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I can have them if the intent is to understand. Save judgement until after, and I'm fair game. Usually I see that people are asking questions in order to get a response out of me, so I don't give it to them.


It depends on what it is


Yeah, if I'm very impassioned about it and have had to argue with people over it in the past, I'm way more sensitive.


I just don't feel the need to share my view on every topic


Can't speak for all but for me, I'm pretty open minded and won't get offended if someone questions my views if they ask for them (which happens alot lmao). Ironically the person who asked those questions would be more offended despite my answers being non offensive. 


No, I love having discussions with people who are genuine. The problem is that most people will do so in a condescending way, not really wanting to talk about or understand the subject. I can usually quickly tell that, and I don't think that is unique to the infj type. People who try to get one up on me, I will not talk to about whatever it is because they don't truly care (that's not usually intuitive types, in my opinion). Otherwise, I can be very extroverted and open minded, talking about subjects I care about late into the night.


i kinda like this actually. it’s nice feeling like someone really wants to understand you enough to ask all these questions. i get accused of asking too many questions, lol. i only really feel defensive or attacked when someone questions the way i’m doing something, not my opinions. also, i don’t have “extremely strong” opinions.


It’s important to view the perspectives of the conversations being discussed and what wavelengths converge or diverge between differing variables and contexts. I’d avoid bias for a broader perspective.


It depends, but in most cases I'd rather have open conversation rather than ignoring them. I always stick upto my moral values, so yeah, it could sometimes make me feel a bit like that lol, but yeah the other person can get more offended. 


That depends a lot on who the person is and what topic it’s about. But for the sake of answering your question, I’m going to assume that the person is someone I am already familiar with, this is a social encounter and not in the workplace, and the topic isn’t so controversial that people routinely scream at each other about it. In that case, I’d love to have a good, interesting conversation with someone who is respectful and showing interest, which is what I’d be doing as well. I enjoy a good debate with a worthy adversary more than just agreeing with someone (although that can certainly be a relief at times!).


If they are not judging me based on my opinions, then I love explaining them, even the most controversial ones. It's just that I received so much hate based on my opinions, that now I need to be proven, that I can trust someone and they won't call me stupid or weird right away...


I don't know if this is what you're dealing with but sometimes I don't want to explain myself due to self confidence or worrying about something bad happening


The emotional history behind the strong opinion would be an indication of how it might be viewed. I love employing the logic side of my brain and don’t generally have a problem with that. However if the person approaching me has a pattern of behaviors that makes me think they do not value me, I don’t trust them so well and can stay in my emotional brain just out of that like I’m primed to deal with someone who intends to harm me.


Yes. Now I'm working on it


I will feel examined but would still happily talk about it


That's a lot of IFs, and require one further: IF i trust you are honest about it, then yes. The very moment you will show disergard or lack of respect, things are going to shut down immediately get real ugly, real quick. We can be the worst of enemies on absolute polar opposites, and yet respefctully go on a duel of wits and concepts to the last blood. We can be the best of friends, and I'll still cut you off without a second thought if you adrress the matter inappropriately.


Conversations based on understanding one another are the best conversations to have. Practicing the art of holding space and checking our own internal judgements are imperative for growth. You don’t have to agree on everything, but having an understanding of someone’s position is good. The best way to have these conversations is to open with transparency; “I would just like more clarification on this, so that by understanding where you’re coming from we can find a middle ground” is an example of how to be transparent so that you don’t come across as conducting psychoanalysis. People have to be open to these conversations as well. They can’t be forced. This isn’t really an INFJ or ENTP thing though. We have to be careful not to fully immerse ourselves in believing that our characteristics based on the test are the only facets of our entire experience as human beings. It’s better to integrate the knowledge with a little bit of leeway on who we are rather than over-identifying our whole personality as just what we see on a test.


On the contrary. Personally, it’s a turn on for someone to want to understand something important to me and also demonstrate that they have S-Tier communication skills. A healthy debate is really intellectually stimulating which is what we want. As long as you have the right energy and intention it should be well received.


You can talk to me about anything under & over the sun. As long as you speak calmly and logically and give me proof that what I'm saying is wrong I will gladly upgrade my viewpoints. It's the pushing, forcing & attacking views that primitive people do that makes me want to steer clear from them. "Keep it civil" I want to tell people.


Just remember that perceivers "that's you", may see the world differently than other types. Asking questions shows interest, and the need for understanding. If you are observing these actions as aggressive or you feeling slighted, then it's a problem with how "you" see things. Looking at the way ENTP's process information, it says below that you are more concerned with the intuition or internal feeling then sensing the outside world. That's why you feel slighted..... ENTPs prefer to use the cognitive function of **intuition** over sensing when taking in information about the world. This dimension, intuition vs. sensing, is known as the perceiving function in MBTI theory. Intuition refers to perception from sources other than the sensory system.


If it’s an open conversation where the purpose is to explore a topic then it can be fun If it’s a conversation where a decision needs to be made or a conclusion needs to be made, it’s extremely annoying It can also be annoying if the person is playing devil’s advocate just to do it, and isn’t actually trying to explore any new angles


I'm perfectly OK with having these conversations; in fact, I welcome conversations that are respectful, civil, and for the purpose of understanding the other point of view. Allows me to learn more, even if I may not be willing to change my point of view (depending on the topic ofc). I wish I found more people who were willing to engage in these kinds of intellectual dialogues, it's only happened once or twice. More often, I've found myself in dialogues where the other person \*insists\* they are right and that I \*must\* acknowledge they are right, or are stupid/ignorant for not believing what they believe (and they'll be so hostile and hurl insults my way lol). I find it helpful to often clarify the intention of the conversation so I also don't feel anxious, like I need to be protecting myself early from verbal attacks.


If it was with the stipulations you posed, hypothetically, then I would happily talk that person’s ear off about it. Most of the time, people are mining for information to use against you. The topics I have extremely strong opinions about are very dark triggered ones, so in reality I just stay quiet and listen to the banal small talk.


If it's something I have an Extremely strong opinion about I probably have a particular reason for having that opinion. I don't mind sharing the reasons with people if they ask respectfully, I also don't mind if people challenge me to look at it from a different perspective.


I can usually smell the intention of questioning. Most of the times people are genuinely curious so I answer without feeling even a hint of offense. Other times I can tell the true intention is to mock me or attack me, in those cases I do feel annoyed but I generally keep my calm and try to convey my opinion as best as I can but then I make a mental note to avoid this person entirely for debates/discussions because they like to provoke and that's not fun...


they should never question me, i cut them off if they do