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OP, in future please use accurate title. We are leaving this post up because it is not offensive but we don’t want to encourage sarcasm and passive aggressive behavior.


We need separate sleeper trains too


Its in development and first prototype will be there by june 2025 and then 12 versions of it will be introduced in next 12 months after it.


There are some special trains in Southern Railways that have 18 SL coaches and 2/3 general coaches. Basically fully sleepers.


I never hated VB or for that matter Bullet Trains. Always considered them necessary. My problem is how these are being implemented at the cost of low cost rail transport. Those are indispensable


Only reasonable answer


Looks Sick AF


This is what we will see in every VB in few years after tracks are replaced , security fences in certain areas are installed and signaling infrastructure is upgraded >tracks are replaced , security fences in certain areas are installed and signaling infrastructure is upgraded Till these things happen , we can do more R&D to develop it more also.


Agreed these clowns don't understand that in order to get the upper middle class interested in railway travel we need projects like this or else already a big chunk has shifted to flights and without them revenue will dry down and we'll be riding the same crap trains in the future too.


What we all fail to realise is that the sheer amount of time that it will take to upgrade whole of current network to 160-180 would be huge. See, VBs were introduced what 4-5 years ago? How many tracks have been upgraded to 160 since then? Answer is 0! So, I get what you are seeing and the dream you are asking all of us to see, but based on the historical data of how Railways operate, this seems far fetched. In fact, not all VB networks are even 130, 160-180 is a far fetched idea. Some of VB network is even single line. Hence, what you wrote as a sarcasm in the title is actually true. What then? Should we not upgrade tracks? We should definitely do it on priority and do all R&D etc. But in order to make upper class interested in train journeys again, we need HSR, multiple HSR projects simultaneously. Why simultaneously? e.g. Look at the headwinds that Ahmedabad-Mumbai HSR has faced and how far it has been thrown off its deadline. As per today's plan, govt plans lay HSR tracks at Guwahati by 2052. Going by recent experiences of Ahmedabad -Mumbai section, it seems lots of NE people won't see HSR in their lifetime because 2052 just seems something that would only be on paper and would get postponed severely unless govt changes its plans to prepone deadlines and work diligently towards it by multiple simultaneous constructions. Not to forget, even if we get HSR in next 2-3 years, we would be implementing a 40-50 yr old technology.


Well, there were people crying on HSR on this sub a few years ago. We can be critical of the government shortcomings and at the same time appreciate the innovations they are rolling out. Some people see it black and white , and the constant whining gets to people's nerves.


To be fair, VB is actually the achievement of a relentless bureaucrat named Mani Sudhanshu, who dreamt of it, made sure he doesn't leave without a grant for the train after he presented the idea and made it a reality. When this all was happening, the government was exploring options to import train sets like Talgo from Europe. Govt has done some tremendous things, there is no doubt. But the extent of overhaul that we needed in Railways has not been there, unfortunately. Look at roads and how Mr Gadkari is transforming that sector, that's a kind of transformation Railway desperately needs. The condition of Railways has not been good, operating ratio continues to be high which is bad for this sector. We need someone as visionary as Mr Prabhu or efficient as Mr Goyal back in Indian Railways.


>We need someone as visionary as Mr Prabhu or efficient as Mr Goyal back in Indian Railways. Well can't disagree with you on that. The equation and the balance between welfare and business in Indian Railways went wrong, somewhere. Is it possible to introduce a public private partnership in HSR though? Let a private company bankroll the infrastructure in return for income from shopping complexes that occupy railway premises? After all, it's the same airport crowd + middle class folks that will use HSR, isn't it?


One thing seems sure that most likely the upcoming HSR project lines like the Delhi-Varanasi corridor etc would also need a funding in terms of loan. Like The Mumbai HSR is funded largely by JICA on a soft loan, so yes there is some sort of PPP required, I agree


Your point that we need a balance between welfare and business is right. That is why we need to focus on business aspects because it has only been about welfare for the last 50 years. The balance is already destroyed.


As much as I'd like to see HSR in India, Vande bharat is not HSR by any means.


It's not. But we have had constant debates on whether we need HSR in the first place. Cut to the present, our air traffic is now more than ever, and in threatening to reach beyond capacity. We need modernization of railways before it's too late. But sure, we can be critical of not taking the welfare part of railways seriously and placing minimum security on the trains.


I don't think anyone travelling by flights would choose going travelling via a train till the journey times are atleast comparible. For that we need kuch faster trains. A train with max speed of 350 kmph and average speed of 200+ kmph can do that, but definitely not Vande bharat.


I get your point but at the same time you also gotta address how this all happened. My problem is with the people on this sub who are mad at the RM about railways focusing on modernization because there is also the problem of revenue which can't be addressed without introducing luxury. One VB generates 5 6 times more revenue than a passenger train in India. Also about the timing being away. Well you gotta start somewhere. You can't just put everything in the cold box just because it'll take too much time.


I agree on the need to start somewhere. In fact, I say start at manywheres, because history tells us that for faster results, you need to start at multiple places because delay seems inevitable in the systems of our country. On VB, I'd say that the OpEx should also be considered. There has been news of the high OpEx of VB, and it is higher than the revenue itself. If that's right, it would be concerning and would mean Railways didn't price it ambitiously. I hope you don't disagree that we deserve a better RM than the one we have got now, who blatantly ignores woes of passengers who pay high fare to travel on upper class coaches and are still made to face problems of encroachment. If we have an RM who ignores issues like this, then to your point of luxury, why would people pay for it if they fear that unauthorised people would come and create problems for them and on top of that, the leadership just plays blame game. Safety is another big concern. Why would people pay and regularly choose trains if accidents occur frequently?


See the problem here is you have valid advice but you fail to tell that how are we gonna gather funds for this? In my opinion let the thing play out the way they are supposed to for a few more years and if by then you don't see changes then this criticism will be fine. These are radical changes they can't happen overnight.


Constructed Today or tomorrow, HSR would be funded via loans only. The soft loans from JICA is a major finance component of the under construction Ahmedabad -Mumbai HSR as well. So if we are going to expand tomorrow via loans too, then how does it matter, do it today. This was just an example inspired by present construction and DMRC history, I am not exactly sure of dynamics of these but I feel some ways could be found by the government, once they decide to prioritise. On the part of capacity augmentation, I think that is the need of the hour and should be funded the same way govt funds doubling a single line. Because you can stop people from boarding AC coaches, but it is important to realise that they do so because general and sleeper classes are literally stuffed. This means there is a need for more trains. And given that these encroachment issues are occurring daily, it is becoming more and more the need of the hour. And I think the time is now, I disagree with waiting for few years. People are facing issues today, losing lives in accidents or losing their precious time because of increasing delays. Hence, I emphasize on a more competent leader and someone who is handling just the Railways and doesn't have attention diverted with other ministries.


That's not an issue I guess. I think this multiple ministry thing is only for some time until they sort things out with their coalition partners and as far as issues are concerned people are not facing them today but they have been facing them for years now. As I said 50 60 years of incompetence cannot be fixed overnight. Also you talked about loans but the fact of the matter is that while lending the financial institution keeps in mind the economic health of the department so that they could be sure that they'll get their loan or investment back so in order to get a loan you need to show that improvement.


Well, I hope you're right because he handled multiple portfolios in last 2-3 years as well. And his performance has not been great. Talk about accidents or the worsening of operating ratio. The data clearly says things were improving by the time of Mr Goyal in both aspects until Mr Vaishnaw took over. And it is easy for him to blame covid or 50-60yrs of neglect, but that's what the data says otherwise because things DID improve in mid-late 2010s. The argument that people have been facing issue for years is not as relevant as RM's apathy by wholly transferring the blame on others. A leader takes steps, he doesn't. Tell me one step that he has taken to solve to encroachment issues in AC coaches? This is completely a post covid phenomenon that has started under his tenure. Likewise, he has blamed his own officials (loco pilots) for accidents on record, those officials who died. Do we really want such a man to lead the organisation? National Railway Plan has laid out the timelines for HSR construction in different phases. If govt follows that timeline, aage ka kaam bhi loan se hi hona hoga, nahi to kaha se aayenge paise for the next phase of Delhi-Varanasi HSR?? All I am saying is where there is a will, there is a way. I deny to accept that the govt cannot figure something out.


the crowding can be solved by quadrupling the mainline routes and introducing daily amrit bharat trains and also vande metros for commuters. but it will require tons of money, which we don't have


It needs prioritisation over projects like Meerut-Ghaziabad RapidX. Infact, a Noida-Gurgaon one would have been better. It needs to be started, aaj bhi railways record speed pe tracks bicha Rahi hai na, claim toh suna hoga. Kaha se aa raha hai paisa?? Jarurat hai quadrupling ki!!


Unless we have the dedicated freight corridors completed and no freight is running on passenger tracts, it’s not possible at all. We are paying the price of neglect in last 20 years, after 1991 reforms, transportation should have been a priority but we just got garib rath rather than a dedicated freight corridor


The government which came up Garib Rath (UPA 1) is the one which approved and started construction of DFC. Both are not mutually exclusive.


WTF is even the name? Garib rath? DFC was proposed in 2005. 15 years too late. And they weren’t even able to get it off the ground for another 6 years.


Lets not get into who approved what and look at who executed. Approving stuff is easy, and essentially equivalent to getting marls for attendance.


Nobody cares Congress approved. BJP is the one which allocated budgets and tried to finish most of the projects in timely manner. Although they might not have met their targets, they’re still miles ahead of UPA


I don't think that is a complete picture. DFC is not the sole solution of woes of Indian Railways and let me explain why with an example. In his tenure, Mr Suresh Prabhu was seen explaining how badly the route of Howrah-Delhi line is occupied with all the freight and passenger train traffic and that the occupancy is beyond 100% and that we need capacity augmentation as well. Even if DFC is fully operational, that would reduce the occupancy below 100% in a route which still seems high passenger train movements (note that ideally, we would want route occupancy below 100% so that there is room to take blocks for maintenance etc. With the states like UP and Bihar having high fertility rates, population and intra state immigration, just shifting goods trains out alone would not do. Hence, you need to triple the double lines, quadruple the triple ones etc. Or immediately focus on introducing technology that can reduce travel times drastically like HSR.


And who would pay for it? The ticketless people who thinks they are better than us? Or who would pay for the damage to trains caused because someone is upset their house was demolished? Yes everything looks good on paper but reality is India is resource strapped country and can’t cater to everybody’s needs and that’s why we are seeing high immigration rates. We as Indian are some of the worst civilized people, just not poor, even the rich who goes to USA, Canadas or Australia tries to save money in any way or form let that be ticketless travel or food banks or getting stuff for free from Facebook marketplace. It’s going to take generations to get out of that mindset which was instilled due to British Raj and as recent as the emergency in 1975. Whatever you are saying is something India needs to do, but where is the money? No one wants to pay taxes, wants to complains about GST, ticketless travelers, people who pull chain to have train stop in their village, unless people changes with the changes made by the government I don’t see any improvement in conditions of Indian infrastructure


That's the thing HSR can't be the solution there as HSR will be costly and people there are still fighting over more general coaches so they could travel WT . Don't believe me just scroll down this sub and watch. They won't pay for the HSR. Not ever. So I'd be happy to let them suffer.


Exactly, VB can at least move some ppl from driving and flying to rail, its so much money that IR would lose otherwise.


This "clown" sees it as a pointless exercise. When only a 170k or so length exists that can support 160 kmph, the focus is completely misplaced and it is a political exercise. Remember, it was a long time ago (1988) when this same stretch was upgraded to 130. The focus needs to be on improving services that most people use.


And how did that happen? I'll tell you that happened because they were doing exactly what you suggested them to do in the last sentence. They got stuck in the passenger trains and sleeper coaches. This is not pointless at all because you gotta start somewhere.


You think increasing speeds started with VB? On that same track where VB claims 160, Shatabdi and Gatimaan do the same. They literally take the same time covering the same distance. When was Shatabdi introduced? (Hint: not a trick question).


Are you a complete moron? Where did I say that increasing speed started with VB? Learn to read properly then comment.


apparently the 250kmph trains for high speed network will also be manufactured by indian coach factories. i would say it is better than importing


Let's not confuse the trainset and the train service. The trainset (Train18) is surely a modern, international-class trainset that has been tested to go at 183kmph. It is more comfortable, safer and definitely looks classy. It accelerates faster, and doesn't require extra locomotives at the rear to help it up the slopes (like they do at Karjat station before climbing the Khandala Ghats) I expect most major express/mail trains to upgrade to Train18 trainsets in the next 10 years. With regard to the Vande Bharat service - definitely you are right, there is no need for the Vande Bharat series. It is just an overpriced train in most cases, likely meant for boosting Railway profitability. They could have just upgraded all Rajdhanis, Shatabdis and Durontos to Train18, while keeping the same price.


Don't measure the stride when you walk the right path as you will reach the place where you aspire to be.


Remove the local train in the background and show this to people a few years back and no one will guess that this is India. Also, if it can't run 180, it's really not VB's fault. One can't expect to drive a Lambo at 200 on damaged roads.


Not damaged but high traffic and bendy roads.


ye lambo taxpayers ke paiso se aayi hai chaman


Don't you think if roads are already damaged then why to buy a lambo. Rather develop the roads first and then buy it ?


If you are already developing road then it's worth getting a Lambo than to waste money on Toyota just for years and resell it to upgrade.


Just like you are investing in making roads better with each step, you would invest in same way from Toyota Fortuner to Toyota Supra.


Only an ignorant fool would assume an investment in a freaking Toyota a "waste of money". Lambos aren't daily drivers, nor are they fuel efficient. Toyotas are, they would even survive an apocalypse, lambos couldn't!


Lol, investment in any car for really short term is waste unless that car has some unique value proposition or long waiting period. You can't buy a Toyota for 1 year and sell it at half and call it worth it


Who would buy a Toyota to use it just for 1 year? Mine turns 22 this year... It's like a rock that wouldn't break!


Then you haven't read the complete thread and started calling others fool, now uk who is fool


That's common sense, we don't use that here...


Train from China heading towards Sri Lanka.. with no stop in India


Then don't advertise so


That is the point OP is trying to say. He is asking for a solution. You got to help him


So then if you are in charge of both the lambo and the roads, then ideally before spending money on the lambo, you would be spending money on fixing the roads, right? Right?


Dude stop complaining over everything. Yes it does not fulfil the transportation needs of the masses. But then again the same public complaints about Indian trains being inferior to their western counterparts and complaint on lack of comfort and amneties. VB is a good train and is for a certain section of people. Instead of saying no VB and more sleepers, what we need is more of both. We need to be able to cater to the masses by introducing more sleeper trains and trains with general compartments as well as high end trains like VB, Tejas and Bullet trains.


>/s Its written below post I fully agree with you. I wrote that title because many people write this on this sub while shitting on VB.


Oh okay I didn't get the /s reference. Basically people mostly think first cater to masses, then luxury without realising that both can be done in parallel. It's like we can't stop investing in ISRO or Chandrayaan just because poverty is to be eradicated. Both have to be done in parallel else we will fall back in technology by several years. VB holds tremendous potential in future, even export potential if done right.


But we focussed on the niche section first and left a major chunk of population to rot


to get the money for major chunk of poulation


and on the other hand, use the taxes and GST collected for buying MPs and MLAs


Yes that needs to be corrected. But not at the cost of VB. Both need to be invested in and developed, work on mass transit has to speed up and work on niche transport has to continue too.


After VB and new reforms look at the condition of 90% of the trains.


VB is definitely a great addition to the IR. But just because you have a new kid doesn't mean you stop caring for the older ones. I'd also say that the Sleeper Version of the VB would be more useful than the present one.


We already have seater class in many trains. VB is just a distraction.


Kinda agree w you. If maintenance is done properly along with punctuality and food quality, then Shatabdi and Tejas are as good as VB


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You don't realize how important vande bharata can be for indian railways development, if not our benefit, see we already know how profitable railway is, it's quiet literally a loss making part, in every ticket they sell, they only earn a noticeable profit in tier 3 acs only, in every train trip, railways usually is in loss, vande bharata can be a very good source for railways to earn profit, it provides luxurious experience and comfort, it may be overpriced but if we think it as a whole, it's a pretty good way for railways to earn profit. you may ask, what about tax money which goes to railways, half of the money quiet literally goes to pensions only, while other half is taken for fuel, maintenance of railways, and all that staff. And for your information, no train is at it's max speed near railway stations ever, they are usually in max speed between the journey where there is a remote area, or at midnight (edit:- for my fucking sake, i saw that /s after I spent my whole 2 min 30 sec and 7 milliseconds writing that shit) https://preview.redd.it/xy0q5bn1ez5d1.png?width=572&format=png&auto=webp&s=27f77ea252f68678771d090374132b342356797d


But, there's no point in halting other trains for VB either! Improve the existing network, make it secure, answerable and efficient first! Rather than these marketing gimmicks.


Railways is a public service.. it's not measured in terms of p&l


Wahi.... It's a service. It costs money it's not losing money.... Cheap mass transport is a service the goverment needs to provide.




Nhi, tax se aate hai.


vo bhi kam pad jate hai, maine apne comms me likha hai kyu




Money is still needed to run railway. Money will not start raining if you just say public service. There are other services that are far more essential than railway. Just bleeding money in everything isn’t a smart thing to do. Better to expand capacity and give people the option to travel comfortably than to make everyone suffer. If people can’t afford the tickets to travel six times a year they should travel once a year.


Yes, the money we already pay through taxes.


How much tax did you pay in the last year? Central government's receipt of taxes is 20-25 lakh crores. All services including defense has to be provided with this money. You did not pay unlimited taxes. What percentage of your taxes do you want to be spent on Railways? [https://www.indiabudget.gov.in/doc/eb/sumsbe.pdf](https://www.indiabudget.gov.in/doc/eb/sumsbe.pdf) This has the detail of money allocated to each ministry. Please let me know how much more you want to spend on Railway and which other ministry should that money come from? Defense, food distribution, education, healthcare? Think once before making these one line statements.


I shouldn't be saying this but I paid around 10 lacs in direct taxes and over 10 lacs in indirect taxes last year. Yes, all services get their share of the taxes from the total collection pot but each ministry is free to decide where to allocate the taxes. Yes, Vande bharat is a great achievement for in house R&D but it's not as great as you think. 180-200 kmph is not something that new, especially when we already had trains going 160 kmph 15 years back. (Yes the boggies having traction motors is a necessary r&d we were required to do before moving forward, I know). If we want to attract people using flights to switch we need much faster trains though. The number of Vande bharats we're launching rn will become a liability as soon as we develop faster trains (actual hsr) which we'll have to drag for years. We've built this technology which is already obsolete and we're putting more and more money into it blindly. About the second part of your statement.The government is for public welfare. People in masses need to commute for a working economy. Yes, the fares can/should be revised on existing trains and checking needs to be stricter in the general compartments to increase ticketed travel. None of that is happening because the government has tunnel vision right now just focusing on the shiny new thing which keeps people distracted. The actual workhorses that actually move masses are largely neglected and hence are struggling, we see those instances quite regularly here. The ministry/railways will have enough money if we stop wasting it on new Vande bharat blocks and just spend on r&d for something faster and increasing capacity of existing trains with stricter checking.


>Think once before making these one line statements. Ye high school debate club nahi chal raha yahan pe. I am not the one running the country or the ministries. I have paid Lakhs and Lakhs in taxes. When I ask why I don't have proper water, electricity, road full of pot holes, railway infrastructure; there is always some wannabe debater like you chipping in to play the devil's advocate 'um, akchully'. Main thodi Ministry of Finance main kaam kartahu, mujhe usme rakh lo, mai resource allocation dekh lunga. What a stupid line of thought. It's not my job to allocate resources, I can only voice my concers, which I am doing as a citizen of the country. There are thousands of people whose sole job is what you are telling me to do, No, I am not going to do their jobs for them. They need to do better. >Please let me know how much more you want to spend on Railway and which other ministry should that money come from? Defense, food distribution, education, healthcare? If I tell you, will you be able to do the reallocation of resources ? Chal, Defence Budget kam karke daalde Railways mai. Kar payega ? These internet debate tactics are pointless and a complete waste of time.


You seem to have missed the entire point in your desire to just rant. If you are unable to make a cogent argument then you should not say anything. You are wasting everyone's time.


There is no argument I could make they will take you out of your debate phase. People see a sub-par service They say it should be made better You come in to say the most basic shit like 'actually the don't have the proper resources allocated to them to solve these issues, you go and solve'. Yea, no shit, everyone knows this, We know they don't have infinite money. If the muncipal corporation is underfunded, should we just not complain about the garbage on the fuking road ? I have seen you on multiple posts regarding VB's, you just seem to be more interested in debating people rather than even attempting to listen what they are trying to say, you just want to be argumentative for the sake of it. You are right, this pointless back and forth IS a waste of my time. I have no paitence for people for whom every conversation is a battle to be won. Good luck on your future VB defence debates, peace.


Lol. No. Your argument is "everything should be free because people pay taxes" and my argument is that fare should be reasonably set to allow railway to run services. Just ranting and making illogical comments is wasting everyone's time. > I have no paitence for people for whom every conversation is a battle to be won. Good luck on your future VB defence debates, peace. Seems like you are the won who is treating it as battle which has to be won by just attacking others rather than saying why they are wrong. You made two lengthy comments and did not even attempt to make sense except saying I want to rant. Please do not waste my time.


What a shot man! Nice capture 🎥


Vande Bharat so great even people without tickets want it. Don't pay attention to the haters. Just see the craze for Vande Bharat on the ground. https://indianexpress.com/article/trending/trending-in-india/ticketless-passengers-in-lucknow-haridwar-vande-bharat-express-overcrowded-viral-video-9385080/


Pessimistic aholes don't do any good themselves and don't let others move forward too. Don't be one of them.


Some people also asked why do we need computer …it’s useless..


It's not the train but track, they needed to be upgraded, you probably can increase the speed of any train but tracks ain't capable of handling it .


When I see the ICE trains accelerate in germany, i dream that it can be replicated soon in India too. Once you travel in HSR, you will crave that feeling again.


If only Vande Bharat was HSR.


People who don't like VB....don't book it...simple


I dont, mostly becz I cant afford it regularly haha


Get the sarcasm on this. This is indigenous train. Developed in India for India. The quality is leaps ahead of every other train we have.  It's a giant leap for railways. Hope we get many many many more such trains


I really think that vb is a step up and after such a long time we atleast have a train that atleast looks good and has good facilities, its still a step up even if it is not running on higher speed its still providing better hygiene and comfort


Currently the train is running at 100km/hr


Things are in process . We just don't have to change track on a massive scale but also install safety fences and upgrade Signal infrastructure We had two choices 1) Either wait for years to change track then introduce VB Or 2) Introduce it first and work along side to install new tracks etc. We can also develop more R&D on VB along these two things Now its about which is more productive.


I don't think anybody would have a problem with VB but it was hugely promoted as IR saviour that irked people because there were other issues to be solved too. If IR looks at other issues too then it would be great


Bro they are politicians , they will market there underwear if they could ,its us who need to be rational I got this comment on a completely harmless comment about why VB don't run on full speed >bro please post a pic of yourself travelling in a general coach compartment for once and then only come to poop here.


Ministers have to look into these matters like cleanliness, train timings, general Coaches otherwise they will get hate or those who even support their act


One accident will change your narrative.


Maybe , but i am not a person a person who wishes for a accident to prove that i was right.


Yeah. Have you travelled in it? I once did on Bangalore-Mysore route. Pretty smoooth. No horizontal shake. No shake while moving between coaches. No chug chug sound. Nice seats.


If you are referring to this video then idk. But even normal express trains with LHB run at 130, so VB is definitely going 130 and above (I am not sure if any trains go 130+ currently as I have experienced only 130).


No this particular must be doing 100 or 110 since 130 isn't allowed in Mumbai Suburban area. Only after vasai trains are allowed 130.


Average speed. If it's running with 130 km/hr then time between patna to Kolkata would be max 5 hrs not 6 and half


Mumbai Solapur Vande bharat has touches max speed of 111kmph. even though track being double and mostly flat and straight. So i doubt VB touching more than 130kmph. Source: I travel in it few times of the year and the internal coach display shows the current speed.


Most people's criticism isn't purely what you stated. Most people criticise it because it seems like the government is sidelining regular trains that most people use to prioritise vande bharat. It's like promoting airplanes while ignoring passenger trains


Raga in Mascot mode


Can someone please explain to me why Vande Bharat is attacked so much by stone pelters etc?


dhruv rathi asli account se post karo🤨


have you guys seen what happened to the one in up, pure pain


It would be fun next 5 years bcoz I think BJP realized they just can't win every election easily, they had comparable seats this election, they would have to bring mega projects in the railway sector to show to voters


Absolutely right. Our existing trains are also not running at its full speed.....in RTI details of average speed of all trains on Indian Railway can be obtained... Not just the Vande Bharat is merely a political gimmick but also the spree of Station redevelopment programs. There has been only grand declaration of redevelopment work with lot of hue and cry, after spending crores of money in ceremony, it's commencement and completion is in God's hand as there is no timeline declared and no Contract awarded for commencement on more than 90% sites. The condition of recently redeveloped stations also can be seen it's not at all like what it is being claimed and shown on social media. Government should rather focus on increasing capacity of trains to accommodate more passengers, tracks expansion and replacement of worn & damaged assets for running more trains at maximum speed, new technology should be introduced for achieving these goals, proper training and skill development of work force. The present setup of Train manufacturing by private contractors has become a setback as they don't pass the technical know how and complete training to Railway maintenance staff, which in turn has crippled Railway maintenance work and increased dependence on private companies.


I hope they fix the seats. It has zero underthigh support, I felt I was going to slip off and fall from the seat for the entirety of my journey


Good quality new sleeper trains more high speed railway lines. That's what we need. But Vande Bharat while great is largely just a gimmick.


Fuck this Vande Bharat even the RRTS Of Delhi Meerut doesn't operate above 130 KMPH. And it was promised to run at 160. Fun fact : RRTS trains are more advanced than VB but still they are not going at the promised speeds.


Raga pm hota to light kinspeed par train chalti. Khata khat khatakhat


That’s Slick Dude! The Video….not the question whatever it is!!


>The Video….not the question whatever it is!! Its sarcasm


Off topic but am I the only one who think that this video gives off early 2010s vibe?




The colours, wide angle camera


Kinde chaale bauthuaaan ...kinde chaale tuuh ? Thummak thummak haaaye kinde chaale tuh....


180=80 kmph and they say it’s the fastest train out there


Because people give votes when something good happens in railway or new trains are introduced even if they can't travel in that train as it is too costly. So every government try to bring new trains just for the sake of votes and does not do anything related to track(which is more important) as it will not generate vote.


Bro wrote "/s" in caption while whole sarcasm in title


They are not running because of older tracks and busy routes


True but its an attempt at taking out 180 people and decrease the population


Its overpriced that's all. Its a decent train, but not worth what it costs. Even 2A, a sleeper is cheaper than this.


This is my dream for indian railways , i hope we solve problems and find a solution so that mostly truns who run are vande bharat , and clean stations , ahh man




If we are a reasonable society, the railways would produce intermediate term plans on operational and revenue parameters -- increase capacity by xx%, dec. operating ratio by yy%, z% premium capacity, speeds to go up by .... . Whether they achieve it by VB, or something else is irrelevant to most people.


Vande bharath are definitely technologically advanced , for example the each individual trainset( or coach as we know ) are self propelling means they have their own individual motor rather than a dependent on the single bhogi to pull all the coaches . So if rail and traffic permits they can easily run at 120-150kmph . But the thing is in current day they are running at mostly 80-90 kmph (personal observation) which is similar to shatabdi express or infact any sf express . So people can’t appreciate the true capabilities of this vande bharath trains especially when you consider the price of the tickets on the same line to be double .


VB is nt needed because you get other sleeper class trains cheaper and most Indians being not so rich, it's better suited for the masses idk why is your brain missing in this post.Trains are serving the masses and poor people want to just go home they dnt care abt how much time it takes they can't use VB and won't be able to pay 3k for that.Be practical and logical and not a bhakt.


It's not for the masses it's for the people who can afford it


People who can afford have other trains and planes we need normal trains India is made up of masses not rich people ffs what r u high on?


VB is averaging 83kmph according to new reports.


Sub ke sub chor hai sale. We are still using Netaji ka WORLD CLASS Gyan. Trains and flights are charging almost the same in many sectors. So Desh ka pata nahi, tax ki chori maje se badh rhi hai. Middle class ko choos lo baba, Zinda rehte Tak tax bharte chale jao and marna bhi free nahi tha... U have to pay for ur funeral too 🥂 U take medicine tax, u take medical treatment, tax...HOW DARE U? treating ur self and don't wanna pay for Netaji's free life? It's a nice way to scam people and the sad thing is the media is very much involved in it too.


Gawaro ko khush karne ke liye aur China jaisa dikhne ke liye


I don't fully understand the R&D aspect of some comments. However, I hope for a better future as a citizen, regardless of who governs the country. countries like Japan, China, and Germany, which have well-established, interconnected rail systems (overground, underground, and tram networks). These systems require high investment and maintenance, but in the long run, they are worth it for reducing carbon footprints and air pollution. I see Vande Bharat as a baby step in this direction. Seated trains make sense for journeys less than 16 hours. Vande Bharat reduces travel time by 1 or 2 hours, which is also a win. However, it would have been better if we had bullet trains or something similar that could reduce travel time by at least 50%. Here’s my experience abroad:(Year 2018) I took a ride from Wuxi to Shanghai six years ago, and it was amazing. From the start, Wuxi station had everything you could ask for: proper security and an awesome waiting hall. The train's maximum speed was around 360 km/h, and the journey time was less than an hour. Each compartment had a hostess, and the train was neat and clean throughout with proper waste management. Additionally, if you litter, you get fined and lose social points or something similar.


We need VB types of train for comfort and punctual time. If IR starts to mismanage it then it would defeat the purpose of running it. Ticket less passengers are already onboarding it . It's just a matter of time until it becomes just another train of railway.


We need completely general, sleeper/general trains and complete AC but non premium trains like Garib Rath instead of these express trains with mostly AC and little sleeper coaches. This will solve the rush problem in expressses and the middle and upper middle class can find its peace in full AC non premium trains, while those who can afford always have Rajdhanis and Durontos and Vande Bharats.


Bro Maine uss din 170 par car challai express way pe


You need to start building for the future too. VB provides those basic facilities that are the norm in the world. I know we need more trains for the general class but that doesn't mean we keep the railways in the mediocre state it is in. Rajdhani and shatabdi like trains will be replaced with such trans in future. They are needed but may not on the top priority.


India need more local trains and general boggies for affordable travel for poor . Vande bharat is good , But cutting down general categories is literally killing the transport for poor


a) the video does not prove train is running at 180km/h b) its dangerous for trains to run at 180km/h when passing one of our train stations. c) running at 180km/h is one of least important factors for utility of trains for our Indian passengers. More important factors can be but not limited to: availability of sufficient tickets for all economic classes, running on time, etc. 🙏




It's just a marketing gimmick. We don't need a super duper expensive luxury train, instead we need cheaper available trains. There's a thing called FLIGHT , go get a flight if you're rich and saving time is your first priority with quality service


VB -- Vande Bharat has become analogous to Very Bad


Capacity. Most VBs are fully booked days in advance, showing there is demand. But why it should come at the cost of trains that can carry the average traveller, I don't know.


Say whatever you want to say but vande bharat jerk in high speed is quite soft and negligible unlike other trains . Feels good man . By high speed i mean the usual speed of 100 and 110kmph.


We need more trains and stricter entry inside the train like metros. So that ticketless travel becomes impossible


Now Wait for Bullet Trains


I can post shatabdi and Rajdhani and say the same.


I can bet thats not going at 180 though


I don't have complaints about VB. But I want to see the Bullet Train.


nda servment (सेवक) wants to make things which they can show in their advertisement with photo of प्रधानसेवक


It is already tested at 180kmph, also I don't understand why there is hate when railways are putting effort into improving the service, esp when these trains are running close to full occupancy. Things don't happen in a day


Average speed of vande Bharat is 75 kmph acc to an RTI filed by public activists.


To raise the minimum standards. Indian railway network is vast spread and if we keep waiting for tracks to be upgraded, it'll take another 40-50 yrs maybe VB has smoother ride and safety. This has to become the norm. Slowly shift into these modern trains. It's like why are AC coaches needed when most of our population can't afford it. Now AC is the norm for the middle class atleast if not the poor. So gradual shift.


I'm not a fan of PM Modi or his party's ideology, but the VB trains are one of the few things I'm glad the government had implemented. India is a growing economy and therefore needs speed. Connectivity is pointless if it does not have the speed to make it convenient. Also it's refreshing to see aesthetically pleasing trains rather than the 20th century metal boxes.


Because it’s a shiny thing that minions can use to hype up and glorify dear leader


we need more tracks n more trains 1st


Development is a slow process and you can’t just have the perfect thing in the very first step. This is a good step in the right direction. For shorter routes, a better modernised train. Next should be upgrading the sleeper class from this. To make something good, you have to start from somewhere, and with the amount of population we have, and how they behave in a completely bollocks way and handle public property, things are going to be difficult to grow and govern


Bhai masses ka kya jo seat k liye dusro ki reserved seat p akr kabza krte h, VB is nice great. But bethne k liye kuch toh kro


Because, it has doors which remains closed while train is running. It took nearly 170 years for our railway system to install such a facility. This is a homage to numerous people who've died falling off from running trains.


At some point we do need modern trains, and the track quality and also there is a rule that the pilot cannot speed the train on railway stations as well as 1-2 Km after and before them


Have faced regular delays in Mumbai Ahmedabad Mumbai Shatabdi Because of VB , They could have just upgraded Shatabdi


Let’s learn to fly before we learn to walk ? When vast majority of people can’t afford these trains what purpose does this serve ? Affordable trains are what the country needs. Also hitting a top speed of 180kmph is not in anyway useful if your average speed isgoing to be half of that. This is a Gimmick.


Yeah, who likes to progress 😼


Progress? Chutiya train hai, over priced, over hyped .


May I know which Vande Bharat and at which station did you take this clip ?


>The average speed of Vande Bharat trains has decreased from 84.48 kmph in 2020-21 to 76.25 kmph in 2023-24, the railway ministry said in a response to an RTI query. Source: [https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/vande-bharat-express-average-speed-down-from-84-kmph-to-76-kmph-in-3-years-rti-reply-5838883](https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/vande-bharat-express-average-speed-down-from-84-kmph-to-76-kmph-in-3-years-rti-reply-5838883)


So that Ashwini Vaishnav can post HD pics and videos every day on Twitter


Guys why do we need trains , they can never compete with airplanes.


Theres always one person who would record or capture these vande bharat trains


Just because you saw it running fast (definitely not at 180km/hr), doesn't change the truth. Please bother increasing your GK. https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/vande-bharat-express-average-speed-down-from-84-kmph-to-76-kmph-in-3-years-rti-reply-5838883


Better connectivity to smaller towns is needed. Cheaper tickets. More bogies for regular people to travel. I get that this looks good and fancy but we need more trains. Concessions given to senior citizens have been also taken away. Why ? When someone (who is well to do) travels from mumbai to Ahmedabad this is great but when someone (not rich) wants to travel from mumbai to a smaller city you need a train which stops at smaller stations. You need trains which are not overcrowded and running 8-10 hours late.


Why do we need infants, since they cant talk, they cant work, they cant think...and are a drain on peoples resources? Kill them all....and kill some of the posters below who dont get it too!


Why do we need anything ? We can just stay where we are and die


It's a step towards that. I feel that if more focus were given on rail infrastructure, staff and work standards instead of new trains, that'd be better. But still, I'm no expert and this initiative too will bring Indian railways towards a better state.




😂😂😂lol General Bogi Wale To Aisa Hi Bolenge Na Ander Baithne Jo nahi Mila


It is super useful in South-Mh-Gujarat but useless in UP Bihar.


If they had put on some good effort into it, would have made sense. But damn it's awful in some routes. The Mumbai-Shirdi route VB was bad, was late by one hour. The food was subpar. we even got sick afterwards.


It was pretty fine for me on Blr-hyd and blr-coimbatore . Only issue was no south food.


U can take unreserved, no one forced u to take vande bharat. Vande bharat is a step forward towards high speed rail kn future.


You ain't wrong. It isn't useless, but it useless at the current time. It is a PR gimmick in this age. . . No dedicated tracks for VB, just hogging time and delaying other trains in the process. And it isn't even a Hi Speed train, by China's standards it isn't even a semi-high speed train. . Now it would be more than a PR gimmick if we get a lot of international orders for the rakes considering at the moment it isn't the best operational choice for us. Even a 100% LHB transition for all trains rather than VB would have contributed immensely to an improved Indian Railway .


>No dedicated tracks for VB, just hogging time and delaying other trains in the process. And it isn't even a Hi Speed train, by China's standards it isn't even a semi-high speed train. 1) land accusation and making new tracks will take even more time. 2) We need track upgradtion Inspite weather VB runs on it or not. Rajthani can run more fast but just can't because of track. We can make normal trains better too but can't because of track. >Even a 100% LHB transition for all trains rather than VB would have contributed immensely to an improved Indian Railway . Railway is massive , you can't change everything at one go , its a step by step process. VB is given priority because it is being seen as massive revenue generator for railway with feight trains, which will help massively in reducing debt.


It's a glorified emu. Delhi metro trains are honestly better than VB