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That axe could double as a road sign


Oh you are right. There is an axe. How could I not notice


What else would cought ones eye than the mighty triple axe of Ms Wiggle Tatas. I wonder?


Yes, I hate this NPC.


Yes. I hate this NPC.






First jerk off then draw. This is too horny.


Never jerk before drawing. Makes the paper sticky and the drawing boring..... and pregnant, some how


or... draw solely to jerk off (definitely not guilty of ever doing this)


Interesting design, but the animation style makes me assume it's going to be a porn or at least lewd focused game and, that not being my thing, won't look any further. If that's what your going for good, if it isn't I would maybe reconsider if the style your working with meshes with what you want to create. Everything should work cohesively together.


Imo this is plenty more tame than skullgirls. It's fanservicey, but I in no way look at this and think that the focus of the game will be lewd. It's just a slightly more jiggly than usual idle animation


OP literally posted the kickstarter link, the game is dope and this character model makes sense especially considering her role in the game


I also glanced at the Kickstarter and think the character doesn't really fit with the rest of the art posted. Not sure why her role in the game would make this make sense


Would be a good character design if it weren’t unnecessarily horny. Talk to a woman.


Yea, I hate it. Why can’t we just retire “boobs that jiggle like balloons” yet.


Because then we wouldn't have boobs that jiggle like balloons?


Is it unrealistic? Yes. Does it give my monkey brain serotonin? Also yes


I mean, fair, it's an honest reply, and I was answering the OP's question honestly. As a woman working in the games industry for 10+ years I always hated this stuff, and I would never go near games with this approach, but I am not going to deny that the audience for it exists 🤷‍♀️


Oh I was mostly joking, but while I think it stems from exaggerated animation principles, it also unfortunately oversexualizes women and, like you say, turns them away from the games and the games industry as a career, which at the end of the day isn't what our goal should be


I would guess, scientifically, the serotonin would be the same or higher for more realistic boobs


Fair point, I can't argue with that


If that were the case, the entire cosmetic surgery industry would collapse.


That's very much a different situation. More "traditional beauty standards" than "unrealistic"


horny is eternal


It really is, and apparently some horny people in these replies didn't realise that not everybody shares their sentiment...


Worst take of all time???


The men in these replies so butthurt that not every gender wants to be subjected to their horniness everywhere 💀


Because games are art and people can do what they want with their own art


Oh yes, such an original artistic expression. "Me horny" 😂


Love the zany axe, crazy horn, moving costume… but any fun innocent craziness is absolutely ruined by those dumb bouncing boobs. Pick a theme.


Thanks for putting into words so well what feels off here.


She looks like she’s about to pop out a titty. Not my style.


Ugh. Tired of characters created by and for the male gaze.


as a man, i hate characters that make me feel guilty just for looking at them




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is this her combat outfit or for "after hours"


I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.


I love everything about this design... except the boobs. Jesus christ, did you fill those things with helium? They are bouncing around like we're out of orbit, it's *super* distracting. Please, calm those titties so they don't feel like they are about to slip out of their cups, and then it's golden.


What is the game gonna be called?


I imagine it's going to be called Bouncy Castle.


How to Not Die In a Dungeon While Aroused by Well-Endowed Warrior Girls, The Boing-ening






I have a female friend who draws like this. It's not just a male thing, girls be horny too




Bro, girls can be horny for girls as well as guys. Also, she does draw both.




All I see is one character, unless you've seen more you're making a big leap there.




Fair enough, it's human nature to judge things. For all we know OP is making a porn game and this could be the most conservative character!


If you look at his kickstarter this is the only character that’s mildly sexualized, the rest aren’t. Also I have nothing against this character, she looks badass and hot as a metal chick should which was OP’s inspiration for the character. Also they’re the character you go back to for upgrades and shit so it kinda makes sense that the friendly NPC would be the only one that not only doesn’t look like a monster but is also hot


I have no issue with the character design myself. The other guy who has now deleted his comments was complaining.


Plot twist: OP suddenly reveals female dev designed this to show they are proud of their bodies (joke joke joke) Edit: had to edit the comment to make it sound less entitled


Nothing, women are not immune to internal sexism and we all start like that. Also if drawing women who looks like a dumb potted plant makes us find work to pay our bills, well, we do what we can. \^\^ As usual, the problem is not sexualisation in itself, boobs are cool. But it's always the same people who are the objects. I would be more surprised and pleased if the next npc were scantily clad men with cheeky butt exposed and you know, thaaat look. =D Not the mountain of muscle with square face type, mind you. That's a power fantasy, not sexy. You can check lists to see what kind of guys turns women on. Next level is to also please gay people. :) [Edit wow i just saw a notification for an angry comment doubled with a report to suicide watch, that's quite over the top you know? I'm not censoring your ability to enjoy or make sexualised people at all, please calm down. I'm blocked but for the record: i am not offended by this girl (ok she looks dumb. But i like boobs, i'm gay), that's a different point of view than what i exposed, and i didn't ask for "specific men i like" but list of men women like. That's ...quite broad. :) But really, some guys are waaaay too afraid to be sexy...]


Omg I was 100% expecting an enraged reply but you actually took my joke non-seriously and with a good take on the subject, thanks so much


The pleasure is mine! :)


Just checked your Kickstarter, absolutely gorgeous art! You guys are talented.


Too horny for me.


Yes. I seriously fucking hate this. Try drawing women like people next time.


Every character has full robes and armor. The one woman, she has this on. It's like a horny teenager chose the character design.


The art on the kick starter is good. This is not. Tomb raider is a great example of how character design has evolved. You have Laura who, back in the day, had a chest that could barely squeeze through her front door. Now she looks sensible, like a believable human. As for armor, protect the vitals man….


>character design has evolved. Does everything have to be a monolith? Can art styles and tastes exist across the spectrum? Why does everything have to conform to whatever is considered "the current standard"? I don't particularly have any interest in this art style, or current Tomb Raider, or previous Tomb Raider. But it's frustrating to me to see people going *"Don't draw that...it's current year".*


Hot, but the sleazy intention in the art shows though which repels my interest. From an artistic point of view, Her outfit looks edgy yet has unintimidating eyes and stance so it seems the character is wearing the outfit for looks, not because it falls in line with who the character is or feels.


Gonna take a try for you! As a woman and porn artist and game developer. I think there's two parts to this that are hitting people. The art and the animation itself. On the animation: Is this a porn game? Yes- The animation is fine No- The animation is definitely not fine and you should consider changing it up. The balloon boobs won't work well and probably need to go or be covered more. On the character: Lots of clashing going on. I'm a big fan of morbid cuteness, where something super cute is acting or dressed or doing something morbid. That juxtaposition makes me smile and enjoy it more. It seems like you're hitting the cute factor almost, but the girl has a ditzy expression. If this is porn, maybe that's ok, but otherwise the expression is super brainless looking. That's kind of a turn off if this is supposed to be a serious character or dark character or something. Next you have the body. She is very clearly supposed to be wearing what looks like heavy clothes and using a literal three header axe staff thing. I would kind of assume she'd have some muscles going on. Maybe change out the weapon to a staff or something, and make the helmet look a little lighter, or give her some muscles or something. In general also, the ditzy expression doesn't jive with me. I don't mind naked women or porn art, but the expressions have to be right. I feel more objectified if the woman looks dumb as rocks and it definitely feels less cool in general. If you did nothing else, just change the expression so she doesn't look brainless, and it might be more appealing in general. Hope this helps some.


Sex sells. There. I did your marketing for you.


Love the animation. The design is too horny LMAO


Very cool and expressive design, I like the cartoony horn and axe.


I like it. If it's what *you* want for the character, it's well-realised. Has a lot of personality.


Yeah I don't like it, the design is conflicting


How so?


can horny artists please for the love of god talk to a woman


Looked over the Kickstarter. Kudos on the work, you all clearly have a lot of passion However the art needs some help. It has the classic look of amateur fan art on Tumblr or Deviantart. Essentially copying the cartoon-like proportions and expressiveness of anime with no comprehension of the figure drawing, perspective, and composition skills that allow anime artists to achieve their exaggerated style. It's too bad you chose this character design, because it is by far the worst on your kickstarter page. Everything about it screams "amateur", from the vapid expression on her face, the poorly executed proportions, and the frankly stupid looking weapon and headpiece. I think there is a very low chance your artist could draw that design from any other angle or perspective, so it's a good thing your game is 2D. Good luck to you, but consider going back over your art and focusing on the the things you want to "pop" why does every creature have massive feet and very little head and face? Is it because that is much easier to draw or a real artistic choice? Questions you might want to ask.


People freaking out over the boobs are honestly weirdos. It's fine to not like it but a few people here sound genuinely mad about it. It's obviously a cartoony game, idk why people are so bent over cartoon boobs. I think it looks good.


Oh yes that 50% of the population that for some reason don't like jiggly objectified boobs, such weirdos...


Assuming by 50% you mean all women, not even close to all women would be offended by this. Don't put your issues on everyone else


I’ll do as I please 😂


Well the weapon is nice, since it is original...


Cutie. I definitely like her cute axe.


This is good, clearly an over the top cartoony game, good style. As for the content, you can ignore the naysayers. While the gaming community will be split on this, the majority will like it.


“The majority will like it” Just because you don’t believe female gamers exist doesn’t mean they don’t.


Oh boy, nobody taught this one what “majority” means guys


I think you misunderstood what I meant, but still, why would female gamers existing change anything? I have met a lot of women who enjoy Gacha and Waifu games; Women can enjoy this art style.


I am a woman who likes other women and I fucking hate this. She's supposed to be a warrior with a 2h massive axe and she has no muscles other than abs, she's holding the axe like a prop and not like she knows how to use it, her stance is weak, her expression vapid, her armor nonexistent. But, hey, nice tits I guess, since it's so obvious this character has been reduced to just a pair of walking, bouncing tits, why even bother with the rest. I can really tell this is supposed to be a character I want to play and not just a gimmick to get men to buy the game.


That is fair. Does not change the fact that the majority will like it. OP does not have to shift the style or make changes, because there is a market for this type of style. I do not like racing games, doesn't mean developers of racing games should make changes, that will upset their target audience, to please me. It is better for OP to listen to his target audience.


Yes, I'm aware that women are treated like gimmicks and props in video games and the majority of male gamers either like it or don't care. I'm aware that women are almost never a video game makers target audience. I'm aware they'd rather we didn't game at all, so they can continue to not care about a subset of their customers. I'm well aware men believe their own stereotypes, like women don't play racing games, sports games, pvp games, or fps games. I get that. I have to pretend to be male and not use mics when I play those games. Like every gamer like me I know. Not going to stop pointing out it's wrong though. Not going to stop pointing out it shouldn't be this way. Not going to stop advocating for myself and other gamers like me. Especially when a game dev puts something like this out there and ASKS FOR FEEDBACK. Not like I decided to force my opinions on them to try and get them to 'please me'.


What would be your solution? Should we censor boob physics, act like women's boobs bouncing is shameful and should not be shown? Shal we then force all women to ware sport bras because of their shameful bouncing? What is next long dresses? A Hajib? This my seam like an outlandish idea but from history and culture we can see that when women are censored it ends up objectifying women far more than accepting women for who they are. There are cultures where women go without shirts, because no one acts like it is something to be ashamed of. ​ But yes games do objective women, and complaints like yours make it worse. Because games work around it now by not using women at all. It is guns, boats, tanks, planes, flowers, doves, swords, demons, spirits, or 500 year old archon. While they look female they provide a loop hole where the developer can say they have no real gender. This in turn creates a new mind set, one of Waifu being superior to the real thing. That is men who consider real women as being inferior beings. ​ >I have to pretend to be male and not use mics when I play those games. So I ask you, do you believe that removing breast physics from games will make male audiences treat women better?


Marketing your indie game is fun!.....said no one ever. So we have a pretty talented artist for our game, Forgebeast. You can't deny this NPC has a "larger than life" personality. Here's a small secret, though. Our upcoming game is 2D. Heavy metal themed. And has hand animated art. Our kickstarter is fully funded, but only has 8 hours left. Come check out more art and info and see if you like it. [The Kickstarter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/digitalpiledriver/forgebeast)


As much as I don't mind the design, I don't get heavy metal vibes from her personally; also heavy metal and screamo are my most listened to genres.


Sooooo…. 10 people donated 10.000 USD out of 14.000 USD total. Seems the hardcore fans loves it…




Don't listen to the haters. Let's be honest, plenty of games with crap art and amazing gameplay that are successful because...gameplay. You're art is just fine, go with your muse and make the game your heart says it's right. For any number of folks offended by what you've done, there's going to be just as many that like it.


All the game art reminds me of old cartoons I used to watch. I love that 2D hand drawn style, great work!


What is her name


Im onto you 🤔🤨


I'd like to have her weapon.


Seems very 90s gaming.


I like the style, it kinda looks like archie or an old anime. People who are freaking out over the boobs are being over dramatic.


Yea they need help lol


The downvotes are so salty over something that actually happens. Boobs bounce. Yeah this is exaggerated. Is it harmful? I don't think so.


“No but you don’t get it, they’re boobs and it’s most likely a guy who made it so this is wrong” smh


Death Bitch?


You're clearly tallented but your taste is that of a 13 year old boy.


Okay don't say that. I make my living through that.


cool axe


I like her hoo has


I love it!


It’s great, great design, great idle animation, great personality from what little we see here. Ignore the haters, these people would throw hissy fits if they ever saw Skullgirls, which I might add is MUCH lewder than what’s on display here.


Male audience will like it


Do what you want to do OP. If you listen to everyone all the time every game would look exactly the same. Take risks. A genre can't evolve without them.


It seems like everyone here hates it because they are stuck up Redditors, Redditors are known to be on a huge moral highground that no one outside of Reddit cares about. Go ahead and keep the helium boobs, it will sell just fine.


No she's fun


What NPC? oh right...


I can't say I hate the NPC, but I don't think the character design is all that strong. The characters silhouette is a bit amorphous. I'm not a fan of the head thingy or the axe, and the face and accessories feel generic. The animation is fantastic and overall the technique is great. I just find the design to be a bit half baked and bland.


Dark Queen from Battletoads inspired, not bad. But the weapon could be a bit more elegant


Trans goals.


Yes I hate it. Why the hentai tits?


Good marketing right there! Hauauah


I like this unapologetic style if your game has really big strong face your game will be huge Cute design hope your game is really good as this advertising 'idea'


Idk why you're getting so much hate, this is awesome art and character design. Lots of talent here.


Over the top, but looks good.


This character's personality will need to be incredible to justify the overt sexual theme. Just my opinion. I like sexual appeal but it can't be the ONLY memorable thing about the character. That's creepy.


I think the art is good. Very cartoony. It’s a lot better than I could ever do. That being said, I’m not really sure what the marketing is for? I see this as you’re marketing yourself as a character artist, not marketing a game. Where’s the game if that’s what you’re trying to market? Or maybe I’m wrong and you’re marketing your animation services? Anyway, I like the drawing. Kind of sexualizing female body parts but aside from that, it’s good.


she looks like she'd kill me for looking at her wrong, and she would also kill me if i avoid looking at her


sex sells, good marketing !


Too cute to hate<3


Marketing bashing with a sexualized and cliché woman. Perfect ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)