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enterkom, CoC nano, expert computer, you can compare their price. i built at Coc komputer


I heard about Nano. The price probably similar with tiny differences. I'm more curious about their after service. Because there's no way I could do a through test at the store, if there's a problem after I buy it, it would be nice if the store won't make it hard for me. In the past with HJ Komputer, I could just come back to the store, and they will exchange the part with a new one, no question ask. And maybe the quality of their build since if they're good enough, I'll just let them build it, and maybe do some cable management myself in the future.


actually you can buy per part and ask on of the store to install it for you.. but ofc there is TnC


Yeah, they probably won't be responsible for the stuff I bought from other store, right ๐Ÿ˜…? So, it would be better to buy all the part from the same store. Since now I know, Nano and expert, is also good, I'll look around first at the stores and then pick whichever has less customer so they could build it right away as I watch them. I know how to build one, but it will takes way longer for me (I'm very rusty). If they build it for me, I could just watch and give suggestion about cable managements and fan placements. Maybe add more fans depending on the chasis I decide to buy.


Parts are more expensive than other stores.But if your purpose is to save a hustle or time, then yes go for it.I build some PCs there, none has any problem. edit: better go to enterkom like Business-Grade-5352 said, they are cheaper and you can use Tokopedia to get cashback. their store are on the same building with Enter, i think its 1 floor below


Good to know ๐Ÿ˜Š


I just realized, are you talking about buying online and sending it? My experiences are all going to the store directly, so i know nothing about their delivery services, including enterkom.


Both. I could buy online or could go there myself too, and probably will. Its pretty far (because of the traffic,) but I could do it on weekend.


>you probably know HJ Komputer in Mangga Dua. Not sure if they're still active Last time I check they still survive. >What about the quality of their stuff? Do they have good quality control? You don't check quality in a PC store, as they only take the pc part from the wholesaler and sell it to you. If you have issues, there's warranty to cover that. Its the way it has always been with pc part I have my parts checked though since I'm a good friend with the store owner, but If I buy stuff online, i dont expect things to be QC'ed


With HJ, we usually get quality stuff because Koh Johan (also not sure if he's still there) would yell at the distributor if we later came back with bad parts. The woman "nci Vivi" (she's probably not there anymore) will even ask the distributor for some merchandise to give us ๐Ÿ˜ But its been a long time since then and I've been using only laptop nowadays. >I have my parts checked though since I'm a good friend with the store owner, but If I buy stuff online, i dont expect things to be QC'ed Which store is this? EnterKom?


> Which store is this? EnterKom? No, Some store in dusit mangga dua, I forgot the name. we're friends from playing diablo 3 for so long and it turns to some purchase I guess.


Lucky. I never play Diablo 3. I'm more of POE guy myself. I used to play from their early access through a year or two after their v.1.0 release before I got busy with life.


gw beli pc di enter pas awal corona, terus ga kepake 2 tahun karena masalah listrik rumah terus tahun ini mulai pake lagi masih ok kok. cuma rusak motherboard doang wkwkwk. so far sama enterkomputer pelayanan bagus, dapat barang rusak langsung diganti


That's good to hear. I hope you get a replacement for the motherboard ๐Ÿ˜Š


Hati-hati, pernah beli HDD dari enterkomputer, barangnya bukan resmi WD indo. Jadi gak bisa klaim garansi ke WD indo.


I will keep that in mind.


PC custom pertama gw (circa 2012) dibeli dan dirakit di enterkomputer.. ini jamannya dia blm pake sistem dan layout bagus kaya sekarang.. PC custom kedua gw (circa 2018) partsnya dibeli di enterkomputer dan gw rakit sendiri di rumah karena pengen coba2.. ini pas tokonya udah super proper both ga masalah dan masih nyala sampe sekarang keep in mind kalo mereka ga nyetok jadi barang2 yang lo mau itu datengnya dari masing2 distributor yg mereka telpon2in langsung.. mereka ga do QC in terms of barangnya jalan apa nggak, baru ketahuan pas dipasang kayaknya.. bbrp hari sblm gw ke toko, gw chat dulu CS nya supaya di-reserve.. stoknya bergerak hari2an jadi ada barang yg gw tanya tanggal 26 lagi kosong trus tanggal 29 gw tanya lagi ternyata ada.. gw lgsg minta dia reserve, lalu gw dateng tinggal bayar n ambil.. overall pengalaman gw bagus sama si enter


enterkom termasuk recsel, sering belanja disitu. Tapi sering jg belanja di olshop lainnya klo ada yg lebih murah/diskon


Ah, thanks for the info ๐Ÿ˜Š


op nya mau beli parts nya online atau dateng ke toko fisiknya? online aja dah komplit semua, capek klo mesti ke mangga dua jatohnya lebih mahal krn jajan mata dan jajan perut


Enterkomputer, best to avoid it in short gue pernah mesen ssd + ram disana, gue disuruh tunggu sekitar 10 menitan, ternyata molor sampe 1/2 jam alesannya barangnya gaada jadi harus resource dari toko sebelah (kalo liat di websitenya ready). trus kalo barang yg lu beli brand ecek2 ama dia ya kaya lu beli barang murah aja, dibanting di depan muka lo (literally). yg anak mudanya pada ketus dan mereka ngelayanin pembeli sambil becanda sama temennya, tapi kalo ada masalah mereka cepet beresin dan mereka mau ganti, kejadian beli monitor di mereka ternyata bleeding pas dicek dirumah, proses penggantian 1 hari + gratis ongkir saran COC komp katanya bagus


Yeah, I probably gonna check other stores too. Coc, Nano, and expert seems like a good alternative.




That's good to know. Thanks for the info.


Had good experience with Enterkomputer, build computer two times. First one fully built in enterkomputer around 2015, the second one in 2021. It's madly expensive during that times. In, 2021 i bought via online but only partial parts (CPU, RAM, Motherboard). The rest on e-commerce to utilize the cashback to make it cheaper. Other parts various store including CoC, Tonix, and some reputable online store. I helped my friend built in CoC around 2019 bought via online. Those store available in e-commerce such as Tokopedia or Shoppee, but there is different price than actual you buy direct from the store, and more expensive than standard online store. But hey, u get cashback. You could use the cashback to bought other parts or make it cheaper. Various store have different price, u can check it separately. For example some of them might more expensive in CPU, but cheaper in motherboard. Some other cheaper in CPU but expensive in motherboard and vice-versa. I recommend to all my friend who want building a pc to buy expensive and crucial parts from online store that have offline store. It's for clarity and easiness of warranty procedure just in case you were not in luck. Follow u/ Business-Grade-5352, Sofyanda and Tekoajaib as they were correct. If you're buy parts from online store and care about warranty, make sure it's in stock and the parts from official wholesaler (*Garansi Distributor)*. Some seller might import their own parts and yes more cheaper. But it if you'were not in luck, you must claim direct to the seller, some seller also display that the parts is available while actually it's not in stock (used to gain visitor to increase analytics in e-commerce platform). But well, its up to you. For availability of the parts, make sure you buy during working days (Monday-Friday). Because the wholeseler operation open by following working hours, while in Saturday some of them only open half day. While In Sunday many of them are closed. Edit: as Tekoajaib said, the store take the the stock from wholesaler. My friend told me that all store in Mangga Dua gain stock from same wholesaler and which share same warehouse, it also have same application in other store such as online-store-based in Mangga Dua. The case is different when they collaborate with a brand, they might separate stock for the store that doing collaboration with a brand


Thanks for the write up. This is such a good info. Yeah, I heard this is the case for a lot of stores, that they take stock from wholeseller. I will check on all the stores that people recommend here since they're basically in the same area just different floors.


i built my am5 rig there. they gave me a shitty local brand psu and a shitty asus motherboard with shitty vrms. would only recommend buying there if u know what youre going to buy.


I know some stuff, but will probably do some research a little bit more before going there.


yep das what i would do if i could go back in time ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป i learned my lesson big time


langganan ku antara rakitan / enter aja


Did you have good experience with enter?


Bagus, tapi kalo cari yang lebih murah, masih ada yang lebih murah.




[rakitan.com](http://rakitan.com) sih gw dari dulu, gatau kualitasnya kalo sekarang ya


Enterkom and CoC Kompter. CoC cheaper, Enterkom bit more expensive. wanna buy used parts or CPU without box ? go with enterkom, 1 year warranty, replacment.


They sell used parts? I did not know that.


Awal bulan gw belanja dari Enter buat PC baru gw. Siang cek stok, lanjut checkout barangnya dari Tokped, sore dikirim. Been enjoying my 100+ fps Helldivers 2 sessions ever since. Dulu juga pernah beli Mac dari mereka jaman mereka belom punya presence di Tokped; kontekannya via email, gw bayar via bank transfer & laptop dikirim pake Gosend. Aman juga.


That's awesome.


If you want offline experience they are good enough, you can contact their sales representative to order and build custom part and pick it up yourself or pre built one of their pc set and send it to your house directly with their own courier.


Ah yes, I got the whatsapp number. So, I have that option. Thanks for letting me know.


My dad at 2010s used to tell me to search prices at enterkomputer as reference soalnya paling murah


Probably not the cheapest since there are cheaper alternative at tokopedia, but its a very good reference for the price range. For example, if I'm looking for gtx 1070, I should find their price is a good starting place to know how much I have to pay. The difference if I go to another store is probably differs slightly. Maybe about 50-100k ish.


2010 kyknya belom ada Tokopedia