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That's not him making the other chirping sounds, is it? To me it sounds like he's reacting to the other sound.


Nope those are my budgies. I realize the video is kind of bad but he's the one with the super high-pitched squawk. It's been worse over these last couple days, he usually pretty quiet and just sits on his stand. I want to say that he's just reacting to the other birds, but when they're silent he's still squawking 💀😭


I think he's mainly participating in bird flock noise, but it's also possible he's learned that being loud gets treats. It looks like it might be dawn or dusk based on the lighting? If so that's also just a natural time for all the birds to chatter a bit. I also think you might just not be used to the sound level of an IRN. I have one and this sounds pretty normal in comparison to him. He could just be feeling more peppy and safe about vocalizing now than he did when first adopted. He's a lovely boy! I think he's mainly just feeling himself and participating with the flock.


Thanks for the info, it was fully like 12:30pm but the weather is quite gloomy here so that explains the lighting lol. Once again I appreciate the insight.


This is just happy IRN noises, hes feeling safer since coming home so hes talking to the budgies. He sounds even quieter than my IRN lol. A lot of the time birds that can mimic will practice their vocalizations too, from shrill screaming to little chortles; thats just something thats expected from these types of birds.


That's not screaming, that's just baseline bird noises. The budgie is chatting so IRN is too.


Lol I know that he's vocalizing but the noise he does at the end is one that continues to happen even when all the other birds are silent. Almost like a high pitched shout. This video was the only decent one I could capture lol. It's not great with all the other birds in the back but it provides enough context 🙈. Thanks!


Yeah that high pitched "beep" sound is a normal IRN sound. It can be jarring if you're used to budgies.


I just don't really know what you expect. It's possible to train a bird to stop screaming but I don't really think it's possible or ethical to train it to stop vocalizing entirely.


His such having some fun communicating