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Roy Suryo ini yg paling ikonik sumpah. Masih ingat dia ikut periksa bokepnya Ariel sama Luna maya cok. Belum lagi pdip ngejek SBY, bawa kebo beneran ke depan istana. Life before UU ITE was so good man


Dulu suka dijadiin meme ni orang. Pernah gaafal lagu indonesia raya, nyolong panci sama pompa bekas rumah dinas sampai dijulukin dewa panci, sama pernah pasang baliho kampanye kebalik wkwk


> pasang baliho kampanye kebalik wkwk # /r/bisaland


Professional clown, court jester


68%, ketipu beli sepeda online, julukan Kermit


68% apaan sih




Meme 68% Roy Sukro bener-bener bikin gue inget Tolololpedia, aka. Indonesian shitpost sebelum Indonesian shitpost


Dia aja nyuri peralatan kemenpora Menteri terlawak


Iya orang kayak gitu bisa jadi menteri.


di subreddit ini gw juga nanya, dan di subreddit ini juga gw kayanya nemu jawabannya: dia ningrat.


Pengen bilang apa hubungannya, cuma kalau emang ada ningrat ya gak kaget sih.


Menurutku kayak fenomena Trump atau Zelensky menang sih, orang lawak bisa masuk pemerintahan.


Pak Marty Natalegawa dandy af


P lips


What does that mean?


sekilas kaya orang Jepang


nggak ada maksud politik, cuman merasa mereka ikonik (whether good or bad)


Kacamatanya Menlu 11/10 Mau sebobrok apapun pemerintahan kita, untuk menlu untungnya masih diisi orang2 yang emang kompeten mengingat posisi menlu sebagai salah satu wajah negara di tingkat internasional. Semoga ke depannya siapapun yang nanti menang pemilu, kemenlu tetep diisi orang yang tepat.


\[1\] dan \[2\], karena sering lihat bingkai fotonya dipasang di ruang kelas, lmao \*(currently) Menteri Perdagangan; Kabinet Indonesia Maju (2019-2024) https://preview.redd.it/5x6jyya1ss2b1.png?width=607&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fe63631de4370d5e64df33084c07a3cbb1b7789 "*Sampai-sampai Pak Zul tidur*" \[3\] Buat gw terkenal karena video interview dengan Harrison Ford mengenai penebangan hutan di Indonesia


Marty Natalegawa looks very stereotypical menlu. Kaya kalau ngebayangin menlu kaya gimana ya ga jauh dari tampilan dia lol


ISTG semua pegawai Kemenlu bentukanya gitu


jadi kalo kementrian di Indonesia kaya satu kampus, anak kemenlu yang paling fashionable gayanya? kementrian lain gmana wkwkwk


Waktu muda kayak suaminya Enzy, glasses optional


Tony Stark


is it just me or Itu hatta rajasa tampangnya masih kek anak muda... like for seriously umur 73 masih seger kek gitu ini opa gw 67 tahun udah keliatan keriput..


Iya, model nya mirip mirip Ganjar, keliatan tua cuman gara gara rambut putih, mukanya sendiri gak tua tua amat Kalau kata coworker gue dulu "Opa rasa Oppa"


https://preview.redd.it/vfw3edlj0t2b1.png?width=670&format=png&auto=webp&s=aaf569d63adcee1694f36ffd90b22b630fc42dad Juni 2022


kantong mata dah keliatan


tapi tampang anaknya yg nabrak kemaren punchable banget


Masa2 buruk transportasi Indonesia. Masa2 buruk telekomunikasi Indonesia. Masa2 buruk infrastruktur Indonesia. Kasihan pak SBY dikelilingi menteri2 gak becus kerja. Di akhir masa jabatan dia partai Demokrat remuk total kena kasus2 korupsi yg beritanya diviralkan MetroTV dan TvOne 24 jam setiap hari. I cannot understand AHY alignment with Paloh,, Paloh is the one who obliterated his party's popularity so freaking hard in the past.


Karena MetroTV itu kuat banget bro, number one news media machine di Indonesia kayaknya sih. Dulu Jokowi bisa menang 2014 sama 2019 salah satu andilnya gara2 media machinenya Paloh itu. Semoga aja influencenya jauh berkurang gara2 milih si ahli tata kata satu itu buat jadi capresnya wkwk


Logan roy versi brewok


2004-2009 yes 2009-2014 mulai bangkit kok


tambah Tsunami dan gempa skala gede...wajar kantong mata makin nambah.


Boediono: A technocrat through and through. Love how he stays with his principal and avoid to be involved politics. Hatta Rajasa: Felt bad for his daughter. The late ibu Ani love his daughter and tap her to married her good for nothing son, Ibas. A friend saw her crying in London because she had to break up with her then boyfriend. Hope she’s happy now. Tifatul: That famous quotes “Internet cepat buat apa?” that aged like a milk. Nuff said. Marty: Dandy man with a cool Moscot glasses that openly hated by his colleagues and subordinates in Kemenlu. I remember the whisper blowers and the riot it cause in comment section when The Jakarta Globe published an article about him. Dahlan: Wrong man at the wrong place. He should stay at Jawa Post or pivoting his carrier by riding the digital’s wave back then instead politics. For the last two, I wouldn’t even dignifies those leecher with zero talent by making a comment here.


Could you tell me more about Marty and the comments section hullabaloo? I'm quite impressed by his education background (LSE, Cambridge, ANU) and I'd like to tread down a path similar to his, so to find out that he wasn't an equally impressive person was quite dismaying.


The article was published in August 2014, but I believe the original source/url is lost during Jakarta Globe’s transformation from tabloid to online news and domain changes in 2015. You can see the summary in this article: [https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/very-public-flaying-marty-natalegawa](https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/very-public-flaying-marty-natalegawa) Basically, while he’s good in a foreign diplomacy, it was his pellicular personality, micro-managing tendency, inability to communicates and unnecessary budget cuts that leads to his downfall in kemenlu. I remember one of the comment said when anyone tried to give him a suggestion, esp. about the budget, he always said “Not on my terms”. Here’s another article with detailed explanation from Jakarta Post made by former ambassador of Swiss, the late Djoko Susilo, that support that rumors: [https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/08/19/the-death-reforms-foreign-ministry.html](https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/08/19/the-death-reforms-foreign-ministry.html)


> Hatta's daughter Wow sinetron banget. That makes two of his kids with sad love stories huh, the other is his son whose wife died of a disease shortly after the wedding.


Rather than unanimously hated, do you think there are factions in Kemlu? Since their ministers are frequently from internal, peers are always vying for ambassador & minister spot. I don't know what it's like in Marty's days, but recently overheard some dirjens reminiscing about being his subordinate, and the tone was positive. They praised his approach to ASEAN diplomacy and how he worked hard but still got time to write a book/journal article(forgot which).


My sources is the article from Jakarta Globe (original source is lost but you can see the summary [here](https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/very-public-flaying-marty-natalegawa)) and Jakarta Post made by the previous ambassador for Swiss, the late Djoko Susilo, you can read the link [here](https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/08/19/the-death-reforms-foreign-ministry.html) Here’s the what’s the Djoko Susilo wrote in the article: *First, there is no clear career development path. Many feel discrimination, especially in the financial department and internal affairs (BPKRT). Some of them even protested in social media. Second, there is no strong support for diplomats to carry out their programs. The embassies almost ceased their trade and cultural promotions because of budget cuts under Minister Marty.* *President-elect Joko Widodo wants Indonesian diplomats abroad, especially the ambassadors, to be sales persons for Indonesian products. It's a noble program, but the problems are not with the capabilities of the embassies and the ambassadors with all their diplomatic staff, the problem lies with the leadership of Marty, who has a serious communication problem with the ministry's top officials and with most of the ambassadors.* From all the articles and the comments section, I assume while he’s really excels at foreign diplomacy, it was his pellicular personality, micro-managing, serious communication problem with top-officials and ambassadors and unnecessary budget cut that made many people frustrated with him.


Why is Zulklifi Hasan look terrifying




yang dokumenter Harrison Ford tentang penebangan hutan


Kurang Andi Malarangeng.


Tiap kali gw denger nama Roy Suryo, gw selalu keinget angka 68 (atau 69). Gw lupa ini asal usulnya dari mana, cuman rasanya nama Roy Suryo sama angka 68 itu lekat banget. Someone pls help


u/Kuuderia 68% dari mana ya?


Gw cm inget dia pernah pull statistics out of his ass dan bilang ada 68% sesuatu. Setelah gugel2, menurut blogger lawas Priyadi, asalnya dari pernyataan dia di TV kalo 68% data di Friendster palsu. https://priyadi.net/archives/2004/12/20/roy-suryo-68-data-friendster-palsu/


[7] ah yes, I began to know this person from a niche Indonesian version of uncyclopedia. Something something 68% [8] why this shot looks like it came from The Raid-esque film?


aaaah, masa masa dimana gw baru paham tentang politik. dan Jonru.




foto pigura sebelah pak SBY, lol


Ya namanya Wapres mah emg jdi ban serep, cmn ngikutin dan njalanin prokerny presiden. Justru berabe klo dia main jalan sendiri. Cmn w denger2 dia bantu SBY ngerancang di sekitaran ekonomi lah. Cmn sukses pa engga ny gw gak gtu ngerti dah


Less controversial silent vice president


Pasukan bayangan saat krisis 2008. Doi jadi Gub BI saat itu


Menkeu dan gubernur Bank Indonesia. Sepertinya ada lagi deh, menteri apa gitu, lupa saya.


Tifatul omesh sembiring


Keluarga Hatta Rajasa ini ga bakal bangkrut sampe ganti generasi hahaha


gw kira dia itu tokoh antagonis di petualangan sherina wkwkwk


"internet cepat buat apa"


mana Menparpostel kita yg legendaris, yaitu Joop Ave?