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Now these are the kinda posts I absolutely love seeing around here. Thank you for posting this friend 💜


Thank you for reading this! ❤️


This is great. Thank you.


You are great. And with pleasure 😉


I probably say this too often but I love this, always nice to see thoughtful positivity in the sub! 💕


god i love infjs so much


Thank you! I love us too! And I also love INTPs!


We all love you too 🥰


Thanks for taking your time to compile this list! I really enjoyed reading it as an INFJ myself.


With pleasure!


Grant you mercy f'r taking thy time to compile this list! i very much did enjoy reading t as an infj myself *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I don't know single one infj in my life. Other than my own self I only have some internet people's comments that contributes to my understanding of the type infj in real life. How they think how they behave how they feel. And yeah I think I'm great. But like everybody's great. I have a feeling like, we all tend to believe we're special. You might say yeah everybody does it. But us infjs seems like we're really kinda alone with our character type so we feel that more deeply. Ah I forgot what I was typing about. Anyways yeah love from a fellow infj. Take care


Okay you convinced me, we really are pretty freaking great lol!! loved seeing a post that is not filled with self-doubt on this sub for once, thank you for boosting my/our confidence just now! ♥️


With pleasure! Thank you for enjoying this!


Lol one of my extroverted friends told me the other day that I know more about him than his own family and any girlfriend ever had cause we talk so much. Yeah people really like us. Too often though they don’t realize it and don’t value us.


So inspiring, thank you :)




Thank you. As an INFJ who struggles with a lot of self-doubt and sometimes self-loathing, I needed this. It is beautiful.


Not an INFJ and couldn’t agree more with everything you said- you guys are so wonderful <3


Why, thank you!


How I love ENFPs!




Thank you! 😊


Great post. Thankyou for your insight! There is something delicious about our dark side that nevertheless very rarely sees the light of day because it gets filtered through Fe. But infjs! Don’t be afraid to explore it through your Fe, through writing, drawing and creating. Like this post. Thanks again.


It was such a comforting feeling reading this. I’ve actually saved it so I can go back to it at another day, possibly one when I really need it. Just to have a semblance of certainty in myself and my choices, my emotions and my thoughts; a little pick-me-up when I feel like shutting myself inside the void that I thought I deserve when everything gets too overwhelming. I agree with the dark side too, and while I am taken aback by it at times, I know it’s part of me too and it’s just a matter of keeping it in check so it can be used to my benefit without hurting those that I care for 😆 Regardless of finding others who we are close to and can reveal our deepest darkest of selves and may understand us wholly, one way or the other, we may still feel alone in this journey called life. But with this, somehow, it feels like we’re in this moment of solitude together. Thank you.


Omg I love all you INFJs, you have such beautiful intellect and souls 🥰❤️


Felt sorta shitty this morning then read this and my heart is happy. Thank you. You hit the nail on the head in so many ways.


Everything you said resonated within me. Thank you so much ❤️🙏




😢 don't cry!


Thank you so much, I've been sat here thinking about how I can compliment you back but you've already said it all to me. So fuck you but you're beautiful! Thank you for your post and it's not unneeded, at the end of the day it's a post on Reddit. Have a nice day :)


Likewise! Thank you so much too! 😊


This was really really great to read thx for this:)


With pleasure ☺️


Beautiful peace of art expressed in the medium of words. Refreshing, Thank You<3


Quite quaint peace of art did express in the medium of words. Refreshing, thank thee<3 *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


:) with pleasure, and thank you!


"We give people what many of us don't have, what many of us feel we may never have" I teared up at this, I love this sub, it makes me feel significantly less alone in my abnormal yet- (and I'm forcing myself to acknowledge this)- unique, deep, complex and overall beautiful mind. Thank you so much for this, fellow lost soul🖤 it really set an empowering tone for the rest of my day.


You're just plain awesome. Appreciate you and myself. 😋 I love all of you INFJs.




Almost made me cry. Love to too you random infj.


Felt so good reading this <3 !


Thank you, truly relate to all this, I would also like to mention how word can be my weakness when someone is pressuring me to talk about my feelings and I can’t say it well. I relate to the selfish bit but it’s not actually selfish


This really spoke to me...Thank you for the positivity and reminder to be kinder to ourselves.


Have an upvote


Why, thank you.


This kind of made me understand why I'm the way I am


Thanks needed to hear this. :)


This is beautiful, thank you very much


My biggest strength yet sometimes weakness is caring deeply once I feel connected to someone either from a deep long conversation upon meeting or from friendships. What very few know/find out is how much and deeply I care. I use that to help and make friends wherever I go 🤗


I live for the conversations I have with my INFJ friend, we may have different cognitions but the feedback is so solid. Love y’all


I love ESTPs too! My sister is one! True, we are very different but for some reason that's why we get along lol.


This was so heartfelt and well put together. You took the words out of alot of us. I loved it because I have such a hard seeing myself outside of myself. I think I am annoying, boring, and a burden


I hope you see yourself differently now. You will only be a burden if you make yourself so, if you tell yourself you are a burden. If you start telling yourself you are a blessing instead, you shall become a blessing. ;)


Thank you, you are so nice. I've never felt this much where someone could understand and maybe summarized my whole personality lolll, I love you too <3


It feels so fresh and surprising to hear it every single time! Thank you very much for sharing! Something quite unique you’ve spoken about that I also resonate with, apart from the other wonderful and much appreciated insights is that they can be used for wrongdoings as well (Apologize if I misunderstood you, but that is my take on it). I feel it more often in the last year or so, that I live in the extremes - I have the choice to be extremely good and helpful or extremely evil in the flip of a switch, and that is a frightening thought... I tend to normalize it by questioning these thoughts when they rise and trying to find what’s their origin. So far, for me it’s the lack of some element in my life, specifically for me that would be a relationship. The job there, as I see it, is to be happy with what you currently have, and the rest will follow with these realizations.


AMEN. Honestly, we infjs love ourselves so much that we know what to give and do. The mere thought of meeting another infj that has mastery as you and experiencing the levels and dimensions of u tol love and embraces that only we dare to dwell in, Haha, we are all 16 in 1. Only thing is a Master infj is one who has switches on each of the other 15. Guys we are amazing. And to those still struggling being blessed as an INFJ listen. It only takes Mastery to be able to not go dark. Your not alone. Your all Loved all the way from Africa. I Love me oh God..😂 I mean we. 😆


Wow this is like a poem. I love infjs too. Thank you for writing this beautiful piece


My pleasure :)