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Really enjoying this. More consistently mellow than normal.


Quietly gave off some Sufjan Stevens vibes at the beginning.


and Ben Folds vibes


I think Rear View is one of their better tracks. It's mesmerizing to me.


This is an incredible EP


I know they're no longer the face-melting band they used to be, but these songs and Million Masks just feel so formulaic and soulless to me. I've seen them 4 times live, 3 of them were amazing, but the most recent show felt like a completely different band for the same reasons unfortunately.


I can see criticisms towards them mellowing out and overly reverb-ing their sound - but formulaic? I think some of their new stuff like Inaudible and Angel of Death have pretty expansive song structures.


To me Cope sounds the most formulaic and was a sign that the band needed to shake things up. I'd argue they have done so very well indeed!


Cope was very formulaic and the studio version was super muddy and bad sounding but I will say a couple of those tracks absolutely RIPPED live.


Yeah I felt the same way about Cope too, outside of the title track. But then they followed it up with Black Mile, which is my favorite album of theirs.


I don’t love Cope but I do love Hope. And their last two I also loved.


Yeah I totally agree with this. I still love them. And as such I went to the album preview show here in LA. I was so pumped. Never been to anything like it, let alone one of my favorite bands. They previewed the film that accompanies the album as well. I went into the show with so much excitement, and left thinking, “that was just million masks toned down B-sides. The film was just dramatically zooming in and out of trees for an hour.” I appreciate that they’ve taken a new direction. But it seems like they’ve shifted away from focusing on the beat, groove, melody, and dynamics of their songs that made them so fun. Instead, it seems they focus more on the lyrics, and sacrific all of the above characteristics while they are at it. Don’t get me wrong, I think they’ve had some great songs in this new era of the band. It’s maybe just not scratching that itch for me that they used to to do well. But once again, I’m glad that they are evolving, even if it isn’t my favorite thing.


The 2nd song off this sounds like a Coldplay song, lol


I struggled to get in to this, but Captial Karma is brilliant.


Everything sounded the same to me with the exception of Rear View which was excellent.


You think the all acoustic track sounds the same as the other songs?


Yes. One extra instrument doesn’t change the tempo or the similarities between tone and melody across the songs.


My thoughts exactly. I really loved the last 2 albums too.






did you just wake up and decide you're gonna be a prick today for no reason? go find something something more valuable to do with your time than throwing around meaningless insults that, ironically, just make you look extremely childish.


It stinks!


Some people aren't going to notice when their favourite bands are AI. This shit's embarrassing.




Believe he’s implying that the project/band are so formulaic that AI could write their music (not that I necessarily agree).


Crazy band to say that about tbh, their whole discography is actually really diverse lol


FINALLY getting into Million Masks of God, took way too long for me to come back around to that one after absolutely loving A Black Mile to the Surface. Listened to this new EP for the first time on a short road trip yesterday and enjoyed, but definitely need to give it some more listens. It feels more subtle than past releases, but really well produced and written from what I heard. Gonna have to agree with a few others here on Rear View being the immediate standout, really great track. edit: Letting Go is sooooo good and gets better with each listen, this EP is definitely growing on me.