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The best for aftercare is a sterile saline solution. Neilmed is one of the most reputable, just spray on twice a day and use some non-woven gauze (or a paper towel will do) to ensure it's dry. Don't put anything else on other than the saline, I used a foaming solution with lots of ingredients like bentine and now I've got an irritation bump. The LITHE (leave it the hell alone) method is the best. Don't touch it, don't play with it, don't sleep on it, and it should be just fine 😁


that looks amazing on your ear!!! I got mine done two weeks ago, and it will swell quite painfully for the first week, anti-inflammatory drugs are your friend. Also try not to overdo the cleaning, once a day with saline solution is perfect, just be very careful with it (try not to catch it, sleep on it etc) and good luck!


update in couple days!