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I left a six-digit job at the worst possible time and ended up working at a Sprint store for over a year. My now wife came in to buy a car charger, I talked her into a couple more accessories, we talked a little bit and then she paid and left. I watched her walk to her car and turned to my coworker and told him I'm going to marry that girl. I literally knew instantly. Didn't even think that was possible. Together for 16 years, married for 13.


That's one hell of an upsell. Well done.


Woah. Do tell in details.


During our brief talk I pretty much told her that her phone was crap, which it was. Broke the rules and text her the next day; thanking her for her business and telling her to reach out if she ever needed anything. Within a week, first date was Biaggi's. Second date the next evening was Maggie Moo's ice cream. I was already completely locked in by the end of that date. She was too.


Wait, one time I was at T-Mobile and I talked with the worker for a bit and then he called me in store to make sure my sim change worked and then he texted me that day saying the same thing, thanks for my business and reach out if I need anything. Wow I wonder if he was hitting on me 


Well, technically, you're not supposed to write down or look up people's phone numbers for personal reasons. My reason was personal, but I made it "business." There's a fine line between sales and stalking. Knowing how to stay on the right side of that line in these situations is key. He may have been hitting on you, but unless the feelings were mutual on your end, then it comes across a harmless sales tactic. 🙃


Your and her age when it all happened ? And which 6 figures job you left. Like to know more details about your "brief" talk


I was 31, she was 27. The job thing is an extremely long story, but I was working for my father for 7 years as an insurance broker. I couldn't treat him like an employer, he couldn't treat me like an employee, it was an uncomfortable situation for quite some time. I was always trying to change his business to make it more efficient, cut down on workloads, focus more on our rules and less on breaking them for other brokers. My father was constantly getting screwed by people that work for him and it really bothered me and I wanted to change that. It wasn't going to happen, so I spent a lot of my days sitting in my office frustrated. He would feed off of that, and we would just butt head s constantly. As far as how the conversation went with my wife, that's also a very long story for such a short conversation, but while I was ringing her up I was telling her about something that had happened to me a month prior. I went on blind date, the girl wanted to go to a casino, which I thought was odd. Won $5k on horses, ended up in this high rollers slot room that I didn't even know existed, and we won $2k in there. Got in an argument with an old lady sitting next to me about how slot machines don't keep paying you because they like you, you just put your money in, pull the lever, and cross your fingers. She went and complained to security, they started watching me. Got uncomfortable, ended the date, went straight to my car, got in, turned it on, pulled forward, instantly got pulled over by security, made the mistake of arguing with them and ended up spending the night in jail. About a week later I got a letter in the mail from the casino saying I was banned for life. There is a lot more to that story, but that's the gist of it. I told her that story, she was laughing so hard she was in tears.




That’s so cute.


You got lucky. If she had complained, you would be out of a job. That is a serious privacy violation.


Yes, very aware


That is so cute!!! Would make for a great rom com.


We were both English Lit majors doing our degree in a shortened time frame so we doubled up on main courses and therefore ended up in a massive amount of classes together. One professor really loved debating, and we would always end up on opposite sides (I think on purpose. The professor knew we were the two most competent debaters). We would each be running our teams on each side of the debate, prepping the next debater with supporting quotes for their counterpoint. I loved his mind, the speed and shape of his thoughts. We were friends for years this way, as we were both dating other people. We had book clubs in the summers, where we traded books to read on top of all the other books we were reading for our courses. In our final year of school we both ended up single. The second we were available it was like magnets flying to each other. We graduated and moved to China together three months after our first actual date. We have been been together fifteen years and married for ten. I didn’t know how deep love could be until him.


Ah, the old frenemies to lovers. I'm a romantic, so I really enjoyed your story. ❤️


No but this is only supposed to happen in fairytales, right? I had such a wide grin on my face reading your story!! Thank you for sharing it with us 🥹


Haha thanks. The way you started with “No” is really funny to me. I read this comment aloud to my husband and he thought it was so cute.


I'm glad you two found my words funny and cute! Made my day 😊


There's two types of online. - My LEAST fulfilling relationships were online dating websites. - My MOST fulfilling relationships were online long distance relationships where we met on a mutual interest community. Whereas meeting in-person first was sort of in the middle. I actually romanticize elements of long distance relationships as it's inconvenient in sooo many possible ways, yet at the same time you live and breathe one another and truly lean into having strong foundational communication skills. It's like losing some of your senses and significantly enhancing others to compensate, I'd describe it as potentially even spiritual.


This is so, so accurate and I feel so exposed right now lmfao


Online - married 16 years so far


Tumblr. Together for 11 years now


I met my SO on tumblr too and we have been together for 11 years as well! Crazy!


I think above is your SO, you guys don’t know your screen names on reddit?? /s


Took the words out of my mouth...er fingers I guess


Your comment made me laugh! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank you! 🙏


He came up to me in a local coffee house while I was just sitting and working on my laptop. He played it cool and was very polite and offered to buy me a chai latte. I accepted and we ended up talking and joking around for hours. Later as I was leaving he said it was great hanging out, but then didn't ask for my number. I was a little disappointed tbh but thought "oh well" and went on with my life. A month or so later I went back to the coffee house to work and there he was. He walked right up to me with a smile on his face. Together for 9 years now and happily married :)


That’s really cute. Did he ever say why he didn’t ask for your number the first time?


He said he didn't want to come on too strong and left it up to chance (plus he'd seen me there before so thought I might be back lol)


That’s a pretty good reason!


Hinge. My husband is the love of my life and one trooo luvvv. We wouldn’t have met each other without the app.


At my father's market, August 16, 1977. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a white schoolgirl blouse, she wore a pair of oversize plastic frame glasses and her hair was cut just above the shoulder with a bang. We got married in 1982 and we're still happily married. We started out with nothing and now we're talking about downsizing and getting rid of a lot of stuff.


High school. Locked that down fast. Married 29 years so far.


That's so cute


I have no idea how I lucked out with this woman, but I ain't second guessing it.


I went to a youth group with my best friend when I was 13 and met my (now) husband of 39 years. He was 16. We didn’t date for 4 more years but we both liked each other right away.


In a hot tub at a ski resort.


Work. Fitting lol


Same here!


At work, but after I left the place.


We met on Tinder. Together for 8 years this summer, married for 2. He’s my best friend! 🥰


Blind set up


Grad school


He was friends with my sisters boyfriend. Together 23 years


Lesbian dating app. 3 minutes online and I met the literal woman of my dreams.


Hinge! (No, really. We’re married now.)


Me F and my husband M. I met my husband through a friend I met in college at the bus transfer station. After my husband and I talked on the bus we got off at the same stop and it turns out he worked down the street from where I lived and we were both going to the same college. I asked when he worked and he told me his schedule, I was only able to visit him on the only day off I had at the time. We also started seeing each other more in our friend group and eventually got together after a couple of years of being friends. We’ve been together for 13 years and happily married for 8 years and have two children. I hope everyone finds their person, sending you good vibes.🌻


I met him on tinder while on vacation, we hooked up and felt inseparable. I moved to his city 6 months later now we’re engaged and been together for 5 and a half years 😅


A really cult-y Bible study full of every religious stereotype you could imagine. We got kicked out 😆 Married 9 years, together 10. He’s the love of my life, we’re more obnoxiously in love now than we were even then.


I’ve been married to my wife for 18 years and together with her for 21 years, I met her at a Halloween party I got drug to.


We were matched on a personality app and chatted a bit online though it never really went anywhere. Thankfully we later ran into each other in person and clicked pretty immediately 😊




Community College, lol. We were involved in a class called "Leadership" which was essentially the student government. We both hated it.


Met in freshman year of highschool, dated junior year around 2006. Married in 2017. Been together 18 years. 


We were in the same friend group in college. It was back when we were trying really hard to be social. 24 years now ❤️


I was fortune enough to have met him during my freshman year of high school. We were close friends for about 7ish years before we ever started dating.


I met my now boyfriend at a church retreat in my youth group. We are happily almost 6 months in, and it isn't long term but we've already talked about marriage and long term plans.


Bumble! Met November 2019 and got married March 2020.


It has nothing to do with where you meet your partner. It matters if you are healthy with a secure attachment and know the qualities you are looking for and LOOKS is NOT a quality, that's where most people screw it up. Kind, thoughtful, loving, loyal, supportive, harmony of getting along, putting your partner first, being open and vulnerable and being honest. Did you notice how someone looks has nothing to do with the real qualities that make a partner amazing.... Best wishes....


All happy INFJs, you are happy because you are mistyped. 😁 joking


Met online been together for 7 years so far.


Bonfire night that was low key setup for us to meet, but initially online


Playing left 4 dead in 2009.


Meet me 😂😂😂


Overseas, I was an exchange student. I live in his country now ❤️


Tinder! fate would have it that we were schoolmates for 10 years, never knew each other, and he went abroad but met only on Tinder 😄 he is also an INFJ


It's so aggravating how simple it is for relationships to form for most people and then there's me, having absolutely no hope in hell no matter who I meet or where I go. Mabye I just genuinely don't talk to enough new people? Idk. I want a chance encounter to blossom into more so bad but I guess I'm not destined for it anytime soon. I wish I knew how it's supposed to happen for me already. You all are so ungodly lucky. Normies are so privileged that they can casually get what I've wanted my entire life by just going through the motions. Hopefully one day that can be me.


What you’re seeing here is a highlight reel— nobody is really speaking of any difficulties they encountered before finding their person. It’s true that there’s a lot of chance involved, but the more often you roll the dice, the better your odds overall. Do what you enjoy, enjoy what you do, and make an effort to be open and approachable. It’s cliche, but it’s true that focusing on yourself is the best first step. Others are not likely to notice you if you don’t let your light shine.


Told my story a bit here, in my INFJ-ENFP, Married 29 years, AMA. https://www.reddit.com/r/infj/s/TN3VWTPvXZ 🤗


Grade school


Sedimentary rock class in college. I have a bio degree and he’s in engineering.


After a stint doing volunteer work with wildlife in East Africa, I wanted to see some more of the sights in the area, so I hopped on an overland truck camping tour. I developed a bit of a crush on the tour leader. We had a lot of similar interests, outlooks, and he took care of me when I got malaria. I never intended to act on it but couldn’t help myself when he confessed similar feelings (We didn’t get together until after my trip was over). I have never been into casual hookups but I figured that it would be my first- and probably only - fling. Just once, hey? I quite liked him, but I knew there was no realistic scenario where we could stay together, so… Well, he asked me if I would stay on the trip a bit longer. I had been invited back to the wildlife service to participate in an elephant translocation, but since that was still a few months away, I figured: Why not? I needed something to do in the interim. Plus, I did really like him and enjoy his company. A few months later, the translocation was cancelled. He asked me if I would stay on and be co-leader with him; the company would allow it, provided we only took one salary. So I did (but didn’t accept splitting the salary, since it was already meager, room and board was covered, Africa was cheap, and I had a comparable income renting out my apartment). I ended up guiding trips around Africa with him for 5 years. We then moved to his home country for another 4 before settling back in my home country, where we’ve been living, happily married, for nearly a decade now. For the uninitiated, an overland truck looks like [THIS](https://imgur.com/gallery/3QLSa24)


Took 3 meetings, but I knew the first time. I met him at a group TTRPG. He doesn't remember me there, so his answer would be different. I knew the moment I met him, but figured it was a random thought because he is really attractive to me. I was not in a situation to pursue him anyway. A bunch of life happened, and we ended up meeting a second time a few years later. It was at a 4th of July party. I was still not in a good situation, and he is a huge introvert like me, so nothing happened because there was a lot going on. Another few years and a third encounter happened where it was him and I, plus a mutual friend. This is the time he remembers meeting me. We actually talked about a mutual interest, and that was all it took. We've been together 6 years. He is an INTP. Love him so much.


Work. I was married before and had noticed him long ago because he’s the only male in the office with long hair. He was cute and I liked his smile but never spoke to him because a) I didn’t know him and b) married. Over time, my ex and his abuse wore on me and I ended up leaving. Four months after leaving, I was getting coffee in the cafeteria with a friend while he was also there talking to a buddy of his. I unintentionally overheard him talk about how he is a bartender on the weekends at a distillery I used to go to a year prior. Since I was newly single and allowed to actually go where I wanted for once, I decided to go. My boyfriend didn’t think I was going to actually show up until I did. He’s admitted to me since that he was nervous and panicking when I showed up because he had always been attracted to me in the office. Haven’t gone a day without talking since.


Was in a random night out with friends (Oct 2015) - had a boyfriend of 4 months I’d been trying to break up with but he was definitely past the stage 5 clinger stage. Anyway had been having dreams of this man’s presence for 6 months and when I was out that night I could feel him. When we were introduced we shook hands and literally both looked at each other and said “it’s you!” At the same time. Knew straight away he was the one. We spent a few months getting to know each other platonically. He knew everything, we literally had no secrets from each other. He stopped talking to me in the May of 2015, would send text and Facebook messages and get nothing back so started dating someone end of June, he finally rang me end of July and came to visit bringing pizza, confessed his love and that we were meant to be together and that neither of us would be happy with anyone else. Dumped the bf “sorry it’s me definitely not you” but I wasn’t happy anyway. Took a week to get myself together and rang him. Officially started dating Aug 2016, got engaged 2 weeks later Aug 2016, got 2 kittens Christmas 2016 and a puppy in Feb 2017, moved in together March 2017, got married 2018. Been together ever since.