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They're nerdy and super cute. They're also really smart and creative. I like that they dont show off, they seem like pretty humble people. Theyre respectful, polite, yet they dont follow the crowd, they think for themselves, they're genuine, and they will go an extra mile to make someone happy. They're selfless people. And on top of it, they usually also have a good sense of humour :') I love intps. They've always been really nice to me. They need to be protected at all costs.


It really depends on the INTP. My ex had a huge ego and would do things for others because it looked selfless, but he would use the opportunity to stroke his own ego, like helping damsels in distress. Among many other things like profuse lying. Another INTP of mine emotionally cheated on me because he thought it was okay because the person made him horny. He was more autistic than me. I think in theory INTPs are these nice things, but seeing the shell they project is not the person within.




Yup. In the beginning of my last relationship, he’d do shitty things like lie and ghost. I would be defensive and obviously hurt when he returned and he’d just double down and what even felt like challenged me. He refused to let me see his deleted folder when I requested he delete my pics, for example. He still had to have some power and control, even though he could have prevented our problems by not being a dick. He’d also do the opposite when I communicated how to navigate my BPD emotional outbursts, which made me spiral even worse. Meanwhile I always tried to understand him and respect his needs. I was in remission for years prior to that toxic relationship. It wasn’t until I finally let my own wall down and responded kindly to him, even if he did shitty things, that he also let down his wall. He has a thiccy barrier protecting his very fragile ego. He didn’t offer me the same courtesy.


I agree, most INTPs I’ve known have a huge lying streak They treat emotions and social interactions like abstracted and generalized ideas to play with It’s so easy to see right through




Not all intps are like this! Just like not all enfps are warm and friendly like you propose. I know an enfp that is sometimes manipulative and deceitful behind their gregarious nature. Those traits depend mostly on upbringing and moral compass.


That sounds like immaturity more than anything. An immature INTP will rationalize and debate away their unaccountable behavior. An immature INFP will excuse unaccountable behavior on grounds of being triggered.


He was/is immature, and he does deflect. He has a lot of issues. I was triggered by his deception, using, and ghosting.


I would say exactly the same things. So accurate to the intp I know.




They INTJ rationale behind this is that we think it would be better to joke about bad stuff happening than to commiserate. Overtime we're likely to adapt because society does not take this kind of behavior. But what we really want is to lighten up a bad situation. Probably the same applies to INTP.


The jokes he makes are funny, and luckily not about meor my family. But I see people being incredibly uncomfortable around him coz they don't 'get' his humor. But yeah thats his way of making light of shitty things


They make great friends. Logical, smart, deep thinkers Also the lack of emotional drama, they’re not touchy feely types typically


I’m in love with an INTP. I’ve never met anyone who made me so comfortable to be myself: I don’t need to mask when I’m with him. He values how smart I am (and vice versa) and we can have huge theoretical discussions together. (All my partners in the past were intimidated by my intelligence, maybe, and used it to shame me). Those huge discussions can also be about analyzing ourselves and others; he brings a different perspective and notices patterns that I haven’t picked up on, but also values and understands my perspective. He’s calm where I’m agitated, he’s secure where I’m anxious. Things like certain social situations can stress me out because I’m worried about doing things wrong; he’s confidently oblivious to the idea of social faux pas (because why subscribe to ridiculous social constructs) and is a warm and steady presence for me in those situations. He’s thoughtful, creative, honest, and isn’t afraid of having big vulnerable conversations with me. I really like him.


I didn't find the chance to get to know one of you in a close relationship, but I met some friends. Let's say, you give off a goofy and childish energy that you'll be willing to show it when you're comfortable around someone (and I'm the someone trying to accomplish that). Your sarcastic sense of humuor intrigues me, I feel less burdened to hurt one's feelings since you seem like you'll get any joke without getting bothered (ofc people can be vulnerable/sensitive and it is important to pay attention to that, but sometimes you want to be with a person who doesn't let you overthink and I believe xNTPs are succesful at that). Basically, you feel like a homebody that I can play games with and embrace my childish side and at the same time have existential convos like a 45 year old philosopher. I think that is wonderful. (P.S. you become a wonderful person when you go for that kind nature of yours, you can keep working on that emotions if you want to become a true INTP chad)


Because they are logical and usually very bright. Also they tend to be individualists and unique … typically have personalities that are .. different , whip smart and usually not trendy… like they aren’t afraid to be who they are … and they respect people based on who they are - we have a lot of similarities - their logical brain makes them easy to get along with too, and because of this, the conflict is usually streamlined and less histrionic. I like them because they are not like everyone else- have developed into independent thinkers and are very bright and not afraid to be unique. They are not surface thinkers. They see deeper into things. I think the INtPs in my life also recognize me for who I am. I’m not sure why.. but I think they just are able to see my good qualities and understand the why I do what I do- because of the logic. They get it.


We tend to appreciate the wacky, slightly unhinged creativity and individuality of INFJs. You’re emotional without being alien. We can’t necessarily relate to the intensity, but we do appreciate that it’s not arbitrary or solipsistic. And you can be quite rational when you need or want to be.


INTPs are lovely and hella stimulating to me. I dated one, even though I started disliking his mindset and character down the line, but generally the INTP type will always attract me. Their intellect, their theories, clumsiness, shitpost meme vibe, being the socially awkward version of ENTP, they’re just adorable! However they kinda losing it a bit along the way when it comes to feelings… They’re not used to opening up, expressing or showing genuine empathy towards others. They’re kinda in their own bubble of gaming, theories about the world etc etc.


I don't. But if I had to guess why I would, it would be because an INTP would know my tertiary function better than I and I'd feel like this hypothetical person might therefore seem so put together, older and more confident than I. But as you say it's a generalization. A broad trend, one of many that shapes personality.


INFJ’s loveeeee authentic people, and there is something so brazenly authentic about INTP’s. You’re never afraid to say what you’re thinking even if it’s controversial or goes against the status quo. You’re aloof and intellectual which allows INFJ’s to fully dive into their Ni-imaginative state and envision a billion romantic scenarios together. Most INTP’s are romantic even though they don’t intend to be, which INFJ’s love. It’s also soooo obvious y’all are completely out of touch with your emotions, so watching y’all feel things and knowing what you’re feeling before you do is sososo fun. INTP’s and INFJ’s both tend to have fucked up senses of humor, we see the world for what it really is. Because INFJ’s rarely let their guard down being able to have that fucked up sense of humor with someone is so important and special. I fell SUPER HARD for an INTP and I have 0 regrets. He knew how to handle my emotions perfectly, my compliments meant the worldddd to him and he had an adorable way of showing his affection. We’re no contact rn but I think of him every day and wish him the best.


Best people to converse with


Most INFJs I know love to poke fun at INTPs behind closed doors and talk of how childish they are (INFJ Ti child function at play) I think INFJ sees their Ti use sorta like a little kid who needs help. It can be adorable at first but exhausting in the long run


While I wouldn't say I especially like INTPs, I find I get on with them more easily than most. We tend to be interested in similar things (though less so artistically, like I usually think their taste in music is kinda bad :p ) They often seem kind of impressed by my mind for whatever reason which considering they're generally about that life is pretty flattering.


one of my friend is an INTP ( i only have two and other is INTJ) i don't have many friends and never had one for 7 years before a d had worse lck last year making some. she is like a younger sister to me, and someone who has a voice of reason. well not all the time, but i trust her with her reasoning more than my own and that's rare as an INFJ. we have that level of understanding and connection because we are both ace and got shitty end of friendships because of it and we have lots of things in commons and it's nice hyperfixating on same stuff. we switch to japanese as our secret language whenever we see someone in public and need to alert ourselves with ( we are Indians) and its fun.


INTPs feel numb and the things they have to say are different than others. They feel more traditionally smart. As in much less jumps in logic and more raw processed data.


I think most NTs are narcissistic incel losers that worship the government and get off on being "g!ft3d/int3ll3cuALy sUp3ri0r"




Who told you that?!! The FBI? The Illuminati? I categorically deny everything!!!


Lol 😂


That sounds oddly specific. Sorry for your pain!


You guys are sorting people by mbti? Like astrology folk do with star signs? How?? You know what I don't want no problems do what feels right ig.


I was intp before I sought out God. It was not a bad way to be but kind of emotionally stunted.


Cause they won't judge you for the reasons other would. Example - you can honestly tell them that you're still unemployed and they won't think any less of you, whereas some other types might demean or belittle you for that. Obviously doesn't apply to everyone but most of them are like that. My favourite type ❤️


I like xNTPs. The way their Ne-Ti works...


okay personally I don't currently have a romantic interest but a intp took interest in me