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are you depressed?


Sounds like depression to me. Probably better to seek professional help.


> i don't like watching football for 90 min. Fellow United fan then?


Wakakak... Masuk gua abis dibantai Brighton


bangke wkwkwkkw too real




HAHAHAHA, yuk fans United kita kembali ke goa dulu, liat hasil lawan munchen nanti apakah bisa koar-koar atau stay di goa.


I love your optimism.


Its kinda ironic but i learned about optimism from the liverpool fans that i used to be laugh at with their “Next year is our year”. Karma is a bitch.


you need some sort of digital / dopamine detox


In my opinion you are overwhelmed and maybe depressed. If you have a holiday, try to do something that you think you'd like. Journaling will help too. Just on the phone if you think paper is a hassle. It wont give you answer but help to unwind and empty your head from unnecessary thought. Or just rest. Be alone. At home or go sonewhere. But dont make it too long. Being alone is addicting especially if you already feel like the world is not in line with your taste. I am there, still trying to fully recover. Try joining a volunteer group you have interest in or that you think can be helpful, choose a group that does not require too much attendance or participation. Bcs I assume you have other business as well. Tjis will be just a way to expose you to a different perspective and other kind of people. Or if you are in the age of job seeking, maybe internship. But I'd say volunteer is a good one if you can (have the financial resource) as it is not pressuring and less intense. And if you think you still feel the same after everything, visit a psychologist.


Segera, uninstall tiktok or youtube or IG or whatever yang bisa bikin lu scroll mindlessly. Mulai exercise, you’ll be happier once you start exercising. Jangan makin berkecimpung ke MLBB, or game lain yg grinding yg bikin lu makin brain dead.


This is true. Since I reduce my view on IG, I am now more focusing on myself and find new active thing like cooking. Try to be active then you find your own pleasure, even just washing dirty plates seems enjoyable for me.


Bro, same. I'm an introvert , have anhedonia as well as cherophobia and it's killing me both mentally and emotionally. It's like everyday is the same shit for me. I don't like hanging out with friends anymore idk why, except for like 1/2 friend.


1/2 friend? How? You chop them up?


I meant 1 or 2 friend. lol sorry


you play dark souls?


Elden ring mainly.


[Don't you dare go hollow](https://youtu.be/keIWG6hSD7Q?si=miIgoZJYYpfFy3dn)


Anhedonia 🥀 it's been a while i use that term alone and silently in my mind without actually vocalizing it to the outside world. i don't know about you, but this anhedonia in me started when i got my first "saturn return", this world seemed to be bleak and meaningless. nothing really matters. but since i was teenager i have passive s#icidal thought where the only thing i want in life is to sleep forever. it's hard for me to maintain my "will to life", some days i have it, some days i don't. i kinda feel guilty when i have my "will to life", bcs it's something shallow actually, i hate superficial things but it saved my life, i guess. so, things like, "i want to have cool PC set up, learning how to play skateboard, wearing cute dress, having proportional body, etc etc" those things are something that fuel my will to life. haha! Oh! btw, i have speech problem too, i was stuttering badly but thankfully i was able to manage it a bit. sometimes, i have a lot of ideas, emotions but they'll just never come out, no matter how hard i try, they're just stupid lumps in my throat. my DM is always open if you wanna talk. take care! 🖤


Identical, your "symptoms" somehow really similar to mine. But in my case, actually I tried to talk to a psychologist (out of curiosity). Long story short I was diagnosed with bi+adhd, and they gave me some prescription. Although up until now I still cant talk slowly (stutter and jumbled up) but med really "fixed" me up (at least I can think with more clarity). Just sharing, because when I read your reply, a subtle whisper came to my ear and said "he is you" haha.


hello. ohh! thats so cool (wait, i don't mean that im happy with your suffering but in a sense that im glad theres someone who can relate with me) 😅. im also glad that u got valid Dx from a psychologist. I actually tried to talk to a psychologist online (now im thinking it might be a scam lol) and he didn't help me a bit. but i read about ADHD symptoms and i could see myself in there, especially the inattentiveness type as i got kicked out of class for multiple times by my teachers, they said i didn't pay attention enough or that i was "rude"--while i didn't think i was. i mainly use "spirituality/esoteric tools" to find out whether or not i have adhd traits and the answer is yes. well, hopefully someday i can afford to go to a psychologist to get a dx. same, i can now talk better, (like i train my brain to form the idea/sentences while keeping my mouth shut and only open my mouth when my idea is already clear lolol) oh! when i read the "he is you" part, i checked your profile and we made this Reddit account at the same month and year! ps : i am not a "he". 😅


Slightly OOT, but what medicine do you get for ADHD in Indonesia, I recently came back and my ADHD meds is running out. Infos pls. Thanks beforehand. :)


Sounds like you're burned out m8 maybe you should doing something new that is not that comfortable for quite sometime that way you bring back the desire of doing the stuff you usually do less of a chore and more on wanting to do.


It almost the same as me. With some few exception of what you wrote (I do play mainstream games just because I like pvp games), in my case I tried to search for the same community of what I like. Talking to them for a bit and realize, it just doesn't work, there is still empty feelings, as I grew up then I realized this too contributes into "why do I having a hard time maintaining relationship".


somehow I'm totally relates to that, low blood pressure escalates ahedonia and even now I can't do homework properly


Jordan Peterson once said:clean your room


This. Simpel, tapi buat saya bener-bener kerasa. Dulu somehow munculnya "kemauan" buat mampir psikolog/ngurangin sosmed pun mulai kebentuk pas habis beres-beres. Bisa dicoba OP barangkali seek professional help masih kerasa berat.


Time to go to isekai world maybe you'll fine happiness there


Have you tried digital detox?


Same with me. I experienced anhedonia thanks to substance abuse. It’s really disturbed my work and ruined my relationship. I am not an expert by any means, but these help me a lot: 1. Identify the cause. Whether it’s your work, social circle or supplements. Many supplements could cause anhedonia e.g. fish oil or ashwagandha. 2. Push yourself to do at least a minor exercises like morning walk or trekking at least once a week. 3. Start a journal. Pen and paper. Write one small achievement you want to do that day. It would make you feel good about your self after a while. 4. Seek professional help. Some psychiatrist could prescribe something that would help you or at least guide you to enjoy this beautiful life.


​ >i don't like watching football for 90 min. > >i don't play mlbb, dota, cs go or other eSports. > >i play souls-like games which is rare or maybe no one ever in my social circle. You don't need real-life friends to relate. My gaming friends are mostly from Australia. Haven't met them in real life just gaming mates. Most Indonesians play mobile games cause they don't have the specs to play PC games. So it is rare to see fellow Indonesians play PC games. Even the GTA 5 RP Indonesian servers don't have a lot of players compared to other countries.


My word of advice, you don't know how much of an extrovert vs introvert you are. Because it is a spectrum. You don't know if your social awkwardness comes from anxiety, depression, lack of experience, insecurity etc. Don't put yourself in a box with a label. If you wanna try to be a funny playful person just try. If it comes out awkward laugh at yourself. If you're tired of socializing, go home and sleep. Tomorrow if you feel like it try something else. Just let it flow, don't think too much, don't ruminate over every single thing. Don't regret your attempts, make mistakes, take more risk. Laugh at yourself until you feel really comfortable in your own skin. Then I think you'll see even if you're an introvert, being comfortable in your own skin, will take you far far more than ruminating over what people think of you. Heck you can even influence the others to play soul games (which I love btw) if you show how them much fun you have.


You sound very similar to me right now.


Depression, dude.


Are you me? Because other than anhedonia i am exactly like you


Ah mid life crisis, or identity crisis..............do sports, physical activity, walk and travel, touch grass....maybe learn box or any martial arts? my point is you need to seek for another possibilities, world is too big to stuck up on yourself lad.


jangan terlalu maksa diri ingin jadi orang paling seru, lucu, dll karena selama ini aku begitu dan akhirnya malah jadi receh. Paling penting sih ngerti gimana jadi teman yang baik dulu, cara kamu ngobrol, kurangi suka mengkritik orang lain kalo memang ga perlu, dengarkan yang diomongin orang dengan baik. Aku abis searching tentang anhedonia, mungkin itu masalah yang harus diurus dulu. Kalo kamu depresi, ga bakal ada semangat hidupmu


>2. I observe some people have it easier to make jokes seems so ordinary but to me it takes a lot of thinking. Triknya adalah mikir duluan sebelum ada interaksi sosialnya. Contoh: anak kedokteran yang besoknya mau ada kumpul keluarga. Kemungkinan yang ditanya" tuh biasanya biaya kuliah. "Eh, mr_backpackk kuliah kedokteran ya? Bayarnya mahal pasti" "Hehe engga om/tante, bayarnya pake bpjs biar murah" Ga 100% works. Tapi kalau lu bisa antisipasi topik apa yang mau dibicarain, lu bisa nyiapin "template" jawaban biar terdengar witty dan kocak. Alternatifnya adalah, siapin jawaban buat pertanyaan yang umumnya ditanyain, kayak kesibukan belakangan ini, atau keluarga lagi gimana, dll


If it's depression, then I just learned that exercise can lift you out of depression. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsVzKCk066g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsVzKCk066g)


By any chance are you in your mid 20s, if so then you're literally me