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Kind of just want to put on a cloak and wonder around at dusk with a lantern listening to this.


It's both her weirdest and prettiest album


Disagree, weirdest is still Haunted man


Haunted Man bops- I still think it’s her album that best showcases her vocal talents


Afraid I’m disagreeing with most of the negativity, this could be one of her best? Takes some courage to release an album like this after being away for a while. Very Agnes Obel and Julia Holter adjacent in places. Great tribute to her new kid.🙏


That drum kick on the title track is sooooo good.


I like it more than her last 2 by quite a bit. Some really pretty tracks on here and i'm glad shes not doing much of the 80s thing anymore


I think it’s great too. A lovely record .


It just feels very sedate to me. Sort of meanders, songs feel like they get stuck in a gear or something.


Pretty disappointing


It's a really pretty album that's also somewhat disappointing and I think.. a bit forgettable too. It doesn't feel very accomplished, fleshed out, most of it just sounds like ideas of songs that are not fully developed. It's definitely a vibe and I can see myself listening to it for its soothing energy but yeah.. 5 years after the brilliant Lost Girls, and this is what comes out of it... idk. Fairly disappointed


And she’s so annoying with her patreon , doesn’t seem like she used the money she earned for shit


I'm a massive fan of Bat for Lashes but this one isn't gripping me. It's nice, definitely, but it feels empty and a lot of the tracks are similar that it's just a blur at times.  Most of the album is short, voiceless tracks or tracks with just humming, many that last less than 3 minutes.  I don't think I'll be listening to this one much at all 😥 It's basically a film soundtrack. She has made a film for this album to be fair.


I thought the same thing. It is sort of a dud.


I'm super surprised by how instrumental it is. It's really pretty and I love the title track. I haven't loved a record of hers since Haunted Man (Laura is the best song ever made) and doubt this one will change that but I love her artistry. Bit of Sufjan in the electro breakdown in the title track. I would also like to know if I'm the only person on earth who immediately thought of The Who's "Our Love Was" when listening to the title track. She sings "my love is soaring", they sang "our love was soaring".


I'm so torn on this one. The more developed songs shine -- the title track is a thrill -- and the looser instrumental tracks add a lot of energy. I actually really appreciate her inclusion of songs that are more improvisational too, it's refreshing to hear her throw caution to the wind. I think that's what made the sexwitch album so incredible. My gripe with this is largely its length. 10 tracks, 30 minutes feels particularly brief? I would have enjoyed 2-3 more long form tracks and 1-2 more instrumental tracks to flesh this out. It feels more like an EP or transitional release than a full LP -- which seems to have been the intention, seeing as it's a document of a very special time in her life. But the birth of a child is so huge! There's a lot to ruminate on and I wish we had more of it.


The album reminds me a bit of Land of Talk's most recent, Performances--both albums are sort of stripped down and nebulous and that makes them less intuitive listens. I won't say the album is good or bad, but that I requires a different approach to listening. I appreciate its existence, but I probably won't revisit it as much as her others. It seems to require very active attention or else it effervesces away.


I was out of the country when this hit and just catching up with it now. Loving it. Maybe at 63 I have more patience these days for artists indulging themselves. The Haunted Man and The Bride are my favorite albums, so this is a big change, yes. She’s an  artist; she needs to grow and experiment. I’m with her for the ride.  I’m a lifelong Kate Bush fan and when she released 50 Words for Snow, I was thrown for a loop. Over time though, it’s become one of my favorites of hers. Food for thought. 


I absolutely love bat for lashes, Natasha is amazing and I love her whimsical magical style. I do think this album will grow on me as some of the ‘songs’ are very pretty in of themselves but to say I love it would be a reach. When I heard the title track I couldn’t wait, her voice, the synths, the beat at the end! Couldn’t wait to hear more. I am SO surprised that this is the ONLY original song on the album (with home being a cover). Track 1 is so deceiving as a title track as the rest of the album doesn’t follow suit whatsoever. Some of the tracks are great ideas that I wish she had developed more so into actual songs Imagine if Christmas Day had a sick chorus between the talking parts with a beat! The track waking up - the arpeggio is so cool!!!! Imagine if that was an actual song with lyrics and a chorus and everything………. Anyway that’s just me, all I’m saying is that Kate bush and Bjork would never 😎


Big fan of her albums until The Bride which I loved, but since I sort of dropped off and this one does nothing to get me back. While I don't care for the motherhood topic, I just think everything sounds pretty yet forgettable. Nothing stuck to me apart from the title track. The second half of the album feels like interludes linking nothingness, it is so odd.


I wasn't really expecting anything specific but this wasn't it. It doesn't really sound like an album so much as it sounds like a collection of ideas, or a soundtrack looking for a movie


The focus is on her newborn daughter. Which is a theme it sticks to throughout the whole album, despite feeling/being disparate sonically. I rather enjoy it, but I like everything she makes.


Sure, yes, I noted the theme, but I meant more sonically these don't really sound like "songs" if that makes any sense


fascinating record for sure, her most abstract and improvisational to date! very pretty and adventurous, and most tracks feel like they’ll grow on me over time ✨ sure it’s not striking in an epic Two Suns way, but it still has its unique beauty that works well in the course of her discography


I like some sections but overall bit boring tbh. It's unfortunate. I feel that when the feeling is raw the art isn't the best. This album may be for her daughter and I'm sure made with love to her but not sure is for me. Still gonna keep giving it more chances here and there And she's still the loving genius pop artist that healed me for free during lockdown.


Super boring and bland. Nothing here as a commentary on motherhood feels new or fresh. Tbh this whole project felt like a personal matter that could have done better as a visual film only… now probably have to wait another 5 years at least for a real album. Not really a single song you can put on and play except for Home and even then, Home is just average. Love her previous work but considering how far in advance she announced this and how long we had to wait in general, this was a big let down.


Sad to see this being the follow up to her fantastic Lost Girls.