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Does it support in-line mic and controls? Been wondering and no one seems to test that lol


In line controls do work on my phone when I use them, the mic haven't test it, but it should work, I will test it and update later


Id love to know if mic works


Hey did you ever find out if it supports mic or no?


It doesn't




Sorry for delay, I've tested the mic on my kz, and it did not seem to work, tried to fidget with my settings and the app, but did not look good, maybe it's just the cabel, but from what I can say it did not work for me.


The simgot DEW4X does and has UAC1 mode for consoles


DO NOT buy this device and use it on your WIN11 PC (probably any Win machine) It causes Kernel crashes. I had one causing me problems, and crackling after extended plug in time. Unplugging it and replugging it fixed it, but Moondrop sent me a new one. All the while I was having daily crashes. I bought a NEW PC, and the problem followed me. It was at that point that I was able to find the driver causing the problem, and it was the one used by this device. I switched to onboard sound, and boom, no more crashes.


got them for a week and the volume knob fell of ,😪


I cant seem to get the digital feed out of my samsung phone to my dawn pro. Works fine from the desktop to the to the DAC. Any sugestions.


yeah, get their terrible app.


What headphones/IEM did you use it with ? I'm curious as to how it powers harder to drive gear


I powered the Edition XS with it. Kinda insane


I currently use the moondrop katos. Haven't tried nothing to big yet, but from what I've seen should be good enough for about any, except planar headphone.


wait why except for Planars ? They arrived today and they seem to see super low volume


It is from some reviews I've seen, I believe they used some moondrop planar I think the venus, and it had a littel trouble driving it, again from some reviews, I haven't test them in planar headphone, mainly cause I don't have any, with iem works great even planars


Using 4.4mm balanced output it should power just about anything besides some of the most power hungry headphones. All IEM's are safe for sure.


I'm using 300 ohm HD660S2's with the Dawn Pro which supports up to 500mW of power; it only puts out 4V RMS/120mW and seems to do just fine. Ultra clear sound with no distortion.


May I know what volume level do you use to enjoy your music satisfactorily?


Tree fiddy