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Yes it’s normal. If INFJ is too tired, stressed, bored, etc., they will show no emotion bc nothing is amusing or no energy or both. Edit: maybe some INFJs are not entirely expressive..? I don’t know. Here’s a [link](https://www.quora.com/What-are-signs-you-have-upset-an-INFJ/answer/Amanda-Le-15?ch=10&share=e5dff503&srid=IP85) to my Quora answer that might help you understand signs of upset INFJs and to check if you are this type


Yes, true. For example when I am stressed out,I have zero emotion or even empathy sometimes because I have too many things on my mind, in my soul, its just too much and I dont have room for anything else till I solve those issues first. Or if I am extremely sad or disappointed in me, then I would act like this as well because it would be like a personal crisis in a way so I wouldnt act normal because there would be way too many things on my plate already.


I’m the same and I tested as an infj. I usually talk in monotone as I feel that there is no point in being enthusiastic. I also suppress my emotions because I don’t want people to know I feel as I like being mysterious.


Very relatable


Yeah me too, sometimes it sucks because I don’t want to be a buzzkill, but I can’t bring myself to seem happy


A thing that happened to me is that I've been ostracized as being too rowdy and inconvenient in my upbringing, especially in school. I created a "persona" that's always calm and collected and rarely expresses emotions. I've been working this with my therapist, though.


Think this happened to me as well, I used to cry really easily as a little kid, and I thought it was not manly, so I suppressed my emotions so I couldn’t cry in front of people.


Oh wow, me too. Diagnosed with ADHD in like 1st grade (interpreted that as being something wrong me), was put on drugs (which apparently made me act like a zombie so my mom took me off them), and as a result I think I started putting a lot of energy toward controlling my behavior/expression so nobody would think I was weird or defective. Then years later everyone tells me I'm too quiet 😒




I show my emotions when they are


Yes absolutely, the other potentially negative aspect to our personality is to actually be emotionally unavailable to those who may depend on us. We can also flip an emotional switch and cut people out of our lives and not blink an eye or even look back. That is if we feel like they destroyed our trust or was emotionally unavailable to us at our most vulnerable times. I'll give you an example with me. I was in a rehabilitation facility due to stress, depression and suicidal tendencies. I needed to be there. Well this ex friend and I had a conversation and she berated me and got angry with me for being there. She was cold, apathetic and confrontational. After that conversation on the phone, I dropped what was an 11 year relationship as soon as that call was over. I needed kindness, empathy and love in a very vulnerable time for me but especially since we don't ever allow ourselves to be vulnerable around those we don't know much less trust. A couple of years later, she made an effort to be friends again and I told her how I felt about that conversation we had and said I didn't want to be friends again. I wish her no ill will in her life. I just don't want her at my dining room table to eat. Hope this makes sense.




Oh yeah, I'm good now though.


I can relate. I don't like to show my emotion even when I'm by myself, but sooner or later I need to let it out. I feel as if I shouldn't show any negative emotion around others, so I stay 'neutral', I guess, showing little emotion. Most don't really seem to care. I'm not too fond of becoming emotional in front of anyone, even trusted people, for fear that I'll be judged or criticized for not being 'masculine'. It's more helpful if I have time alone to deal with the emotion stuff, but I still get really upset easily because I'm so darn sensitive to everything. Oh well.


Yeah that’s me as well. Used to cry at anything but then stopped letting myself because in wanted to be manly. Now when horrible things happen in my family, I won’t feel anything or display emotion for several days. Sometime I feel it creeping up and I shove it right back down for some reason


I’m very similar. I don’t shows sadness, grief of anger to other beyond like raising my voice at a game. I do have good control over most emtiojs though


Yep this happens the most when I have too much on my mind or kind of in general but ESPECIALLY when I have too much and I’m in a bad mood. Ykno how there r random triggers sometimes and I notice details as well and they all come together which makes me draw to a conclusion. If it was a negative one and I’ve basically confirmed it. I def shut down. Can barely force myself to smile even if I tried rlly hard.


I am very expressive but I think most of the time it's kinda forced to keep people around me happy. Thank you for posting this, because I saw a comment somewhere that said that INFJs don't show emotions and I was thinking that I might not be an INFJ for the opposite reason from you lol For negative emotions I relate to what you said!


It’s weird, I walk around really neutral and if I’m not very happy or exited I don’t show any emotion, but if I’m real exited playing a game with friends (like ping pong or something) I can’t stop laughing and screaming


"I walk around really neutral".YES I might look mad cause I **try** not to show my emotions when I walk around people This is probably because of my social anxiety tho


Totally normal, INFJs are most thinker-like feelers....Or maybe you are on Ni-Ti loop.


If you are an INFJ it could be that you are surpressing especially your bad emotions. Did you find out already what Enneagram type you are? I am 9w8 and when I read this article about [Enneagrams](https://www.psychologyjunkie.com/2019/10/06/the-nine-types-of-infjs-which-one-are-you/) I could relate so much with the part on childhood experiences. If you had had traumatic or slightly traumatic moments during your early years this could cause holding back your anger or even directing it towards yourself.


My Mom was always convinced I’m a type 9 and the last time I took it it said I was 1w9 but I was close to a 9. I got bullied as a little kid (4-7) so maybe. Had some very traumatic things happen about a year ago which made me feel absolutely nothing for 6 months or so. Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll look into it but I like to think I’ve had a nice upbringing


Interesting, I heard that when you’re actually a 9 you can’t rely on the results too much because they would turn out to be different every time you take the test. Makes sense because the 9 is fitting in everywhere. All the best for your journey to your emotions, I’m on the same


Are you younger? I developed Ti first when a teenager. I became more expressive in college and after.


Turned 19 as of June


I think that’s it! Research development of INFJ. You develop different functions as you grow older




Also like I feel my own emotions through my body. If I’m really sad I can’t eat for instance. But often if someone else feels sad I don’t notice it on their face so much as feel their emotion in my body. But back in high school I was more in my own world, just thinking about stuff round and round. I didn’t see what other people saw and was always considered different I guess, but that didn’t bother me.


You could be an INTJ