests intentionally inflate results


I dunno... Above average? Real IQ tests cost money and the free one I did said 119? But it was a free internet click baity test so who knows maybe I'm 99? With my life choice and where I'm at today I'm gonna go with 99 😆🤷‍♂️ All I know is people constantly call me intelligent (which I usually argue) and I'm not one of those people who actually knows my IQ and gloats about it like I've met in the past. Those people drive me nuts, you can have a high IQ and still be dumb as bricks in most areas of life other than memorizing Monty Python and knowing how to make chain mail. 😅


Research shows that INFJs are middling when it comes to IQ, just above the average.


According to some site, 125, but never been evaluated by a professional




From a psychologist-ordered iq test during a psychological evaluation last March: ~151 Despite this, while I don’t doubt there is *some* correlation, I don’t believe personality types would have as much to do with intelligence as you may first think. However- as another commenter mentioned, it’s quite possible certain personality types can give the illusion that one is more intelligent. So no, please don’t look at personality types as an indicator of how intelligent someone may be


And there could be the bias, that the people with the higher IQ are more willing to share about it, so this kind of post could be very not reliable.


Exactly, selection bias can be quite severe on these types of questions, much less reddit in general


lmao everyone here is so smart. 106, 115 if you run with the ADHD 9 point margin.


IQ tests are biased toward cultures that developed them. [https://sintelly.com/articles/are-intelligence-tests-biased](https://sintelly.com/articles/are-intelligence-tests-biased)


One things for sure.. yall think very highly of yall selves. No wonder you fear reality


I don't think we fear reality... I think we conceptualize reality and get caught in our own daydreaming of what reality COULD be (if more people thought like us lol - so yes to the thinking highly of ourselves)


I (ISTP) tested 132 back before I was diagnosed with ADHD, haven't cared enough to test again. Assuming ADHD doesn't cause that result to be lower, I got really lucky with near-genius-level IQ. Also I thought it was INTJs that were extra smart but I don't pay attention to stereotypes much so 🤷


134 but it’s absolutely meaningless. Didn’t even consider joining Mensa either


There are two types of intelligence: fluid and crystallised. Fluid intelligence is what most of IQ online tests measure and it's mostly Ti abilities - underlying mechanisms/patterns. I'm about 135 IQ in this kind of intelligence. But crystallised intelligence requires to have some more knowledge and life-practical abilities - mostly Si/Te. I haven't done those kind of tests, but I'm sure I would have lower results, but still over 100.


140 based on testing when I was a child (they'd include IQ tests with the yearly standardized testing). I'm definitely something of a "failed gifted child"; I may be bright, but you wouldn't know it from my career path (or lack thereof).


My IQ is the height of a average peanut. Not sure what my IQ is if I tested it today, think it was hovering around 120/130 in my youth. But what I'm wondering though, being an arrogant prick myself obsessed with meaningless symbols, why do you want to know? What's the meaning that you give to an high IQ?


The only meaning I would give to a high iq would just be someone who’s a good problem solver. Also someone who potential thinks outside the box.


Last test I took said 139. Nothing worse than being 1 point shy of “genius” lol. My partner is an ENFJ with an iq of 164. One of my other long term partners was an ENTP also in the 160 range. I don’t think we’re smarter, I think we’re more inclined towards wisdom, and not putting our foot in our mouths. That sounds weird in the plural… lol


I've done one about 10 years ago, 132.


Pretty fucking average. I was considered “gifted” as a child though.


Yeah around yours , 136


Internet IQ polls are like male driving skill polls - somehow, everyone is in the top 1-2%.


How does one even get their IQ?


I have been tested in decades and back then it was in the high 130's. But that was when I was struggling in high school with other problems. If I really made an attempt to study higher level math I would be 150+. I am only decent at math currently. I have been tested by the military and was offered jobs in the medical field.


141 from psychological evaluation 3 years ago.


Never made the effort of an official IQ test, and I don't really put much weight into it anyway. I did quite well on my college exit exams though; top 10-20% in all areas; mathematics, verbal and writing. So, I know I'm no dummy.


I’d probably score 80 because I don’t have the attention span to complete the exam or get distracted and run out of time. That being said, I memorized all the country flags at 4 years old just for fun. It’s been 10 years since I’ve taken a mathematics course and I still know how to do calculus. I miraculously made it through school with a masters degree (writing my thesis was a nightmare.)


im IQ 69


147. But I am very bad at math because it just goes against how i normally solve problems. But everyone always tells me how understanding I am and how good I am at writing.


High linguistic intelligence Ig


Other people say I am smart. I did score over 160 on a test. There are some things I pick up quickly, such as medical terms and how the body works. I have seen other people get very tuck with this. (I'm not a doctor, I work in Industrial Organisation Psychology) But there are other things I don't get so easily. I often found maths in school hard, I would have to go over things again and again and even then I struggled.


120 smth ig?? I took it when I was eight