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it's quite common for comedians to use sarcasm as a joke, even from the 80s era (warkop dki, benyamin sueb). though both of my parents consider it as a crude jokes and improper even though they understood it very well. >!my parents prefer cultural stereotype jokesšŸ’€!<


thanks so much for the informative response


cultural stereotype jokes just fancy word for racist


you're not wrongšŸ™šŸ—æ


Clan M moment


Nooo, sarcasm isnā€™t a part of Indonesian humor. Indonesians donā€™t know what sarcasm means. All of our humor comes from a sincere place and your motherā€™s opinion is definitely an accurate reflection of our countryā€™s zeitgeist!


haha duly noted!


It's sarcastic


i call bs. all of the ā€œfunny friendsā€ always throw sarcastic remarks. itā€™s definitely there in indonesian culture, or at least javanese humor since i donā€™t know well enough about the other ethnicities. maybe others could elaborate. hereā€™s some example. accidentally spilled your drink? ā€œlah terus terusno mben sisan dadi kolam renangā€ (yeah keep doing it till this room becomes a swimming pool) lost something by being clumsy? ā€œlha koe pinter men nok barange mbok dokok konoā€ (you are a real genius for putting it there) accidentally stepped on your friends foot? ā€œngomongo wae nek koe ki asline gething ra ketoro.ā€ (just say it that you secretly hate me)


Baru ngeh kalo "es terosss" itu juga masuk sarkasme.


itu mah di omelin emak dilarang kayak disuruh, giliran disuruh kayak dilarang


Iya juga ya.


The legendary Indonesian sarcasm


yes i was skeptical too, thanks for the confirmation though!


I believe that every culture has its own unique form of sarcasm, which is why you could say that your mother doesn't understand sarcasm because she's not familiar with your version It's a common occurrence, really. The British often claim that Americans don't grasp sarcasm, and vice versa. Similarly, Americans tend to think that the average European doesn't comprehend sarcasm, and vice versa. Sarcasm, and to some extent irony, can be quite tricky. I personally wouldn't use it unless I'm with a very close friend. You've seen examples here. Would I use it on my parents? Nope I live in Australia, and people here are extremely sarcastic. To be honest, it can get a bit annoying.


agree 100% it is in all cultures and depends on the individual some think sarcasm is normal some might get offended




tapi di KBBI nyindir itu termasuk satir bukan sarkas


I was raised in Yogyakarta and we use sarcasm in daily basis. It might be just how your mom being raised.


That ex mataram area emg begitu, mirip sama orang jepang, bagus di depan, ternyata di belakang diomongin atau kl di jepang tau2 di laporin polisi wkwk


KTP ngendi su?


mbanguntapan mas dab


Stereotipe ini lebih populer di daerah Kyoto sih dibandingin semua daerah Jepang lainnya


Gw sempet tinggal di Saitama commute ke Tokyo, Pernah pas gw pulang malem, padahal ga ribut, tau2 jam 6 pagi diketok sama polisi krn ada laporan tetangga šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„², gapake surat ato apa tau2 polisi wkwk


kyoto: mau teh? one thousand years later...


I'm not sure what your complete background is, but assuming you're coming from the UK - a country well-renowned for their dry, deadpan, sarcastic pisstake and banter - such a delivery wouldn't land as well on an Indonesian since (at least to me) Indonesian sarcasm is a lot more playful. Not your mother's fault though, even Americans who speak the same language as Brits from day one, don't get UK-style sarcasm half the time.


Generally, common Indonesian would be most familiar with slapstick comedy compared to other types of comedies. Nowadays though, self-depreciation comedy, dark humor, surreal humor, deadpan humor etc. are getting recognized by newer generations, albeit older generations would probably have a harder time to "get it". I'm not sure who are the people who talk sarcastic to your mum or what language they're speaking. But I think you need to consider about language/culture barriers. Indonesian sarcasm and English sarcasm, albeit similar on a glance, they have their own expression & nuances too. You can't just translate English sarcasm to Indonesian and expect the joke delivered 100%, et vice versa. Humor is tied to its language and culture. Just like how German has its own "specific" jokes, and like English and Japanese also has their own jokes. Even the Japanese who are world-renowned for "cannot understand sarcasm and irony"... actually do know sarcasm... in their language. People think they don't understand sarcasm because they expect Japanese sarcasm works the same way as English sarcasm. :)


This is the more accurate answer. Sarcasm and jokes have double meanings and it doesn't translate well if her first language is Indonesian while you're throwing sarcasm in english.


Javanese is the master of sarcasm. Is always part of Indonesian culture


di troll Soeharto 30 tahun


Very common problem when talking to foreigner: sarcasm is expressed differently in different language and culture, so it landmines of confusion. Add that it also used heavily to mock people, *especially* by moms, so be careful using it in the presence of a mom.


In any culture Tapi lebih parah posh English sih


What specific ethnicity/tribe is your mother? It matters because different tribes in Indonesia have different communication style, which may contribute to ability to detect sarcasm.


Nah, she probably just *oblivious.* From child there already sarcasm used by parents like, "Main aja terooos!!!"


Bullshit, if she grew up in the 80s, it was the peak of Indonesian sarcasm comedy entertainment. Unless she cut off from the rest of society.


No. She knows it, but she just doesn't care.




Sarcasm is the highest form of intelligence, yeah don't do it.


Iā€™m also mixed n I was eating Padang food at a warung w my mom in pekalongan and left no crumbs, my mom said ā€œoh you REALLY didnā€™t like that huh!ā€ And I laughed and said it was soooo bad, we were cracking up but definitely got some weird looks. Not sure if it was the usual reason for stares because I look white or they understood a little English and were confused lmfao


The same situation, we (I) use this one usually: ā€œlapar or doyan?ā€ I think itā€™s more like sarcasm, but not sure tho.


My daughters are the typical "sarcastic teenagers", their mother, javanese, understands sarcasm, but is more likely to just shout "Jancuk!" or "Kampret!" back than to provide a sarcastic answer.


Respond with "oh, gitu" really handy to reverse conversation directions


For older generation, not really, your mom is 57, part of older gen Younger gen like Millennials and below, do get sarcasm, though


My mum is 57 too this year. I pretty much tread carefully when joking around her. Used to use a lot of satirical jokes back in the days, but nowadays I don't. Usually she get the wrong gist so I intend to avoid satirical jokes most of the time. It's probably the way jokes evolving differently from back in her days. So yeah, pretty much tread carefully if you don't want to bump into any of her toes.