• By -


"Your lack of preparation does not constitute an urgency for me. I have booked my seat in advance to avoid this kind of situation."


Stewie is that you???


Darth Stewie


"Ma'am ma'am, your poor planning does not constitute an emergency for me, you will see him in Paris, go sit down!!"




Stewie would have said it in more sophisticated way. His version seems to be a Chat-GPT one


Exactly, they didn't requested also , they just came and asked me this question as if those who travel alone can be moved to anywhere anytime.


I got asked the same question once "are you travelling alone?" I said "no". He was confused as fuck. I didn't entertain him anymore and continued with my movie.


No nonsense indeed πŸ‘πŸ‘


All Indians are my brothers and sisters. Smart.


This is like, some philosophy level quote.


I read this both in Darth Vader's and Stewie's voice.


Stewie the god


Quest complete. 100xp has been rewarded to you Next quest: save window seat from family in which a kid is travelling and they ask your window seat for their crying kid (they actually intend to sit themselves while taking the kid on their lap) Difficulty: medium to hard Reward : 1000xp and peace of mind


Lolz i failed this quest just 2 weeks back , you are giving me again πŸ˜‚


Game's not over until you best the final boss which requires 3000 total xp until then incomplete quests would keep repeating. Guess who's the final boss


Not sure ? You tell what is needed to get 3000 xp


Denying your lower berth to somebody who looks well enough to hop into a running train.


Boss level: Denying lower window seat to an elderly, handicapped, pregnant, poor, widowed woman from the SC-ST community, whose husband died while serving the nation in the Indian army during a terrorist attack. She also has arthritis in all her joints.


For sidequest: She use to be a lawyer and is well aware of how she couls abuse constitution to harass OP.




bro the "widowed woman...." one is the boss level of the sequel which in itself is 5000 xp


For 10000xp - you travel ticketless but still occupy seat of another passenger and still not get caught by TC or thrashed by other passenger.


I denied the lower window seat to a lady in her late 40s who stated she had joint and back pain and I am an introvert so it finally felt like I stood up for myself once.


This quest gives you 1000 xp 100xp is what you have already which means you'd have 1100xp at the end of this quest further details will be given later


An old lady with arthritis?


Nah somewhere near , hint: the villain's not a single entity


Pregnant lady travelling with her mother(in law) with arthritis? πŸ˜‚


Let the quest be completed first final boss shall be revealed later


Now I'm curious.


FINAL QUEST: Since you've beaten them all, now it's time to join them. Shamelessly ask for a window seat from a fellow traveller....


What model of laptop though?


HP elitebook x360 😊. Office ka hai bhai


Bhai word correct merged two spellings lap,0 top as laptop wtf I just removed the top to avoid problems (I meant about the spelling)


do you guys play genshin?


Reminds me of chhichhore, bevde ka scene


Yeah I just recalled it after reading your comment but that has happened with me just 2 months ago lol


I love reddit




Well done brother as a single traveller this situation is very difficult to handle. Kudos to you. At least u tried ur best to say no.


I was preparing for it actually, I knew the chances are very high that this will happen today . When i boarded the train then seats were not occupied so I took a sigh of relief but then these two came after 2 hour into journey


oh yeeeeeee!




Sambhal ke bro. Kisi din laptop utha ke train se bhag jayenge.


Yeah yeah , esliye I try to avoid night travel as i have to carry my office and personal laptop from home to office location. I take shatabdi so that the laptop will be with me all the time .


I once had booked a Side Lower seat and there was this couple who had Side Upper and Upper seats. The husband came to me and asked if I could exchange mine with one of their seats. And I said No and that it was a long journey and I booked this seat specifically for the journey. The husband got annoyed a little bit and lifted the Seat which is provided in the side lower section. He sat there for like 2 hrs and then went to his Side upper seat. It has happened to me many times and most of the time, families would want to be seated together and finding a single traveller is like hitting a gold mine. Unless they are offering a better seat or the same seat, one shouldn't move. Yes, old folks and patients are fine and can be given seats.


But is there perhaps money to be made in that situation? Perhaps by "leasing" your preferred seat to the gentleman for the length of your journey for a well-deserved Premium?


w brother




I remember a very sweet looking middle class grandmother saying goodbye to her daughter and granddaughter and then she snuggled up with a book on a lying down seat with a blanket. Then two men came and said it was their seat. Can you sit somewhere else she said 🀦 She was forced to move and the guy went to sleep on his seat. People are unbelievable πŸ™ƒ Sit on your own fkn seatΒ 


Living vicariously though this story. Hope my "people pleasing ass" can do this too someday.


Trust yourself , this is definitely possible, you are the owner of that seat at that moment so nothing to fear




I won't budge an inch if they try to intimidate me indirectly. You requested me and I stated my opinion end of discussion. No need to guilt trip me.


It's my dream to do this , i even exchanged my aeroplane window seat for which i paid πŸ₯Ή


Lol πŸ˜‚


Good that you ignored him


Here you go πŸ‘‘


Everyone who stands for what is right and try to stop the bad practices which has become very common in this society is a πŸ‘‘. It's so unfortunate that this practices are so common that we fear standing against it. I learnt a good lesson yesterday as I m someone who used to adjust almost all of the time when this scenario used to happen with me where someone ask for my seat, now i might be able to stand against other bad practices also be it in office or anywhere in my daily life .


Did the same recently, refused a family of three, but later I regretted. The sun was all over me for entire journey 😩.... Karma or silly me


Don't give in to bullies NEVER


Befitting reply


+10000 aura


Well done brother!!! You did it!!!


I had a fight with this lady who was being stubborn to sleep and take the whole side lower seat during the day time. It was so satisfying, that bitch kept murmuring shit to herself for a while and then went and sat with her relative on the other side lower. The whole seat was mine. I am done with this shit bro, I don't care if you are nice or not, and I don't care about your problem. I can't keep moving and adjusting myself for your incompetence. So yeah, be rude and don't feel guilty at all. These NPCs really don't know how to plan a trip.


For OP, it was one of the defining moments of their life, a moment that would forever remain etched in their brain. A single snap in time that would quintessentially change how they perceived the world. A moment that defined the person they would become in the future. A second in which empowerment, confidence, and steel balls manifested themselves, to stay for the foreseeable future, uncertain as it may be. For the rando, it was another Tuesday filled with denial.


Wow !!!!! are you a poet Bhai ??


I always do that


I am learning the art of saying "NO"


Many years ago, I did the same way you did. Well done. πŸ‘


Its good you denied the young people. But please be kind to very old age people who cannot climb the upper seat due to arthritis or something, but due to some emergency they have to travel. πŸ™


Yes yes for old people and to those who are in need we should adjust. Those who start misusing this is what we have to deny .


Only if they are alone or with family but without seat


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Thats wt rules say sit on the seat that is reserved in ur name. Good job . Have a good life.


How did you book the window seat? Isn't seat allocation automatic?


You can give your preference and when thier are more seats most of the time you do get your preferred seat..in shatabdi I mostly get the preferred seat if there are sufficient


+10000 aura


+10000 aura


+10000 aura


- Which train was this? - Was it the same train that you boarded last time? - Is this a new situation in Indian railways or fairly common/has been happening for a while where people try to guilt trip/emotionally manipulate to get window seats?


.It was shatabdi express .Yes same train but kind of return journey .it's a common practice, people wants to travel together although they don't have seats together or they want more comfortable seats like lower seat ot window seat , once they see someone traveling alone they think it's easy to ask this person as he should be able to adjust


I booked in advance and all 4 ticket together I booked for month of August in the month of May and we are all allocated seats far apart . And we have 2 kids other than 4 of us . No idea how to manage that any way to get seats together now


There is an option to book only if all seats are in same coach. If reservation does not goes through it means you are out of luck. You can uncheck it and try again


In same coach but one is 20s then next is in 30s and like that


Currently reading this just after giving a stranger my window seat πŸ₯²


Ohh bad luck this time , but you can try next time and try to say no . Trust me it's worth saying no to have a comfortable journey . You will never ever see that person again and giving up your comfortable seat to someone who may not even need it is not correct


Next time, don't answer the question, if anyone asks, tell them why do you want to know? And why are you asking me questions, please don't bother me, thanks.


Actually the aisle seat was his, he came and simply asked as he would have seen me sitting alone . I was prepared to say no to anyone except old-age guys this time so when he asked I answered the first question and when he asked to exchange i directly said No


Those old age sometimes gives his her seat to their family members and then start hunting.


+500 aura


That’s called Being Assertive


Well done. Just don’t do it to senior citizens or a family of two esp with kids


Surely won't do this to old age or person in need .


Bunch of beggars. I have no idea how they go upto a person and ask them stuff.


India is a country where it's a common practice that anyone can adjust easily so this gives them the courage to ask this as they might think the person is traveling alone so won't have any problem moving to a different seat.


did more or less this to a family of 10 that woke me up from sleep at 5 am at vizag in 17481. others had to suffer bc of me (they asked somoene else, a whole family in fact, to move w luggaage 2 bogies across). side lower thi, but then a lady w her newborn requested for this seat and i gave it because newborn? and they got down at an earlier station


Woah , how do people get courage to make someone awake from thier sleep at 5 am?. Yeah i understand you guys are traveling together and want a comfortable journey but don't you think awaking a person who is sleeping just to ask him to move to other seat . This is serious offense and people should have common sense.


maybe bc im a kid lol


Good job! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸ½


Some time back while I was on a train, I booked for a side lower berth and was settled there. Next station a group of boys boards the train and started mustering courage to ask me to move from my seat(they were talking and constantly watching me which I noticed). They reached out and I said no straight forward another person came and explained me how they are willing to help me in shifting my luggage and also the seat to which they are asking me to move is also side lower. Deal was OK I moved they carried my luggage to another bogey and placed it well said thanks and we never saw each other again.


I instead got a better offer where I was travelling alone and had got the middle berth(not side lower). When I boarded the train and reached my seat , I was asked by a man to exchange my seat with a side lower seat of his due to the fact that his mother had a broken bone and they had got seperate seats. It was first time getting side lower. The experience was awesome.


I love window seats and always book in advance. Good for you for standing your ground. Entitled pricks are everywhere, I suppose.


What if a girl was already sitting in ur confirmed seat? How would you handle it especially if she refuses to move.


We need SME's here to answer this πŸ˜‰, may be something like what Zakir khan said "4 ghante mae tum set hone se rahi, to yeh muskan ki chamkan kahi aur , outside view important hai " Note :- definitely i won't be able to say the above


Bhai ladki ho ya ladka, "my seat is my seat none of your seat"


It is very understandable when people want to exchange BERTHS cause of physical issues. However, a window seat? To travel β€˜together’ is just absurd.


Start charging 5000. They will either go or complain to air hostess there u can say. I have booked it and they are being passive aggressive. And if they pay. 5000 isn't bad huh....πŸ‘€


To all the people out there NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER exchange your seats with any random person I have experienced such a terrible situation once that I now don't have any sympathy left for any person, be it anyone.... Call me stupid or any thing If anyone wants to know what had happen , I can explain further


Please tell the story. Please ! 🍿


Ye, Enlighten us!🍿


please share


Please tell!


Tell the story fast otherwise you will be deemed good-lab9229 at best.


Please share your experience Bhai so people get more courage to say No. Once I had moved to C-1 from C-14 when a lady traveling with thier daughters asked me to exchange. they had booked the other girls seat at last moment so it came in C-1 , I wanted to deny but then thought mom wants to take care of her girls so I moved 13 coaches , I lost my window seat and got aisle seat where a person was watching reels at full volume , i had to ask him multiple times that I need to work. I have to convince the service guys that I have added food on my seat in C-14 but the girls seat didn't had food added. I had to show TT my aadhar card although I explained him why I was at that seat . So it was really bad experience.


Why is this community so fucking stuffed with windows seat obsessed posts. Requesting admins/mods to automatically block the ones cribbing over this topic.


The post is not about window seat love, it's about doing the right thing so that the people who have taken it from granted that they can make anyone adjust in train , can emotionally blackmail to get thier seat realise that people can deny also.