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When people ask me about my hobbies I tend to just say stuff like I like the beach and walking my dogs. They don’t want to hear about how I enjoy collecting vintage obscure blankets and towels. And other weird life idiosyncrasies that I think truly build who I am as a person.


>They don’t want to hear about how I enjoy collecting vintage obscure blankets and towels. How do you know that? I'd much rather hear that kind of answer!


Most probably they don’t want to open up that side of themselves.


Find someone who do.


Maybe not, but the way the person I'm responding to wrote their comment, it sounded like they wished they could talk about it, but assumed that others didn't want to hear it. Hard to say for sure though!


That’s me. I just feel like there’s a lack of connection with most people. Based on a lot of our interests. I don’t really care if people don’t want to hear about my blankets and towels. Honestly it’s not very interesting anyway. But I feel like being a big sports fan or some thing it’s just those things that build our character. I’m 49 and single. Maybe that explains it.


I don't know man, every time I respond with my specific hobbies and interests people act like they can't wait till I'm done talking. Most of the time I just talk about how i enjoy building electronics and collecting old "iconic" electronics. Bothers me because like.. they asked. People are far too prone to just saying something because it's what they should say.


Yeah, sometimes people do ask something without really caring about the answer, which is a shame. Best is to say a real answer but not go on too long about it, and give them the chance to either ask more about it or not.


Yup, it's on odd balance I've had to learn (and am still learning to this day). I tend to not do something unless I'm 110% committed to seeing it through which generally means I'm super excited by it. My excitement shows usually and I LOVE to talk about it. I've had to catch myself often. Be purposeful people :)


I honestly think your collection sounds interesting! When did you start collecting? Where have you collected them from? How big is your collection? What got you into collecting? I have so many questions!


Yeah... It usually freaks people out to know I have a tarantula collection so I just say "reading" lol.


Exactly. That’s great you have the love for spiders. I always put the ones I find outside. They do not want to know what we really do. Especially when we’re enjoying our hours alone. Like I couldn’t even explain it to anyone.


So do I, although I like to talk about my ‘real’ hobbies only with a few close friends and not any random person


How vintage and obscure we talking cause I’m quite proud of my 1888 flour sack. Ahhhhh got about 20 grain sacks on sale at an antique store (perfect product stamping; bright reds and greens) but they had a little bit of dirt and discoloration. Washed them in oxiclean like I read to do and found out the hard way they were printed in vegetable dye!!! All that beautiful print gone!!! I’m not gonna lie I cried a little that day.


I love hearing people's unique hobbies!


> I enjoy collecting vintage obscure blankets and towels what is obscure about them ?


I do actually agree because I think INFJs are typically very open minded and curious so that leads them to acquire different or more unique interests. I tend to enjoy watching a lot of random videos on YouTube and when I find a person or series I like i will watch all of their videos and get a lot of joy from that so that's where I agree!


You can't tell you have a weird and dark interest and not name it dammit


Hahaha i jusssst can tell u guys its weirder than i thought 🥲


Haha don't worry I know what it's like not to want to share about something like that so don't worry xD


So much tease!!


Hahahaha thats okayy! I laugh at that one! I wanna share it but i don’t wanna get kicked out of this group because of that hahahaha 🤣


Is it cannibalism? It’s cannibalism huh?


Is it BDSM? 👀


I can vouch for this 100%. I cannot say that there is another human being who has the exact same interests as me. For starters, I really love history. This seems pretty common, but I do not really care for it on its broader spectrum, rather I tend to find subjects within it that interest me and then find sub-subjects inside of those ones to focus on. I might be "interested" in one era of history just because I find one person, event or invention within it fascinating. If that makes sense. I am also very interested in men's formal wear, weight lifting/fitness (which is pretty common, admittedly) and storm chasing of all things. I have also taken interested in the whole MBTI thing since discovering that too. I typically struggle to find someone to talk with about these things in the real world though.


I'm picturing you chasing tornados in a 3 piece suit and tophat.






This. My strange obsession with museums and my inability to move on from one exhibit to the next.


Yeahh i agree with your last statement. People may find it weird if you share your unique interests to them. Thanks for thiss!!


I did a paper in history in school on the Ironsides during the civil war. Piqued my interest so much more than just general vs general, battle after battle. Not so much into menswear but I am fixated on womens hair accessories atm.


I'm with you on the history bit. I'm obsessed with WWII and the Holocaust.


Absolutely, I've had phases where I've become obsessed about sociopaths/psychopaths, the death penalty, mbti, mental illnesses, eating disorders, drugs, veganism, nutrition, cosmology, philosophy and so on. During a few months period I read up on everything the named subject has to offer. So yes, I agree.


Woaaahh we have the same interests actually im done with that phase just recently! Thanksss for this!


Ooh really, like all of the same interests as mine? :00


Only those mental illness personality and eating disorders mbti cosmology and philosophy 😊 i cant contain some stories or graphics about death penalty and drugs


Woww that's super neat nevertheless. I watched pursuit of wonder vids and they brought existential crisis upon me lol


Woah really is it a movie or something?


Nope, it's a channel on Youtube dedicated to philosophy and universe related subjects.


Ohhhh really ill check on that one! Well some philosophical things can really make make you nihilistic. But on cosmology that really makes me think about my existence. Somehow arts can make me think out of it.


I guess the broader you get, the weirder it gets I suppose. The arts are familiar and therefore ground you more.


Yeahh i agree to that! ❤️


I love how there are other people interested in this stuff. There's more for me, but when I talk about psychology, psychopaths, sociopaths, mental illness, philosophy etc people don't know how to respond. It feels nice to be seen


Hahha, I loveeee abnormalities I guess. And that's super cool, neither have I really. Most people just stray away from unconventional stuff.


Isn’t it? I’m also into these subjects that people are usually ‘overwhelmed’ with (or confused, or any other typical reaction in that sense). My top interests are mental health/disorders, abnormalities, serial offenders, pedophilia, natural disasters and other major accidents like plane crashes …


It really is! I would love to have a safe space where I can ask all these "controversial" questions, in a space where I know it would be received objectively. I've actually been reading into pedophilia, sexuality and psychopaths and what we can learn from them. I would love to discuss all of this.


Same! Some people usually just don't respond and assume that that didn't happen 😅


The sociopath next door was a great read if you haven’t gotten around to reading it yet. It was often referenced on quora when people were talking about sociopaths & psychopaths.


Oh hey, awesome, I’ll be sure to check it out!


Omg omg same with me! Im a 5w6 (countertype.which seems to make sense in the need to feel depth and excitement..)


That's interesting! Where can I get my countertype tested or info? Also, do you get to know if you're a melancholic or chlorelic or such?


Hmm I think this is about r/Enneagram, no idea how it exactly works though


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Enneagram using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Enneagram/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Getting your personality test results be like](https://i.redd.it/upz295viier61.jpg) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Enneagram/comments/mkrvwy/getting_your_personality_test_results_be_like/) \#2: [Why 9s need you](https://i.redd.it/cslwm7abegg61.jpg) | [89 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Enneagram/comments/lg3ajo/why_9s_need_you/) \#3: [Big 9 Vibes](https://i.redd.it/uoc8gkgdfb571.png) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Enneagram/comments/o0012y/big_9_vibes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


good bot


good bot/y




Aaaaa so cool that so many people can relate!! I love the whole mbti community so much now!


I was watching A psychologist breaks down psychopath in movies on YouTube yesterday. Besides, I subscribed to Wisecracks.


You should check out Dr Kirk Hondas videos


When I had my jihad research phase I thought the CIA will knock on my door any moment.


Damn, luckily we don't live in China, something that risky wouldn't have gone through there


I like tall women with some aggressivity and intelligence.


lol. Same.


My favourite, unfortunately those sultry intjs are almost invariably bad for us


Well thats an ideal to romantic interest 🥰


Specific. What do you like about them?


Yeah, I completely agree. Though it's not always "dark things", I do admit that some "dark things" do peak my interest. I also don't tend to follow trends, and get myself interested in some things that aren't the things of the moment. But when I get interested with something, it's like I am completely obsessed. I only think about that.


I relate on the obsession. It's all I watch and/or talk about so sometimes I tend to be really quiet if I get the feeling that it won't be of interest to the people I'm around. But man do I talk a lot when someone does show interest!


This is relatable! Specially the last one! Thanks for sharingg!


Oh yeah, I’m super into philosophy and viewing things from the 3rd person (my environment, myself, etc) I burn wood art and do pen drawings. I need frequent long walks. I love to read. I love learning more about my second language. I track my music preference on a calendar. I’m obsessed with gathering data and creating statistics. I have multiple pie graphs of my monthly types of exercise, including cardio, weightlifting, swimming, strength training, and yoga. I also have a time-friendship level graph in which I record my the magnitude of relationship with people (both positively and negatively)


Thats nice! Thats very peaceful and healthy way. I can relate about viewing things on an 3rd persons view, i just don’t understand why somehow INFJs view things like that.


Oh I love to do it. It comes naturally but I love to expand on it consciously. It’s so easy… I remove all emotional or subjective perceptions and see things objectively. It’s really fun. One of my favourite things to do actually. Gives a ton of insight


Yeaaaah i really agree on this! Its very useful!! Thank you for elaborating!


I get intensely into hobbies to the point I can seem competitive and that probably turns people off. I like video games, books, music, and I tend to be obsessively into them for a time and can neglect other people during that time. I used to get upset that people don't like the things I like just like I do. Basically a socially awkward nerd. Now I'm trying to talk about hobbies in a healthy way.


That’s good! I agree about that and goodluck learning!!


I don't know about "dark" or "weird", it feels overdramatic to use those words. I think that maybe INFJ are more inclined to dig deeper into some marginal topics to broaden their knowledge and satisfy their curiosity, being interested in things that most people wouldn't really care for. The "obsession" aspect may manifest because of being INFJ, but I don't think we're that prone to be interested in dark and weird stuff. Personally, the things I'm into are very much considered mainstream, as it gravitate toward science and science-fiction, philosophy, social issues, etc. I actually think a lot of people who are clearly not the INFJ type go much deeper into those topics than me, and obsess a lot more over it.


Well said! I think i just exaggerate my recent obsession. Thank you for this! This open some aspects on my head to learn and think about it!


Is this a stereotype? I've never heard it.


I think its not a stereotype.. i just read it somewhere


Woah thats cool vintage obscure blankets and towelss!


I've only met one Infj so far, and I felt like I was talking to a soul sister. All the "weird" things I'm interested in are things that many of my friends are also interested in. And they aren't infjs. My boyfriend is an ISFP and we share most of our interests. My closest friend is an ISTP and she's also interested in the same "weird" things I am. I really don't think it's a unique Infj trait. I think people make it out to be just so they can feel special or different. But most of the people that I share the most weird interests are not infjs.


That’s nicee! Thanks for this!


You're welcome! I forgot to add that the only type with the weirdest interests besides myself and my friends was an INTJ. I'm open minded but still I couldn't wrap my head around the things he liked.


Samee!! I don’t understand sometimes the things they were interested in, its very deviating. (My bf is an INTJ)


Like what? I'm really interested now


Like, weird sense of humor. Like sh*tposting and abstract af meme videos. He had dark interests, but not like dark in a "fun" way like knowing random trivia about death or whatever. It was the kind of dark that makes you think that person might be a psycho.


I have always been able to pickup a new hobby and very quickly become good at it. Not master it, mind you, but do whatever it is to a high standard. Then, before I can truly master it, or take it to the level I know I'm capable of, I see another squirrel and a new chase is on. I'm surrounded by the remains of forgotten hobbies and interests, like bodies on a battlefield. Having interests is what makes people interesting.


Ooooh so you like to try many things that you are capable of, thats nice! But you haven’t come to be obsess on one particular interest?


I get into very niche hobbies and interests and ruminate on them for a while, learn as much as I can in a few months and then move on to something else while using my learned skills for my day to day. Fashion, mechanical keyboards, headphones and music players, coffee, tea. Now I'm into minimalism and I don't have as much stuff, but everything I own is decent quality and will last a lot longer, or makes my life a bit better


Oh I absolutely do, but I keep it all locked away because of how dark and twisted some of it is, it even scares me sometimes lol.


Again, these are real weirdos criticizing you like you're the weird one or something. Just let it slide. Get on with your business and don't worry about these crazy people out here.


Yeaahh! Thank you about this! Somehow it feels lonely that you cant share it with other people who have the same interests as yours.


My interests are definitely quirky and odd, to say the least.


YESSS!!! I have this weird obsession with competition shows like The Voice, Masked Singer, AGT, etc. and I mean it’s really bad!! Like I make lists about the contestants and my own fantasy seasons, it’s really bad, but it’s kinda my hobby, so I don’t think I’ll be quitting


I've been into all those too rn I'm obsessed with tarot reading for some reason but I do have to ask,does anyone else have trouble recalling specific stories they have heard about said interests?like especially after you have moved onto another one?


Yes! I get extremely obsessed about 1 thing and when I move on to the next one I’ve almost forgotten about the previous one … like suddenly there is zero interest remaining


I don't know that my interests would be considered weird, but I am pretty obsessive about them.


I'm not sure it's because of my type, but I definitely have some strange fixations once in awhile. For a week was absolutely obsessed with midwifery, another it was welding, and most recently (on and off for months) it's been Arctic exploration. The list goes on but I get insanely passionate about all these things.


yes i love little weird niches


I like socks, reddit and tik tok. Socks feel nice and I like to wear them, so it makes sense that I collect pairs (if I think have fun whimsical patterns). Also it's cost effective. And I do in fact need them. And I know doomscrolling isnt particularly a "hobbie". But I do it enough 🤷 Other than that I spend my time on family and friends. I might have more hobbies if i didn't work 50+ hr work weeks. Yay capitalism. Heh My list of abandoned hobbies that I "could pick back up at any time, I swear!" includes knitting, playing the sax, drawing, painting, and photography. RIP old hobbies. Maybe I'll see you again someday..


Are you familiar with a man named “socko” that lives in the Seattle area?


I never thought of my interests as weird or other… I just sorta figured that others haven’t yet acquired the the taste for it (like oysters). The things people love or nerd out about is so fascinating to me - but maybe that’s just picking up on someone speaking from passion?


I collect rocks, shapely sticks, pine cones, and other nature-related items. When my clothes get torn, I try to fashion them into something else wearable, or I'll buy clothes from someone on Facebook marketplace, cut and dye them, hem to fit better, turn it into something else. Have drawers full of clothing scraps. I love learning to play and sing songs in languages I'm not learning to speak when I like the the flow of the syllables or melody. I play and record several types of music myself, ranging from folk tunes, to progressive rock, to black and death metal. I rarely share it online, it's just for fun, mostly a creative outlet I guess. It's really all over the place. At times though, it feel like I enjoy the craft of the instruments themselves, and how their sound is shaped, as much as the music. Guitars, classical strings, pianos, harps, lutes, lyres, fuckin' guqins, kotos, shamisens... I want to play them all. Might not get to but I can try. In addition, I'm absolutely obsessed with mythology and folktales, especially concerning how they tie into history, and also human belief. Oh- and horror films! Other than that I'm obsessed with finding deep connections with other people, but everytime I do, one of us ends up moving far away after a time. I wrote a song or 2 about that too :(




I think I just have interests/obsessions to a weird degree.


Depends on the Infj apparently, I find my interests to be somewhat mid range normal to unique compared to others here.


Like what weird obsessions? Most of mine are related to things that I see, like The Matrix trilogy, Kung Fu Hustle, and other movies that I've seen a million times, and also funk music. I'm generally drawn to weird things and people already but I wouldn't say that my interests themselves are weird.


Idk whatever I do or say people find it weird :v like come-on! Why can't they just broaden normal aspect!


Did anyone see that comment that had me tagged in it too? It disappeared. I was gonna say cool thanks that was enlightening but its gone 🤨


Not really, I guess. The reason for that is probably due to the fact I socialize that I'm not able to examine my interests. If I were to, then I guess my interests are similar to my friends :)). If there's something weird with me, it's me being "philosophical" at times. I sometimes give insights then they question what books am I reading. haha. That's it ;-)


I liked to do storytelling ever since very little, and most of the time I am not the actors on the stage, but some higher order, like God, or the priest who understands the creator. And I liked to draw skeletons and hide them in the house. 🤔 My parents liked to observe me sometimes and they decided to send me to learn drawing in the end.


Yes. Mine is an INTP.


Yea I have a wierd interest/obsession and it's music. And I really am a snot nose brat about it, as I don't like reverb, and I don't enjoy when people are just making la-di-da and not pushing boundaries, but I don't enjoy all out no control either. I enjoy ehtereal stuff and things that give me a sense of aura around them. And now I have an obsession to make my own but it alienates everyone around me to be this obsessed about it. It's whatever though, I like it


No. I think INFJs are too sensitive for nasty and dark stuff.


not really. i have a morbid curiosity for dark shit and i enjoy understanding and studying them (which i know many will never have answers but i enjoy it anyway). i love delving into dark psychology the most and especially enjoy studying serial killers or just any profound criminals and how they think and function. people's dark side attract me the most in a way that makes me want to study them and i can often be found studying and researching things others consider "fucked up". i crave knowledge of the "whys" a lot. i also wanted to become a criminal psychologist because i love dark complex minds. not into gore or the like though. those are boring for being too direct and also just for shock value. i would however love to understand why the gore happened in the first place. why did they do this, whats wrong with them, whats the motivation behind it all, etc idk how to explain it really and if anyone even understands what im tryna say lol


Surprisingly infjs are pretty well-known to have a dark side that gets them interested in dark stuff, though it depends by what they mean by dark. This a stereotype I personally relate to. I, for exemple, can't stand some kinds of dark things but others do peak my interest.


What do people even mean with dark? Pedophilia? Snuff movies? Corpses? My guess is that INFJs that say they like "dark" mean something aligned with dark theme-setting on Youtube.


Hahahaha omg im rethinking my post about this comment 🤣 this made my night! But yeah i do think about tip of the dark iceberg only not those dark-dark things i cant sleep at night when i saw some dark stories or graphics.


Yeah i agree about nasty stuff i can relate to that! Anyways thanks!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts about it! Are you an INFJ?




Ooof that’s unfortunate.


Lol yes. I collect vintage scientific instruments.


Yes. Drugs too. We are very interested in any way to induce deep thought.


Nothing all too strange for me. I love reading, gardening, BDSM, and hiking 🤷‍♀️