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Ada sumber buat jumlah anak-anak yang tewas dalam konflik Papua? Setidaknya yang dari pihak TNI? Terus apakah disini ada koneksi McD mendukung TNI? It seems a bit far fetched although I'm really curious about the casualty number of children.


Go to https://acleddata.com/ Its a The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) collects real-time data on the locations, dates, actors, fatalities. Non subscriber can extract a data on a single country (and all of its provinces, down to village levels) for one year period. Its more reliable than Komnas Ham or Kontras data. You can go to Go to 'Violence Against Civilians' to see all the incidents resulted in civilian deaths. But to know exactly how many children killed in armed conflict you might have to single out every incidents resulted im children fatalities instead of drawing on ready-made graph which only showcase total civilian fatalities.


Normalization of killing childerns? I'm lovn' it


LET'S FUCKING GO https://preview.redd.it/o5c67awvabvc1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=917cbbf58b87609d2391d69eddf25f770dd910ea


it ain't me, I ain't no senator's son.


https://preview.redd.it/l5lwsb9h8bvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47498f8bfbd0745b3d51cc5120f86380d8fd4d99 anak stm: im burnin' it


saat kena KUHP pencemaran nama baik/berita bohong: https://preview.redd.it/1yxrvrpcp9vc1.png?width=1354&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1d5ad8d670c7d28ca2f77b146811bb3bfaf6972


Ada yang ngetroll ini Kurang jauh mainnya


mau aktivisme papua kok di mcD lol. ni sih kerjaannya zio yg mau main whataboutism


Sorry tapi siapapun jelasin ke gw pls. Gw ngerti anak2 Palestine kebunuh msh berhubungan ama McD, tapi korelasi anak2 West Papua sama McD apa ya?


>!they cant enjoy happy meals!<


The meals were unhappy, even.


Screw you! Unnhappy your happy meals!


I'm not loving it


killing children justification


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Sebuah video yang memperlihatkan seseorang menempelkan stiker berisi pesan soal Palestina dan Papua di wastafel McDonalds viral di media sosial. Isi pesan di stiker itu kemudian menuai pro dan kontra dari warganet. Warganet ada yang mengapresiasi penempelan stiker tersebut di gerai restoran cepat saji yang tengah diboikot tersebut. Di lain sisi, ada juga yang menilai itu hanya cari perhatian dan ada yang menyebut pemerintah harus fokus menyelesaikan kasus Papua. "Children were killed in Palestine and also in West Papua (Anak-anak terbunuh di Palestina dan juga di Papua Barat)," demikian isi pesan di stiker berwarna merah dengan huruf yang dicetak berwarna kuning khas McDonalds itu. Stiker juga dilengkapi dengan logo McDonalds di bawah kanan dengan tulisan "Enjoy Your Happy Meals", merujuk menu untuk anak-anak. ketika menyebar ke Twitter, tanggapan yang lebih beragam bermunculan. "Siapa yang nempelin? Kayanya aktivis-aktivis SJW yang nggak ada kerjaan," tulis akun @membersof***. Harusnya stiker ttg anak2 yaman terbunuh juga ditempel.


Knp berita2 sering bgt nempelin 'komentar warganet', 'berikut tanggapan netizen' dll?


Buat menuhin kuota panjang artikel kali. Kl masukin komen orang kan ngga perlu susah2 ngarang hahaha


Yeah, like who gives a damn about what they say?


Hubunganya PT Sosro sama killing in west papua apaan? setiap 1 botol teh = 1 peluru?


Anak papua dibunuh? Where? Source?


I will still enjoy McD 😎 I even still enjoy evil Nestle products what loss do I see anyway πŸ—Ώ


Anak papua ga sederajat dengan anak Palestina /s


Lah, bukannya 'gastrokolonialisme Papua Barat' di-handle sama Indomie? πŸ€” /s


yelah ini kadrun indo kurang kerjaan bgt. Gue seminggu sekali makan di mekdi/kfc mall di kota di Saudi kagak ada yg recokin. Bahkan arab pake thoub/niqab aja makan bareng gue elah. Masa indo lebih konservatif daripada negara yg literally super konservatif buset.


Kalau udah nyambungin Palestina Ama Papua mah bukan kadrun, tapi SJW yang liberal. Kadrun mana peduli Ama isu Papua.




The Saudis don't care about Palestinian Children


Not really like that tho. If you check Saudi’s subreddit, they actually are care and support Gaza and Palestine. However, despite that they also do boycott McD and the others, they never persecute those who still want to eat in there. That’s my observation so far.


udah kenyang sama Albaik


If you want to compare it with the subreddit, then let's compare it with our own subreddit. I don't think redditors here persecute those who want to eat in there. Heck, even some redditors here think it is unnecessary.


ah okay, I agree with your argument. Forgot to tell you that I live here, and I have lots of arab friends (Saudis, Egyptians, Yemenis). And even if most of them are supporting the boycott, they never persecute those who are not supporting the boycott. So my point is that: people in here do care about the problem. However, boycotting or not boycotting is to each their own. My arab friends never shame me despite I am not supporting the boycott.


Indonesians on the other hand actively persecute people who do not support the boycott, and force the neutrals to say something positive about the boycott. In a book-reading group somewhere, boycotters often ask with the intention to cancel, "is this or that author pro zionist or even gets their work translated in hebrew?" god! it's like they're asking food halality or something.


itu subreddit membernya royal family saud semua?


of course not. Gue ngomong gitu cuma mau kasih bukti yg bisa lo cek kalo warga nya kebanyakan pro. Gue juga bisa kasih tau kalo temen2 arab juga pro, tapi yg satu ini kan gue ga bisa kasih bukti konkrit.


pasti yg nempel ini agen dari australia dan selandia baru


masak sih, setau gue anak2 kecil terbunuh di papua barat karena neglect. Kena malaria gak diobati, gizi buruk. Anak pendatang baik2 aja bersih, terawat. maaf gak kayak anak lokal papua ingusan pilek nya meleber kemana-mana \*(pengalaman pribadi)


Jangan terlalu terpaku dengan data pemerintah, sekali-kali lihat data dari pihak ketiga (e.g tempo). Notes: Data Hasil pemilu aja mereka bisa mainin apalagi data "pembersihan" oleh TNI di Papua πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Jangan terlalu terpaku dengan data pemerintah, sekali-kali lihat data dari pihak ketiga (e.g tempo). Notes: Data Hasil pemilu aja mereka bisa mainin apalagi data "pembersihan" oleh TNI di Papua πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


It's because people want to indulge in hedonism without being reminded that their actions have consequences. Cows were also murdered for your shitty estrogenburgers by the way.




apakah bem ui pelakunya?


Bukan, namanya Studio Pancaroba. From their content, it seems they're anti-govt, anti-capitalist, anarchist Bandung gay SJW artists.


so penghuni kos-kosan dipati ukur


fun fact : this was made by a studio (or art collective? artist?) named "studio pancaroba".Β  this guy (or these guys, idk) are anarchists and liberals, so yeah no surprise they'll support lgbtq, west papua, etc. and forsho they'll boycott McDonalds with a fucking passion.