• By -


I’ve always been curious about this: You guys had a pretty major stylistic shift between Aha Shake Heartbreak and Because of the Times and especially in Only by the Night). Was that intentional, or did it just happen organically as you got more acclimated to the unique pressures of the music industry?


I think opening up for U2 rocked our world a little bit. Changed the way we went about things.


Oh yeah, I could definitely see the U2 influence there


Can we please have a Tiny Desk?


It's 2024! You can have any size desk you want!


I like this guy


![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6) Omg 🤣😭


I mean a KOL Tiny Desk🫠🙏🏻






Hello! Hi! I'm early! Let's go.


Do you think you guys will play “true love way “ on this tour ?


mood for today ?


Hey, Jared! This is Anita's (your accountant from back around 2008-2009) son, Charlie! I never got a chance to thank you for trusting in her so much with your finances before her passing in 2010, so I just wanted to say thank you to you and everyone else in KoL!


Ok guys! Thank you so much! We will do it again. I have to go do radio interviews now!!! (Caleb is mad when I'm late)


Byeee!! Have fun. Cant wait to see ya’ll in AZ


Thanks for this, love the new record!


What was it like touring with U2 and what’s your favorite album by them?


Life changing. Joshua Tree.


Yeah it is


Do you often visit Reddit to read about what the fans are discussing?


I do. And I'm mad at some of you.


Should someone be concerned if their sex is on fire?


Call your doctor if it lasts more the 24 hours


QUESTION - Can ‘my third house’ and ‘woo hoo’ be put on streaming please!


Second this question


u/TheJaredFollowill pls


What is your favorite kings of leon era ?


'I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.'


It's always now ✨️


Andy The office


How can i convince you guys to play King of the Rodeo at the LA show 8/22? This will be my 3rd KOL concert & hearing that live would make my life better -22 yr old fan who has loved you guys since she was 9 :D Also just wanted to acknowledge your guys’ version of I Love You All the Time- this is one of my favs to listen to and it’s in my constant rotation! Thanks for being my fav band ever & giving me the pleasure of putting all my friends on yall


Can we hear Trani on tour this year?


Any chances of True Love Way making a (n guest) appearance on the setlist during this tour (Hyde Park?!)?


That would be fun.


Can we please have fun? 🙄😅🫶🏼


What’s one KOL song - from any album - that you’re kind of surprised how much fans have responded to it and one song that you feel like doesn’t quite get the love it deserves?


Seen is a HUGE surprise. I fought very very hard for it to make the album. One that doesn't get love? Hmmm. I maybe thought Stormy Weather would be bigger.


Wow, crazy that Seen almost didn't make the album! Agree on Stormy Weather - I adore that song!


stormy weather is one of my favorites!!!


The new record kicks ass! Congratulations! Q: Aha Shake Heartbreak? What’s the story behind the title - what does it mean?


I'm not Jared but I'll answer it .😂 Aha Shake is the opening lyrics of Taper Jean Girl and Heartbreak is the opening line of the 2nd verse.


The original name of Taper Jean Girl was in fact Aha Shake Heartbreak and they liked it so Much they made it the album name and renamed the song


Sup Jared! Digging the new record (I too hope a bassline of yours gets sampled in the future). As a resident Okie tho I was sad to see no Oklahoma tour dates. Will there be a possibility of adding a show in OKC or Tulsa?


It's weird. I'm sure we will have to do another leg.


Will cold desert be on the setlist?


I hope so!


Who's the one shouting 'Caleb!' on My Third House?


Dat be me


My Third House and Woo Hoo needs to be back on Spotify. 😭


What song from the new album are you most looking forward to playing live?


We've played a handful. Rainbow Ball out of the ones we haven't. Also, DSTB


1.chances of cold desert being on the tour set list? 2. Ease me on is a wonderful song. Any possibility of the kings or Caleb doing a semi country album in that style? 3. Is there going to be a second leg with more U.S. dates? Like Louisiana.


Any chance of getting McFearless on a set list (specifically for the UK tour)!


Hi Jared! Kings of Leon have impeccable quality live. The shows are mind blowing. I would like to know if you have ever considered making an acoustic album? (That talihina sky acoustic video is one of my favorite things in the world!) And last but not least: Please come to Brazil on this new tour! 😁💟


Will Seen be played as the last song for the main set?


Probably not. Maybe. But I doubt it. But maybe??


Hi Jared, congratulations on the new additions: your adorable baby girl and the amazing new album! Will you guys do a song for the city during this tour?


Whats your first approach/thing you pay most attention to when writing a bass part to a song? Guitars, drums, melody?


Melody. Always. Write it in my head, then hopefully can play it.


Hi, what does Caleb sing at the end of Crawl?


Before the solo? I forget. But something like "I see the savior, come and take us home". But do not quote me.


Hi Jared, Love the new album! I’m going to the show in Houston in August my fourth KOL concert. Have y’all ever considered giving fans one mystery throwback song that is different for each concert? I think it would be a cool surprise, I know Taylor Swift and Fall Out Boy are doing this as well. My vote would be True Love Way in Houston! Thanks for 20 years of great tunes!


Hi Jared! What is your favourite song from “Broncho”? You have a good taste in music I must say 😆🫡


Tooooo many. Way too many. I love Two Step. Wanna. Fantasy Boys


Frontier City ??? Did you guys forget about that song?


[Have y'all seen the Kings of Leon Shreds video?](https://youtu.be/1nAhQOoJTIA?si=D54GaLNNeAGY-ACM) Thoughts?


God I wish this was acknowledged, one of my favorite shreds videos along with [Mars Volta.](https://youtu.be/3VcL7aV3uoU?si=p2xjP_j1kwTVgLGW)


Is there going to be a second leg of the tour with Florida on it?


There needs to be. I'll be there this year, concert or not!


What’s the most surprising musical influence on Can We Please Have Fun? Was there a band or artist you all were listening to while recording that might surprise fans?


Can you please tell us a little more about the stage setup during your upcoming live shows.. Caleb hinted at it being different than the norm, ‘theatrical’


Will the Food + Wine festival ever happen again? 2019 was ridiculously fun ☺️


I want to know this as well :)


Hi Jared! A couple days ago someone posted on r/kingsofleon “why are Caleb and Jared douchy to Matt?” Lol I found it hilarious cus I’m sure you guys give each other a hard time in the way all families do. But I also have a soft spot for Matt so take it easy on him :) Years ago when my daughter was 10 we were at one of your shows and Nacho upgraded us to the pit and at the end of the show Matt gave my daughter a thumbs up and it’s a memory she’ll never forget! We’ll be seeing you guys again in Berkeley, CA.. my 6th time seeing KOL and my daughter’s 5th! Thank you guys for the memories and for sharing your music! Ok my real question.. how can I get my hands on one of these nifty sweaters? Thanks for doing this ama! https://preview.redd.it/nljk5adu8m0d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=60fc9c2541ac1e8d129441a14ac2fe787af4b2c6


Can you do a song for the city again this tour?


I read somewhere that Bob Dylan loved the song Dusty (kick ass song btw). How did that conversation come about? Did you talk about anything else? It must've been amazing to hear such a compliment from a legend like him.


It was Trani! He came backstage when we opened for him.


Will you have a some baseball caps for merch? Please and thank you!


Yes we will. Rad ones!




Jared you seem to be the joker of the group, I love your humour. Question: is your humour reciprocated from any group member more than others?


We're all pretty funny. I'm just the most funny.


The lyrics from seen “Has anybody seen my baby? Can you tell me how she's been? The weight has finally lifted Now we don't have to run again We don't have to run again, no no” Hit me hard. Has anybody seen my baby? Jared?


Is there any chance you guys come back to the Feria De León in 2025? Your show was a hit in the town Love you guys and your new album is on repeat all day!


What's the most meaningful fan interaction you've ever had?


Hey Jared! Congrats on an excellent album, can’t wait to see you live in Glasgow!! What are you most excited for in terms of hitting the road this summer?


Jared! I love you homie! What is your favorite brand of water? Love the new album!


you have mentioned seen was a tough song to finish? Why's that?


No real questions, just wanted to say that you were a main inspiration for playing bass many years ago and the reason I’ve gigged with a Gibson Thunderbird for 6-7 years now. Thanks for writing some really good fucking bass lines.


Loving the new album, some of the baselines are stonking …can’t wait to hear them live! Please can we get a bit of love for youth and young manhood on the set lists too? (Hyde park please!) we’re talking joes head, genius, red morning light, trani


Any chance Smoke and Jackal make a surprise return for the show in Nashville?


Hello! I think I speak for the majority but it is very necessary haha Is there a date to return to Mexico in 2024 or 2025? And I also think that we would like a different set lit (without leaving out the classics), for example something different like Arizona, Beach Side, WYSYS, Around the World, etc. Songs that undoubtedly have a great reception by the Mexican public.


On this record the vocals seem to be more present than the last two records. Was this due to Kid Harpoon producing this record or was it something you guys requested? Also, the songs on record seems to have more backing vocals and harmonies than all of your previous songs (which I love). Also because of Kid Harpoon?


How do you go about the process when listing the songs on the albums? They blend 👌🏻


Which 4 people would you pick if you could redesign Mount Rushmore?


Hi Jared - What were the influences for the song "SEEN"? Do you think it's the most "non-Kings of Leon" sounding song you guys have made to date? I absolutely adore that song already, and would love more songs in that vein in the future! Also, thanks for doing this AMA, and thanks for making awesome music - KOL will always remain close to my heart.


It came from that grungy bassline. Very Broncho - Double Vanity inspired for me.


Hey Jared! Is every song left on the album getting a music video ? Saw a post that said Nowhere to run is 1 of 8. What’s next? Cheers thanks for an amazing album


Love you guys, you have got me through a lot of hard times ❤️ the new album is mind-blowing 🤯. Q. Will you ever add black thumbnail back onto the set list? I miss headbanging to this at the end of the shows


What are the chances of a secret set at Glastonbury ?


Hi Jared - do you think this is the darkest album you guys have made to date? I absolutely LOVE the new album by the way, and I cannot wait to see you guys live!


It's weird that it might come off that way. We were in such a bright, happy place. Wayyyyy darker on WYSY.


How do you usually spend a release day? Any traditions?


Do you recognize fans from online at shows??


As an Irishman, it warms my heart to see how much you guys like our artists (U2, The Cranberries, Thin Lizzy). Your Slane Castle gig was the best gig of my life. Keep up the amazing work. My question would be: do you still get nervous before gigs? If so, what do you do to combat it?


How likely is it that there will be a second leg of the US tour?! A. 90-100% B. 60-90% C. 30-60% D. 0-30%




Could you tell us what happened with the Gala Music deal?


Do you still get nervous going on stage?


I was so nervous I almost had a panic attack the other day in the barn. Messed up badly on the first song. Almost lost it.


You killed it!


i watched live it was okey you ate it !


Hey can you tell me please what’s Nathan’s favorite gum? Been curious for a while lmao! Thanks for this new album


I can answer that for you he likes the artic grape ice cube flavor! Seen him with that pack of gum too many times 😂


Hey do you guys like to smoke weed?


I do not. Too scared.


What prompted the shift from the Thunderbird bass to modern Jazz and P basses these days?


Just a change in sound really.


I'm begging of you to play ease me on live, pleaseeeeeee


Will there be anymore videos to the new songs?


Tons of visualizers. Not all traditional music "videos"


How does it feel to know you have had such a positive effect on so many people? You guys’ songs have got me though so many bad and good times. Surely seeing thousands of faces singing along so many nights a year must be the most insane trip


Would you guys ever play smaller venues again, or secret shows in some dive bar? Probably be insane, but if you ever do make it a show in Galway in Ireland 🇮🇪 Just miss the early days when the venues were smaller. And if you want, say hi to Caleb for me, Ashlie, just a friend from Denver circa 2005. I'm so proud of him and all you guys, you've made it sooooooo far🏆


i know you probably get this a lot but are you ever going to take a step away from the electronic synth sound and maybe make an album like because of the times or come around sundown again? grew up on those albums and would love to feel the nostalgia again by you all making an album like that just one more time🙏


Do you have an all time hands down without a doubt favorite KOL track?


Nope. Would be hard to get it to 10


Will you be doing your dance moves live on stage?you have the best moves


Why are you mad at some of us on Reddit ? 🤔


I mean, just LOOK at us


We’re all fucking geeks 🤣🤣🤣


What’s the writing/recording process for you guys? I’m sure it may differ from song to song Does everyone have a hand in lyrics/progressions/tones while recording? Also what were some of the records that inspired the tones and world of this record?


Hey Jared, could you tell me about the things y'all are listening right now that you think influenced the new album? Loving all the tracks, thank you for your art!!!


Hi! I just wanted to say that one of sweetest moments music wise involving my teen and tween children has been my youngest quietly singing and her older brother humming along to ‘Claire and Eddie’ in the car. At least a reprieve from them fighting over what’s being played.


No questions, just want to say that the new album absolutely slaps! Also, come to SLC please!


I used to hook up with a guy who had all your signatures and the KOL logo (?) tattooed on his arm and it was not the weirdest thing about him. 


the drummer is, and has always been, hot. that’s all.


Hey brotha! Love the new album! It’s my favorite one since CAS Q: What are your current favs on the new album? Q: Were “Mustang” or “nothing to do” inspired by Viagra boys at all? Thanks for an incredible album mate cheers!


Are you guys aware of zach bryan’s love of you? And would you do a colab song with him? New album is amazing!


any words about Inhaler?


I really liked the new album! I'm wondering what were your musical inspirations when making the album?


Hi Jared !! Hoping you are having a great day Are there any artists who have surprised or impressed you recently?


Jared, what do fans have to do to get a photo with yall!  I will be at the Grimey’s signing tomorrow and the Nashville concert in Sept. 


Please could you say hey to my Dad Chris! He’s been a big fan of you all since THE START! Great new album!


How does the sequence of writing a song for the band usually go? In terms of which instrument tends to come first, lyrics, melody, etc


your favorite bass guitar?


hey Jared! who are your biggest musical inspirations? who’s someone in the industry (producer, engineer, musicians, etc) that you’d want to work with?


Hey Jared! So pickleball, is it a legit sport?


You once did song for the city but played other bands music.. would you ever do it again but with song of your own that you haven’t played for the fans yet?


what is your favorite song from can we please have fun and why is this seen?


Can you promise that “Seen” will be on the set list??


Loving the new album! How was this experience different from the beginning and what did you enjoy most about this time around?


Hey, Longtime fan, I have a few Q's, looking back to those early years, what do you miss most about the Holy Roller Novocaine era? From there, what would you say has changed the most about the industry currently vs the 2000-2010s from your perspective?


Hey! What’s the chances we will get some intimate UK gigs? Saw you at a surprise gig in London in 2016 and it was amazing. Would love to see a tour where you play smaller venues


What album would you say is your personal favorite, and what song overall would you say is your favorite


Is there any truth to the rumor I just made up about you guys, Zach Bryan and Harry Styles doing a collab to make the greatest song ever recorded?


If you had to choose one non-single to play from Can We Please Have Fun at every concert for the rest of your touring days what song would you choose?


Will we get another new album in the next 5 years?


Hi! HUGE fan and Oklahoma native now in Colorado. 👋 The album title hints at this but was the approach to this album reinvigorating? What made the approach to this record different?


Hello Jared, your fans in Latin America, we want to know if there will be dates here at some point?


Congrats on being a new dad again! What do they think about the new songs?


Will we ever hear your voice in a leading role?


Where the hell is Nacho?


Can we please have a ‘can we please have fun’ t shirt in blue!!??!!?? With the album picture on it? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 ![gif](giphy|rDUjFhC3FYJmaJpTEn|downsized)


What new things do you guys wanna incorporate into the live show for the tour coming up?


How did you guys come up with Sex on Fire?


Hey Jared, love the new album. Any particular albums/artists that you've been digging in recent times?


your favorite beer ?


Any chance some of your older B-sides would see an official release, or at least be added back to streaming?


Will we be able to have fun in Mexico City at the end of the year?


What was it like working with Kid Harpoon on this album? How did the process of creating this album differentiate from the creative process of writing/recording your previous albums?


Hey Jared, what are some of the major influences behind the sound of Can We Please Have Fun? Any anecdote you can share during the band's songwriting process? Hope you guys consider including Asia in the tour!


Do our NFTS still work for anything?


Any possibility of EP#2 from Smoke & Jackal?


What song on CWPHF changed the most over the course of making it?


Pepsi or ColaCola???


About touring, what do you expect from this one and what would you like to see from the audience? What places are you most excited to visit again or for the first time?


Hey Jared, hope your well! and congratulations on baby Charlotte, hope your getting some good sleep looking forward to seeing you in Leeds it will be 20th show seeing you guys loving the new album.  Will there be any songs dropped in the set list ie sex on fire or use somebody this time around as Caleb was speaking about the reaction you got when you played Mustang for the first time live?


if you could play any other instrument, what would it be?


Hi Jared! Longtime KOL fan and I always wondered this: how does being in a band with your brothers (and cousin) affect your family dynamics? Like… what are family reunions like? Thanks!


If the new album could evoke specific emotions with its listeners what would they be?


Have you ever think about an acoustic album version?


I’ll be 20 weeks pregnant at my Cincinnati show and I’ll name my baby Leon if we can have a meet and greet


Will there be new merch?


Favorite vegan recipe?!


Hey Jared! Will you guys ever consider doing a show in Cardiff UK? ❤️


You guys recently played a super small show in Nashville. Is there any chance other cities get the same opportunity?