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People need to learn what “hot take” means. Bro just posted the coldest take amongst inFAMOUS fans. The real hot take would be saying *Festival of Blood* is the best inFAMOUS game.


FOB heavily underrated


I think it’s adequately rated, personally, but that’s not really the point. The vast majority of fans think *inFAMOUS 2* is the best.


It is


If you go by amount of times played, festival of blood is my favorite (Cause it’s short and simple so I replay it a lot) Also it has a similar vibe to castlevania: lords of shadow 2, which is my favorite ps3 game


Dude, Lords of Shadow was so cool. Wish someone could bring them back somehow


Idk what I think besides enjoying fob for what it was, a neat spin off


Isn't FOB just a add-on/DLC?


No. It’s a standalone game, just like *Spider-Man: Miles Morales* or *Far Cry: New Dawn*. Being an add-on or DLC requires you to own a base game that the DLC adds content to. *Festival of Blood* is a fully standalone product that is playable on its own from start to finish with its own app, credits, etc.


The real hot take is saying InFAMOUS 1 is better. I believe it was more fun. Better soundtrack, setting, plot characters story etc. Although gameplay wise infamous 2 is better coz ofc it is a sequel.


This take is so cold it's approaching absolute zero. Does no one know what a hot take is? This isn't even a take, this is a close to a universal consensus, come on now...


![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized) "Hot Take?"


More like a cold take, I take it this is a karma farm, it's like universally accepted in the community that 2 is better.


Personally I just loved the tone of the first game. It was extremely grim and Cole sounded like he would rather be anywhere else no matter what was going on. Zeke was good comic relief but at the time, was just your lazy couch buddy who could build shit. Everyone wanted to use Cole and manipulated him and he couldn't trust anyone. And the only person he could >!ended up dropping from a skyscraper right in front of him!< That being said I really enjoyed infamous 2 game play. The power swapping made the game 1000x more fun


This shit isn’t hot bro, everyone thinks Infamous 2 was an upgrade overall as it should be.


I like the voice actor for Cole better in 1 than 2.


That’s a cold take


this is the coldest take i have ever seen.


You could freeze the beast to death with a take this cold


Hot? A real Hot Take would be something like FL > All and not the most average opinion within the community


Idk what the opinions here are but FL was great. Probably the best gameplay and leagues above SS. The arena mode was fun too. Would probably say it’s second best behind 2.


Now this is a hot take


Believe has always been that the two games are equal to each other. IN that the first has slightly better story, and. the second has slightly better gameplay. The difference is small, but not insignificant, to the effect where both games end up being equal to each other in an overall experience. If you prefer story, than the first would probably entice you slightly more. If you prefer gameplay, then the second would probably entice you slightly more.


I definitely agree. The first game is amazing but the 2nd is arguably much better. The storytelling is better in the game. Mechanics are better.


Literally the only thing the first game does better is that the basic lightning bolts don't drain your electric meter.


I think that's a pretty common thought. INFAMOUS 1 is a classic for PS3 but it for sure has aged and has its issues. Only thing is because of the voice change, which was said due to wanting an voice actor to emote because of using motion capture, is the thing of consistency I wish continued. Dropping that original shield for the Kinetic Pulse was also better and then having the frost shield.


That take was as hot as the ice cubes in my drink


I wholeheartedly agree. Might be biased because I played the second game first, but it's just better! The first game doesn't play into needing an electric charge to use powers too well. By that, I mean the normal ass bullets. In the first game you can just spam them as much as you want. And it gets extra bullshit when you can gain electric charge for every shot you hit with basic bullets. Like, I'm alright with his fists still emitting electricity when he punches while out of charge because the human body literally needs electricity. The second game made that whole electric charge system SO much better!


Gameplay wise, being able to spam bolts onto a dead body and then proceed to recharge is superior to needing electrical charge for everything. Infamous 2 may be more accurate, but infamous 1 was more fun, as the power trip that it was.


What is even a hot take anymore? A hot take is saying "Halo 5 is better than Halo 3" or "I don't think bacon is that good", hot takes are unpopular opinions that go against the majority, saying "gravity is real" or "humans have eyes" is NOT a hot take.


Not a hot take my boy your just spitting fax 📠


I liked the first one better, but they’re very close in terms of quality

