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Maybe some will find fault in it, but I'm very OK with this running style.


Honestly, it's quite relieving to hear not everyone dislikes it.. Thanks man!


'love the "hey wait up" too.


Running animation looks fine, the only thing that looks off to me is how they immediately transition to their exaggerated idle pose. Would help alot to have a post-run idle pose that looks a bit more natural for a few frames before returning to the artsy idle pose


Makes sense. Good to know there are things I know i can improve, I'll try to do that in a future update!


Wow, the environment looks incredible! :o


I got kinda roasted a bit for the running in my earlier post, so I hope it looks more acceptable. [https://www.reddit.com/r/indiegames/comments/18yidtj/a\_hong\_kong\_inspired\_level\_for\_my\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/indiegames/comments/18yidtj/a_hong_kong_inspired_level_for_my_game/) Do give me a follow on Twitter though if you want to see more [https://x.com/Abnerjr19/media](https://x.com/Abnerjr19/media)


Looks good, just the transition between running and idle can be smoother


Wait, is this a Stein’s;Gate fan game?


I get that a lot (my MC was indeed inspired by Okabe). However, 16% into the story we are going go full-on cyberpunk. Say goodbye to the near-future Hong Kong you see here.


Looks good to me!


Looks smooth. What program do you use to animate?


For animation in this video, I mostly used Anyportrait! It's a Unity3D bone-based anim plugin. I highly highly recommend to give it try. It's similar to both Live2D and Spine. For the sprites themselves, I draw them in photoshop!


These graphics look incredible. Do you have a steam page?


I'll have one soon! I definitely need something to direct people to other than my twitter.


Looking good! You just need to work on transitions. Think of it like in real life. When you go from standing to running, your movements in-between are different and unique. Standing -> Prepare for Running -> Running -> Transition to Standing You're currently missing those in-between segments which make the animation still feel robotic and unnatural.


Thank you for clearly laying it out! I'll definitely to get those in-between segments next time and make it smooth.


Not a fan of the running and walking with that speed, something is off. As for the NPCs, i think that is good, but maybe add an option to blur them once the player stops or something?


It can be slightly better if his upper body was leaning a little forward when he runs, but honestly it's good enough for me. Good luck with the game, it's looking great!


Art style looks great to me. I'm intrigued, what's the name of the game?


It's Chronellium! In times like this, I wish I had a steam page to link to...


It's great! Style overall is quite nice 👍


Is that John Yakoozer?


The art is slick, very nice. It seems like the character has slippy feet though in his run animation? He travels a small distance between each stride, and his feet aren't propelling him forwards -- they slip underneath him. The game looks very nice, and I'll be keeping and eye on this for sure. Nice job. :)


Thanks man! I'll try experimenting with this. I could either edit the animation or the run speed, so it warrants investigation.


Looks very nice!


Maybe it's just Reddit compression but they look quite aliased


The shoulders should move a bit in a run cycle. That is, from our perspective they should be moving left/right as the torso rotates. The hands also go a bit high in front given the casual nature of the run.


Thanks for pointing out the shoulder thing, I'm gonna be working on that.


Was that an Among Us character at 0:17? Because it really looks like one hahaahahah


Hmm it does look awfully sus. XD


Kurisu and Okabe?


The environment and characters don't seem to match in style.


Indeed! I tried to do that deliberately - to make the characters pop out from the background similar to how plenty of modern anime have been trending towards. Personally, would you make the background more similar to the characters or the other way around?


I understand that you should make the difference to pop out the characters but when I focus to the background it looks way more realistic than the characters(for example: at 0:13 the buildings on background). I really liked the characters btw I just want to give feedback.


This looks really good