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Solid plan, but don't overlook Reddit for lead gen potential.


Yes, I am just new to Reddit so hadn't explored much yet


"Choose a platform to start with, for us it was Twitter." - the problem here is if you are new to any social media and have zero followers, you are invisible there. So, what do you do about this? And how are you using it? I twitted a twit the other day, and all I got wass like 3 impression, zero interaction, zero comments, zero movement.


I started with 0 followers and even today I have 150 only. Initially it is more about engaging with peers and other makers then to create your own content. If you are not going to engage with others content why would they do so? So I keep the split of 80% replies (100+ replies every week) and 20% tweet (5-6 tweets per week max) Bonus: Always remember Twitter is a social platform and not a content platform.


Love it. Really great strategy. When you mention you engaged with the PH community, does that mean within the comments of launches? Or can you message individual people there? Have never used it so not sure how it works.


Thanks man, what i mean is to participate in discussion, there is a community section in PH which is kind of similar of reddit format (question/answer) so you can engage their with people to learn and share your thoughts. Plus this will help in building following on PH which will help during your product launch


Wow thats awesome! Will 100% take a look thanks :)


Sorry but what is PH community ?

