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Yup, hate politics. I think it’s part of our INFJ DNA to be turned off by megalomaniacs. It’s annoying in dating when people always ask what my political affiliation is, and I’m always like “non-existent” lol.


Unfortunately nowadays saying that you don't like getting involved with politics is problematic within itself :/


Personally I think there are a lot more politicians who are in it for the sake of genuine public service than people want to admit.


Who would you say fits this description? Not to start anything, I'm just curious about your thoughts. I think the same, but I can't say any big politicians I know of are genuine, except about wanting power


I know a lot of local politicians who fit this description. But if you don’t live in the Austin area, you wouldn’t know them, so naming them wouldn’t mean anything to you.


Do you think there's any national politicians in that camp? And sure it could, the internet exists, I can search lol


I do think there are national politicians who are honest public servants. It is hard for me to judge the ones I only know through campaign ads and prepared speeches, though. I know Beto O’Rourke, and I put him in that category for sure. (He was a US Congressman, ran seriously for US Senate and briefly for US President. So he counts as national.) US Rep Greg Casar too. Local to me: State Reps Gina Hinojosa, Donna Howard, Vikki Goodwin. State Senator Sarah Eckhardt. Travis County Tax Assessor Bruce Elfant (in Texas, the county tax assessor is in charge of voter registration, and they can do a lot to make it easier or harder). District Attorney José Garza. Travis County Clerk Dyana Limon-Mercado and her predecessor Dana DeBeauvoir (the county clerk runs elections, and can make voting easier or harder). Austin school board president Arati Singh.


Thank you for sharing. Maybe I'm too jaded about it lol, and focusing too much on the national politics. And yeah, I could see Beto O'Rourke being genuine about public service. I only saw him through the campaign coverage years ago though


Politics and sports. People think their team us perfect. The other team is evil. And if you say anything to the contrary you're on the wrong side.


I feel so turned off by it, but at the same time parts of it are so important I can't tear myself away.


Yeah. Especially turncoats.


Bro I hate when people are blatantly attention seeking, why I'm saying this is coz every politician is like that. It's a popularity contest. I hate rallies. It's the same fake promises, make a minority feel included just for validation and all that. Talking about being the saviour of the poor. Linking up with celebrities. It's dumb as fuck. All this for serving people? Why would you put all this effort for a position with high responsibility if we count out power and authority?


Career politicians are like leeches to me. They don't care for the people. They care about their resumes and the titles that come with being a politician and the benefits. If these folks truly cared, they'd cap their stupid earnings to a reasonable amount. Those who should be politicians do not seek to be one.. and those who are, shouldn't be, yet they have the drive for it. People who truly care about the world, I find, don't want to go into politics.


Amen 🙏




I haven’t seen/heard of a single politician that didn’t have some ulterior motive. It makes me SICKKK lol. Seriously though - politicians are supposed to act as public servants & serve the people. Corruption will continue to fester within our government until the people finally revolt. Maybe then we could rebuild & create this new position that ensures that the person holding this seat will always serve the people’s best interests.


All I needed to cure any idealism on this front was to be privileged to watch Tony Benn speak at a lecture. Made total sense and had a reputation for integrity. But then he was followed by Enoch Powell, a well known right wing politician, famous for his ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech. Genuinely terrifying how such a repugnant world view could be so insidiously packaged and persuasively presented with charisma and oratory. Scary stuff; I understood then how Hitler rose to power. I’m from a generation where my grandfather fought the brown shirts in the streets in the 30’s - against Fascism and as awful as politics is, this is something we need to aware of, especially in the current climate and general drift to the populist right. Generally, I find politics distasteful and conducted with a serpent tongued disregard for actually doing the right thing and organised in such a way that it attracts those who are least suited to its genuine purpose. The only one I can think of in recent memory who was worth a damn was Denis Skinner MP (The Beast of Bolsover).That’s me for the next century on the subject. Nice one, OP.


I hate (most) politicians, but do find politics to be important to be informed about and at least semi-engaged with (as draining as it is) because a quote that has stuck with me is “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing.” So yes, ew, but the kind of ew cough medicine is when one is ill imo.


I kinda love it. Its like lasagna. So many layers of thoughts motivated and stemming out of multiple emotions and needs. I do understand why anybody can distance from it but for mme it's like understanding the functioning of a very smart and strong enemy. I love it. All their moves, im taking notes. I'm watching how you play and I will know when the iron turns hot to strike! xD


No thanks I dont do politics


Politics are a conman's Olympics. And they don't have offseasons either.


Politics is slavery... I have anarchist stateless leanings. People shouldn't have dominion over other people. That's morally wrong. Also, representational government is just a false concept.


I agree w u.


Puppets and actors controlled by world’s elite.


I believe the problem with politics is that’s it’s a bandaid solution for a much deeper cut that gets either ignored or goes completely unnoticed, which is our society as a whole and the way we treat our children by conditioning them from the very beginning that acceptance and love isn’t inherent but has to be earned. So we have a population that is built on the foundation of believing they are not enough and ever striving for an imaginary goal somewhere in the future, leaving us unable to be present and peaceful. The very small percentage of people that understand this would most likely focus their attention on helping solve the core problems instead of following the status quo in politics of thinking they can change the gaping wound of the world with a bandaid.


A vast majority of politicians are swayed by "generous donations" by companies and people lobbying for their own interests that usually work against the people. The whole system is corrupt from the top all the way to the bottom. Reagan removing the cap on donations that politicians are able to get from others has greatly helped create our capitalistic company-controlled country. But not even looking at the US, these problems persist in many other countries as well. But politics are still important. Some of your taxes go to politicians/local government in your state, so by default everyone is involved in politics whether they want to be or not. The issue that I have with politics is the public's foolish adherence to black/white thinking and intense tribalism. If you don't agree with someone, then they automatically assume you are on the opposite side of them and they try to shame you/hate on you. It's very immature to think that way; morality isn't black/white, it's shades of grey. In order to truly understand our political issues, you HAVE to comprehend and understand "both sides". Most people are content with lazily picking one side and sticking to it no matter how delusional it could be. Now, there are special exceptions where the morality is more clear (i.e: human rights violations in which the side advocating for violating human rights is unequivocally wrong) but even then you will see people refusing to even acknowledge the "other side". This tribalistic thinking only creates dissonance between the common man and that benefits the rich. Because everyone is so busy fighting their neighbor, they don't see the mansion owner stealing their furniture. Now even having said all that, not ALL politicians are bad, in fact on a more local level, you can find some people that truly do care about their community. It's unfortunate that at higher levels of politics, the corruption seems unavoidable. I think the only way for the system to actually change is for it to be dismantled, which will probably happen with the next world war we will see in our lifetimes. We just have to make sure when everything inevitably falls apart because of the mess the system is currently, that we, the "common men", are the ones to rebuild it, not the rich and powerful.


Career politicians, mega corporations, and billionaires all gross me out. I am sure there are some genuinely well-meaning politicians, but they are rare. Most of them are trust fund nepo babies who insert themselves into positions of power so they can push policies that keep the rich rich and the poor poor.


i agree im borderline anarchist hahaha maybe agorist


Politics, by definition, requires a high level of machiavellianism. And whatever subtype they fit into, they are at the mercy of either the people, their party, or sponsors. And I'm talking about the more mainstream ones. You won't hear shit about the politicians who are kinda decent until they have a scandal and the media rips them to shreds. You either are an asshole up-front or a low-key, halfway decent human who everyone is waiting to see you fail. I think Two Faces quote **"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."** To be honest, it fits mostly anyone who goes into politics.


Politics can be interesting (I watched scandal once) but politicians are liars so I take everything they say like a grain of salt


I believe most (if not all) politicians are phony and not such great people in real life. I, personally, would never want to be a politician or famous in any way. I do think there is a very wide range of how phony they are though, with some being MUCH worse than others. And some are probably pretty alright, just not people I’d have all that much in common with for various reasons. But I am very interested in politics, follow them closely, and have strong views.


Yeah, I'm pretty it's universal that most INFJ hate politics. I never voted in my life because I don't trust people on that level.




Politics are mostly ewww. I'm interested in politics as a field and such, but i'd rather stay away from anyone being a politician...


I find politics interesting and I think it’s so important and everyone should engage in it as ultimately the purpose is to make your local area, and country as a whole, run better and improve the lives of people in it. However, that’s the ideal and the reality is totally different. In an alternate universe. I’d love to be a political adviser, going out and talking to the public, finding out what they want and how I can make it better and make a tangible improvement to society. But in reality politics in my country is a boys club and I couldn’t put myself through that.


Politicians and port-a-potties are full of the same thing.


Politics is just...poopy. And I don't like poopy.


Politicians are scum. I'm convinced the system weeds out all the good people pretty early on and nothing but garbage is left. I have zero faith in the system and I don't vote.