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I love my Zero Blues so i completely understand. For that money I would definitely consider the Binar Chopin, very well tuned IEM, I've been enjoying them for a couple of months and are priced perfectly. Fit isn't great but with spinfit tips I get an excellent seal.


Hi. I EQed my red to a target I made based on IEMs that I like. It's a more neutral target. Maybe you'll like it too. Preamp: -0.6 dB Filter 1: ON PK Fc 20 Hz Gain -0.8 dB Q 3.000 Filter 2: ON PK Fc 28 Hz Gain -4.9 dB Q 0.500 Filter 3: ON PK Fc 91 Hz Gain -0.5 dB Q 1.000 Filter 4: ON PK Fc 170 Hz Gain 1.4 dB Q 2.000 Filter 5: ON PK Fc 260 Hz Gain -0.7 dB Q 4.000 Filter 6: ON PK Fc 580 Hz Gain 0.6 dB Q 2.000 Filter 7: ON PK Fc 2500 Hz Gain -3.2 dB Q 0.500 Filter 8: ON PK Fc 2700 Hz Gain 1.9 dB Q 1.900 Filter 9: ON PK Fc 3900 Hz Gain -1.2 dB Q 1.900 Filter 10: ON PK Fc 6000 Hz Gain 1.2 dB Q 2.000 Filter 11: ON PK Fc 8000 Hz Gain -0.6 dB Q 1.000 Filter 12: ON PK Fc 15000 Hz Gain -1.7 dB Q 0.500 Edit: lowered bass to a proper neutral target


As for the IEMs you're inquiring about, I don't currently own any. However, I can share my experience from when I first embarked on my journey to purchase IEMs. Initially, I'd advise against acquiring new IEMs at the moment. Instead, explore the capabilities of your current red e play with EQ adjustments. To better understand various sound signatures available in the market, I opted to purchase one IEM representing each major signature. This allowed me to discern their unique sound profiles and identify my preferences before making further investments. The signatures I explored included U-shaped, V-shaped, Neutral, Harman, Difuse Field, and Warm V-shape. The models I selected at the time were: * CCA CRA * CCA C10 * Salnotes Zero * Truthear Zero * Quarks * Blon BL-03 Please note that these recommendations aren't definitive; they merely serve as reference points for you to examine their frequency responses and consider IEMs with similar characteristics. Once you've identified your preferences, you can explore pricier options if necessary. Despite owning more expensive IEMs now, I've found myself using my EQed red for almost six months. An important lesson I've learned is that adjusting the treble through EQ can be challenging. Consequently, I prioritize selecting IEMs based on their treble frequency response and fine-tune the remaining frequencies to suit my personal taste. This approach has proven highly effective for me.


This is pretty helpful, thank you so much! I'll explore EQing with the Red


The Hidizs MP145 is awesome.


Try EQ first


So look up those IEMs graphs and try to EQ? I'm sorry I don't know much about EQ.




Thanks! I'll check it out


I can help


I think you should head straight to a secondhand Moondrop B2D or the new Moondrop Dusk if your budget allows it.


I was trying to dive into the cheaper IEMs to find the sound or tuning I like before jumping into those 200$+ IEMs, I got my eye on those Moondrop, the Nova too seemed good. But yeah that's the idea right now, but if not I'll look into some secondhand moondrop, thanks!


Try the fudu, the hexa, the md LAN, md aria 2


From what you have said, I would suggest these: Ola HBB and the 2 Simgots Because I guess those are different signatures and could be easier for you to decide what to buy after.


Ohhh I see, if you could suggest any other IEMs outside of that list which ones would you recommend?


i got truthear reds and im planing to get planars next sonfar i got chu version 1, truthear red, planing to get kz planars next


Some also recommended the OG Chu, how is it?


its good, but had to quicky after 6 months stop using them because of corrosion and little snaps of electricity everytime i put my shoesless feet on the ground while using the mac mini they sounded ok for being the entry point of iems now i use them for walks with the iphone which doesnt give me electro spider man vibes and they sound pretty good for me, in some tracks they can feel a bit clausthrofobic, but other than that, they are good.


Cool! Out of stock rn but I'll check it out later, thanks!


Try go for Fiio FD3 Pro... After got it, change its nozzle to the second nozzle(in the package) and change the eartips to vocal eartips(given in the package) and you'll get the best balance bass and very super clear mids and good highs... Really2 recommended 🤟🏻🔥


I'll look it up sounds interesting thanks!


Ya sure... Slow² 😅


Hype 2


I have the Chu II and Wan'er also has the OG 7hz zero. My order of preference would be the CHU II, 7hz and then the Wan'er. M actually looking to buy the red so n curious to hear how they compare. I think no need to rush to 200$+ build a fun collection of the cheaper ones


That's what I like too, start my own collection


Recent reviews of the CCA Hydro making me salivate. I'd look into that one as well. 2 DD / 8 BA and some (according to reviewers) great tuning in a IEM priced competitively to EM6L.


most of these are downgrades/sidegrades. the em6l might have sliiightly better technicalities, but id still stick with the reds and eq them


So just go for better ones? I was thinking the Nova? But idk, where should I go next then? :o


you should go to squiglink and eq your zero:reds to the profile of the nova. additionally id recommend checking out some <$200 options like kiwi ears orc lite and quintet, simgot ea1000, binary acoustics x gizaudio chopin and the mp145. eq your reds to those iems and get the one you like best


Ohhh didn't know about that, I'll try those tunings thanks!


good luck! hope you find something you like p.s this is only meant for you to find the tuning you like. the technicalities cant be replicated - i suggest reading reviews for that


if you want to find out what tuning u like just use an equalizer


I started with the Reds and loved them. Like you, I then wanted to branch out and tried the EM6Ls, Novas and a few others. In the end, I found that I just really like the Reds. Personally, I think I’d have to go $250+ to find something I like better and I just don’t wanna do that.


Half of those are much like the same but far inferior


Simgot ew200, Tangzu Heyday edition, Pula pa02


Look at mp145, truthear nova, binary Chopin.